Also dont sweat it im still writing the beans, it just takes longer bc im not editing an existing fic ive had in drafts for 2 years
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*whips* chapter two didnt need too much editing, but it was edited nonetheless!
Title: the alliance
Characters: Luigi, Dimentio, O'chunks, Mimi, Nastasia
Chapter: 2 (more to come) (chapter one here)
Summary: Dimentio goes to get a midnight snack, Luigi learns something scary and freaks out.
You have won the battle, if you can even call it that.
Under the light of the moon, you kneel in front of the poor creature you had attacked; an innocent star sprite, dazed on the ground. You had injured it by simply whacking it with a branch as hard as you could.
Admittedly it was pretty funny. Like hitting an unlucky baseball in a game of fate. Fortunately it didn’t soar very far; you had chased it into a secluded forest, away from prying eyes, before finishing the job by whacking the snot out of it.
You outstretch your hand and grab the creature by the foot, lifting it up to your face. Awfully heavy little thing. Should be more than good enough.
You lightly lick your lips in anticipation, and pull up your mask.
You hear an unusual click as the bones in your jaw lengthen and unhinge. The chaos heart’s magic lets you manipulate your body in truly awful ways. Youve done this before, but it still gives you shivers. The heart grows cold in anticipation for more cosmic energy as you psyche yourself up.
In a grotesque, monster-like fashion, you easily slide the sprite past your unhinged jaws and into your throat for the chaos heart to do whatever it pleases to it. In a fashion similar to a black hole, the sprite is suddenly dragged down with absolutely no hindrance. You didn’t even swallow. It was just gone in less than a second.
A chill runs through you.
You only do this on occasion. About three times in the past two weeks. Too many in a row would be telling. On the nights that you do treat yourself and the heart like this…it feels like you’ve taken a step in the right direction. The heart is more willing to sit patiently if it knows the longer it waits, the better the reward will be. You’ve formed a wordless alliance with the heart in this way, and thankfully this means it has stopped boring into your side and keeping you awake for hours with agonizing pain.
On these hunting nights, you have to wear a blindfold and earplugs. If not, your body behaves strangely. You are subject to sudden thrashing and convulsions, along with an uncomfortable panicked state. You can navigate just fine without either sense- you can identify the imprints in space and time from every physical thing around you. You practically echolocate. Its a mystifying ability that the chaos heart gifted to you upon your transformation. The biggest problem, however, cannot be avoided.
You keel over slightly as you feel bile rise in your throat. You swallow it back down, irritated. Its like your body can tell when you’re doing these awful deeds and rejects them outright. The blindfold and earplugs do a decent job of keeping you calm and collected, but as soon as you can feel those sprites in your mouth, its a nightmare. You’d be fine with cutting up a sprite if it meant avoiding this, but unfortunately dead star sprites return to stardust immediately. A shame.
You clasp your hand over your mouth as you gag again. This kind of behavior really doesn’t suit a sophisticated individual such as yourself.
For the most part, you’ve been gathering sustenance for the chaos heart by other means- mainly normal power stars. They aren’t exactly appetizing, though…they taste metallic, and don’t sit well in your stomach. Pretty hard to discretely nab, too. Another alternative is ghosts and other spirits, but you think if you swallow one more boo this month, the king of them is going to come banging down your door to kill you.
Just a hunch, but a chance you arent eager to take.
You take slow breaths to try to calm your nerves. It seems impossible to keep your pulse steady lately.
Your breath hitches in surprise as you catch wind of a familiar voice- one so loud you can hear it through your earplugs. You remove the plugs and pull away the blindfold that covered the eyeholes of your mask.
You cant call out to the man yelling for you- your throat is in shambles. But you can knock a few times on a nearby tree to alert him.
O'Chunks comes through the brush and you give him a slight, unamused wave. He seems a little bothered, but still smiles lightly.
“Yae gotta stop wand'rin off like that, lad. Yer awf'ly far from tae gard'n. Thought yae were jus’ goin’ fer a short walk? Had me worried.”
He offers you a hand, and you place yours in his. It kind of shocks you how gently he carries your palm.
Hes never done this kind of thing before- checking in on your well being, that is.
You were pretty worried at first that your old menagerie of ‘friends’ were going to pummel you the second they saw you. You know, the backstabber? The traitor? The fool? …They’ve all been surprisingly mild-mannered. You’ve been completely unable to speak from the damage done to your throat, but you’ve conveyed a few ideas via writing- most importantly the concept of redirecting the chaos heart’s violence. You havent attempted an apology just yet.
Nastasia has been the most help thus far, navigating where power stars may be located to sate the chaos heart’s monstrous appetite. You really do owe her for that, especially since you tried to kill her so recently.
Mimi has been keeping a constant eye on you, practically babysitting you at any given time, keeping you captive in a small home she 'borrowed’ from some unlucky fellow. Normally you’d find annoyance in this, but for some reason, seeing her face brings you a distant feeling of comfort.
O'chunks sometimes arrives to carry you to and fro, as well as help you nab said power stars from any individual who may be guarding them… you haven’t told him about the star sprites yet. Despite his appearance, hes a surprisingly kind-hearted soul. He may not support your nighttime attacks.
Everyone is so… kind. You don’t know if a mass case of amnesia swept over everyone, but they’re all patient towards you. They werent even like this in their earliest years of working with Bleck. This sincerity, it feels…nice.
Your heart is warm.
You don’t know why they keep calling you 'Ell’. Maybe that was a side effect of the amnesia. Its not like you can correct them just yet anyway.
You walk while holding O'Chunks’ hand. You feel horrible. You don’t know whats wrong with you, but every so often some kind of force drives you to go outside- to find innocent and tiny creatures of power- and to just-
You grab onto O'chunks’ arm suddenly and shudder. He pauses, looking you up and down with a worried expression. He bends down on one knee, and with a startlingly soft voice asks you if you need 'tae sit down.’
You shake your head no. You dont want to be a bother. Youve already done enough harm by sleepwalking(?) out here again.
You’ve been trying not to blame yourself for these things- its got to be the chaos heart manipulating you, or something. You don’t know what else it could be. The only bright side to these incidents is that after they’re over, your stomach doesn’t hurt at all- it just feels cold.
O'Chunks seems slightly bothered with the silence, and after long enough decides to speak up.
“Er…yae know, Nastasia wan’s tae speak abou’ somethin’ with yae.”
You look up at him, trying not to come off as *completely* miserable.
Apparently hes not buying it.
“We’ve.... been hidin’ stuff from yae, don’ wanna put yae into a bad place.”
You give him a questioning look through your mask. You’ve BEEN in a bad place for two weeks now. Ever since you came to your senses in that broken castle, ever since Dimentio.... used you.
“…We jus’ think yae should know. I cann’ do it alone.”
He squeezes your hand very lightly.
“…jus’ hope it doesn’ put yae in as bad of a state as yae were in tha’ cas'le.”
…you feel unsettled that whatever information he could offer to you would be that bad.
Youre having a panic attack. Its not even yours.
Your conference with Nastasia went…pretty poorly, to say the least.
She broke the news with her usual, unsympathetic way of speaking. The grand finale, the spell you had used in your final battle with mario, wasnt fading. Your form and Luigi's were still one, fused with your own dark magic and the chaos heart's unbridled power.
Your unwilling hand grabs tightly onto O'Chunk’s shirt as a part of you makes haste to form words you don’t even want to say.
"Gh- get..."
You cough. Its painful. You can taste the blood from wounds in your throat
“Get him- o-out-”
Your heart is going a million miles an hour. You feel like you’re damn well about to have a stroke. Why is this buffoon speaking, of all things?
Nastasia adjusts her glasses.
“We cant. If you let me finish my sentence-”
You go into a sudden coughing fit, painting the inside of your mask with red. You should not be talking by any means, yet your mouth still moves, unwisely.
Mimi quickly scampers over to you, putting a hand on your leg in sympathy before whipping her head at a sharp 90° angle to scowl at Nastasia.
“I knew they needed more time! But you didn’t listen, Nass!”
You fall to your knees, breathing heavily. Your mask slips off. You move your hand to pick it up, but a an agonizing scream escapes you before your fingers can wrap around it.
The pain in your throat is horrible. Your vision is getting hazy from how disoriented you are. You’re losing focus.
You had suspected this. You didn’t need Nastasia to tell you. Apparently Luigi did, though. The man is as dense as a plank of wood that was raised by a family of hillbilly rocks. Its blatantly obvious in hindsight- moving against your own volition, Luigi missing, people being strangely nice to you… you kind of put the pieces together, thought 'well I’ve had worse done to me, and this may not even be true’ and put that thought on the back-burner to cope with later.
You put a lot of thoughts on the back-burner to cope with later. The metaphorical back-burner is pretty cluttered. Some thought-pots and concept-pans look like they might fall over at any second, but you keep that copper-ware well balanced in a precarious Jenga tower of undealt with emotions. Surely this is perfectly healthy and nothing bad could come of it.
Where were you? ....oh yes, you were about to faint.
You grab your chest and keel so your forehead is touching the floor. Your vision is fading to black from how quickly you are breathing.
You close your eyes as you take a slow breath in-
-and a deep exhale out.
You remain in a little panic-ball as you practice breathing. You’re shaking terribly against your will.
Ugh. This is humiliating.
You simply dont cry. Luigi has you right on the precipice of the action and needless to say you are not a fan of the development.
A large hand strokes your back. O'Chunks.
“…I'tl be ok, lad. We won’ let anythin’ happen to yae.”
Words for Luigi.
Well. That explains the kindness they were showing you before.
You were finding a bit of joy in it, admittedly. It felt like you were all a crew again.
That sympathy was only for Luigi, then.
Well. That’ll go on the back-burner too.
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Eyy its back and about time too! Its that classic dimentio × Luigi or Luigi × Mimi bait its super unclear which ship this fic is for! Jokes on you: its for ME I wrote this for FUN
Title: The Alliance
Characters: Luigi, Dimentio, Mimi, Super Dimentio (technically)
Chapters: 1 (more to come)
Summary: Super dimentio wakes up after the final battle not dead and not NOT Super Dimentio
Something enters your space. A light tip-tap as it skitters across the floor is what first alerted you of its presence, but now even if it held still you’d know exactly where it was. You can smell the magic it emits, and even more damning, feel its presence within space and time. The divot it makes in the fabric of space, the border of its flesh- you could identify its location if it was pitch black and you were deaf. 
PL■■ER S■■■■■: PL■■■■ ???
Easy meal.
You lunge at it, moving at not even half your top speed, and easily snap it up between your jaws without a second thought. You chew- and feel an odd nagging in the back of your skull. You slow… It feels like you should be focusing on something.
Well, the taste certainly isn’t nice. Sharp and bitter, coppery and cold. The texture is worse, the thing is cutting up your mouth something fierce. Its making quite a racket in there, and you feel like the noise its making is….important. Its not just any random series of sounds, its… a voice? Its speaking a language… the tone is very harsh, very mean… it makes your eyebrows furrow. You know this voice… its demanding somethi
You come to your senses and immediately hack up the creature that had been in your mouth. It tumbles a few times before steadying itself on extended, spiderlike appendages. It seems disoriented, then furious, then disgusted. 
Something seems comical about this tiny green creature disciplining you. Shes less than even a third of your size. You search your mind for a name. She’s… she’s….
“Do you even recognize me? Its me, Mimi! Hello???" 
Your head lifts quickly. That’s the name! She seems pleased you’re showing recognition, a smile finding its way on her lips.
Talk about a mood swing...unless she wasnt that mad at all?
"Can I finally get a decent welcome now? I’ve been worried.”
Her face has been washed over with a new expression- relief. You’re unsure why. She approaches you, boldly, and places a hand against yours. Its shockingly tiny on your ring finger.
"…You’re still alive in there, right, L?“
That name just about sent a shockwave through you. L- your villain name- your whole villain identity for that matter, comes flooding back to you. Bleck's crew, the brainwashing, your machines, your fights with your brother-
You back away quickly, only to begin stumbling over your long, flexible limbs. You don’t know if you’re fleeing from Mimi or the nonexistent embodiment of the information itself, but you crash into a heap in your distress.
 "Wh- hey! I’m not even trying to scare you guys!”
Something deeply disturbs you about how she addresses you in a plural sense. You still feel like your sentience is escaping you, like you’re moments away from returning to the mental state of a wild animal.
You try hard to focus. You forgot you even had an identity. You had just been prowling around in the ruins of Castle Bleck for some time now, like a predator. Remembering your own name was a slap to the face, scaring the last animalistic tendencies right out of you. You scour your mind for context…you try to remember… 
The chaos heart was inside you- more specifically in your chest. You could hazily see your brother hopping from platform to platform, trying to counter you, trying to win…but also trying not to hurt you.
He couldnt choose both.
You remember looming over him. He went too easy on you. You had the upper hand. Your foot was raised to crush him.
And then you remember absolutely losing your mind.
The heart in your chest was subject to a sudden onslaught of emotional and magical violence that burst forth from you all at once. You remember forcing the chaos heart out of your chest and deep into the pit of your stomach, like most of your unpleasant emotions.
Down into your core, away from light, away from control, buried underneath the rest of your guilt and sadness you keep locked up inside.
And then you fainted.
Your name is Luigi.
You tentatively stand up. You can feel the chaos heart still deep inside your gut, though it feels different. Wounded almost…. changing? Its pulsing inside you, shifting. Its uncomfortable, to say the least. Bitterly cold.
"Hey, L, its ok."
Mimi gives your finger a slight squeeze, bringing you back to reality. You feel a little more at ease.
 "The others are alright, y’know. Nastasia is kinda rough around the edges, but things have been ok!"
She offers you a semi-forced smile. You feel selfish for not worrying about the others- your main concern right now was yourself. 
"Um, that Mario guy has been just fine too. He was really upset about…all this. But hes healing really well!”
She must’ve seen you tense up in fear, because she pursed her lips and patted your hand a few more times. 
“Uh, lets talk about other stuff, yea? Like....oh! Nass says that you should have the power to change!" 
You tilt your head.
"Like, y’know. Change outta this…gross ugly body. Using your magic or whatever.”
She gestures to you as a whole, which is only slightly insulting.
Does she really expect you to use magic? You’re not exactly an adept magic user, and you’re scared of trying to channel the chaos heart’s magic for any reason…
But apparently its not your choice, as someone else begins using it for you.
As soon as you catch wind that it is an option, you begin to shift out of this bulky, uncomfortable form. Your height shrinks, limbs grow shorter, and your neck becomes a reasonable length as you manipulate the heart resting inside you. The thing is in shambles from its harassment earlier- presumably yours. You didn’t think your manipulation was going to break the damn thing, but now for some reason its dysfunctional.
As you weave the magic to your will, your body changes to a form more tolerable. Less powerful, certainly, but with the adrenaline from the battle wearing off, it turns out this kind of body is VERY painful to simply live in. You think comfort simply existing is worth having your hight reduced a little.
You finally are able to stand on two feet without assistance of your arms like some kind of ape, and casually float a few inches off the ground. You examine your body, much to an ignored Mimi’s annoyance. You don’t really want to talk to her. Your head is killing you, and taking the time to contemplate and form dialogue would only make the pain spike. You instead examine your body as Mimi taps her foot impatiently.
Your poncho which once fit your bigger form decently now drapes over you like a dress. You have scars all over your exposed legs and arms.
Well, those have always been there, even before the chaos heart.
Gloved hands, a fancy little ruffle around your neck… with your tattered clothes and ruffled hair, you look like quite the train wreck. You absentmindedly tap your cheek as you surmise the situation before realizing in horror that it is completely exposed, along with the rest of your face.
You scan the ground in a panic before finding your prize- your mask- and slide it on. You breathe a sigh of relief. It still fits perfectly. You feel a sense of comfort with it at home on your face. Finally, you cast a glance over at Mimi, who looks wholly irritated by you taking your sweet time.
"Is that Dimmy now?"
 You scoffed lightly, attempted to come up with a retort, but were unsuccessful in forming a single sentence. Your throat feels horribly damaged for some reason. Possibly magic burns. You only manage a pitiful sounding "Ngh" before the pain causes you to fall to one knee, and Mimi quickly skitters over, despite her previous expression of distaste.
Having a human-like body again fills you with so much relief it nearly blocks out the intense horror you felt when your arm moved against your own will to pick up Dimentio’s mask and place it over your face. The material was cold and uninviting, and shivers ran down your spine when it remained on your face despite there being no strap to speak of. You tried to gather your courage and stand back up, but just wobbled and collapsed on the ground. This is….ok, too, you guess. Mimi stared at you concerned.
 "I’m gonna get Chunky to carry you outta here, ok? Its super cold and I dunno if its good for you in here. Its gonna be ok." 
Mimi gave you a pat on your side, and as quickly as she came, the spiderling skittered off into the darkened ruins of Castle Bleck. 
You remained on the ground, waiting. Mostly alone. Making horrifying discoveries by accident. You had ran your tongue along your teeth only to realize they were razor sharp. You could bite your own tongue off if you wanted to. You tried to rub your eyes, only to feel that they were empty sockets, devoid of your once charming blue eyes. You have no idea how you’re still able to see, even if your vision is rather poor. You decide to stop moving completely, before you make another nightmarish discovery, like your ears being inside out or your hands being on backwards or something. 
The worst part about being left alone is having to endure the activity inside your stomach with absolutely nothing to distract you. The chaos heart was like some kind of animal, chewing away at you and leaving you feel horribly drained. You hugged your stomach, as if that would help
 You need…a compromise. Something else to occupy the chaos heart aside from your flesh. A power source maybe. If it had something else to gnaw on, it would likely be more easy to deal with. You moved your arms out of the vise-like grip they had over your stomach, and turned to lay flat on your back. You moved your hands under the fabric of your oversized poncho, letting them rest over your stomach. You noticed with a bit of distaste that it wasn’t as flat as before. Are chaos hearts fattening? Are they bad for you?? You ponder this for awhile as magic gently trickles through your fingers and into the flesh of your midsection. A mild pain relief spell, nothing too advanced, but enough to let you catch your breath. You breathe slowly, trying to ease away the panic that is flooding your nerves. Deep breath in, slow exhale out. You rest your eyes as you attempt to meditate, and for some reason you aren’t calmed in the slightest. This isn’t like you. Why is your heart racing like that? You don’t really know why Mimi is being so docile right now- you don’t really understand half of what she said. Why was she telling you about Mario of all people?? Do you look like you care? And another thing- clearly you must’ve lost the fight…so why are you still breathing? 
And where did that green fool wander off to in all of this?
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This blog
Hey followers! Remember the
You know, that thing with
Dimentio and Luigi and Mimi and all the bitches?
Well its coming
And its returning in HD glory, with preferably
An ending this time
The fic, all its updates, and all its
Cringe, DLC content
Will be on a new blog, along with all of the rest of my writing. So if you like
Cringe-ass nae nae mario moments
Come by my blog, eh?
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Due to my insatiable hunger for Fawful content we are now writing fic for him and his hopefully speedy recovery from being the dumbest bean alive.
Title: Beans and how to soothe them
Characters: Fawful, Popple, Bowser (for like 3 frames)
Chapters: intro and chapter 1 (more to come)
Summary: Fawful's final moments in a great battle, Popple has an asthma attack in the woods
The dark power, as it turns out, is not feeling as wonderful composing his body as it did coursing through it.
Fawful is finding breathing very difficult right now.
In simple terms, Fawful's body is on fire!
The world around him glows and pulsates, many colors swirling and changing as two little pests red and green smash into him with hammers that hurt so much worse than the last time he faced their brunt end.
The floor breathes. His legs are shaking. The air is so hot. His glasses are shattered and broken, and his legs are following their lead in this play of pain and fracturing. He may be having the panic attack, but he will choke that down to continue his fight!
And yet
He is having the dish of victory torn away from him, and loss served on a dirty platter rusted with sadness- he can feel the power of the dark star connected to his being finally shudder and die. It feels like his heart is gone. His body has never felt such chill.
Everything is moving with such swiftness- he...lost? The dark star, it is gone? Just like that? After he put in so much work, after he slaved away for so many of the hours?
Fawful needs revenge.
Fawful gathers the last of his strength for one final attack. An explosion of goodbye and suffering! To finally kill the foul fink-rats who have been a pain for so long! To finally- avenge her! Cack--
Fawful detonated into an abysmal swirl of black energy, instantly wracking Bowser's body with pain as the once-beanish, now undefined, wrecked havok in the king's body. In one quick motion, Bowser coughed up the dark poison in his body- along with all of his other unexpected visitors.
The swirl of darkness ascended high above the castle, abandoning the scene of man-meets-koopa, and instead being swept out by the southern wind.
What a pleasant breeze.
Today is not Popple's day.
That bein' said, most days aint. First off, hes been havin a less than ideal time pullin' in a haul. Money is scarce. This 'smiling crisis' over to the east and the blorbs pandemic to the west make gettin money of any sort- legitimate or stolen- a real hassle. Everyone's just hidin' indoors n' sick, or theyve got swirly-eyed glasses and an intent to kill. Either way, Popple doesnt want a thing to do with any of em.
Hes been scraping by- with everyone shut in or downright nutty, not many palookas can stop him from stealin' in broad daylight, which brings us to today's haul: a car battery.
A pretty nice one too- one of those fancy new-age batteries for them carts that go upside-down and whatnot. It glows a faint rainbow hue with the unknowable power contained within... eh its probably actually pretty knowable and anyone with a hooniversity degree in star power engineering could understand it, but to a thief with a two-bit education? Magic, baby. Might as well be a miracle of technology. So why is this haul so troubling? Well as it turns out, this loot is surprisingly heavy. If Popple were a wimp he mighta even called it agonizingly heavy, but its fine, the intense pain in his spine means hes gettin a real workout and NOT that hes making his scoliosis ten times worse.
And heres the cherry on top of this pain of a situation- hes haulin this junk through Dimble Wood. Dimble freakin Wood.
Popple's sleeves were rolled up to his shoulders. Sure he loved his shadow thief getup (it was really the only clothes he owned) but boy oh boy if he wouldnt KILL for somethin just a little more airy. The woods are humid with the unwinding heat of the evening sun, drawing out Dimble Wood bugs that found comfortable perches on Popple's ankles, making the walk all the more unbearable.
At least the wind wasnt howling like it was earlier. A sudden hurricane with freaky purple winds was ripping through the mushroom kingdom earlier in the day, and as suddenly as it had appeared, it dispersed. Popple aint complaining that its gone though- it was just....weird. Plus, though he loathes to admit it- pretty scary. It felt like the wind wasnt just howling through the branches, but *screaming* with hatred at every living thing around him. The pure evil coming off of that storm had shook Popple to his core. He honestly needed an hour or two after the whole thing to regain his composure. Hes only managed to keep on movin by convincing himself he had some kinda heatstroke vision. Those are real, yea?
....ugh. hes really gotta focus. If he wants to not be out here after dark, hes really gotta step up the...pace...?
Popple glanced up, a familiar, dark wind rushing through the branches of the woods. The screaming sound of that wind- it makes his chlorophyll run cold with a terror thats almost instinctual.
It was not a heatstroke vision. It definitely was not.
Popple set the battery down, his spine practically yowling a silent thank-you to the stars above, as the shadow thief quickly glanced around, trying to locate the source of the uncanny storm.
The odd thing was, there *wasnt* a storm this time. No overwhelming, disasterous hurricane, just one, solitary gust of-
As if the gust of visibly purple air had some sort of personal vendetta against the bean, it took a sudden turn (can wind even DO that?!) and blew across Popple- and rather suddenly into his lungs.
A bitter taste covered Popple's tongue as his lungs immediately burn with a discomfort unlike anything hes felt in his (admittedly short) life. Instantly, unwillingly, Popple started coughing, and in the process inhaled *more* of the foul air now hanging around him, as if *waiting* to be inhaled by the man wheezing on the forest floor.
Its a painful affair- Popple is sure he can taste chloraphyll in the back of his throat. With tears in the corners of his eyes by the time the pain in his chest finally feels somewhat tolerable, he lets out a last shuddering wheeze. He doesnt know when he fell to his knees during that, but he eases himself into a sitting position instead, trying to catch his breath.
The purple breeze is gone now, only a faint, dark mist hanging in the air around Popple- which he unwittingly breathes in, to his immediate regret. At the very least, it doesnt hurt him- his chest just feels....real bad.
He should get home.
In an unfamiliar place, Fawful tries his hardest to cling onto life. He tries to breathe in time with the breathing around him, as ragged as it may be. A heartbeat that isnt Fawful's own begins lulling him into a quiet, dreamless sleep, as scared as he is that if he shuts his eyes, he'll never open them again.
This is what happens when you stay out late, see?
Though, what does he have to be losing if he doesnt open them? After such waiting, he can finally be by her side again. He can finally...say sorry to her.
For letting her down yet again.
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*Grips the table* im turning AaUUUGHHH *becomes cringe*
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