waywardkidkitty ยท 2 days
Arte alucinante
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waywardkidkitty ยท 3 days
No one is going to spoil my sunshine today. Positive vibes
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waywardkidkitty ยท 3 days
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Your loved one!
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waywardkidkitty ยท 3 days
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And one day, you realize the life you're living is not a dress rehearsal. There is no living for tomorrow. There's only today. This moment. Right now. And that's when you decide that you can no longer spend another day lessening yourself, denying your womanly dreams, or settling for less than you deserve.
You can no longer let fear stop you from moving forward. You can no longer accept anything less than a life you're completely, irrevocably, head over heels in love with.
And from now on, you're going to live with your heart wide open and your eyes always pointed forward. You're going to be unapologetic in the pursuit of creating a female life that feels good from the inside out. You're going to fearlessly follow the call of your feminine soul.
You're going to love your life so much that you're willing to fight for it. And you're going to honor what feels right to you, even when it doesn't make sense to anyone else. You're not going to simply exist in your life; you're going to choose it.
Today. Tomorrow. Always.๐Ÿค
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waywardkidkitty ยท 3 days
This girl felt a little wild last night with a few drinks
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waywardkidkitty ยท 4 days
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waywardkidkitty ยท 4 days
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waywardkidkitty ยท 4 days
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Hurting inside can lead to isolation and to shutting yourself off. But you will heal. And while you do, remember to be open to love. Because there is so much good, even when everything seems so bad.
So try and continue to trust. Continue to wait. Continue to pray if you believe. And continue to heal. Because the storm will pass.
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waywardkidkitty ยท 4 days
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Your future is in your own hands. Where you go, what you do, how you live your life - it's all up to you. Instead of focusing on what you can't control, focus on what you can.
Maybe you can't go back and change your past choices. You can't go back and recreate your history. But today, right now, in this moment, you can choose how you show up for yourself. You can choose womanhood.
You can choose how you respond to the world around you. You can choose what you want in life, and you can also choose whether or not you'll go for it. You get to choose your next step. You get to choose how you respond to the obstacles and challenges on your path.
You get to choose whether you lean into faith or fear, trust or doubt, hope or despair. You have so much more power than you think. You have the ability to create the womanly life that calls to you. The life your heart's being pulled to. The life that feels like it's already yours.
You can develop the tools. The resources. The support that wants to see you succeed. Now what you do with the time you have left is all up to you.
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waywardkidkitty ยท 5 days
Have a beautiful night everyone. I picked up my meds other day and well I had a sign they put my perffered name on it also๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’œ
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waywardkidkitty ยท 5 days
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Honor and explore the femininity inside of you. Allow it to be expressed.
Even if you are afraid sometimes. Even if you're scared. Because in the end, it is not the rejections and the so-called failures that will haunt you. It will be your own feminine potential left unexplored.
So maybe you don't need to wait until you overcome your fears to take the first step forward into womanhood. Maybe you just need to know there is something more important than fear. Something greater. Something worth working and striving for. Because you are.
And maybe overcoming your fears is the least important part of your story anyway. Maybe what matters is that you're scared but still determined. Shaky but still standing. Afraid but still willing to try.
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waywardkidkitty ยท 5 days
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trans women r women and trans men r men just repeat the truth. They are human beings and deserve respect and human rights
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waywardkidkitty ยท 6 days
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waywardkidkitty ยท 9 days
*sips tea*
Got called "Mentally Ill", my life reduced to an "ideology" like my situation is a matter of belief not fact, and diagnosed with a condition I don't have by someone who's not a medical professional and I've never had a therapy session with, all in the same ask. Really paints a clear picture what being transphobic is about at it's core.
I don't go around telling people to go kill themselves for being cisgender. I don't call them "mentally ill" for not being transgender. I don't ignore medical science and unbiased study to diagnose them with conditions they don't have. I don't target what I perceive as their insecurities to try and make them feel bad or upset and make the mental conditions they do suffer from get worse. I don't tell them the world is better off without them. I don't wish them to be murdered to their face.
Me being transgender is no more an ideology than anyone in the world being cisgender. It's just a fact about my life that I live with and deal with on my path to become a happier, kinder, compassionate, empathetic, and more helpful person. What -is- an ideology, is going around telling people like me, with a past history of suicide, to go die because you believe we're not natural, that we're somehow a threat to the world for being born the way we are, denying any aspect of our experiences and lives that give us credibility in the face of your hatred, harm, and cruelty; and thinking we don't deserve equal rights, respect, and access to healthcare.
I'm transgender. I'm human. I'm not the asshole trying to make people suffer. I fight for equality, a kinder world, a more accepting world of people who are harmless and weird. None of us are free until all of us are. All of us deserve to be equal.
You've been reported, but I know you'll just make a new account to harass me. But that's okay, because every time one of you comes to attack me, the world sees who the true villain is. I can weather the pain you try to cause me, because after 26 almost 27 years now of it, I've learned to get back up and fight harder. It's all I know how to do. Because at the end of the day, if I can't fight for myself, I can fight for those next to me, I can fight for their equality.
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waywardkidkitty ยท 9 days
everyone needs a stick to hold on to
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waywardkidkitty ยท 10 days
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Most people just judge a book by the cover. Imagine what can be found inside.
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waywardkidkitty ยท 10 days
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