weissvsaiyuki · 7 years
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New Saiyuki Works
Saiyuki fans submitted 29 new works to the “Last Dance” 20th anniversary battle! The battle has now ended; please enjoy all these great efforts and PLEASE leave our hard-working creators feedback.
Please signal boost this post even harder than you’d hit the gas in Jeep with a horde of youkai behind you.
Links & synopses for all 29 works:
“Claws” by lokuro. Cosplay.
“Breathing Fire” by theskywasblue. 585. “Something about the room seems very quiet. It’s the first time in a while, Gojyo realizes, that it’s been just the two of them.”
“The Devil You Know” - Chapters 1 2 by kirathaune. 393. “Sean crossed over to the desk and took the pack and lighter, then plopped down in the chair in front of the desk. He lit his cigarette and tossed the rest back onto the desk, rolling his eyes as he blew a cloud of smoke at her. ‘You're my only aunt, and that's because of a cruel cosmic joke.’"
“Fingers on the Soul” by Mackavitykitsune. 585. “Cho Gonou, like his twin, was born with a soulmark.”
“Goku and Seiten Taisei Mirror Prompt” by kitsu_chama. Fanart.
“Goku in Glasses” by kitsu_chama. Fanart.
“Goku/Sanzo in CLAMP” by kitsu_chama. Fanart.
“In Vines, Veritas” by EzraBlue. For the prompt: “Superhero AU, ‘in vino veritas.’” Loosely inspired by My Hero Academia.
“Jibek” by lady_ganesh. “The 1910s Silk Road AU that literally no one asked for!”
“Off the Chain” by viridian5. “This situation had gone so bad so quickly.”
“Pearls Before Swine” - Chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (to be continued) by EzraBlue. Hakkai/Gojyo, implied Goku/Sanzo. “Hakkai woke, as he ever did, to the bedlam of the pigs in the paddock squealing and squabbling.”
“Pie and Coffee” - Chapters 1 2 by kirathaune. 393 “A blind date. What the hell had he been thinking, agreeing to meet a stranger in a diner?”
“Remix” by imaginary_dragonling. “’You can’t be serious?!’ Sanzo could barely control the anger threatening to explode across the conference room. He was in the presence of three of the top executives of the company.”
“Return to Me” - Chapters 3 4 5 6 7 by opalmatrix (links to AO3 and previous chapters). Hakkai/Gojyo. “He’s gone. End of story. Or is it?” For the prompt: “‘Unnatural Tendencies’ - The supernatural: vampires, the undead, hauntings, the occult, werewolves, psychic ability, magic, possession…”
“Sixth Form Shenanigans at Shangri-La High” by scribblemoose. “Gojyo and Hakkai join Sanzo's study group for a project. It leads Gojyo to some very unexpected places.“
“Things You Can’t Buy” (Chapter 7/complete) by lauand. Hakkai/Gojyo. (links to the entire work are in this post) For the prompt “Superrich professional sports player Gojyo and prostitute Hakkai.“
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weissvsaiyuki · 7 years
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New Weiss Kreuz Works
Weiss Kreuz fans submitted 35 new works to the “Last Dance” 20th anniversary battle! The battle has now ended; please enjoy all these great efforts and PLEASE leave our hard-working creators feedback.
Please signal boost this post even harder than you’d throw a katana at a Takatori helicopter.
Links & synopses for all 35 works:
“All Eyes But These Eyes” by the_rck. “He looked at each member of his team in turn. ‘We're the third team they've sent,’ he reminded them. ‘The first team disappeared entirely. The second...’ He cleared his throat. ‘The second came back in pieces.’“
“Bargain Basement” by daegaer. Crawford/Schuldig drabble. For the prompt “Crawford/Schuldig - buying Schuldig at an auction.”
“The Better Part Of” by lady_ganesh. “The party was not quite winding down, but there were lulls, and a man could safely retire to the library to get a little peace and quiet. At least, that had been Nagi Naoe's plan.”
“The Broken” by lady_ganesh. pre-Crawford/Schuldig. “Schuldig has burned through his teammates one too many times; Crawford is his last chance.”
“Carry It” by the_rck. “Because Yohji had only the vaguest idea of what he was doing, it took them five jumps to get close to the right time. Yohji was all set to try again, but Asuka overruled him. ‘Four years early,’ she said, ‘isn't so bad. We'll need that time to prepare.’“
“Centuries of Nerve” by the_rck. Chapter 1 of the second story in a series. “Neither Schuldig nor Yohji mentioned that Schuldig knew that Yohji had cried in the shower, Yohji because he wanted to pretend that Schuldig didn't know and Schuldig because he wanted to let Yohji keep some dignity...”
“Contracted” and “Honest Work” and “Playing the Odds” and “Cargo” and “Journey’s End” by daegaer. For the prompt: “Nagi/Omi, sci-fi AU. Space pirate and smuggler Nagi finds himself strangely compelled to help Omi, a lowly bodyguard who is secretly the illegitimate heir to the Takatori planetary system, make his way home and reclaim his birthright.”
“Debt” by mami. Crawford/Yohji. For the prompt: “Enemies who keep their word, ‘You and your friends will be safe.’ ‘You'll survive.’”
“The Dream Team” by mami. Part 1. For the prompt: “WK-Inception crossover. In creating this new field, the corporate and military interests behind dreamshare are more invested in the short-term benefits of the technology and pharmaceuticals and less concerned with the long-term side effects and changes. Brad Crawford and Schuldig start to develop what might be termed, among the more credulous of the scientific community, extrasensory perception. Or they might just be losing their grip on reality.”
“Farce” by viridian5. Crawford/Schuldig. For the prompt “20 years later.”
“Finding An Exit” by daegaer. Crawford/Schuldig. For the prompt “Six times in Schuldig’s life he has tried to get rid of his telepathy.”
“Fuildoirteadh” by daegaer. “Imperial Rome AU; Sesithacus has had enough of Celtic religion; the title means ‘bloodshed.’“
“Gathered from the Gales” by the_rck. “Nagi agreed to sex with Crawford and Schuldig, agreed to act as Dom for them for one night for mutual pleasure. He should have asked more questions because what he got was a hell of a lot more complicated.”
“Ghost Coffee” by daegaer. Drabble.
“Glass Houses” (installment) by viridian5. (Ongoing work on AO3 here.) “Brad, I think I know a way we can ask Kritiker for work without losing too much face.”
“Homeward Bound” by daegaer. Crawford/Ran, Nagi/Tot. (previous installments: “Facing Reality,” “First Jump,” “Paying Guests,” “Approach Velocity,” “Navigating Futures,” “Bad People,” “Down Time”) For the prompt “Crawford/Ran future reincarnation fic: belonging together”; Space Opera!
“Keeping Score” by amiko. For the prompt “Three times Yohji sent Schuldig to the hospital, four times Schuldig sent Yohji to the hospital.”
“Love Runs Out” by lokuro. Fanvid. “Schwarz-centric fanvid. ‘We want to see to see this world burn. We want to see it fall to pieces and create perfect CHAOS.’“
“Negotiations” by somali77. For the prompt “Captive Yohji attempts to seduce Crawford in an effort to improve his circumstances.”
“Nothing But The...” by lady_ganesh. “Mamoru pressed his head back against the wall. He could wait this out. He'd waited out worse. There wasn't really any such thing as truth serum. There are things that make you drunk, make you talk. That was different.”
“One More Folded Sunset” by the_rck. Crawford/Schuldig, background Crawford/Manx. “//Brad, where the fuck are we?// Once he was sure he had a connection to Brad’s mind, he opened his eyes. He felt safer that way.”
“Psi Corp Vs Schwarz” by lokuro - fanvid. For the prompt “Schuldig in the Babylon 5 Psi Corps.” “The Corps is mother. The Corps is father.”
“Ran & Aya comic” by amiko.
“Recurrent” by lauand. Crawford/Schuldig fanart.
“Request Denied” by mami. For the prompt “Nagi and Schuldig draw up a wildly optimistic list of what they would most like in a new team leader after their former team leader is killed. Rosenkreuz must not be amused by the request, because they send Brad Crawford, who fulfills none of these qualities. The Irishman they've sent along for good measure is probably also a dire message.”
“Road to Hell” by mami. For the prompt “Crawford/Schuldig. Once graduated and out in the field, Rosenkreuz is alarmed to learn just how powerful (and potentially uncontrollable) Schuldig is. They send one of their best operatives, Crawford, to kill him.”
“This Rabbit is Dynamite” by somali77. For the prompt: "Kritiker has been pushing for one of Weiss to go through an experimental procedure that is supposed to turn them into an unstoppable ferocious animal-men, like a werewolf, based on an old grimoire they found. To get them to shut up, Omi does it himself. It works. Sort of."
“Schu & Aya-chan” by amiko. Fanart.
Untitled as of yet and Untitled as of yet (art) by lauand. Crawford/Schuldig. “Schuldig woke up with a terrible, terrible headache. He opened his eyes to something that looked like a wet, glassless, disheveled Crawford would look if Crawford could pull off the wet, glassless and disheveled look without spontaneously combusting in the process.”
“Untitled Too” by lauand. Fanart: “Crawford unable to enjoy nature, Schuldig able to enjoy Crawford's unhappiness.”
“Werewolves of Tokyo” by daegaer. For the prompt “Omi becoming Kritiker’s guinea pig for making a werewolf(ish) creature.”
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weissvsaiyuki · 7 years
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21 DAYS. 64 WORKS. The GREATEST celebration of our 20 years of Saiyuki and Weiss Kreuz fandom!
The winner of our Weiss Kreuz vs Saiyuki battle is SAIYUKI with 22,475 POINTS!
Weiss Kreuz fought FIERCELY, especially in our final hours, and came in at 15,250 POINTS.
Congratulations to EVERYONE that fought for their fandom in this battle. I’ll be putting up a post listing all works later today. Thank you for taking part!!
If you wish to post a work that didn’t quite make it into battle, but you’d like to make sure it catches the eyes of our battle audience, you’re welcome to post in the community over the next week or so (no points of course).
Remember, we have a post about writer/artist support/engagement in Discord if you’d like to connect with your fellow creatives going forward.
Thank you again, and here’s to the future years of our favorite fandoms!
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weissvsaiyuki · 7 years
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The FINAL DAYS are upon us! As of today, November 1, Saiyuki currently leads with 16,275 points; Weiss Kreuz is at 4,250.
Last Dance concludes Saturday, November 4, 11:59PM CST (late entries will not count toward the battle).
Good luck!!
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weissvsaiyuki · 7 years
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The FINAL DAYS are upon us! As of today, November 1, Saiyuki currently leads with 16,275 points; Weiss Kreuz is at 4,250.
Last Dance concludes Saturday, November 4, 11:59PM CST (late entries will not count toward the battle).
Good luck!!
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weissvsaiyuki · 7 years
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We’re in our final week! Time to push yourself that extra mile to secure your fandom’s victory.
Last Dance concludes Saturday, November 4, 11:59PM CST (late entries will not count toward the battle).
Good luck!!
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weissvsaiyuki · 7 years
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Saiyuki leads the battle as of October 28!
Saiyuki leads our battle with 10,025 points; Weiss Kreuz has 3,525 points. In reaction to this news, Sanzo smokes pensively and Ran sharpens his katana aggressively.
The number of works has been pretty evenly matched–14 Saiyuki works to Weiss Kreuz’s 13–but the Saiyuki folks are slammin’ down some high-points works.
VIEW ALL WORKS HERE! Please leave our participants feedback!
Information on how to play is here.
Our Weiss Kreuz vs Saiyuki battle ends Saturday, November 4 (11:59pm CST)!
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weissvsaiyuki · 7 years
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Saiyuki leads the battle as of October 28!
Saiyuki leads our battle with 10,025 points; Weiss Kreuz has 3,525 points. In reaction to this news, Sanzo smokes pensively and Ran sharpens his katana aggressively.
The number of works has been pretty evenly matched–14 Saiyuki works to Weiss Kreuz’s 13–but the Saiyuki folks are slammin’ down some high-points works.
VIEW ALL WORKS HERE! Please leave our participants feedback!
Information on how to play is here.
Our Weiss Kreuz vs Saiyuki battle ends Saturday, November 4 (11:59pm CST)!
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weissvsaiyuki · 7 years
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Saiyuki leads the battle as of October 28!
Saiyuki leads our battle with 10,025 points; Weiss Kreuz has 3,525 points. In reaction to this news, Sanzo smokes pensively and Ran sharpens his katana aggressively.
The number of works has been pretty evenly matched--14 Saiyuki works to Weiss Kreuz’s 13--but the Saiyuki folks are slammin’ down some high-points works.
VIEW ALL WORKS HERE! Please leave our participants feedback!
Information on how to play is here.
Our Weiss Kreuz vs Saiyuki battle ends Saturday, November 4 (11:59pm CST)!
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weissvsaiyuki · 7 years
Signal boost!
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The Weiss Kreuz vs Saiyuki Battle is GOING STRONG! Have you soaked up your daily WK and/or Saiyuki goodness? Catch up, or reread and re-view–
Works as of 19 October 2017:
Weiss Kreuz
“Homeward Bound” by daegaer. Crawford/Ran, Nagi/Tot. (previous installments: “Facing Reality,” “First Jump,” “Paying Guests,” “Approach Velocity,” “Navigating Futures,” “Bad People,” “Down Time”) For the prompt “Crawford/Ran future reincarnation fic: belonging together”; Space Opera!
“Psi Corp Vs Schwarz” by lokuro - fanvid. For the prompt “Schuldig in the Babylon 5 Psi Corps.” “The Corps is mother. The Corps is father.”
“One More Folded Sunset” by the_rck. Crawford/Schuldig, background Crawford/Manx. “ //Brad, where the fuck are we?// Once he was sure he had a connection to Brad’s mind, he opened his eyes. He felt safer that way.”
“Bargain Basement” by daegaer. Crawford/Schuldig drabble. For the prompt “Crawford/Schuldig - buying Schuldig at an auction.”
“Glass Houses” (installment) by viridian5. (Ongoing work on AO3 here.) “Brad, I think I know a way we can ask Kritiker for work without losing too much face.”
“Farce” by viridian5. Crawford/Schuldig. For the prompt “20 years later.”
“Finding An Exit” by daegaer. Crawford/Schuldig. For the prompt “Six times in Schuldig’s life he has tried to get rid of his telepathy.”
“The Broken” by lady_ganesh. pre-Crawford/Schuldig. “Schuldig has burned through his teammates one too many times; Crawford is his last chance.”
“Werewolves of Tokyo” by daegaer. For the prompt “Omi becoming Kritiker’s guineapig for making a werewolf(ish) creature.”
“Things You Can’t Buy” (Chapter 7/complete) by lauand. Hakkai/Gojyo. (links to the entire work are in this post) For the prompt “Superrich professional sports player Gojyo and prostitute Hakkai“
“Goku in Glasses” by kitsu_chama - fanart
“Return to Me” (Chapter 3) by opalmatrix (links to AO3 and previous chapters). Hakkai/Gojyo. “He’s gone. End of story. Or is it?” For the prompt: “‘Unnatural Tendencies’ - The supernatural: vampires, the undead, hauntings, the occult, werewolves, psychic ability, magic, possession…”
“Off the Chain” by viridian5. “This situation had gone so bad so quickly.”
“Goku and Seiten Taisei Mirror Prompt” by kitsu_chama - fanart
“Pearls Before Swine” (Chapter 1) by EzraBlue. Hakkai/Gojyo, implied Goku/Sanzo. “Hakkai woke, as he ever did, to the bedlam of the pigs in the paddock squealing and squabbling.”
Ready to join the battle for your fandom? Read further on how to play.
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Please, please leave our intrepid participants feedback! Leave it like your comatose sister’s life depends on it. Leave it like it’s the only thing that’s going to get Jeep to take you to shelter before the sun sets. Feed our authors and artists love!
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weissvsaiyuki · 7 years
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The Weiss Kreuz vs Saiyuki Battle is GOING STRONG! Have you soaked up your daily WK and/or Saiyuki goodness? Catch up, or reread and re-view–
Works as of 19 October 2017:
Weiss Kreuz
“Homeward Bound” by daegaer. Crawford/Ran, Nagi/Tot. (previous installments: “Facing Reality,” “First Jump,” “Paying Guests,” “Approach Velocity,” “Navigating Futures,” “Bad People,” “Down Time”) For the prompt “Crawford/Ran future reincarnation fic: belonging together”; Space Opera!
“Psi Corp Vs Schwarz” by lokuro - fanvid. For the prompt “Schuldig in the Babylon 5 Psi Corps.” “The Corps is mother. The Corps is father.”
“One More Folded Sunset” by the_rck. Crawford/Schuldig, background Crawford/Manx. “ //Brad, where the fuck are we?// Once he was sure he had a connection to Brad’s mind, he opened his eyes. He felt safer that way.”
“Bargain Basement” by daegaer. Crawford/Schuldig drabble. For the prompt “Crawford/Schuldig - buying Schuldig at an auction.”
“Glass Houses” (installment) by viridian5. (Ongoing work on AO3 here.) “Brad, I think I know a way we can ask Kritiker for work without losing too much face.”
“Farce” by viridian5. Crawford/Schuldig. For the prompt “20 years later.”
“Finding An Exit” by daegaer. Crawford/Schuldig. For the prompt “Six times in Schuldig’s life he has tried to get rid of his telepathy.”
“The Broken” by lady_ganesh. pre-Crawford/Schuldig. “Schuldig has burned through his teammates one too many times; Crawford is his last chance.”
“Werewolves of Tokyo” by daegaer. For the prompt “Omi becoming Kritiker’s guineapig for making a werewolf(ish) creature.”
“Things You Can’t Buy” (Chapter 7/complete) by lauand. Hakkai/Gojyo. (links to the entire work are in this post) For the prompt “Superrich professional sports player Gojyo and prostitute Hakkai“
“Goku in Glasses” by kitsu_chama - fanart
“Return to Me” (Chapter 3) by opalmatrix (links to AO3 and previous chapters). Hakkai/Gojyo. “He’s gone. End of story. Or is it?” For the prompt: “‘Unnatural Tendencies’ - The supernatural: vampires, the undead, hauntings, the occult, werewolves, psychic ability, magic, possession…”
“Off the Chain” by viridian5. “This situation had gone so bad so quickly.”
“Goku and Seiten Taisei Mirror Prompt” by kitsu_chama - fanart
“Pearls Before Swine” (Chapter 1) by EzraBlue. Hakkai/Gojyo, implied Goku/Sanzo. “Hakkai woke, as he ever did, to the bedlam of the pigs in the paddock squealing and squabbling.”
Ready to join the battle for your fandom? Read further on how to play.
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Please, please leave our intrepid participants feedback! Leave it like your comatose sister’s life depends on it. Leave it like it’s the only thing that’s going to get Jeep to take you to shelter before the sun sets. Feed our authors and artists love!
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weissvsaiyuki · 7 years
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The Weiss Kreuz vs Saiyuki Battle is GOING STRONG! Have you soaked up your daily WK and/or Saiyuki goodness? Catch up, or reread and re-view--
Works as of 19 October 2017:
Weiss Kreuz
“Homeward Bound” by daegaer. Crawford/Ran, Nagi/Tot. (previous installments: “Facing Reality,” “First Jump,” “Paying Guests,” “Approach Velocity,” “Navigating Futures,” “Bad People,” “Down Time”) For the prompt “Crawford/Ran future reincarnation fic: belonging together”; Space Opera!
“Psi Corp Vs Schwarz” by lokuro - fanvid. For the prompt “Schuldig in the Babylon 5 Psi Corps.” “The Corps is mother. The Corps is father.”
“One More Folded Sunset” by the_rck. Crawford/Schuldig, background Crawford/Manx. " //Brad, where the fuck are we?// Once he was sure he had a connection to Brad’s mind, he opened his eyes. He felt safer that way.”
“Bargain Basement” by daegaer. Crawford/Schuldig drabble. For the prompt “Crawford/Schuldig - buying Schuldig at an auction.”
“Glass Houses” (installment) by viridian5. (Ongoing work on AO3 here.) “Brad, I think I know a way we can ask Kritiker for work without losing too much face.”
“Farce” by viridian5. Crawford/Schuldig. For the prompt “20 years later.”
“Finding An Exit” by daegaer. Crawford/Schuldig. For the prompt “Six times in Schuldig's life he has tried to get rid of his telepathy.”
“The Broken” by lady_ganesh. pre-Crawford/Schuldig. “Schuldig has burned through his teammates one too many times; Crawford is his last chance.”
“Werewolves of Tokyo” by daegaer. For the prompt “Omi becoming Kritiker's guineapig for making a werewolf(ish) creature.”
“Things You Can’t Buy” (Chapter 7/complete) by lauand. Hakkai/Gojyo. (links to the entire work are in this post) For the prompt “Superrich professional sports player Gojyo and prostitute Hakkai“
“Goku in Glasses” by kitsu_chama - fanart
“Return to Me” (Chapter 3) by opalmatrix (links to AO3 and previous chapters). Hakkai/Gojyo. “He's gone. End of story. Or is it?” For the prompt: “‘Unnatural Tendencies’ - The supernatural: vampires, the undead, hauntings, the occult, werewolves, psychic ability, magic, possession…”
“Off the Chain” by viridian5. “This situation had gone so bad so quickly.”
“Goku and Seiten Taisei Mirror Prompt” by kitsu_chama - fanart
“Pearls Before Swine” (Chapter 1) by EzraBlue. Hakkai/Gojyo, implied Goku/Sanzo. “Hakkai woke, as he ever did, to the bedlam of the pigs in the paddock squealing and squabbling.”
Ready to join the battle for your fandom? Read further on how to play.
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Please, please leave our intrepid participants feedback! Leave it like your comatose sister’s life depends on it. Leave it like it’s the only thing that’s going to get Jeep to take you to shelter before the sun sets. Feed our authors and artists love!
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weissvsaiyuki · 7 years
“How To Post” queries
Hey participants! In case there are any questions about how to post in the Weiss v Saiyuki Battle community, it is outlined in the sticky at the top of the community, here. (See the info under the header “How To Post.”)
If there are any questions at all, please do not hesitate to message me directly here or on Dreamwidth or drop a comment on the DW community sticky post (otherwise I might miss a random post or comment elsewhere?).
I am absolutely happy to help; I am here to facilitate whatever you need to post. My sincere apologies if there’s something confusing about the process? Hit me up with some feedback if there’s something particular and I’ll do my best to make things run smoother than Jeep’s trek over a sandy desert or the purr of Aya’s Porsche.
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weissvsaiyuki · 7 years
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All systems are go
Posts are now being accepted in the weissvsaiyuki community! The battle is on to see which fandom reigns supreme. Submit your Saiyuki or Weiss Kreuz fandom love now through November 4!
Find out how to play here.
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weissvsaiyuki · 7 years
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All systems are go
Posts are now being accepted in the weissvsaiyuki community! The battle is on to see which fandom reigns supreme. Submit your Saiyuki or Weiss Kreuz fandom love now through November 4!
Find out how to play here.
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weissvsaiyuki · 7 years
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Celebrating 20 years in style
Ready to battle for your fandom? Our official start time is at 12:00 midnight CST on Sunday, October 15. All information/guidelines/rules about posting are available in this post. Good luck all!!
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weissvsaiyuki · 7 years
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Celebrating 20 years in style
Ready to battle for your fandom? Our official start time is at 12:00 midnight CST on Sunday, October 15. All information/guidelines/rules about posting are available in this post. Good luck all!!
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