watercraver · 5 hours
*holds her hand in a distinctly t4t way*
let’s cause the fall of the west together~
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watercraver · 6 hours
Glad I could help condemn souls to hell! <2
Jesus Christ of Nazareth, son of God, the Messiah, our Lord and Saviour, is NOT a boobs guy, he's not even an ass guy. Jesus Christ is aroace. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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watercraver · 11 hours
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watercraver · 11 hours
sex isn't a moral or immoral act- it's just an act. the second we stop placing morality on sex the second we move past repressing ourselves over something that is in fact a morally neutral behavior
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watercraver · 1 day
Happy Internacional Asexuality Day y’all!!
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I shall celebrate it with something completely unexpected: cake ✨
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watercraver · 1 day
imagine asking out a mindflayer and then she kills you to death with her evil yuri beams.
i thjink that would be cool
i agree
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watercraver · 1 day
DM: Hey, Cleric, who’s your god again?
Cleric: Shamash
Monk: Don’t forget to Shamash that like button and subscribe
Cleric: I’m going to kill you
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watercraver · 1 day
What the fuck?
I couldn't get very much from this creepers post because they blocked me and literally ace/aro person who called out their bad behavior after calling of course calling these ace/aro ppl fucking losers...
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So apparently when they were younger like in early middle school their ace friend got mad because divine made them uncomfortable... And divine held onto this all these years... Then decided to make a weird TikTok about it to make the person who they haven't seen in years... They are mocking their ace friend that they had as a child and only as a child.
Weird energy my dude
But of course there was ppl giving their support and just saying nasty stuff about ace/aro people here's some
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And these were the comments they were leaving to any ace/aro person who didn't agree with the comments or divines behavior
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The attacking people comment was used repeatedly by divine towards anyone that called out people on acephobia or just rapey comments...
Calling ace and aro spec people fucking losers was also constantly used by divine towards any ace/aro people that didn't agree with the gross stuff going on in the comments.
The person that divine is calling a fucking losers was literally politely talking to another ace person about dming to talk about shared asexual experiences because the comments were making them uncomfortable. (ー̀дー́)
There was one creeper basically trying to say ace people not being okay with sexual things happening around them " think the world revolves around them" and saying things like -
" no isn't a boundary"
" even if people were having sex in front of you, you can't demand they stop just because you tell them no"
" you can't demand people stop being sexually Or romantically attracted to you"
and repeatedly called any ace and aro that disagreed a " child that didn't understand consent"
divine liked these comments, you can you into divines comments and see that yourself...
I wish I could have gotten more screen shots of vile things being said but divine is blocking everyone who disagrees and deleting comments that could incriminate them at such a fast speed, it'll give you whiplash.
They still have the post up I'm pretty sure but not sure how long they will with the backlash that divine is desperately trying to hide.
y'all can try if you guys wanna go see it.
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watercraver · 1 day
“You realize there’s a trans-oceanic voyage between here and there?”
“I don’t care how the ocean identifies.”
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watercraver · 1 day
Aroallo people are so awesome <3 btw
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watercraver · 1 day
did i tell u guys i got into an argument on twitter bc i said foxes are dogs and someone tried to bring up their actual fuckin. classification or whatever and i just said “foxes are dogs cause they are fluffye” and they kept arguing with me. the entire time i was like “you will not survive the immigration to tumblr you are lucky we are not there right now”
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watercraver · 1 day
do trans women need to unlearn patriarchal structures and moral values in order to be good feminists? yessir 100%
but don’t do cis women as well?
you’re not automatically a good feminist because you were born with ovaries, and your opinions are not automatically right and worth listening to because of your cishood.
we are all learning, and being a biological female™️ does not make you exempt of having to learn as well.
we all need to collectively do better!
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watercraver · 1 day
Tumblr Code.
If I ever see any of you in public, the code is horrifying weapon attack
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watercraver · 1 day
I said that I want to buy gifts for my best friend, and my mom was like "Isn't that romantic though?"
Mom, if you think that's romantic, you're not ready to know about all the other things I like to do with friends.
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watercraver · 1 day
My favourite cum flavour; Sour Apple.
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thinkin bout her...
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watercraver · 1 day
to all the transfems out there, i need you to understand that you are deserving of love, you also deserve to have your prosate slammed silly style but that part’s optional
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watercraver · 2 days
due to inflation, they’re replacing your free use fetish with a $1.50 use fetish
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