whatabasicwitch · 6 years
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whatabasicwitch · 6 years
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lil cheat sheet ✨🌙💫
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whatabasicwitch · 6 years
Days of the Week and Witchcraft ✨
A good way to plan when to do your spells
Sunday - The Sun - Solar power, success, personal empowerment, material wealth, health, beginning anew. 
Monday - The Moon - Lunar power, purity, spiritual cleansing, astral work, divination, psychic ability.
Tuesday - Mars - Physical power, passion, sexuality, drive, ambition, achievement, masculine power, activate protective talismans, reverse hexes and psychic attacks.
Wednesday - Mercury - Knowledge, money, communication, the arts, change, acceptance, adaptability.
Thursday - Jupiter - Luck, growth, fulfillment, worldly power, justice, authority, health, and prosperity. (Mercury brings quick cash, but Jupiter governs the long term accumulation and preservation of wealth.)
Friday - Venus - Fertility, love, money, prosperity, healing, charm, goodness, blocking, glamour, self-care, feminine power.
Saturday - Saturn - Binding, banishing, stopping, ending, loss, renewing, transforming, protection.
— Just a thing from my grimoire
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whatabasicwitch · 6 years
Witch Tip #8
Your gods understand if you can’t celebrate the holidays, if you’re in the broom closet, too depressed to do it, or just simply can’t.
They know you still celebrate in your heart and love you!
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whatabasicwitch · 6 years
Witch Tip #8
Your gods understand if you can’t celebrate the holidays, if you’re in the broom closet, too depressed to do it, or just simply can’t.
They know you still celebrate in your heart and love you!
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whatabasicwitch · 6 years
Black Salt
Black Salt is used for cursing, protection, banishing, cleansing, breaking spells or hexes, and repelling negative energy. Black salt is made by combining either activated charcoal or ashes from burned herbs or incense with sea salt. 
Using activated charcoal will actually make your salt a dark black color, whereas using ashes will turn it into a lighter grey color. 
Depending on what you plan to use black salt for, you can add different types of ash or other ingredients that correspond with your intent.
Ashes from various herbs and incenses for black salt: 
Basil - banishing, protection, spell-breaking
Cedarwood - cleansing, protection
Cypress - protection
Dragon’s blood - cleansing, protection, cursing, banishing
Frankincense - cleansing, protection, spell-breaking
Mullein - protection (especially for acts of magick involving spirit work)
Rosemary - cleansing, banishing
Rue - banishing, cursing, protection, spell-breaking
Sage - cleansing, protection, banishing
Sandalwood - cleansing, protection
Thyme - cleansing, banishing
Tobacco - banishing, cursing
Valerian - protection
Wormwood - cursing, protection, spell-breaking
Other ingredients you can add to black salt: 
Black pepper - cleansing, banishing, cursing, protection
Cayenne pepper - banishing, cursing, protection
Chili powder - banishing, cursing, spell-breaking
Garlic salt - banishing, cleansing, spell-breaking
Iron shavings (like from the bottom of your cauldron or a cast-iron pot or pan) - protection
Nutmeg - protection, spell-breaking
Onion salt - banishing, spell-breaking
Making black salt: 
Combine the ingredients and grind together using a mortar and pestle, coffee grinder, or herb grinder
Using black salt:
Add to spell jars or sachets
Sprinkle in areas around your home to create a barrier
Create a circle of protection before performing spells
Keep a container of black salt under your bed or pillow to prevent nightmares or bad dreams
Add to a jar to create a Negativity Trap
If using skin-safe components and ingredients, make a facial scrub or mask for cleansing
Anoint objects with black salt
Add to a container of War Water (especially if your black salt contains iron shavings)
Sprinkle a small amount on a neighbor’s lawn to make them want to move
Add some to a hollow pendant and wear to deflect negativity 
Sprinkle on items that hold bad or negative memories to cleanse them
Add a line of black salt in front of doorways and windows to keep out negative energy and spirits or entities 
Add a pinch to homemade floor washes for cleansing
Use to symbolize the waning, new, and dark moon; or Saturn and Pluto
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whatabasicwitch · 6 years
Tarot Deck Deep Cleanse
Of course, you should be cleaning your decks regularly, it helps your readings, and its good for your deck. However, if you’re like me, sometimes, things need a good, solid cleanse, so, this post is explaining how I deep cleanse my decks! First, I sort my cards into their suites and flip any reversed cards. Basically, I take my deck back to the beginning.
Second, I cleanse each suit based on its element:
Major Arcana: I use my own energies to cleanse, meditating on pushing out the collected energies the deck has collected.
Swords: I cleanse with incense, running each card through the smoke, imaging the smoke carrying away the energies. 
Pentacles: Cleansed by placing a clear quartz on top of the cards, the quartz absorbing the different energies
Wands: I surround a lit candle with the cards, allowing the light of the flame to burn away the energies
Cups: I don’t really mess with water around my cards because I don’t want to risk any damages, so I get out my essential oil burner and surround it with my cards, letting the scent evaporate the energies.
After the cleansing is done, I shuffle the cards. For awhile. I shuffle in several ways, letting cards fall out and placing them back, allowing cards to flip if they choose. I bring my energy into the cards, bonding with the deck. Usually, just put on a show and shuffle while you watch. It can be twelve minutes, thirty, fifty, however long you want to shuffle your cards.
That’s it! It does take a little time to do, so be prepared to be at it for a bit. But, afterwards, doing reading feels so great 💙
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whatabasicwitch · 6 years
Questions to Ask When the Major Arcana Appears
the fool - am I jumping into this too quickly? can I trust my gut? what do i hope to gain from this? is this in my best judgement to proceed? 
the magician - am I balancing parts of my life? am I focusing too much on the material world before me? am I properly utilizing the tools I have at my disposal?
the high priestess - am I trusting my intuition? am I allowing my imagination to roam free? have I grown out of touch with my spirituality? how may I further enhance my spirituality? 
the empress - how do I nurture others? do I, in turn, properly nurture myself? how do I express my feminine power? am I expressing myself creatively? 
the emperor - how am I handling authority in my life? how can I become a leader? am I taking strides to ensure material success? how do I express my masculine power?
the heirophant - am I honouring traditions? what can I teach others? what can I learn? how may I go about finding groups of likeminded people? where am I deriving my sense of security?
the lovers - are parts of me at war within myself? how can I unite very different parts of my life? what can I do to help build cooperation within my relationships? 
the chariot - how can I take control of my situation? how can I resolve my conflict? how can I tackles the challenges coming my way? which direction should I choose?
strength - how can I overcome my weakness? what makes me courageous in my situation? from where do I draw my inner power? how can I best work with my instinct? 
the hermit - what is driving me forward in life right now? where can I be truly alone? what do I need to reflect on? what wisdom can I draw from past experiences? 
wheel of fortune - what changes am I willing to except? how much of my life is left to fate? how do my every day actions influence the bigger picture of my life? 
justice - how can I make the best decision? how do I find balance in my life? what can I do to rectify my past mistakes? am I weighing all the pros and cons or am I overlooking something?
the hanged man - what should I hold onto and what should I let go of? how can I look at this with a new perspective? what am I willing to sacrifice? how do I let go of old habits and step out of my comfort zone? 
death - how can I use recent events to transform myself? what do I need to accept the end of? what will be born from the ashes? how can I mourn the ending of one thing and celebrate the beginning of another?
temperance - what led to the feeling of harmony? what can I do to hold onto it, grow from it, and become harmoniously whole? how do I remain patient through these experiences?
the devil - am I allowing myself to fixate unhealthy on something? what do I fear? am I too tied to the material world? how do I free myself from the bondage I have allowed myself to fall into? 
the tower - what have I been ignoring? why did I refuse to take action, what can I do to avoid this again? how do I free myself from my own ruin? how do I grow from this disaster?
the star - how am I using my gifts? what is inspiring me? what makes me happy and how can I embrace that? how can I continue on the right track to making my wishes come true? 
the moon - am I listening to my dreams, my feelings, my instincts? am I trusting them? how am I connecting to the invisible workings of the world? how am I using my creativity? 
the sun - am I approaching my problem with a positive attitude? how are my efforts being appreciated by others? how do I step into the spotlight to showcase my talents? 
judgment - how self-aware am I, truly? what actions have I taken that are wise? unwise? am I being honest with myself? what can I learn from my past and how can I grow? 
the world - how have my efforts payed off? how am I progressing in life, does it feel right? what in my life is coming to an end? what is beginning? what are my next steps? in what ways do I feel fulfilled? 
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whatabasicwitch · 6 years
Simple Spell for making people feel loved
I use this is for friends, family members, significant others, etc. that are having a rough time and just need to know they’re loved and cared for. 
 - Candle 
- paper 
- cinnamon 
- fire-safe tin/jar/container
 - pencil
 🔮To do:
 - light your candle 
- write the name of the person you want to feel loved on your small piece of paper (preferably first and last so it for sure goes to that person) 
-dip your paper in the flame so it starts burning and drop it in your jar (try not to burn yourself!) 
 - while it burns chant (change pronouns as necessary): “With this I ask of all my might to let her know I love her day and night. May these flames bring the ashes to the skies and may it let them be sparks in her eyes Please let her know that I do care, let her know that I am there. Please never let her be alone, and let my love become her own.” 
-after all of the paper is burned sprinkle a bit of cinnamon over the ashes for extra love and protection. 
 - to make this work faster sprinkle ashes over the soil but this is not required.
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whatabasicwitch · 6 years
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tarot vibes
The Sun has always been my favorite card to pull. I’m hoping to bring a little of it’s positivity my way.
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whatabasicwitch · 6 years
Must-have starter herbs
When I was a baby witch I remember being all “???” on the herbs. I knew I wanted to start working with them, but I had a very limited options. Not only did I know next to nothing, but I was also in that famed broom-closet. Here are some basic bitches that witches gotta love and respect…
Bay leaf
Please love this baby (or should I say BAYBY??). It’s a great protector, fabulous at banishing, and it greatly helps with dreamwork. Oh! And I almost forgot. It has healing properties, so drink that antibacterial bay leaf tea for your sore throat. It’ll help!
A fun thing to do with a bay leaf:
If you must part with your lover, break a bay leaf in half with them. Keep one half, give the other to them. It will protect your relationship, keep y'all faithful to each other, and it will ensure you guys meeting again.
Might as well be the first thing I looked up as a fetus witch. I got delighted when I learned that it helps drawing money, happiness, and love! What else could you want in your life? Oh. Health? It does that, too. Don’t worry about it.
Drawing money with cinnamon:
Get yourelf a (preferably) green baggie. Light up a (green) candle. Put some coins in it. Write your intention (“I will receive 30$ by the end of this month”) in a piece of paper. Seal it with wax. Let dry. Chuck it in the baggie. Sprinkle some cinnamon in it. End the ritual and leave the baggie undisturbed. When you recieve your money, leave an offering (if you wish).
Like all things purple (coughamethystcough), lavander brings peace to a restless mind. It also aids in attracting pure love, calming down stressed nerves, and sharpening one’s mind. It aids in purification, so make some lavander water and get scrubbing!
Lavander sugar:
Layer lavander flowers and sugar in a jar, let it sit in the dark, cool place for a month and ta-da! It’s tasty and helps in love-work.
This little thing not only helps with restless stomachs, but also aids the holy trinity: purification, money, and love! It’s also a luck bringer.
Luck at gambling: before you go playing cards with your buddies or just betting, wash your hands with chamomile infused water for a little boost!
Black pepper
Now THIS BAD BOY! He’s hard-core. He banishes, protects, and adds a bite to everything you put it in. It also wards off the Evil Eye.
Pro tip: carry black pepper everywhere you go. People that wish evil upon you will have it reflected upon em. They also might start sneezing.
Okay, folks, I’m tired already. These are some of my favorites, so please don’t be mmean to them. I love them. But I also love you!
-Mama SwoonSwoon
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whatabasicwitch · 6 years
Witchy Youtubers
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Here’s a list of some of my favorite witchy/spiritual youtubers that I can’t get enough of. This is by no means a complete list, feel free to add onto it!
Anais Alexandre
Annie Tarasova
Ashera Star Goddess
Avalon Cameron
Azura DragonFeather
Broom Closet Artistry
Creosote Coyote
Dewdrop Dwelling
Ember HoneyRaven
Harmony Nice
Hibiscus Moon
Jessi Huntenburg
Joanna DeVoe
Joey Morris
Kelly-Ann Maddox
Laura Daligan
Molly Roberts - HerSpeak
new age hipster
Oolong Witch
Owlvine Green
Samantha Valens
Scarlet Ravenswood
Snow Orchid
Sunshine MorningRae
The Sea Priestess 
The White Witch Parlour
The Ladygravedancer
WyllowWynd The Thrifty Witch
May the moon light your path.
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whatabasicwitch · 6 years
Tarot Tips
🃏 Find The Empress in your deck. The card behind her will reveal what you need to do to nurture and care for yourself. 
🃏 When in conflict or competition with someone, look for 5 of Wands. The card behind it will reveal the solution to the problem.
🃏 If you see the same card over and over again in readings, it is a sign and you must pay attention to its message for you.
🃏 For a better understanding of each card, observe it closely and form your own interpretation that follows its themes. It will help you interpret readings better.
🃏 To find out what is making you feel stuck or delayed, look to The Hanged Man. The card underneath him will show what is holding you back. The card in front of him will show you how to overcome it.
🃏 When shuffling your cards, if any card drops out of your grasp, take it as a sign and read the card. 
🃏 You do not need crystals with you to do proper readings, but a good way to cleanse your deck is to place a clear quartz on the top of your deck before each reading. Keep in mind; there’s a variety of ways you can cleanse your deck.
🃏 Often when The High Priestess appears in a reading, she is trying to tell you that you know the answers and that you should listen to your inner voice.
🃏 There is no wrong way to shuffle or cleanse your deck. Do what feels right for you!
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whatabasicwitch · 6 years
Cotton Candy Clouds 🍬
a spell to create a soft, sweet, calming environment for self care and self love.
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🍬 gather: sugar, chamomile, celestite or preferred crystal, white candle.
🍬 sprinkle sugar and chamomile into the candle.
🍬 light the candle and charge the desired crystal with it. 
🍬 place the crystal in the area you wish to promote a caring environment
🍬 recharge the crystal as needed. 
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whatabasicwitch · 6 years
simple fresh start spells ♡
♡ write a list of things to leave behind, burn it to banish them.
♡ burn a white candle all the way through, and whisper a wish as it died out.
♡ cleanse with lemon water and rosemary on all windows and doors.
♡ rub one side of a coin with ash and the other with moon water, place above your door.
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whatabasicwitch · 6 years
🌹Simple self love spell🌹
What you’ll need:
🌹rose quartz;
🌹pink, red or white candle(s) or tealight(s).
The spell:
🌹light the candle(s)/tealight(s) (basically for setting the mood);
🌹take the rose quartz in your non dominant hand and hold it close to your heart;
🌹let the energy of the rose quartz flow through your body, visualize your heart pumping the love into your body;
🌹to add a little extra self love, you can chant some self love affirmations.
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whatabasicwitch · 6 years
☄🌑New Moon Intentions🌑☄
Hi, I’ve decided to list three things I will work on personally within myself over the next month. The new moon is a time to cleanse and renew yourself.
I will lift others up, I won’t let myself be jealous anymore.
I will be kind, unpromted and going out of my way to do it.
I will be fearless, fear only holds us back.
What are your intentions for the next month?
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