waywardtricks · 3 years
my singing voice is good for showers and mornings in the kitchen and drunken nights and lullabies for babies who need sleep and im okay with this
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waywardtricks · 5 years
Cherry Gum
So, been a bit since I’ve done one of these. Go easy on me. 
Short story for the @gabriel-monthly-challenge. I used the trope summer fling and the mood board. Cause why not. Also the song Cherry Gum by Dolly Style. It’s fun.  Slight warning, it’s got some implied adult things. So probably PG13. 
Tags: @gabriel-monthly-challenge, @archangelgabriellives, @archangel-with-a-shotgun, @archangelsanonymous, @ttttrickster, @warlockwriter, revwinchester  @mahalaraewolfe @wontlookaway​ @missihart23​ @hunterswearingplaid​
Cheery Gum
A taste so sweet I can’t get enough I can’t resist to show I think that something is about to blow
Tybee Island in July was all blue skies and sunshine. Warm breeze wafting through your hair. The air felt heavy around you. The pale sand under your feet was painfully scorching as you headed to the water lapping up to meet the beach.
But you loved it. It was so freeing.
You had relocated to the small island in Georgia to get away.
To literally escape the hell on earth that your life had become after a demon had possessed your roommate.
You hadn’t known. Had no idea…. In fact, you weren’t sure that you’d even met the soul the demon had possessed in the first place. Then, three men who said they were FBI, but definitely weren’t, had thrust themselves into your life and thrust a blade through your roommate’s chest.
So yeah, escape seemed like a good plan.
You were now here, in the sunshine on a beach, working on the Next Great American Novel (ha.) while you worked part time at a candy shop.
Which was how you’d met Liam. Though you were pretty sure it was a fake name. At this point, after so much grey, you were bound and determined to take some happy for yourself. Even if that happy was a summer fling with a guy whose name was probably not Liam. It was kind of thrilling either way.
He’d almost slipped up once. Had started to say “Ga”, before he’d corrected and said good morning.
And he didn’t look a Liam.
What he looked like was a Greek God. With sun kissed copper hair, and warm eyes. Smooth skin that had just a touch of golden from the summer sun. And the smile…. Oh the smile. You’d been enraptured when he’d strolled into the shop you worked at. Paired with a swagger that practically screamed, ‘why yes I am ready and able to make you scream’. Yeah, you’d been a gonner.
He’d apparently been quite caught on you. Or so he said. You weren’t sure you believed he was caught. Something about him made you think he never stayed around.
Yet, he was still here after a month.
He said it was the way you popped your gum.
It was cherry. The kind that made a satisfying sound when you popped it with your tongue.
He liked to chase the taste, pressing his mouth to yours. Tasting your lips and then your whole mouth with a searing kiss. He said he was addicted.
Maybe he was. Or maybe he was a liar.
Honestly, it didn’t matter. You had him now. And now was just fine with you.
Your very hot friend, not Liam, was currently neck deep in the surf. He was smiling at you, watching you with sinful amber eyes.
The beach was crowded, how could it not be this time of year, yet his eyes always found you right away. And you always found him. He was magnetic.
You popped your gum on your way into the water to meet him. 
When you joined him in the surf, you found the sinful look was not just for show. And as he pulled you deeper, away from the tourists, you let him chase the cherry flavor of your gum again.
Yes, this summer fling was worth it. If nothing else then to chase the demons from your head. And because he tasted like sunshine and sweet dreams.
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waywardtricks · 5 years
Back after a long while. Sorry bout that. Been super busy! 
New chapter of On the Side of Angels is up. Find it here. 
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waywardtricks · 6 years
Oh The Humans You’ll Meet
Here is my submission for the @asupernaturaltreasury , I’m also hosting it on my AO3 here.  
This was a lot of fun. It’s my version of Oh the Places You’ll Go with a Supernatural twist.  Check out their blog for more! And thank you to @dmsilvisart for the wonderful art that goes along with my story. It’s embedded along with the text below, but can also be found here. 
Title: Oh the Humans You’ll Meet
Artist: @dmsilvisart​
Writer:  @waywardtricks​
Original title, author & illustrator: Oh the Places You’ll Go – Dr. Seuss
Well hello my children,
My little angels
You’re in luck
Today is the day,
Said God,
Who preferred to be called Chuck.
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I don’t want to leave you,
But the time has drawn near
For you to take charge
To handle things from here
Come now, Michael, Gabriel,
Raphael, Anna,
and sweet Castiel
And all my other angels,
Both big and small
Earth is waiting,
Beautiful, wide, and tall
Once I’m gone,
The world you’ll explore
Mountains, deserts, forests, oceans,
And much much more
You get to go down there
See what’s instore
Meet the birds, fishes, animals,
And humans galore
Here little child,
Look there, down below
Things live in the wilds
Things that you know
There are all sorts of creatures you’ve seen me create
Go and see them up close,
I’ve put them down there, in this great grand estate
The deer and lamb
The fox and ram
Hawks, bears, and whales
Puppies, tigers, and quails
Little Gabe’s creation, the platypus
Badgers, lions, and bears
The Octopus
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Cats and loons
Rabbits and Raccoons
Dolphins and manatees
And of course, Cas’ favorite, the bees
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But be careful out there
Keep your angel blades close
And your focus turned outward
Not in repose
There are things that hide
Look to the shadows, shade, and smoke
Your brother Lucifer and his kin
Are really no joke
There are monster’s you’ll smite
Almost too many to name
But I’ll explain just a few
So you’ll know what to maim
For instance the djinn, that confound the mind
And the vampires, who nest with their own kind
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The wraiths, that feed on human brains
The malevolent kitsune who like to play games
Or dragons of legendary acclaim                    
But oh angels of mine
Now is your time
Do not avoid the world,
Do not fear
For there are wonders down there, so many more than here
Oh my sons and daughters, go and explore, seize day,
Meet the people I created this world for
The humans who are here to stay
Chuck turned to the tiny one called Cas,
Smiled with joy,
And the things he knew would come to pass
There is so much worth fighting for
If you chose to go down
Feel the sun on your face
Bury your feet in the ground
Castiel, little one,
Look at all the humans you’ll meet
And the vessel you’ll take
Down there on the streets
Favorite son of mine
You’re different from the rest
You’re like me, you understand what is best
You’ll pass your siblings, and take the lead
Someday maybe you’ll protect the humans
In my stead
I know the humans are strange
They are quite a feat
But trust me my son,
You’ll understand once you meet
Revel in their lives
Short though they are here on earth
Full of fear, yet fearless
Undefinable in their worth
They are my triumph
My great joy
Creatures for us to protect
My little boy
And don’t forget you will guide them
Straight on their paths
Keep their souls shiny
It is your task
Look at their souls
Innocent and true
Stubborn, creative, energetic
Full of potential too
However, my son, it will not all be great
As free will I have given them
Means they will make mistakes
They’ll err and blunder about
I’m sure it’s true
But remember my son, like the humans,
You’re fallible too
Sometimes you’ll find yourself
Lost and confused
Not sure where to turn
Bloody and bruised
With the light comes darkness
And enemies you’ll find
You’ll feel alone
With nowhere to hide
Sometimes you’ll feel hopeless
Sure that you’ll drop
But don’t lose faith
Even if it seems the fight will never stop
Somehow you'll escape
You’ll struggle and fight
You'll find the bright places
The people who will hold you tight
You’ll learn that love never leaves you
Even when you’re alone
And at the end
You’ll find that you’ve grown
Onward and upward you shall go
Face the challenges before you
Both high and low
You’ll meet lots of people
It’s certainly true
And some of these people
Will make a great impact on you
Although it’s your job to protect the humans below
It’s okay to lean on others
To sometimes let go
These hunters and humans
They’ll have your back
They’ll protect you and guide you
Keep you safe from attack
You’ll find love of all kinds
And many sorts
With people like Claire, Bobby, and Kelly
I’m happy to report
And the Winchester brothers
Especially Dean
Don’t worry son
Someday you’ll know what I mean
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 Love them all
Love them true
Love them as I love them
Love them as I love you
 So go my son
Get on your way
The world is waiting
Just go on, do what I say
The Places You’ll Go!
Oh the Humans You’ll Meet!
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waywardtricks · 6 years
Here Be Monsters
Short story for the @gabriel-monthly-challenge; prompt: “So let’s just say we kill him, what do we do with the body?”
This was inspired by the not recent (but I can’t call it old because then I’ll feel really really old) movie, Disney’s Halloweentown II. That series of movies was super silly, but they’re fun if you want a lighthearted Halloween stuff. Gabriel x Reader. 
@gabriel-monthly-challenge, @archangelgabriellives, @archangelsanonymous, @archangel-with-a-shotgun, @revwinchester, @ttttrickster, @warlockwriter
Reports had been coming in by the busload of a town of actual monsters. You’d called the Winchesters after the second newspaper had hit your doorstep. It was only a couple towns away and you were starting to get concerned, so you’d called for backup. Good thing too, considering how the news of the town was starting to spread.  
Dean had scoffed, but Castiel had gone to check it out and returned looking utterly confounded.
 Apparently, there were actual vampires, witches, skeletons, and werewolves running around a town that for all intents and purposes looked like it belonged in a calendar titled something like main street USA.
 Except, the kicker was that no one was dying. No one was even getting hurt. The vampires didn’t actually bite anyone. And the most the werewolves did was howl at the moon.
 The local news from the surrounding areas was calling this a Halloween stunt. But you and the Winchesters knew better.  So, a day later the Impala was pulling up outside your front door and you were hustled into the backseat to go check out the town with the Winchesters and company.  
 Once into town, you all split up and headed to explore the town. It was both exactly what you expended and absolutely nothing like you could have imaged.
 Yes, the monsters seemed real. But it was more like every trope of monsters come to life, instead of the monsters you were used to.
 So instead of hex laying witches, there were green faced cackling witches walking around wearing big hats and carrying broomsticks. The vampires were pale as snow and wearing capes.
 After you wandered through your search zone, you met back up with Castiel, Dean, and Sam at the only bar in town, which was quaintly called a Tavern. As the four of you sat sipping on your drinks, beer for the three humans and water for the angel, you watched Frankenstein’s Monster slowly ambling after little bo peep. Who was calling out looking for her sheep.
 Dean was grinning at the cowboys at the next table over, his wide grin half hidden by his beer. Sam was talking, and you half listened as he puzzled through scenarios of how monsters could be real…. Well, weird non-monster monsters.
 In the end, it was Castiel who finally offered the most plausible explanations: “I think it’s a Trickster.”
 Dean snorted, “So Gabriel?” Castiel looked slightly affronted, which for him was just the barest flattening of his lips. Dean had become very familiar with the micro expressions of the angel and sighed. “I know it’s not always him. But it’s almost always him.”
 A couple zombies stumbled into the window and left a trail of…. Something, as they toppled over.
 “Can we please just kill him?” Dean asked, cringing.
 “I know you guys have an interesting relationship with him, but death, really?” You muttered.
 “He trapped us in TV land. You don’t even want to know.” Dean said darkly, “But we’ve tried to kill him before, so did Lucifer, it didn’t stick. Never does. Probably wouldn’t this time either.”
 Ignoring the conversation completely, Sam asked, “But why do this? It’s not like this is punishment or a lesson. That’s his normal M.O.”
 “Unless you hate clowns….” You trailed off purposefully and tipped your drink toward the window where a gaggle of creepy clowns were walking by. Sam paled and sunk down into his chair as much as his large frame could.
 “So let’s just say we kill him, what do we do with the body?” Sam didn’t sound like he was joking.
 “It’s probably Gabriel.” Castiel finally admitted.
 You couldn’t hide the amusement from your voice as you asked, “Again with the why? I know clowns are Sam’s personal hell, but they’re not chasing him down.” Dean chuckled as Sam made an eep sound.
 “We could just ask him.” Castiel said.
 “Where’s the fun in that?” You mumbled, though the boys pretended not to hear. You really kind of wanted to play along with whatever game Gabriel had going. It wasn’t like there was anyone getting hurt.
 “Well, let’s go find him.” Dean said, downing the last of his beer. “Same search pattern. Let’s go. Get this stupid thing over with. Get back to drinking good beer.” He frowned at the bottle he’d just finished like it had insulted him.
 Sam groaned but got up to follow his brother out, heading clearly in the opposite direction of the clowns. Castiel offered you a small smile and disappeared with a soft sound.  
 Though you should go and follow the brother’s plan, they after all had more experience with the archangel, you didn’t immediately leave. You sat for another moment, considering.
 See, the few times you’d met the trickster you had felt a strange connection. And you didn’t think running around the town was how you’d find him. But telling the Winchesters that would have ended up with either a lecture or Dean’s deep frowny face.
 It wasn’t like the boys didn’t like you. You’d been sorta-friends for a while, colleagues for a while longer. But you weren’t a full time hunter. And they wouldn’t trust you to make decisions.
 Better to ask forgiveness than permission, right?
 If this really was Gabriel, and it really probably was, then there was no way he wouldn’t be at the center of it all, watching and waiting for a chance to make a grand entrance. Which would mean he’d want to be where the Hunters would congregate.
 Which would be the bar, exactly where you were.
 Finishing your beer, you stood and wandered toward the bar where the bartender was pouring drinks for a pirate, a wizard, a police officer, and a skeleton. It was amusing to watch the drink splash to the floor as it went through the bones of the skeleton. You let out a lighthearted laugh, drawing the eyes of the officer briefly.
 You sidled up the to the him after a moment, “Always the hero of your own story, huh?”
 He turned to you and leaned back against the bar, “What’s that, sweetheart?”
 “Cut it, Halo head.”
 His lips quirked, “Dollface, you know me so well.” The image of the officer shimmered and familiar visage of Gabriel sat where the officer had. Except he was dressed as Loki.
 You sighed, “Really? Isn’t that a little on the nose?” It wasn’t that he was dressed as himself, it was that he was dressed up as the comic book villain from the Avengers.
 “You make fun of me for being the hero, you make fun of me for being the villain. What do you want from me?” He chuckled.
 “Just to be you.” You murmured under your breath. But the goofy grin that lit up his face meant he had to have heard you. Blushing you turned to the room, “Why the monster town?” “It’s a harmless bit of fun.”
 “Harmless, maybe. Fun, not so much. Change it back.” You gave him a pointed look.
 “You think it’s fun, admit it.” He smirked at you. “It’s just the wet blankets you came with that don’t like it.”
 “Maybe.” You nabbed his beer and raised it to your lips and tipping it back.
 He grinned in response.
 “Why the monsters?” You queried.
 “Ooh. Good question.” He practically bounced on his seat. “There was a town wide Halloween party. It’s tradition here. Everyone dresses up. Generally, as traditional monsters. So, I just magicked their costumes, so they’d become whatever they dressed up as.”
 “That’s really kind of cool.” You couldn’t deny it.
 He grinned, “Right?”
 “Doesn’t change the fact that you need to fix it.”  
 His smile dimmed, “Fine. Fine. Bet you want me to bring back the fuddy duddy flannel wearers too.”
 You huffed, “Of course.”
 “I thought you’d have more fun with this. A town filled with monsters. An old-fashioned Halloween Town. A mystery for you to solve.” Quietly he added, “It’s your favorite holiday.”
 Your gaze snapped to his, only to find him looking down at a candy bar he’d pulled from thin air. You would think he was disappointed in the way he was reacting. Taking another sip from his drink, you smiled around the bottle, “It is. Mostly for the candy though.” You bumped your shoulder against his.
 A smile flickered across his lips in response. “Candy, huh?” His voice was light.
 “Yep.” You popped the p.
 “I can do candy.” And with that he snapped his fingers and disappeared. When you glanced around you, you found the tavern was full of normal looking people. No monsters in sight.
 Castiel appeared a moment later, taking a seat at the bar next to you.
 “How much of that did you catch?” you asked.
 “Most of it. I did not go far. Gabriel seems to be drawn to you when you are around.”
 His brow raised minutely, “He fixed everything, but you sound disappointed.”
 “He left.”
 The sound of Castiel’s laughter took you by surprise.
 “What?” You were completely confused by his reaction.
“I believe you told him his form of courting was the wrong track and told him how to fix it. Was that not why you told him you enjoyed the candy?”
 “Um….” There was a lot to unpack from that. “Courting?”
 “Yes, I believe he is attempting to court you.”
 “Oh.” That was not what you were expecting. Wait. “So he turned an entire town into Halloween monsters to impress me? And I just told him I prefer candy instead. What’s he going to do?”
 Castiel full on smirked, “Probably something grand and very Gabriel.”
 Well Chuck damn it.
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waywardtricks · 6 years
Brilliance of Sunrise
Color You Mine Drabble. Part 6.
Links to: Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5.
Set between 1318 (Bring ‘em Back Alive) and 1320 (Unfinished Business). Gabriel x Female Reader. Warnings: Angst mostly  
Tags: @mahalaraewolfe @wontlookaway​ @missihart23​ @hunterswearingplaid​
Let me know if you want to be tagged! Gabe’s Babes. <3
Time seemed to move at a glacial pace as you waited to hear from Gabriel again. And you hated the ever-watchful eyes of the brothers when you hung around the bunker. The hovering drove you up the walls. Everything was dull and bland.
You’d begun to feel claustrophobic, and finally, having had enough, you’d set yourself back into hunting.
 And for a week now, you’d lost yourself in a hunt, letting the lore consume you. Trying to quash the hope that rose every time your phone pinged with a new message.
 It was never him.
 Three more days passed until you’d found the evil that had been killing people and leaving hoof prints in it’s wake. Another day passed by before you’d buried a blade the thing’s head, turning it to dust. It was the first burst of color in your life in a while.
 And wasn’t the sad. That your life had been reduced to charcoal and jet, dark and morbid, with the only flash of true brilliant color coming from death.
 You cleared out quickly enough after killing the thing, but you still didn’t return to the bunker. Instead you hid out two towns away, watching crappy TV and drowning your fears with a bottle of good whiskey that burned a trail of warmth on its way down your throat.
 The burn settling in your stomach caused the world to shine in shades of honey gold. And it pushed you to consider whether it might be time to leave this life behind. Get out. Run away.
 You might have. You might not have gone back at all if Sam hadn’t called you. Dean you would have been able to ignore, but Sam had this way of sounding so sad. It’s like his puppy dog eyes translated through the phoneline by will power alone. Something about finally being able to go to the other universe. You sighed, because it sounded like a conversation you’d need to have in person.
 So, you packed your meager possessions and headed back to the bunker to face the boys. And maybe finally face the fact that he wasn’t coming back. And after this thing, whatever Sam needed you for, then you might leave for good.
 Except that the moment you entered the bunker, hands had grasped and pulled you’d into a familiar embrace and wrapping you in the scent of spun sugar and fresh air. You’d been certain you’d never feel again.
 When you’d pulled back just enough to look up, but not to break the grasp holding you, your eyes had met the golden gaze of Gabriel. You could still see the pain simmering there, the lost God, who didn’t quite know how to handle the world again.
 Yet, here he was. And his gaze also held a twinkle of the mischief loving angel you’d known from before. And his smile was like the summer breeze, the cornflower blue of warmth.
 Then, the world tilted on its access and the blandness disappeared as the universe turned to all the colors of sunrise melding together. Because there was no one color that could describe the feel of Gabriel’s lips pressing to yours.
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waywardtricks · 6 years
Orange Shades of Me
Color You Mine Drabble. Part 5. 
Links to: Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
Set between 1318 (Bring ‘em Back Alive) and 1320 (Unfinished Business). Gabriel x Female Reader. Warnings: Angst mostly  
Tags: @mahalaraewolfe @wontlookaway​ @missihart23​ @hunterswearingplaid​
Let me know if you want to be tagged! Gabe’s Babes. <3
Orange Shades of Me
You were chasing the feeling of mint again. That fresh and bright happiness.
No matter what you did you hadn’t been able to find it on your own.
So it was time to find your friends. 
Dean and Sam had picked up from a bus stop when you’d called them. Neither asked why you looked washed out and sad, though Sam had struggled with it for a while. Instead the ride back to the bunker was spent full of inane chatter and classic rock music. It was familiar, this normalcy a sherbet wash of something akin to happiness.
Late that night, you were unable to sleep…. again. It was hard not being wrapped around the archangel. You’d spend days and days falling into bed with him, that now it like the bed was empty without him.
So instead you stood and went to talk to the boys. Neither of them slept well either. And you knew that you’d have to tell them you’d seen Gabriel.
On fuzzy socked feet, you padded quietly through the halls to the library. Just as you entered the doorway you overheard Dean telling Sam not to ask. They’d been talking about you. “She’ll tell us if she needs to talk, Sammy. Just let her be.”
 A feeling of warmth and affection, like pumpkin spice, washed through you at their concern. The boys were so full of love, even if the world had a hard time seeing it.
 You cleared your throat, drawing the boy’s gazes to you. Sam had the good sense to look abashed at being caught talking about you. But Dean just tipped his beer toward you in invitation to join them. Same old Dean.
 Once you were settled, hands fidgeting with your necklace in nervousness – a needle of tangerine, you finally started talking. “I saw him.”
 The brothers didn’t speak, but you could tell their edginess at the taste of information.
 “Gabriel, I mean.”
 Sam started to ask, but Dean held a hand up, stopping him.
 “He’s not the same. I don’t know if he’ll ever be the same…..” You fought back at your own mixed emotions to continue. “He’s not….. He needs time to heal. The years in hell really messed with him.”
 “So he’s not coming back?” Sam finally broke in.
 “I don’t know. It’s like he’s lost who he was from before. Or maybe it’s more accurate to say he’s reverted to some prior version of himself. I mean, he’s still Gabriel, just different.” You nibbled at your lip, considering.
 “Is different bad?” Dean asked quietly.
 “Not really….” You sighed, trying to conceptualize your mixed emotions for Gabriel into words. “He’s a bit rougher, darker, more viscous. There are still hints of the angel we knew.”
 What you didn’t say was that you didn’t regret your time with him. How addicted you were to him. How you missed the taste of him on your lips – a burning need like ginger to taste him again.  
 The problem was that even though you loved him like this, he didn’t love you. Couldn’t. Or so you thought.
 Yet he’d still been texting you. And ever damn time your phone vibrated a coral colored flush of eagerness came over you as you dashed to check if it was him again. Not that you’d texted back. You weren’t sure how to deal with your own desire for him. Like if you answered it would admitting defeat, and you might go running back to him.
 “So, we continue looking.” Dean muttered, “We need him, even if he doesn’t need us.” His statement caused a burst of laughter from your lips, humor a touch of mango.  Well if that didn’t sum up your situation with Gabriel, you didn’t know what did.
 “Can you tell us where you saw him?” Sam asked.
 You wouldn’t tell them where you first saw him. Or tell them about how much time you’d spent with him. How many nights you’d curled up against him. But you could tell them where you’d left him. And you did.
 Eventually, Sam slowly steered the conversation to other things.
 Days later, after you’d left the boys to continue their hunt for Gabriel alone, and decided to take some time for yourself. You were curled up with a book, reading for fun.
 Dean, Sam, and even Castiel had left chasing a couple leads. Something about a guy dying in an alley. The only thing you’d be chasing at the moment were memories.
 But sitting on your bed, your phone vibrated with a message that sent a thrum of marmalade colored hope, something solid and real, through you:
 ‘I have some unfished business to take care of, then I’ll come home.’
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waywardtricks · 6 years
The Loneliest Shade of Grey
New drabble. 
I feel like I should apologize to my own heart for writing this. It made me sad. But it felt like the natural progression. This is set between 1318 (Bring ‘em Back Alive) and 1320 (Unfinished Business). Gabriel x Female Reader. Warnings: Angst mostly  
Part 4 of  Color You Mine. Links to: Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. 
Tags: @mahalaraewolfe @wontlookaway @missihart23@hunterswearingplaid
Let me know if you want to be tagged! Gabe’s Babes. <3
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The blank look in Gabriel’s eyes had been worse than anger. Anger you could have dealt with. Or even sadness. Though if it had been sadness, that hurt puppy look that made your stomach knot, you might have relented, given in, and stayed.
But his non-reaction was worse. Like your being there had not mattered to him. And your leaving even less so.
 Pride like a pewter rod in your spine made you hold back the tears, slid armor around your heart. And you left. Tried and failed to give him a smile. Turned, and walked out the door.
 You wanted to fight for him, fight for the angel you loved. The old and the new version. But you had come to realize that you were not a help to his recovery; instead he was hiding behind your love and lust like a silver shield from the world.
 Your love could not heal him. He needed to heal himself.
 And you needed to recover. Needed to pull yourself away from the lust and the addiction. Your kaleidoscope of emotions needed time to stop reeling and come back into focus.
 Thus you left. It hadn’t been the tomorrow that you’d planned but it had come sooner than later.
 So here you were, stepping into your car, leaving Gabriel behind. His blank stare a reminder that you meant nothing to this current version of him.
 What you didn’t see, the moment the door closed behind your retreating form, was the heartbreak that fell over the angel. The hurt and guilt, like fog, rolling over him. His loneliness matched your own, a study in slate. His fear the color of grey clouds rolling in like a storm.
 He didn’t want you to leave, but he couldn’t bring himself to tell you to stay.
 He loved you too much to continue hurting you. Kept you too long and too close because he was selfish.
 The car you rented stood like a silver bullet, piercing his heart as it carried you away.
 Gabriel hadn’t thought that there could be a pain worse than the torture he’d endured, but apparently there was.
 A week later, hope sprung dove grey in your heart when your phone dinged with an incoming message from an unknown number:
 I promise I’ll make it up to you.  
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waywardtricks · 6 years
This is what my ff.net looks like when I used to write sailor moon fanfics. Sigh. Oh high school me.. .
Does anyone remember fanfiction from like 2001 to 2004 tho?
-wacky, highly out of character ‘sleepovers’ with the villains of the series
-not bothering to research the culture the series originated from (we live in Japan but for some reason we’re celebrating a westernized version of Christmas?)
-sugar highs??? the entire cast has eaten sugar and now randomness ensues!!1!
-really surreal oneshots taking a completely illogical idea to the highest possible level played completely for laughs (re: maybe Harry was so good at flying because He Was A Broom All Along)
-user guides for characters (as if they’re adoptable robots)
-disclaimer at the beginning of the story, end of the story, used as page breaks in the middle of the story I DO NOT OWN THIS PLEASE DON’T SUE I’M DIRT POOR
-author’s notes at the beginning of the story, end of the story, used as page breaks in the middle of the story, LOL I WROTE THIS AT ONE IN THE MORNING PLEASE REVIEW
-nutshell/condensed retellings of the series, again usually humorous
-AUs where everything except the main character’s names are completely different that have no real connections to the series (High School AUs are EVERYWHERE)
-The writer’s favourite character isn’t dead and the rest of the cast questions it once and then never mentions it again
-the writer talking to the characters in script form before the story actually starts
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waywardtricks · 6 years
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waywardtricks · 6 years
The Deepest Shade of Blue
This is set between 1318 (Bring ‘em Back Alive) and 1320 (Unfinished Business). Gabriel x Female Reader. 
Warnings: Dark. Angst. Mature.
Part 3 of  Color You Mine. 
Links to: Part 1. Part 2. Part 4.   
Tags: @mahalaraewolfe @wontlookaway @missihart23 @hunterswearingplaid
Let me know if you want to be tagged! Gabe’s Babes. <3
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The regret had come. And it hadn’t faded. 
You’d hoped to ride the waves of desire and need longer. Let yourself get lost in the haze of hopeless want. 
And even though the desire didn’t fade, regret had pushed it aside. Let it linger like ash in the back of your throat. 
The fluorescent lights glowed an electric blue, cascading the parking lot of the motel in an alien light. You were in another small interstate town. One where no one asked questions and didn’t care if you gave a fake name.
 The odd glow of the lights slid in through the blinds of your room on the second story, adding the alien effect there as well. It was the only light in your dark room, and you stared up at the sign from your vantage point on the bed, what you could see of it anyway, wondering how you’d ended up here.
 Gabriel had just left, gone off alone, something he had to take care of. Some revenge he had to take.
 It hurt, this abandonment. Like a dagger of artic blue right to your heart. He’d left you almost the moment he’d finished destroying you for all other lovers. Though, by now, you were destroyed no matter what.  
 In the cool glow, his and your mixed sweat still drying on your skin, you felt a wave of despair – like ice water flushing through your veins – aegean blue.
 You were starfished out on the bed in the ragged motel room, head tilted to stare unseeing out the window. You missed your life from before. You missed your Gabriel.
 If you’d had the ability to focus you would have seen your naked skin marked with bruises, desperate tattoos from your sexual abandon. They marked you as his. This wicked creature who wore the face of the angel you loved.
Instead, your mind was lost in a blue so dark it was almost black. Like sinking to the bottom of the ocean at night, your body and mind numb from the cold blue as you drifted down in to the deep.
 You wanted to flee. To run.
But you couldn’t. Because despite everything, there was no denying your attraction to this Gabriel. The one who made your skin sing and your heart stutter. Who made your darkest desires come true.
 There was lust here. And a deep dark pull of desire. There was no denying that.
 And if you were honest, some form of love existed in your heart for this creature - the avenging angel, who was more primordial being or chaotic deity then the sweet, yet smarmy trickster.  
 But you knew that at some point he may be the end of you. Because you didn’t think that this bitter and tragic creature could ever love you back.
 He may want you. He may even need you. But there would be no love. Not like this.  
 It was like loving the sun.
 Still, like a moth to a flame, you kept being drawn back. Wanting to flee, yet not being able to.
And it hurt, loving him like this.
 Not that he ever hurt you. No. He never used his wicked tongue to condemn you, nor did he seek to inflect pain with his hands.
 No, all the emotional pain that you felt was self-inflected. Which was the worst of it.
 Disappointment in yourself, a cadet blue, pounded through your being with each new breath drawn in. You knew you could muster the strength to leave, but not yet. You didn’t want to abandon him.
 Because, despite what you wanted for yourself, you believed that Gabriel needed you. You wondered how much worse would he be if you were not there to distract him, or to still his hand when his anger lashed out at those he thought deserved to be punished?
 But he’d left you tonight. A deviation from his norm.
 Every other time he’d allowed himself to be caught up in your arms, letting himself fall into your loving embrace. Holding you through the night.
 But not tonight. Something was changing.
 Maybe now it was time. Time for you to leave.
 In this strange cobalt colored melancholy mood, you sat up, and rubbed at your face. Fingers pressing into your temples, trying to chase away the pain.
 You couldn’t leave yet.
 Tonight, just tonight, you’d let him return from whatever he was doing, and just hold him. Let him tear you apart, while he put himself back together.
 And tomorrow, tomorrow you would leave.
 Walk away on your own two feet. Because despite what you may think sometimes, you were a fighter. And you were strong enough to go. 
You may even call the Winchesters, ask them to take you away. Not home. Never home. Home didn’t exist without Gabriel. But  away sounded pretty damn good at the moment. You were not above asking for help if you needed it. 
So, tomorrow before the lapis lull of heartbreak finally overtook you, you would go.
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waywardtricks · 6 years
Supernatural Masterlist
Drabbles / Oneshots (Gabriel x Reader)
My Pet Angel 
Slow Burn
Burning Up
Tell Me!
Love Languages 
Voices -  except this one, this is kind vague plus tiny bit of Destiel.
Color You Mine Mini Set
Shades of Green
Darker Shades of Red
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And Now These Three Remain
Once upon a time, a certain writer said he’d had a few past relationships. One of those is coming back to bite the Winchesters in the ass. They didn’t expect what they found in the closet in a small suburban home. Now they’re wishing they kind of hadn’t looked at all.
Chapter 1: Faith, Hope, & Love
Chapter 2: The Scorched Garden 
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On the Side of Angels 
This is a love story. But it is also an adventure. The world is back to as normal as it gets for the Winchesters; but a new crisis emerges as Heaven continues to fail. With the potential for millions of souls let loose on the earth, the boys and remaining angels, plus some new friends set out on a quest to save the world again. Post Season 13; AU slightly. Gabriel x OC
Chapter 1: The Troubles with Heaven
Chapter 2:  Waiting is the Hard Part
Chapter 3:  Angels Among Us
Chapter 4: Welcome to Team Free Will
Chapter 5: Home Sweet Bunker
Chapter 6: Mini Adventures in Bunker
Chapter 7: Psalm 91:11
Chapter 8: Strengthen the Hands
Chapter 9: Carry On
Chapter 10: Songs Unsung
Chapter 11: Of Prophets
Chapter 12: A Family Affair
Chapter 13: Silver Lining
Chapter 14: No Place Like Home
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Reverent Soul 
Chuck, in his infinite wisdom, decided that to better understand humans he’d grant each of his angelic children a human match. He took a tiny bit of each angel’s grace and embedded it in a human soul. In the alternate reality, Gabriel escaped his vessel at the last minute, faking his death once again. He then hitched a ride in secret with alt-Michael back to his own reality. Which is why he was hanging with Sutton. His current vessel. If he hadn’t been so low on grace he never would have found her. But like calls to like, and the tiny piece of his grace that Chuck had been embedded in her soul had drawn him like a moth to flame. She was the missing piece of him, and here he’d finally found her, but could absolutely nothing about it. And worse, she was now stuck protecting him.
If he was lucky she’d only hate him a little when this was all over.
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waywardtricks · 6 years
Dying a little at how much awesome this is. 
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My fave angels ₍₍ (ง ˙∇˙)ว ⁾⁾
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waywardtricks · 6 years
Darker Shades of Red
So, I ended up really liking the color thing I did with Shades of Green, so I did a drabble follow up. 
Tags: @mahalaraewolfe @wontlookaway @missihart23 @hunterswearingplaid
Let me know if you want to be tagged! Gabe’s Babes. <3
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This Gabriel was not your Gabe. Though his name lingered on your tongue with the soft sigh of longing – a taste like rouge. He was not the angel you’d loved from before. Oh, there were still glimmers of him, but it was only on the surface.
This maroon mask of falsity he wore coated the deep blood red darkness and lust underneath. It was mostly lust for vengeance, but there was a bit left over for desire.
Still, he was a version of Gabriel. A darker and needier version maybe, but still he was here, alive. And, if you were honest with yourself, you almost liked this version better. Especially as he had you pressed against the hard wall of some no-name bar in some no-name town. Your legs locked around him as his mouth savaged yours. His hand yanking your hair, pulling you like a puppet in whatever direction he dictated.
The whimper that escaped from your lips was almost shameful in its neediness. A scarlet bolt. Yet you couldn’t contain the sound. And honestly, considering the way it caused Gabriel’s eyes to darken, you weren’t sure that you wanted to.
You were dressed in low slung jeans and a ruby red corset. Even in the low lighting of the bar you glittered like a jewel, some prize that he’d claimed. A dragon hording you from the world.
No that was wrong. You were the dragon, keeping this dark angel for yourself.
Heaven only knew why you hadn’t come clean with the Winchesters and Castiel. They were still out there searching for the runaway angel. The only excuse you could come up with, and it was an excuse, is that you were hoping to bleed out some of his darkness. To draw it out of him, one harsh and brutal kiss at a time.
Or, really, if you were honest, it was because you were addicted to him. Addicted to his taste, to the look in his eyes, the way your heart pounded in your ears as he stalked toward you. Addiction was crimson, a lingering darkness that settled on your soul.                                                  
Later you would feel the thrum of garnet regret, but now, now you sunk into his lips like he was the only thing that mattered.
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waywardtricks · 6 years
Carry On My Wayward Son -Kansas
Number one rule of fandom: Thou shalt never not reblog this song if thou art a member of the Supernatural fandom.
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waywardtricks · 6 years
This is gorgeous! 
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Wayward Sisters
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waywardtricks · 6 years
The Houses as Rosa Diaz gifs
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