wetestinbabey ยท 5 years
TG: yoooo johnnyboy
TG: whatsup hoe!!!!!
EB: oh, hi roxy!
EB: i'm just watching a movie hehe.
TG: ooooo whatcha watchin
TG: anythin good?
TG: anythin extra bad maybe
TG: knowin ur tastes lmfao
EB: hey, shush, my tastes are excellent!! it's not my fault i'm the only man of culture in our friend group, roxy.
EB: it's a hard burden, but it is one i shoulder daily.
EB: who else but i would appreciate classics like mac and me? i'm all alone, but i'm doing god's work.
EB: like........ whoever god is in our universe. still not sure if jesus was a real dude?
EB: anyway, i'm watching "the secret life of pets".
TG: omfg LOL did jake put you up to that
EB: how'd you know?
EB: actually, you don't have to answer that, this is excruciatingly mediocre and that's kind of a tell tale sign for him.
EB: like- his movie tastes i mean.
EB: not........ nevermind, you get what i'm saying.
TG: lolololol YEAH i gotchu man
TG: godbless that boy but hes got literally 0 filter on his taste in movies lmao
TG: he will dedicate hours of his life to some of the most truly mindnumbing content on this lil shindig we call earth and then call it a cinematic masterwork
TG: no offense to jake but the secret life of pets makes me wanna bore through my head with an industrial tunnel drill jus a lil bit
TG: ok that aside tho
TG: i gots
TG: a QUESTION for ya >:3c
EB: oh god.
EB: whenever you bust out that little kitty face i start fearing for my life.
TG: rightfully so good sir
TG: kk not really
TG: the question
TG: wheeeeeeen was the last time u went clothes shoppin? >:3c
EB: huh? oh, jeez, i'm not sure actually? yeesh that's probably a bad answer, huh.
TG: >:3c
TG: >:3cccccccccc
TG: >:3cccccccccccccccccccccccc
EB: i don't know though, it's not like i need new clothes. i like my clothes! i'm stylish, right?
TG: john ily but cargo shorts went out of fashion about 5000 years ago
EB: pretty lame that they went out right as we got here. why don't people like them? i'm a god right, shouldn't i be setting the fashion trends here?
TG: j im litcherally so sry i have to say this but among our lil pantheon of godfriends you mite be the most out of da loop on fashion trends
TG: whatcha think of that name btw
TG: j
TG: i think its kinda cute on you ;)
TG: wonkwonkwonk
EB: lol, i dunno! i guess it's the same as the clothes for me........i'm just........me! i don't mind how people want to see me or call me or whatever.
EB: is that weird? i feel like it's weird.
TG: lol nah dats totally reasonable! sometimes u just gotta do u u know
TG: like look at me
TG: u dont see any other chumps out here doin tha whole california grl look but here i am jus bein me anyways
TG: and it owns!! bein urself is the best self to be i think
TG: but also liek
TG: sometimes u gots to examine urself u kno?
TG: like take a lil looksee inside urself and ask if u like what u see in there
TG: and like see that may b
TG: jus may b...
TG: cargo shorts just totes rnt ur thing anymore!
EB: ugh, i just don't like clothes shopping! who cares what i look like, it's just like, a vessel for living in.
TG: jeez john no need 2 get all in a tizzy abt it u dont like GOTTA
EB: huh.... that came off kinda defensive.
EB: sorry, not sure what got into me there.
TG: ur chill!! i guess its like a touchy subject 4 u? n thats totes fine hehe dw about it
TG: but like
TG: if u do ever wanna
TG: CALL ME >:3c
EB: hehe, yeah!
EB: you know, maybe i will just go for it.
EB: i dunno, i guess it's just weird to think about for me. i've always kind of worn the same stuff? i guess i was just so used to letting my dad pick my clothes that once he was gone, i just........
EB: yeah.
EB: anyway, i'll go with you if you want. can't promise i'll get any more stylish, but i'll give it my best shot for you rox.
TG: ok dope we r going on a fuckign clothing ADVENTURE!!!!!
EB: damn, i'm going to sound like such a huge dork asking this but uh.
EB: where do people like... go to get clothes.
TG: john o m f G
TG: we got options dog we could go anywhere u desire...
TG: lets seeeeeee
TG: why dont we start w/ smth a lil basic and branch out from there
TG: get ur toes in the meataphorical clothes water so 2 speak
TG: how boutttttt
TG: target? :D
EB: we have targets here?
TG: omg john sweetie
TG: how often have you stayed inside baby we gotta get u OUT more this is a veritable goddam target TRAGEDY
EB: well jeez, sorry for not being a corporate megastore buff!
EB: i'm not jane, roxy.
EB: sorry, was that mean? hm.
TG: i <3 jane but goddam.....girl wild with her business obsession she could probs collapse the stock market w/in like a day w/ her corporate knowledge alone
TG: anyways thats FINE well get u there baby!!!! its all parta the rox brand plan!!!!!
TG: and like maybe once we conquer target we can getchu into a forever 21 or smth lmao
TG: anyway hows this friday sound?
TG: y/n on that badboy himme with a mf ANSWER boy!!!!
EB: uhh, yeah! that sounds good to me!
EB: i'll see you then roxy. :)
TG: CYU!!!! >:3cccccc
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