wetanddiapered · 4 months
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crédit: kuma dasai
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wetanddiapered · 5 months
This is what happens to naughty girls who ask for diaper humiliation. Double diapers. Enema. Tummy time. Baby treatment.
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wetanddiapered · 2 years
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Cute diapered goth girl photos from @mininaminima
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wetanddiapered · 2 years
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wetanddiapered · 2 years
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I’m diapered at the mall in Amsterdam (7-18 pics)
I’m diapered at the mall and having a lovely time. I’m wearing a thick Rearz Safari diaper, and even though they can take a lot, I am checking my diaper often ;-)
Enjoy 7 free pics of my diapered day at the shopping mall: https://abdlgirl.com/2016/12/25/im-diapered-at-the-mall-in-amsterdam-7-pics/
Check out 18 private pics on my OnlyFans: https://onlyfans.com/1334609/abdlgirl
Xx Emma
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wetanddiapered · 2 years
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wetanddiapered · 2 years
25 Going on 2 (NSFW 18+)
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Image credit: @little-girl-xoxo
Image Link: https://little-girl-xoxo.tumblr.com/
Please do not remove my story / image credit. 
The sound of crinkles preceded her arrival as she crawled into the room. The guests clapped, some letting out little “awws” and coos as they took in her infantile outfit. She kept her eyes glued to the floor and tried to hide behind her husband, turned Daddy. He had dressed her special for the day, slipping his little one into her “most favoritest” onesie, complemented with a pair of locking mittens.. A northshore megamax stacked atop a molicare and two stuffers swaddled her lower half. A black cord with an attached bulb dangled unceremoniously behind her. The traveled up the back of her thighs, descending through the back band of her diaper. Within, it was connected to an inflatable bulb plug. The plug that currently filled her ass and was fulfilling its purpose admirably, holding back both a birthday enema and a day’s worth of natural buildup. To top it all off, her mouth was full and kept involuntarily suckling on locking pacifier gag. She whimpered slightly as her nursing released a dollop of the “big girl milk” Daddy had filled it with. He loved to fill up her paci. He loved it even more when she had to watch on in helpless, padded frustration.
He glanced down at her, eyes twinkling with amusement. “What’s the matter, princess?” He spoke loudly. “Did you have an accident?”
She whined as he tugged her around, pulling back the band of her diaper. He grinned, “nope! Still dry. Good girl. You know, if you can stay dry for the whole party you might get to wear big girl pull-ups for once.” The guests, a collection of their kink friends and their respective partners or slaves, snickered at his remark.
“Aww, that’s too bad, I think she looks adorable waddling around in those big crinkly diapers,” one called out.  
Daddy turned to address them. “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that. This little one can’t keep her diapers dry for more than a few minutes. Even without her pee my little one tends to make other kinds of puddles when she’s diapered.”
She blushed furiously and wished it weren’t true.
“Even if that wasn’t the case though, my little stinker here has a problem controlling other parts of her body. That’s what this handy little device is for.” He grabbed the inflating bulb. “This makes it so little poof butt here doesn’t even have to try to hold it in. The plug does it for her.”
She could feel her princess parts shiver as the padding grew wet.
One of the crowed piped up. “How long have you kept her waiting?”
Daddy nudged her. She turned her flushed face to the party guests and crawled towards her toys. Her stomach gurgled angrily, and she screwed her face up in discomfort. Daddy, please. I hafta potty… She tried to beg with her eyes to no avail. A couple people noticed and chuckled while others looked on sympathetically. With no reprieve coming, she fumbled around the carpet, searching. She found what she was looking for a moment later. She gingerly held it between her mittens. It was one of her learning blocks, painted red around the edges with the number 2 at the center.
“I think she’s trying to tell us something,” someone said. “What is it, baby? Do you have to make number 2?”
Everyone laughed while she blushed beet red and shook her head.
Daddy enjoyed her reaction for a moment before responding. “No, though she probably does. My lil punkin is trying to say she’s been a very good girl for a whole two weeks! She’s been sweet, and obedient, and completely cummy free! Isn’t that right, dewdrop?”
She merely whined and tugged at his pant leg in response. The pressure was building up. Her stomach was cramping with increasing discomfort, and it was only getting worse.  
He smiled down at her affectionately and patted her head. “Now, now, honey. I know you’re anxious to let out all those big girl cummies but the adults are talking right now.”
One of their friends spoke up, incredulous. “Two entire weeks? Without any touching at all?”
Daddy shook his head and chuckled. “No, no. That would just be cruel. I gave her plenty of attention, just no cummies. She’s far too little for those kinds of things.”
She shivered at the memory of that attention. Hands and legs tied down for every change. Teasing fingers rubbing and probing her. Trying to rub herself when he wasn’t watching, only to be foiled by the thickness of her diapers. The throbbing need she felt waking up next to him every morning. Smelling his musk as he used her to satisfy his own needs while leaving her leaking and whimpering in her soggy diapers. She clenched her legs together as she realized she had begun to slowly knead the front of her diaper. She gave her pacifier a guilty suck, feeling another dribble of cum coat her tongue. Daddy noticed, because of course he did, and grinned.
“I was going to wait until the end of the party to give my princess her present, but I think someone is being a little fussy. What do you all think? Should we let the birthday girl blow off some steam?”
The question was met with loud approval. Still on the floor, she glanced around apprehensively as the guests moved their seats to the edges of the room. Her stomach gave another angry growl and she groaned through her pacifier.
Daddy began to rub her back. “Shh, it’s ok, princess. You will get to let it all out soon. Just be a good girl and wait a couple more seconds for me, ok?” He cupped her chin, giving her a light peck on the forehead.
She felt a little part of herself melt and her eyes glazed over. A dumb smile appeared around the edges of the gag.  Okay dada… She could wait a few more seconds if he said so.
True to his word, a moment later two of their friends came shuffling down the hall bearing what looked like an adult sized rocking horse. Daddy stood up and walked over to them, muttering some instructions she couldn’t quite make out. She watched on, interested and somewhat anxious as the pair put the horse directly on top of her changing mat. She crawled over to get a better look. Some of the guests laughed as they watched her, seeing the bulb swing obscenely beneath her oversized butt. Her heart jumped. The handles were designed with a fuzzy blue set of restraints designed to lock the riders hands to the bars. She could see a similar set on the footrests. Even scarier, there was some kind of pulley system between the legs of the horse. The pulley wires ran the length of its body to unknown locations. The whole setup was completely arcane to her and her potty/cummy deprived baby brain struggled to connect the dots. Fortunately for her, she found out a second later as Daddy lifted her onto the seat. She felt waves of cramps roll through her stomach and it growled loud enough to be heard by more than a few people.
She stiffened as she felt Daddy’s fingers lightly wrap around her neck. His breath was hot on her ear as he growled. “Time to show everyone what you are.”
She squeaked in surprise as he began to undo the buttons on her crotch snap.  Her arms were pulled above her head and her onesie was entirely removed. Red heat simmered its way through her face, and she tried to cover up. She was completely (except for the diaper of course) exposed, vulnerable. Her princess parts tingled with the shame. Daddy secured her hands next, leaving her breasts on full display when he locked her feet as well.  Smiling devilishly, he gave her a personal demonstration of the pulley system. The wires connected to two clamps which he promptly snapped over her nipples. The shock of the sensation in her aroused state ran through her breasts, and made her kitty gush. She was breathing heavily when he gave the horse a test rock. The clamps could apparently only extend a fixed length, and she felt her nipples pulled forward as she rocked back. The sensation was intense. Not quite painful, not quite pleasurable in the conventional sense. She began to rock on her own, ignoring the chuckles and lustful eyes on her. It was strange. It shouldn’t have been as enjoyable as it was, but she kept going. Kept feeling the tug on her straining breasts as she tried to grind against the seat.
“Uh oh, looks like someone is having an accident!”
Her eyes went wide. The plug was deflating! In her excitement and the overloading stimulus of the horse she had completely forgotten about the constant warning signals coming from her poor tummy. She turned her head. Daddy was behind her, bulb in hand with what she swore was a pair of glowing devil horns protruding from his brow. An instant later she wrapped her arms around the horses neck and held on for dear life. Completely deflated, the plug did nothing to stop the torrent. She shook her head as tears of mortifying relief pooled in her eyes. Her diaper expanded rapidly with the outpour, swelling further still as her bladder reflexively relaxed itself. The stain spread quickly, all evidence of her lack of control on clear display. She wanted to tell them to look away. She wanted to tell Daddy she needed a change. She wanted to do a lot of things at that moment, but mostly, she just wanted to cum. Even though every movement spread the mush further, she continued to rock. Her pussy ached so badly, and the soggy crotch of her diaper was rubbing against her deliciously. She knew she looked ridiculous, but she just couldn’t control herself. She was Daddy’s little potty pants fuck toy. His wanton, messy whore, grinding and squishing in her oversized diapees for everyone to see. She wanted his cock so bad then, wishing she was bent over, having her cunt filled while Daddy rode her into tomorrow. That was for big girls though, something everyone could clearly see she wasn’t. Without warning, the seat began to vibrate and she squealed in delighted surprise. Through half lidded eyes she saw daddy standing off to the side, remote in hand.
“Remember when you thought you were turning 25 this year,” he asked teasingly.
She couldn’t respond. In her pleasure addled mind the only thing she could think of was how fucking good the vibrations felt through her diaper. Ripples shot through her as she wantonly humped the seat. The sound of her own crinkling traveled through the room. Whorish moans accompanied it. She felt his hand on the small of her back and his voice was suddenly loud in her ear. 
‘Are you sure you didn’t actually mean 2?’
He turned a dial and the vibrations grew even stronger. The orgasm cracked through her body like summer lightning. Her sex deprived brain turned into a bubbling soup, and she cried out through the gag. Nonsensical burbles and groans escaped her lips. She could feel her toes go numb, and her legs spasmed ineffectually against the horse. She felt her cunt pulse on a nonexistent cock and greedily sucked the last remaining drops of Daddy’s milk. The vibrator didn’t relent after the first wave passed. The sensation tearing through her grew exponentially as her over sensitized clit was drowned in waves of pleasure. She felt drool slide down her cheek and she went limp.
The vibrations stopped abruptly and she felt herself being lifted. The gag was removed and a delirious grin spread across her face. She was in Daddy’s arms. His face was etched with mild concern and he held her close.
“Are you alright, hun? Was it too much?”
Her face was as much a mess as her drooping diaper. Drool dripped freely down one cheek and her hair was wild. Her eyes were red and puffy. She shook her head limply, lifting a trembling hand to trace his face. Despite the fact that she could barely remember her name she managed to burble out, “no, Da’dee. T’ank ‘oo.”
He kissed her forehead and whisked her away, leaving their by now insanely aroused friends to their own devices. Cake and more fun could wait. He wrinkled his nose with mirth. His little one needed a bath.  
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wetanddiapered · 2 years
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wetanddiapered · 2 years
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'live people ignore the strange and unusual.' I, myself, am strange and unusual." -Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice)
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wetanddiapered · 2 years
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wetanddiapered · 2 years
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All good girls who go through regression training need to have their diapers checked by Daddy several times a day. Since some littles wet more than others, thicker diapers are required, as shown by little Jenna here. Her diaper is soaked all the way through, a clear sign that the diapers Daddy put her in are not capable of holding all of her little tinkles.
As Daddy pushed his hand against the seat of her diaper, Jenna felt warm pee tickle her inner thighs as her diaper leaked. She squirmed, bent over the changing table as Daddy finally pulled his hand away. Suckling on her pacifier, she let Daddy lay her down on the changing pad and closed her eyes as he untaped her soggy diaper. She giggled as she felt the cold baby wipes grace her inner folds as Daddy paid extra special attention to her princess parts.
Daddy taped her into a new diaper, one that was twice as thick as the one before it. She tried to close her legs, but quickly found that she was unable to do so. Her diaper, instead of the medical-looking design, was full of little pink hearts and baby bottles. Jenna’s eyes lit up with joy and adoration for her new diaper. It was ultra soft, and made her feel like the cutest princess in all the land.
Daddy helped her stand back up, holding her hand as she got used to the thickness of her new diaper. She tried to stand like before, but it was too hard, so she got down on her hands and knees, just like how Daddy preferred her to. She felt her heart warm with love as he knelt down before her, cupping her head with his hands as he laid a gentle and loving kiss on her forehead.
Lost in the tender moment, Jenna barely noticed her new favorite diaper start to swell between her legs, but that didn’t matter.
Daddy loved her, and that was all that mattered to her.
Adorable picture from ABDreams!
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Spoil the princess?
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wetanddiapered · 2 years
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This one comes with a kinky story. Enjoy! 😉
How I Got Put Back In Diapers (EMBARRASSING!)
After field hockey practice, my girlfriends and I used to pile into this old beater and head over to one of the few grocery stores in my small town. We’d peruse the isles, and typically leave with our arms full of energy drinks, iced tea, and Gatorade. It was during one of those outings that I decided to commit my very first petty crime. That day, in all of my wisdom, I decided to steal a small pack of gum from one of the shelves in the checkout line. 
It’s weird looking back on it now. I had plenty of money in my backpack to pay for the gum, but at the time, a strange urge had swept over me. I guess the truth is that the thought of stealing that gum excited me, and actually following through with the crime made me feel more alive than I’d ever felt before. 
Over time, I’d managed to make thievery a habit, which soon turned into an all out addiction. I began to steal highish end clothing, jewelry, and beauty products on a regular basis. I was HOOKED, but unfortunately, everything came to a sudden and abrupt halt.
It’s kind of ironic that I ended up getting caught at the same store that I’d originally stolen the gum from. I guess my crime spree managed to take a full circle, and it finally ended with a pissed off store manager, a regrettable phone call to my stepmom, and a very hot butt soon after. 
That’s right, laugh it up. Yes, I still got spanked in high school, and unfortunately, my stepmom didn’t give a flying fuck who knew it. She arrived at the store soon after I’d called her, and she smacked my jean clad ass all the way out to her car. Twenty minutes later, I was pinned atop her lap and frantically kicking my bare legs against my mattress, trying desperately to wiggle away from the fiery, stinging smacks of her evil plastic hairbrush.
Keep reading
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wetanddiapered · 2 years
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“Bu- but Daddy- Please- I think I hafta-”
Shana’ little face is priceless - an incomparable mixture of confusion, uncertainty, and shame. It seems that there’s something happening down between her legs, but she’s no longer quite sure what it is. Something uncomfortable, tight. A pressure that needs to be released…
But naturally she’s struggling to remember what she has to do about it. And that’s where I come in - to remind her of how to handle such a bothersome situation.
“Have to what, honey?” I ask kindly, glancing in fatherly concern at her fingers as they tug fitfully at the balloon-like bulk around her waist. “You look just fine to me, honey. All ready for bed in your nice soft jammies… Aww, I bet you want another story about Peter Rabbit tonight, don’t you?”
Her voice is caught between a whimper and a whine. “Uhh- Yeah… But I think- I gotta go-” Nope, nope, nope. She can’t say the word. I can’t have it calling up any more recollections from her hypnosis-fogged brain. “Gotta go to bed?” I cut her off with a smile. “Gotta snuggle up with Daddy for storytime?”
“Uhh-” She falters, her confused gaze dropping down to her waist. “I- dunno…” But even as she speaks, I can hear the quiet hiss of her bladder as it spurts into the bulging diapers around my little girl’s waist. Exactly as I intended. Exactly as it’s been doing more and more these days…
“Oh, is that it?” I beam innocently, my own trousers tightening as I take in the scene: my girlfriend staring down in puzzlement at the sensation of her warming diaper. “Did Daddy’s baby girl need to make a fun little splishy-splashy in her pants?” I chuckle and shake my head. “Such a good girl for Daddy! Now you’ll be all nice and warm for bedtime!”
Her eyes are still full of confusion as she raises them to meet mine. “All… wet,” she articulates, her hands slipping nervously over the curvaceous bulk of the double-thick nighttime diapers I’ve wrapped around her. “Yep, nice and wet!” I respond cheerfully. “Just like you should be, baby! Daddy’s super happy to see you using your dipies so well. Come here and get a hug for being such a good girl!”
It’s the look of a confused yet relieved toddler that finally settles on her face. “Yeah… nice and- wet…” she mouths, and takes her first waddling step toward my open arms. “Me… me is wet…”
As I fold her in my comforting embrace, I chuckle softly. “Nice and wet,” I agree once more, my hand straying down to caress her gorgeous, diaper-swollen rump. “Just like you should be.”
“Now let’s snuggle down for storytime, okay?”
Image Credit: ABDreams.com
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wetanddiapered · 2 years
Any manips of Rusty Fawkes by any chance?
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Rusty Fawkes
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wetanddiapered · 2 years
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wetanddiapered · 2 years
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Emma Watson
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wetanddiapered · 2 years
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What diaper would you put me in next?
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