wckedmoons · 8 months
The rain had long since stopped bothering Noah. Sure it wasn't the best environment to be in but when you had manipulation of the elements on your side, well he learnt to deal with it pretty quickly and despite how much Ryoko would complain at him, he had always found that riding when there was rain in the sky with him? He couldn't ever really be mad at it.
"You scared to get your hair wet Isolde?" Noah found himself taunting though he was very aware that it wasn't the smartest idea to wind her up. "By chance from the sky? Honestly I'd say it's pretty slim I'd just watch out for any powerful riders in a bad mood, you're more likely to get got my one of them."
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Who: @wckedmoons (noah)​
When: 15th, October
Where: near the exit of the administration building
Isolde marches through the administration building, vexation marring her features. She had woken up this morning with optimism, eager to embrace the day outdoors. but the heavens opened right up as she stepped outside, quashing her plans with heavy rain fall. Now confined within the cold walls, her sour mood festers. A crack of lightning splits the gloom outside. Isolde sighs. Of course.
"Of course it had to rain today of all days," Isolde complains as she sees Noah coming towards her. With an exasperated gesture at the inclement weather outside, she vents her frustration. "What are the odds of actually getting struck by lightning?" The query is rhetorical, mere steam-blowing. Isolde requires no response, only a listening ear to her vexed ramblings.
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wckedmoons · 8 months
The smile on the face in front of him did nothing to deter the anger that flared in the male. He was a patient man, more patient than most of the other instructors in the riders quadrant he was sure of it, but he held the same level of forgiveness for people that clearly didn't belong in this college in the first place, let alone on the back of a dragon.
"Come again?" He was quick to fire off, brow raised at the either brave or stupid student before him. "Look around for me cadet, and do it slowly, I want you to pick out one thing from your surrounding that would indicate to you that any of this is a joke or a game. I'll give you ten seconds….." And if he prayed to the gods he liked her answer.
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"WOAH, WOAH, HEY!" Fin throws her hands up in mock surrender, palms empty. She backpedals a few steps - unfortunately, unable to muster a proper look of worry, though, instead sporting a smile that could be easily read as somewhere between cocky and a grimace.
"I'm sorry, 's an accident, I swear! No need to get so heated about it." A beat passes. Her eyes grow wide and she looks away, breathing out a curse under her breath. Why the fuck did she just say that?!
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wckedmoons · 8 months
There was never a moment that Miray wouldn't hang on the word of Hazal. From the day she had stepped through the door she had been in awe of her, of everything that she seemed capable of, the way she held herself. For the longest time before she had joined Basgaith, and even in those first few months had been so sure that she wouldn't ever amount to much. That she would always be weak but Hazal had been a mentor and an instructor and disproven just about any theory Miray had for herself since she had known her.
"Okay yes, that makes perfect sense." The young healer nodded as she moved to scribble down the steps that she had watched into the small note pad that she had carried. In the moment it might just mean she didn't forget an essential part and it was easy access for studying later. "Honestly I love them, but they're also insane, I didn't think there could be any more knowledge that I needed to cram into my head but apparently I was dead wrong."
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closed starter @wckedmoons
Standing over the marble counter of her lab, she ground herbs with a mortar and pestle. The sweet, earthy scent filled the air. Also she would never openly admit to having a favorite student, Hazal found herself increasingly impressed by Miray. The young woman was perceptive, intelligent, and carried a soft-spoken grace that commanded respect without demanding it. In many ways, the student was a mirror to her younger self.
Finally, she finished grinding the herbs to the perfect consistency and looked up, offering the younger woman a smile. "This salve will help you heal faster. I've tried it myself, it works wonders," she said, pouring the crushed herbs into a small jar of oil and giving it a final stir. Deciding to shift the conversation, she washed her hands and turned back to Miray. "So, are you enjoying your classes this year?" 
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wckedmoons · 8 months
her expression softened as she realised it was her wing leader that had joined her. where others shoulders would surely tense at his arrival, while aliana still respected the wrath that she knew he was capable of when pushed, her reactive nature to fear him had lessened through knowing him, or at least parts. there were times, that aliana herself wasn't sure that she knew naoise well all. the silence in which he moved impressive, especially to her, the reservation his held on his face. much like the uniqueness of each dragons he was something entirely of his own making, but that wasn't for her to question, he was her wing leader and more importantly she was his friend so when they found each other, in moments of quiet like this she never pushed for more than he gave. "that may be one of the only lies i will ever call you out on nao." the blonde threw a smirk at him before she she turned her gaze back to the skies even though the dragon had long gone. "sadley i think they already have, zaliki is making me wait out his finishing his breakfast, apparently my head was to loud for him this morning so now i must let him eat in peace." something you're failing to do - her red dragon offered in her head causing her to roll her eyes for no one but herself really. "you flying this morning?"
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naoise had been tossing and turning for the last four hours— nerves thrumming so deeply that no amount of meditation could keep him still. the first few days of a new year at basgiath always made him feel like this yet the rider wasn't able to adjust. instead, naoise was dressed in their black uniform and out the door before the sun could shine upon the southern court yard. seeing how quiet the hallways leading up to the outdoor space were, he expected to see no one but aliana was a surprise he'd accept. nimble steps then carried him to where she was, eyes lifting to catch a glimpse of the dragon who passed overhead before it disappeared into the morning light. "it's because of how different each one is," regardless of color or tail, no two dragons were the same, making them a creature that both marvels and scares its rider. "others? i suppose, leysa? no, i tire of her fairly quickly," he said, voice devoid of any emotion but a flicker of amusement could be seen in his eyes as he looked to aliana. naoise was lucky his dragon still slept or his thoughts would've already been bombarded by the blue— who was always ready to banter with him. "here is to hoping that they don't one day tire of us,"
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wckedmoons · 8 months
with the chaos of all the new changes she had barely had time to get excited about those that she would get to see again. people that would seem a whole lot less terrifying now that she had made it to her second year and people that would likely see her in a higher regard, people she herself would watch change in rank. the currently upgraded rider in front of her was no surprise. he wore his ambition like a weapon and people were right to be scared of him, miray herself wouldn't want to get on the bad side of him and some days when he nodded at her in passing with a slight curl of his lips she may even dare to guess that he liked her. "we're just really intune to the people around us." she had quickly learnt that was an essential skill during her first year. it was all well and good being able to help with the obvious, but you needed and eye that was going to pick up on things that the injured either couldn't or worse, wouldn't tell you about themselves. "you have yourself a smart dragon, i can get that done for you, any special requests or just the usual? i have some new thread in that i'm sure leysa would be a fan of."
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a new year meant new uniforms and naoise wasn't going to be without the blue stitching that payed tribute to his dragon. he didn't bother with customizing his uniform during his first year as staying alive in the uniform was more important. yet now, the small changes made him feel at home in the onyx material and he'd be sad to see the day it was permanently replaced by riding leathers. upon entry into the infirmary, naoise promptly asked about miray's whereabouts, only to be directed to a vacant bed. he took a spot against it, grimacing slightly at the tools set out on a metal tray before a voice shifted his attention elsewhere. "no, not yet," he replied, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards for a moment before stillness took over his expression once more. "are healers also telepathic?" naoise asked, more to himself than miray when he revealed a folded tunic, nearly a twin to the one he wore today from under an arm. "i was in need of a new uniform but leysa said i can't wear it until i saw you,"
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wckedmoons · 8 months
He was still marvelled at the way his dragon let her touch him. Ryoko didn't even let other riders near him, he was mean and he liked to keep to himself so despite all the taunts he made, it really was a marvel to him to watch Ryoko with someone else. He couldn't count the number of people that the dragon had deemed 'unworthy' to be around him and that he had simply flown off for it Noah chose to interact with them. "The way he loves you is a wonder I'll never get over." He offered Hazal, eyes rolling at his dragons snarky remarks.
As you shouldn't -- I'll be over here, whilst you're being, subtle.
Noah was fairly sure, no in fact he was certain that even a blind man would be able to see just how beautiful Hazal was. How she hadn't been married off and taken off of the market long ago he had no idea but he also knew there wasn't a single part of him that was going to complain about that, it allowed him moments like this, to flirt with her and pretend that he could offer her more one day if she asked it off him. "A rider is always quick to notice just how well someone else would make a rider." He shrugged as if his observation was nothing "But would you be mad, if I was staring, if it was only your thighs I tended to take note of?"
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Her hand glided along Ryoko's scales as she affectionately pet the dragon who nuzzled against her touch. Even as a child, she always felt drawn to animals—filling her already crowded family home with strays and wounded creatures. She understood them in a way she never quite could with people. To most, Ryoko appeared a frightening beast, but she knew all he needed was love and respect.
"There now, it's good to see you too, my friend," she murmured, giving the dragon one final pat before turning to Noah. "Trust me, if I could I would bond with him, I would take him off your hand. And how would you know my thighs aren't made for riding? Have you been staring at them?" Her lips twitched, eyes dancing with mirth as she teased her friend. Her gaze softened as she peered back at Ryoko—her heart swelling with admiration. "He would never let me fall, isn't that right?" The dragon rumbled his assent and Hazal smiled. "No, you're far too noble for that." Then she turned back to Noah, her expression sharpening. "But seriously, do you make it a habit to ogle at women's legs? Or am I just special?" 
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wckedmoons · 8 months
She could only imagine what it was like to be a first year again, whilst part of her felt like she had been through the whole thing just yesterday it also felt like her own crossing over the parapet had been more than just two years ago. It felt like she'd aged an entire lifetime since then.
"I mean I prefer the north court that's just for the riders, there's more tempers running around but at least you always know what you're in for." Aliana shrugged, she just liked to hang out with her own people. "Other than that, I'm just not sure you're worth the cool spots yet cadet."
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SHE NODS, FILING away these names as "notable people to watch out for". She lets out a bark of laugher, all crooked smile and eyes glinting with challenge; maybe this will be fun.
Fin looked around, as if suddenly realizing where she is. "Uh, I'm not really looking for anywhere in particular. Just wanderin' around. Where're the cool spots to hang out in this joint?"
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wckedmoons · 8 months
There was nothing like the feeling of being with your dragon. For her it wasn't even about the flying, sure that part was beyond anything she had ever felt but that bond? She knew that Zaliki was with her whether he was by her side or not and there was nothing that she wouldn't give to keep hold of that. Something she knew was shared amongst most of the riders that had been lucky enough to be picked by a dragon and those still willing for it to happen.
"You sure got a beautiful one." She nodded at her fellow section leader, a smile forming on her face that of course he was out here and she was tempted to look over his shoulder waiting for Nao to arrive with him given the fact the three of them usually ended up together. "Nah, got that new section leader buzz going, I was going to call Zaliki and head out but apparently he's not finished his breakfast yet so I was just passing time down here."
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In the pre-dawn light, Zeph finds himself staring at the ceiling of his dormitory, thoughts racing faster than a dragon in full flight. Sleep is as elusive as a shadow in the night. He sighs and slips out of bed, heading towards the stables. Xena, his dragon, greets him with a low, rumbling snort as if chiding him for his insomnia. With practised ease, he climbs onto her back and takes to the skies.
Flying is relaxing, soothing his restless mind. He and Xena make a circuit over Basgaith, the wind cool against his skin, the world below waking up. When he eventually lands, he sees Ali, her words drifts to him. A smile spreads across his face. "I'm with you on that riding makes mornings like this worthwhile, especially when Xena's involved." His brow furrows slightly, curiosity tinging his question. "What are you doing up so early? Couldn't sleep either?"
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wckedmoons · 8 months
"I do, they look like they're itching to just say something to the wrong person, the meekness is coming through because you can tell they have nothing to back up the smart mouth they think they need to have." She had seen it time and time again in her years here now. People thought they could craft a reputation for themselves, thought they could get by on what they could make people think about them and Aliana had seen it done to great success, she had also seen it cost several people their lives. "Probably no though, we're already strong as hell they gods surely can't continue to be that nice to us."
Following her wing mates gaze she nodded as she took in the male that looked like he could hold his own, gaze flicking to the two girls that were then pointed out. "Solid picks, but I like the look of him, he looks like he's got something to prove and he'll do what he needs to." She pointed to the red haired male she had watched cross the parapet with surprising ease and speed, the other cadets had also noticed she was sure. "I wonder how many the dragons will rid us off before we've even really gotten chance with them."
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Her gaze swept back to the brunette she'd indicated, then pivoted to meet her friend's eyes—her own clouding with wonder. "You really think so?" She inclined her head. "They seem meek to me." In truth, she knew nothing of the newcomers' temperaments—for all she knew, they had a crazy person on their hands… Strolling with Aliana, she folded her arms before her as the autumn chill made goosebumps rise on her skin. Despite it, this was still her favorite time of the year. With a shrug, she said, "I've an eye on one." She tipped her chin toward a leggy recruit, standing solitary. "There’s a few potentials. But would Fate grant our wing such fortune?"
She nudged Ali to look at the blonde walking in their direction. "That one looks steady." She indicated a stocky guy with stubbornness written on his jaw. "And I like the look of those two." She pointed out a pair of lean, dark-haired girls standing close together, clearly already friends. She shook her head, her brown braid swinging behind her. "It's hard to tell this early. Some will toughen up, some will crack. We'll just have to wait and see who survives the first trial tomorrow." 
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wckedmoons · 8 months
Another year in the courtyards and another year of chaos. His eyes had been flicking back and forth all morning the day before, making sure to keep an eye on cadets that looked like they were about to murder each other before they had even made it across the parapet and then the ones that had made it into the quadrant themselves. His dragon had long since disappeared and told him that he would be back to make his dramatic entrance when he needed too.
What a show off he was.
Still, Noah was in a rather pleasant mood as he awoke to the quiet of day two, because despite all the chaos he was safely at the point of the year where he didn't have to worry about some first years signet manifesting in the middle of a lesson and the second and third years all had some sort of, handle on their own signets. Apparently though, people still had the ability to surprise him and the thump at his back had flames flickering at his finger tips as he spun in place only to find a cadet in front of him, fire immediately receding from where it had been ready to launch. "Sorry of not, I recommend a higher degree of care if you intend on not pissing off the wrong person."
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open starter for empyreanfm !!
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FINLEY BITES BACK the chill of the morning mountain air, hands shoved as deep into her pockets as the seams of her coat would allow. It's a crisp Saturday morning, and she has the day to kill; she's been wandering about campus, working the nervousness out of her bones and getting the lay of the land. For the most part, this looks like her openly gawking at the impressive gothic architecture.
Despite the life in these halls and the groups of established upperclassmen reuniting after their time apart, her footsteps echo between the stone ramparts between the thick stretches of silence haunting the dormant school. As eager and exciting this unfamiliar territory may be, she's been keeping herself occupied for the past few minutes by kicking a stray rock across the courtyard.
The pebble clacks against the floor noisily, and Fin drifts towards it, hefting her right leg back for another swing. She doesn't deliberately change its arc or anything, but for whatever reason luck has decided that her game should take a more dangerous turn. Instead of skipping across the ground, the pebble takes air as if with practiced ease, cutting through the cold morning air and - to Fin's mortification - rebounds off of the back of some stranger with a dull thud.
A tense silence follows before Fin's voice cuts through the once-calm courtyard: "Ah, shit - fuck. Sorry. Didn't... mean to. Do that."
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wckedmoons · 8 months
She loved him, she really did, but god he could be so stupid at times. "You ran out on here? Late for what that girl knows your schedule better than you do she probably thinks you've lost it." Rhani had spent so much time with the small family unit she knew just how much Ceyda could call her father out on things and how much she would know that she had shaken her dad with her innocent question. "No I don't think so, she's a little genius it's your fault for having a child that's so smart."
Honestly Rhani was just amused at how much this was stressing her friend out, of all of the things that they dealt with every single day and all the stresses of a new year at school and yet it was a conversation about the birds and the bees that seemed to be besting the man. "Why don't you try and ask her what she already knows, I mean someone somewhere has clearly given her ideas to even ask the question in the first place and you can work from there, no point going on about birds and bees if she already knows too much." Ceyda would call them out on it way to quickly if they even tried. "If it helps I can be there and when I see that you're panicking you can just tap me into the conversation?
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From the moment they met, Zahid felt a connection with Rhani. While he was friendly with most at Basgaith, she became the sister he never had. Honestly, without her advice and support over the years, he didn't know how he would have managed raising Ceyda alone after her mother passed. The girl's quick mind and constant questions often left him scrambling, but Rhani always seemed to know just what to say.
He  rolled his eyes goodnaturedly at her teasing. "Of course not," he mumbled. "I told Ceyda I was running late and ran out of there." Running away from a five year old was not a good look, yet that was what he did. He raised a brow at his friend. "You really think she'll buy that excuse? That kid is 5 going on 40. She's more mature than I am." He exhaled dramatically before he spoke again. "Come on, Rhani, you gotta help me out here. I knew we'd have the 'where do babies come from' talk eventually, but I figured I had a few more years." He should have known his Ceyda was too smart for his own good though. He loved the kid to death, but one day, he swore she was going to give him a heart attack.
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wckedmoons · 8 months
Was her affection for the male not so well worn into her she might have been bothered at the intrusion on her free evening time, when lord knows they would get less and less as the year went on. But Rhani honestly couldn't think of a time where she wouldn't be happy to see the scribe and so he would continue to get a free pass from here. "And you didn't think to check for any of the others?" The quizzing taunt fell from her as she reached for the oil and poured some to begin to warm on her palm.
"You're migraine must really be terrible if this is as far as you could get with it." She would definitely continue to taunt him about this and she would make sure to spill the secret so that Noah and Hazal could join her in her taunting too. For now though she let her fingers begin to roam through the stands of his hair massaging in circles over his scalp. "You're lucky I'm not asking for a foot massage in return, I forgot how many times I had to go back and forth in these first few weeks and I have new boots I stupidly didn't break in first."
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He was fully aware of the absurdity of the situation. He was in a building full of bona fide healers—yet here he was, sneaking into Rhani's room, seeking relief from a migraine that felt like a hammer against an anvil in his skull. Pathetic. She knew nothing about healing. She wasn’t wrong, he could have seen Hazal. And honestly, the healer would likely have him back to normal in a heartbeat. But, despite logic and reason, it wasn't Hazal he found himself wanting to see.
"She wasn't in her room," Dryden shrugged—spouting the lie with an ease that should've been concerning. Of course, he hadn't even checked—he'd beelined straight to Rhani's door—and could only hope she wouldn’t question his flimsy excuse about Hazal being unavailable. Her offer to rub his head with oils nearly cracked his façade. He felt a smile itching to break free—the twitch of at the corner of his mouth that had no business appearing at this moment—so he forced it down. He moved towards her and took a seat, almost feeling the migraine wane at the simple act of being near her. "You're a lifesaver," he murmured, and knowing she wouldn’t be able to see his smile, he finally let it crack.
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wckedmoons · 8 months
When she had first joined Basgaith, there were plenty of things that Miray had been sure she couldn't go but in the last year she had built muscle she never knew a healer would need, she had learnt to thrive in chaos when everyone around her was freaking out. She had figured what you could eat and what would poison you, how to navigate being one of the smallest people in the room.
Heading into her second year she had been so sure that it was her turn to learn to thrive and yet just days in before she had even begun classes or her shift in the infirmary, here she was and her juice was going to beat her. The damn stupid thing who had even tied this thing! The voice pulled her attention for the cap she had been fighting with, eyes flicking to the rider. "I think it might just be bust but sure - you can try."
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Nerina sat on a stone bench in the South Courtyard—her gaze falling on the person wrestling with a stubborn bottle of soda. They twisted and turned, even attempting to use their shirt for better grip, but the cap refused to budge. At first, Nerina was amused—watching the scene unfold like a short, comedic play. But as time dragged on, her amusement faded, replaced by annoyance.
Losing patience, she leaned forward and extended her hand, palm up, gesturing for the bottle. Her eyes were narrowed, her lips a thin line of irritation. "Give it here," she said, her voice edged with annoyance. "At this rate, you're going to break the bottle before you even get a sip."
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wckedmoons · 8 months
closed starter for naoise || @aprvcity
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it had already been an eventful first day at basgaith and she knew that it was going to get crazier. the fainting, the cadets that had already been fighting, the general nausea that seemed to take over when people realised where they were. the infirmary was already teeming as she moved between bays tending to things. she wasn't however, expecting to spot naoise leant against one of the hospital beds. "surely you're not injured already." she mused, eyes doing him a once over because that would be some sort of record, even for him. "no, mr wing leader, no injuries in sight which means you don't want my hands for healing but sewing, what can i do you for?"
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wckedmoons · 8 months
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MADELYN CLINE. ⸺ MTV video music awards / 09.12.2023
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wckedmoons · 8 months
"You're going to be fine, you can hold your own and you've got me, I did it all last year so if you need any help you know you can just ask me." Aliana would never see her fail, she was lacking on those she considered family these days and given that Jana at the top of that list, there wasn't anything she wouldn't to do make sure that she succeeded even if they were in different wings.
"You don't have to tell them that you're betting on them. I had bets on you." Aliana found herself confessing. "Well your whole squad, bet you'd place in the top five. We bet on who will bond, who won't make it up the gauntlet, all sorts." It wasn't very leader like of them if she thought back on it but that was how it was, it was easier to make fun of things that deal with the fact that half the people they met on day one wouldn't make it, after all there was a reason everyone said second year was when you lost your souls. "We have wolves here? Damn I thought we just had to worry about dragons."
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Jana laughed. Aliana had a point, Caraxes was vicious to almost every one else except her and the blonde. The red dragon wasn't even prepared to bond but when he felt Jana's anger, he wanted to help her with it. She was the first woman rider Caraxes ever had, she wasn't going to let that go to waste. Even if that meant becoming a squad leader.
She sighed and rolled her eyes. "I don't know how I'm gonna do it, I've never been the role model type." Jana admitted with a shrug. She nodded about the mention of muffins. "I mean, if they're gonna bet I might as well get in on it." She joked and waved it off. "I'm joking, I don't want them to hate me before they even get to know me." Jana laughed. "I want them to trust me first before I throw them to the wolves during challenges." She said, crossing her arms.
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wckedmoons · 8 months
She watched as the other took in her statement and pressed her lips together, sending a small prayer for the new cadet herself that she wasn't sensitive because that observation was going to be one of the kindest things that was said to her in a while.
"Of course we are, Naoirse is our Wing leader and then between me and Zeph? These other wings don't stand a chance." Not only did they have a mix of powerful signets and dragons, they were just close and Aliana was lucky for that, she had seen squad mates turn their backs on each other before and that wasn't pretty , getting along was one of the things that made them as good as they were she was sure of it. "I like your thinking though, just be ready to be wrong." Aliana noted the grip on the other, good for riding.
"We're you headed somewhere? I can escort you if you were lost or just want company?"
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FIN COCKED HER head to the side, partly intrigued.
She ran her tongue alongside the grooves of her teeth; she looks new? Well, she is. Not that she wants to look that way, though. It was said matter-of-factly, yet still a pinprick to her ego.
It appears she's not the only one with some pride, though. Fin's smile grew sharper and she lets out a chuckle, "The best, huh?" She reached forward to give her a firm handshake, the kind her dad always taught her to give. "Well, 'm not gonna pray on it, cause I don't really believe in havin' someone else do the work for me, but know that whatever wing I end up in is gonna be the best." She lets the grip of the handshake linger; while not hardy like an experienced rider's, her hands betray her life on the farm, callused from the rope of a lasso and the grip of a tool.
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