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Dog walking
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1. Don’t date a boy who cancels plans last minute. Especially if he’s canceling for someone else. You are not a second choice. You are not a third choice. You are a first choice or you are nothing to him. Do you understand me, baby? You are worth so much more than that, don’t let him push you around. 2. If he’s rude to you, drop him. I don’t care how many times he says “just kidding” or “baby, I didn’t mean it” you keep your head up, your shoulders straight, your chin high and you demand to be treated as the goddess you are. 3. If he doesn’t hold your hand in front of his friends or wrap his arms around you when you’re with his family then he isn’t worth it. Date someone who can’t keep their hands off of you. Date someone who aches with the need to feel your skin on theirs. 4. Make sure he has goals, aspirations, dreams. Make sure he has a plan of some sort. If he doesn’t have any of those what are you guys supposed to talk about? What are your 2 AM conversations going to look like? 5. Find out his hobbies and interests and make sure they’re similar to yours. If you want to travel, date someone who will drop what they’re doing just to take you on a random adventure. You don’t want to be stuck with someone who’s idea of a good night is sitting on his futon with cheesy Dorito fingers while you watch him play video games. 6. If your brother doesn’t like him or if he rubs your sister the wrong way, trust their instinct. There’s probably a reason. I can guarantee you, darling, if you bring him home and we can see in his eyes that you light up his entire world than we will love him just as much as you do.  7. Baby, if he ever lays a finger on you, you fucking leave him. Don’t think twice, don’t look back and don’t you dare accept his apology two days later.  8. If you can’t trust him you shouldn’t be dating him. If you have to go through his phone to sleep better at night he’s not the one for you. 9. You’re going to fight, you’re going to argue, that is all part of a relationship. But baby, if he is contradicting everything you say solely for the sake of an argument, just walk away. 10. I’ve seen anger and rage in your grandfather’s eyes. I saw it everyday for 17 years, baby. If losing a football game makes him so mad as to not want to speak to you, than you are giving yourself to the wrong boy. He’s going to grow, and he’s going to get meaner, and he’s going to hurt you. Leave now.   11. If his laugh doesn’t claw it’s way into your memory and his smile doesn’t make you feel like the entire universe is right in front of you than you are wasting your time.
11 Dating Tips I Wish My Mother Would Have Told Me  (via harryasfrick)
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People become attractive over time as you get to know them. Someone who you once felt completely neutral towards can make your stomach do somersaults. It’s not that they were not good looking to begin with, it’s just that things happened which made your conscience ease up and your heart changed. Good character can contribute to how someone perceives you.
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When someone asks me to name my favorite Harry Potter book
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After a canceled flight and a rebook to a different city, I'm flying at the airport! Security took no time for once so now I have two hours to kill... Who's going to entertain me?
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SLYTHERIN: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” -Thomas Edison
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Went from drinking tea to drinking moonshine…
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Sometimes when I'm up late my dog puts a paw over her face to block out the lights. Sorry puppy!
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I've laid in bed like all day today... But I took my dog for a walk this morning, that counts for something right?
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I park in the same spot at work everyday, and when someone else parks in it I can't help but feel a little salty
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I pass this tree everyday and it always makes me think of the Whomping Willow.
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When I have to make a phone call, but their answering machine picks up so I don’t actually have to talk to anyone
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"Death isn't picky, it just takes."
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Made the mistake of asking my sister about her essential oils tonight. She really knows nothing about them...
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Have I ever told you the story of when I backed into a dumpster? Or how about that time with the tree? Ehh it's probably best if I don't.
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