wauuw · 6 years
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wauuw · 6 years
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“Sorry…” she said, “my English… not so good. I pay? No. You pay.”
You laughed. Your tenant really didn’t understand you at all. “You stayed here,” you said. “I’m the landlord, understand? I get the rent?”
“No, no,” she said calmly. “You pay. You pay me.”
She was remarkably confident. Even through the accent, she seemed to be speaking more forcefully and persuasively than you could. “I’m sorry for the miscommunication…” you stammered. “That’s just… not how this works.”
“Yes,” she said. “How it work. Oh! I am… pretty?” You were confused. “You think I am pretty, yes? I am ah… be-autiful?” she pronounced carefully.
You nodded slowly.
“So!” she said with a smile. “You pay. Give wallet. Now!” You reached into your pocket and handed it over. This whole time, it had been you who hadn’t understood, but now it all made sense.
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wauuw · 6 years
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wauuw · 6 years
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wauuw · 6 years
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wauuw · 6 years
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I don’t care if you can’t afford this months tribute entirely, swine. I don’t care that your daughter is terribly ill and needs treatment, save your patethic excuses. Take out a loan, get the biggest loan you can get at the nastiest loan shark you can find and transfer it all to me, immediately. If it gets you in trouble later it’s no problem, it doesn’t affect me at all, hahahaha. Now for next month I’m cutting your monthly budget to 1,5% of your wage and you’re getting a second job. Oh you’re already working a second job? Just get a third. Now get the fuck out of my sight, swine
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wauuw · 6 years
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Swine? I thought I left you broke. You better have a good reason to interrupt my lunch. You came to me with your daughters college fund? Hand it over. Hahaha, stupid pig. Nothing left now, hm? Very well, fuck off. Your wages come directly into my account so there’s no need for me to see you anymore. All you can hope for now is that the thought of your daughter slaving away at some dead end job because I took her fund will cross my mind for a few second and bring a smile to my face.
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wauuw · 6 years
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Yes, old loser. Cash out you and your wifes retirement fund and hand it over to me. How old are you again? 57? You look at least 70, wrinkly old swine. No, I don’t give a fuck that you saved up your entire life by living frugally. What’s that, swine? Ofcourse I don’t need it, I’m filthy rich because of patethic worms like you helping to build my empire. Now cash it out and hand it over. Then you two can beg your old boss to give you that minimum wage job back. Have your wages be transferred directly into my account. Knowing you and your ugly wife will work your dead end minimum wage jobs and live in abject poverty until you die because of me fills me with joy
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wauuw · 6 years
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She owns about 20 slaves. All of them female. She loves flauting her superiority over them. She is on her way to being a billionaire at 19 years old because she married 3 extremely rich men and divorced them the next day. She’s also one of the most beautiful women in the world. Compared to her slaves, ‘the ugly hoes’ as she calls them who are mostly 40-50 year old ugly fat cunts working at McDonalds every day and whoring themselves out at night to make her as much money as possible. They don’t make much whoring themselves out, because they’re so ugly. It’s mostly just disgusting fat smelly guys. It’s only about $12,000 every week so it’s barely noticable for someone like her, but knowing that her slaves are living miserable pointless existences because she wants them to is just great.
Here she comes out of one her many mansions looking fucking amazing as always. She walks towards the ugly hoes who are kneeling naked, heads pressed firmly in the dirt. She looks down at them in the most arrogant way imaginable with a smirk on her face and snaps her fingers. The ugly hoes rise and hold their weekly earnings above their heads. She takes all the cash and rips it up in front of their noses. “All those humiliating hours at McDonalds, all those smelly disgusting cocks you sucked and taken up your asses just went up in smoke. How does that make you feel, uglies?” Most of them are furious but none dare to show it. “Thank You for reminding us of our lowly place in Your world, Your Highness”. She giggles at them, flips her hair and turns around. While arrogantly walking back to her mansion she tells them “Now get back to flipping burgers, same time next week, whores.
The ugly hoes start crawling back to their impoverished little studio appartments. She didn’t tell them to crawl, but they know she’d want them to. And whatever she wants, she gets.
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wauuw · 6 years
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Hello my patethic little trolls. I’ve decided that you’re dropping out of college and you’re gonna start working way more hours at your shitty McDonald’s jobs I made you get. Uh, shut up and listen, ugly. I made my decision, deal with it. Now.. You three are going to beg your boss for a fulltime job with as much overtime you can get. Don’t worry though, I’ll still allow you a small cut.*giggle* Awh look at your faces! Look of hate, envy and fear when I boss you around is so funny hahaha.
Now bitches, you know the drill. Kneel down, kiss my feet and thank me for making your lives hell. Hahaaahahaaa
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wauuw · 6 years
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Hello Mrs Piggy. You’ve been begging me to meet with you on Instagram and I finally granted you the privilege, and it only cost you $5k. God, you’re even fatter than he described hahaha, no wonder your husband spends all his money on me, you’re revolting. You look so patethic with your face pressed firmly down in the dirt before me. 
Uhh, what’s that? You want me to unlock your husbands chastity and stop using him for my profit because it’s ruining your marriage? Hahahahahaha, are you serious piggy? Look up at me. *Pthu!* Don’t even think about wiping that spit out of your face. Look at the camera, little bitch. Say “I’m an ugly fat troll that’s now owned by Princess Stacey” And let’s hear some oinking aswell, oh my god hahahaha. There’s a good piggy. I own you now. You’re going to quit your job and start working 80 hour weeks at McDonalds, with your wages going straight into my account, just like your husband.
How does it feel to be a hot 19 year old rich girls slave now, fatty? Must remind you a lot about highschool, hahaa. Aww, are you crying? Expected this meeting to go a little different? Silly slug. Hot rich girls always win.
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wauuw · 6 years
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You know the higher up i go the more ill make you pay right? Yes you do but you dont care? Well if i let you see both my tits i will own all bank accounts and assets and if i take it off completley you will need to take out the biggest loan you can and send all checks straight to my accounts how does that sound? It sounds great to me too! Ill make you a one time offer if i pull my panties to the side for 5 seconds you will force yourself and your wife and kids all to get jobs with 80+ hour work weeks with direct deposit to me of course! How about it? Yes you will? Good now get underneath me! Here you go! Hey i didnt say you could touch yourself! Gross now your times cut short (only 3 seconds)! Now go home and tell your fat wife and ugly kids what you just did to ruin them!
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wauuw · 6 years
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She was obviously way better off then you could ever be but for some reason you still wanted her to have more. You gave her your wallet and she gave you a buisness card that had her account number on it. You immediatly transfered all the money from your bank account straight to hers. She didnt even look at you but she did say “Get a job at McDonalds and work 80 hour weeks. Have it auto pay to my account.” Thats when she rolled up her window and her driver sped off. You just ruined your life for a stranger. You didnt even know her name. But atleast she will be happy…
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wauuw · 6 years
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wauuw · 6 years
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Tribute to mynameistanyat
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wauuw · 6 years
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Selfie time!
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wauuw · 6 years
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