weirdisms · 7 years
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The grave of Margorie McCall (who was buried alive in 1705, dug out in time, and then reburied after her actual death sometime later). Her grave states "Lived Once, Buried Twice."
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weirdisms · 7 years
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A mother had this grave designed for her deceased 10-year-old daughter in 1871. While she was alive, the daughter was terrified of storms. The grave was constructed with an entrance that descends to the level of the coffin so that the mother could comfort her dead daughter during storms.
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weirdisms · 7 years
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weirdisms · 7 years
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weirdisms · 7 years
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weirdisms · 9 years
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Spongebob has and will always be my favorite cartoon show. 
But there is this one strange and very convincing theory about how the show is really about nuclear testing. 
Spongebob and his friends look and behave the way they do because of their exposure to radiation from atomic bombs in the area that is Bikini Bottom. 
The show is set in a real place called Bikini Atoll. This is confirmed. 
Back in 1946, the U.S government detoned a couple of atomic bombs, one of which was set under the sea. (Source)
That might explain why Mr.Krabs has a whale for a daughter.
Check out the Rugrat’s theory if you haven’t already.
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weirdisms · 9 years
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If you are into the bizarre and museums like me, than one place you NEED to visit is the Mutter Museum in Pennsylvania. 
It’s a medical museum filled with oddities.  Some things it has are
the body of the soap lady (1st picture). she’s called the soap lady because her body turned into a soap-like substance called adipocere
a wax model of a woman with a horn growing out of her forehead 
the tallest skeleton on display in North America
numerous preserved organs and body parts
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weirdisms · 11 years
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weirdisms · 11 years
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The Bones of St. Pancratius are found at the Church of St. Niklaus in Wil, Switzerland. He was originally robed in clothes by nuns in the late 1600's, but in 1777 – the centenary of his bones arriving in Wil – he was dressed in this magnificent commissioned suit of armour.
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weirdisms · 11 years
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A 2500 year old mummy that had some amazing tattoos.
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weirdisms · 11 years
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Boogeymen - part of a series of eerie stereoviews - dated 1923 (Via)
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weirdisms · 11 years
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Waverly Hills Sanatorium, Louisville, Kentucky.
The Waverly Hills Sanatorium was opened in 1910 to deal with the massive outbreak of tuberculosis, originally acommodating 40 to 50 patients, it was extended in 1926 to house more than 400 patients and closed in 1961.
Numerous reports of paranormal activity and urban legends have been connected to this place. One such tale involves Room 502 where in 1928 the body of a 29 year old nurse was found; she had hanged herself from a light fixture, it is thought she took her own life because she was unmarried and pregnant to the owner of the sanatorium; she had also contracted tuberculosis. Visitors to this room have reported feelings of great despair and the sound of a disembodied voice telling them to “Get out!”.
Ghostly voices have also been heard in the dark and eerie 525 foot long “Death Tunnel” where the bodies of dead patients where transported underground via gurneys to an awaiting hearse; this was done out of sight so as to keep morale up amongst the other patients. 
The rooftop was used for “heliotherapy” or “light therapy” sessions for the treatment of TB of the bones by using sunlight. The child patients were supplied with a swing set to play on while they were receiving this treatment. Some have heard the voices of children chanting the nursery rhyme “Ring Around the Rosy” in this location.
Other phenomena documented include mysterious lights appearing at night and the sound of a television in the building when there has been no electricity for many years. The terrifying apparition a screaming woman with bleeding wrists, the ghostly figure of a little girl peering out of the third floor windows and the spectre of a boy running through the hallways with a leather ball have also been seen.
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weirdisms · 11 years
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The Haunted Film - Ghosts of Movie Stars Make a Comeback
Filmmaker Alex Monty Canawati made a short film called Birth of Babylon, which won “Best Short” at the American Film and Music Festival in 2000. The short was then developed into a feature-length film, Return to Babylon. The film shot between 2001 and 2004, but was shelved due to “problems” with strange images in the film.
The film’s release had a long delay due to the discovery of “odd figures, morphing of characters and ghost-like images” in some scenes. These were especially clear in still framing. The images were found to be on the original negatives and not in any special effects.
The film is said to have been infiltrated by phantom figures — ghosts of the dead stars that are the subject of the film, which is about assorted scandals in Hollywood at the beginning of the 20th Century. The images occurred without splicing in old footage or engaging in CGI re-constructions.
It was filmed on location in the estates of deceased stars. Lead cast member Jennifer Tilly and other members of the cast and crew began to feel that they were not alone on the sets. Jennifer Tilly was quite vocal during filming about the presence of “ghosts”. She kept reiterating that they were touching her. The still photographer would also capture strange images on her film.
Another star of the movie, Maria Chonchita Alonso, spoke of the experience on Biography Channel’s My Ghost Story. She stated that it was all very real and a truly frightening experience.
The film was studied by many industry professionals and it was concluded that there was paranormal activity occurring in the film. When certain shots are seen frame-by-frame, one can see “morphing” taking place with the actors that has no apparent cause or explanation.
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weirdisms · 11 years
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Over several years, a series of disembodied human feet were discovered on islands, shorelines and the Fraser River in Southwestern British Columbia, Canada. The feet washed up on shorelines, and were seen floating in the water, always in a defined area known as the Georgia Basin. Even more eerily, the feet were inside shoes, and were almost always left feet.
A variety of terrifying theories came forward, while some have attempted to explain the mysteries as a function of drowning and decomposition processes. Some suggested that feet might naturally detach from drowning bodies, while others put forward the ridiculous theory that left feet were more likely to show up due to shape.
Statistically, it was considered very puzzling for not just 2, but 3, feet to show up. For a total of over 8 feet to appear is completely bizarre and terrifying. None of the theories can adequately explain how Southern BC and Washington were inundated by oceangoing, severed feet.
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weirdisms · 11 years
In 1835, the United States became debt free for the first time. Unfortunately, it was also the last time it was debt free.
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weirdisms · 11 years
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No matter how unbelievable this fact might sound to some, Fanta was invented by Nazis in Germany back in 1941. It was very difficult for the Nazis to import Coca-Cola syrup into Germany during World War II due to trade embargos. So, the head of Coca-Cola Deutschland, Max Keith, decided to make a new product for the German market.
He used ingredients available already in Germany at the time, including whey and pomace. During a brainstorm on what to name the beverage, Keith said “use your imagination” or “fantasie” in German. Salesman Joe Knipp yelled out “Fanta!” And this is how Fanta was born. Today you can find over 100 flavors of Fanta worldwide.
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weirdisms · 11 years
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This is one of the most famous ghost pictures ever taken. In 1959, Mabel Chinnery was visiting the grave of her mother in a British graveyard when she took a picture of her husband, who was waiting alone in the car.
It wasn’t until Mrs. Chinnery had the film developed that they realized her husband hadn’t been waiting alone after all. The picture shows a person wearing glasses sitting in the back seat, and Mrs. Chinnery immediately recognized the figure as being her mother — the mother whose grave she had just visited.
A photographic expert who examined the print determined that the image of the woman was neither a reflection nor a double exposure, even going so far as to stake his reputation on the fact that the picture is genuine. 
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