warriorcatscookies · 1 year
As a bit of a heads up I am reworking on the au! It will take some time with the events planning and design making, though rest assured I am still alive!
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warriorcatscookies · 1 year
Just saw the new cookies,,,
Oh boy I am going to go wild with their designs
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warriorcatscookies · 2 years
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Deputy of Doverclan
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warriorcatscookies · 2 years
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Leader of Meadowclan
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warriorcatscookies · 2 years
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Leader of Doveclan
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warriorcatscookies · 2 years
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Size differences just for fun! XD
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Leader of Yewclan
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warriorcatscookies · 2 years
Chapter 5
"Espressoeye! Watch this!" Bravekit laughed, trying to hop on a lizard that got into the medicine den. Espressoeye watched closely, making sure the small kit wouldn't get hurt from hopping so much. He let out a tiny purr before stopping to think. "Hey Bravekit, what do you want to be when you grow up?"
The calico kitten smiled. "A warrior of course! I want to fight for my clan and become the bravest cat in history! I will fight dogs and foxes off and smack them with my claws!" Bravekit then stood up on his hind legs, using his front paws to swat furiously into the air before falling over with a squeak. Espressoeye chuckled and kept the kit close to him with a purr. "One day you will, along with your siblings. I am sure you will make an amazing warrior one day."
"The cats are back!" Iceheart called from the clearing, approaching the returning cats from the gathering, however something felt different. Espressoeye limped to the entrance of the medicine den to see a crowd of cats with a new cat… a beaten up one at that. Bravekit tilted his head. "Who is that?" He asked, looking up at the thin brown tom.
Espressoeye couldn't respond at all, he just stared. 'This cat looks odd. Are they here to attack? This does not look like a cat I saw on patrol earlier-'
"Espressoeye! Are you okay?" Bravekit called again, looking concerned.
"Oh, why yes I am. Come on, let's get you to bed, I am sure Croissantspots wouldn't want you staying up late."
He picked up the kit and limped outside of the medicine den, hearing all the whispers from the clan.
"What is a Shadowclan? Or Thunderclan even?"
"Sounds like a bunch of nonsense to me."
"Is this cat here to attack us or-"
"Their fur is so dull… poor thing."
Espressoeye flicked his ear as he stalked past the other cats, heading towards the nursery, where all the queens and kits were sleeping in. He set down Bravekit, who gave him a quiet thanks and bounded over to Croissantspots and his siblings. He stared for a moment, then headed off to the group of cats who surrounded the dark gray tom. "Madeleinepelt, what is going on?" He asked.
The large tom shrugged. "I am not sure. His name is Shadowsight and supposedly comes from Shadowclan. Whatever that is-" He sighed before continuing. "From what he told me, he was attacked by a cat named Bramblestar, who was being controlled by a spirit cat. It sounds confusing and hard to understand."
Espressoeye looked at Shadowsight, who seemed overwhelmed with the crowded cats around him and all the questions being pushed on him. Millennialstar let out a yowl. "Everyone, back up. I will have to talk to this cat. There will be no crowding, give him space. Shadowsight, follow me to my den."
He watched as the two cats disappeared into the mossy rock den. He couldn't help but think Shadowsight was important… But why? "What else did he tell you?"
"Something about codebreakers- what even is that?" Madeleinepelt looked confused. "And about 'Starclan' going missing."
Espressoeye's eyes widened in shock, remembering hearing some cats telling stories about the ancestors of some other cats. They were nothing but bad news! "Starclan?! You mean those tales that are ancient? The cats who control cats' lives?"
Madeleinepelt nodded gently. "That's scary when you think about it- imagine you are going on with your day and all of a sudden these cats tell you what to do and maybe throw you under the bus. At least The Ancestors don't do that!" Madeleinepelt puffed out his chest confidentiality with a grin. Espressoeye looked away with a small huff before hearing a cry of pain and shock. He saw a hawk swoop down from the weak brambles and leaves that covered the large hole that would reveal the camp and something in its talons. No… it couldn't be…
It was Walnutkit in the talons of the hawk, screaming as she got carried off. "No!" Espressoeye cried, limping towards the hawk with his bandages coming off and wounds reopening. He felt some blood gush out from his neck wound as he began running. The calls of the cats sounded distant as he ran and climbed on the tallest point he can get to on the walls before he launched himself at the hawk, grasping its neck with his claws. The hawk wouldn't go down with a fight however as it clawed his stomach. Espressoeye hissed in pain as he continued to fight, not noticing that another cat had joined in.
He couldn't hear her commands as he came hurtling down, grabbing Walnutkit into his paws and feeling himself hitting the ground harshly with everything going black.
It felt like moons until he woke up. He felt the cold water on his paws with a thin layer of mist around him, making it seem more like a dream than anything. There were misty mountains around him as well, all lush and a dark green. Espressoeye raised himself up, noticing that his wounds were no longer there. "Am I… dead?" He asked, looking up and around the place. "Not quite." A voice responded as he heard something stepping into the water, approaching him.
He couldn't tell the features of the cat at first, however soon it was clear. "Creamthread?" He asked the white and ginger elder as she came closer. His heart twisted in sorrow, remembering her stories when he was a kit and an apprentice. "What do you mean not quite dead?"
"You are still breathing in the living world. You are stuck in a coma…" Creamthread nodded. "But, I am here to either take you to the Ancestors Mountain or back to where you need to be."
Espressoeye felt confused. 'Where I need to be?' He frowned gently before she spoke again.
"Once the five find the clans, all will fall. With them comes death."
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warriorcatscookies · 2 years
I’m honestly interested on what made Leafstar snap and leave the Clan cats. Also, how does Sky lan feel about their new territory I the valley and their new neighbors?
Mostly in canon Shadowclan constantly attacks Skyclan and they are surrounded by very hostile neighbors with so little territory.
I feel like Skyclan cats would be worried about their new home but they were placed between Meadowclan and Doveclan. Plus the camps can fit hundreds of cats and have massive territories, so leaf bare isn't as bad as the forest cats since they can hunt in each other's territory or move vulnerable members into strong camps, so it lowers the chance of unneeded death.
Honestly I feel like they would fit in since the valley cats are odd!
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warriorcatscookies · 2 years
Chapter 4
Madeleinepelt's fur bristled as he followed the other Meadowclan cats to the gathering, he couldn't stop thinking about Espressoeye. 'Milkbubble said he would be fine, but what if he dies? What if something worse happens?!' His inner thoughts panicked. 
"Something wrong?" Bleu asked in his odd accent, slowing down to walk beside Madeleinepelt. The larger tom let out a shocked sound. "Me? No, no, I am fine! Just thinking about… Bravekit! Yes, he is going to be apprenticed soon and- what?" He looked at Bleu’s unimpressed look. “First of all, you are a bad liar. Even worse than the rouges I once knew, and secondly, I know that you are worried over that coffee scented cat… uhh, Espressoeye if I am correct.” Bleu narrowed his eyes. Madeleinepelt remained silent before hearing a chuckle from the pale yellow teal spotted tom. “I guess you are. Though he is a clanmate, I worry about all of them the same!” 
“Well, just remember this, take one pawstep at a time. There is no need to rush in on a relationship.” Bleu purred and caught up with the other Meadowclan cats, engaging in conversation. Madeleinepelt soon caught the smell of the other clans. They probably arrived early… but how come? There was no threat to the forest!
He felt the ground become the odd stone pattern he felt before, meaning that they were at the gathering place… Twisted Roots.
Cats from different clans and even different backgrounds were talking to each other, sharing fresh-kill and even some apprentices playing with each other! He caught sight of Hollyberry talking to a kittypet, laughing with a grin as she offered some fermented berries. Wait, no, there were a group of kittypets and a group of loners here as well, possibly to also bring news from their ends. The large yellow loner was staring at another cat though Madeleinepelt couldn’t catch sight of who it was. He heard a yowl break out from the Tall Rock, seeing the leading cats get into position with their deputies below the rock. The clearing became silent as Millennialstar flicked his tail. “We thank all cats for coming to the gathering. It is wonderful seeing all of you come together and-” “Yewclan is doing fine.-” Enchantressstar cut Millennialstar off, stepping forward. Madeleinepelt bit his tongue to prevent a hiss coming out at the sight of the dwarf she-cat. ‘Better say something to the gathering about what you allowed.’ His thoughts clouded with such bitterness towards her before hearing her continue. “-we do have new apprentices, Crepepaw and Jugglerpaw. Their mentors are Affogatovenom and Kuminospirit respectively. We also have new kits in the clan. Ionkit and an abandoned kit named Bellkit. They are being cared for by Cyborgflight.”
Madeleinepelt turned to see Aloe, looking proud at the mention of her mate. ‘If only Espressoeye looked that proud of others. He is an amazing mentor… how come he never smiles at his apprentices?’ Madeleinepelt thought with a twist in his stomach. Enchantressstar continued, a flash of anger coming from her red eyes. “However, accidents happened. Lobsterclaw got into a fight with a fox and lost one of his arms. Along with that, Affogatovenom has been gravely wounded by a Meadowclan cat today.” The words rolled off like she tasted rotting prey. Whispers were heard in the clearing before Twizzlypaw got up. “He was killing Espressoeye, in our territory!” She hissed, her claws unsheathed. “I also agree with Twizzlypaw.” Madeleinepelt nodded. “Were you sending a spy into our territory, Enchantressstar? If so, we can fight right here and now!”
Velvetpaw hissed. “How dare you say that?! Do you know who you are messing with?!” Madeleinepelt looked at Velvetpaw and scoffed. “You are the same age as me yet still an apprentice. At this rate you will never be one.” He heard the gathered cats gasp and whisper about what he had said. Velvetpaw looked like he wanted to rip his fur out until a yowl was raised. “Settle down now!” Vanillastar looked very much concerned. “We shouldn’t be fighting like this, peace should be at this time!” The large tom gave one last look at Velvetpaw before returning to where he was seated, feeling hot with embarrassment. Vanillastar gave a gentle smile and nod before opening his eyes again. “Doveclan is doing well! However we caught the scent of a group of rogues on our territory, thankfully we drove them off!” His soft and gentle voice said soothingly. Doveclan cats yowled with pride, smiling after that announcement. Millennialstar looked over. “We had run-ins with a group of rogues as well.” Oyster, the leader for the kittypets, blinked. “I wandered into a new territory once.” The aged molly nodded. “They screamed at me to get out… they also had an odd scent, smelling like that of rubbish!” “Ew-” Pitaya agreed, scrunching their nose in disgust.
Millennialstar sighed before clearing his throat. “We have some apprentices who became warriors recently: Vampirefang, Mintmelody, Herbfawn and Sparklingstream. They are not here at tonight’s gathering, however may their names be chanted for good will.”
“Vampirefang! Mintmelody! Herbfawn! Sparklingstream!” The cats would chant, full of joy for the new warriors. Millennialstar flicked his tail in silence before sighing. “However, Espressoeye is gravely wounded from an attack caused by Affogatovenom. With that too Yewclan is pushing out borders.”
Enchantressstar scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Prey crosses borders all the time. We are catching what we have in our territory-.” He felt their voices fade out as he stood up and caught the scent of something… blood. Tons of blood… The large tom felt his fur bristle uncomfortably as he went past large roots, taking careful pawsteps and lowering to a crouch as the scent became stronger. 
Soon enough, a body of a scrawny dark tabby was seen before him. The cat was beaten up seemingly and looked to be dead. The cat smelled like rotting prey, just like the description Oyster had given. 
Madeleinepelt was about to turn around to tell the gathered cats what he just saw until the cat shot up, panting a bit and holding his wounds with his amber eyes looking panicked. “Where am I?” He asked, looking at Madeleinepelt. He could feel the panic from this scrawny cat. Something was not right.
“You are in The Valley. You smell different. Ha, have you been rolling around in human garbage?” He laughed in a joking manner with a smile. However it didn’t seem to lift the cat’s spirit. “What, no! I am a Shadowclan cat, a medicine cat.” The tom weakly sat down, staring at his paws with his eyes clouded in worry. “My name is Shadowsight.”
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warriorcatscookies · 2 years
Au Lore: The Ancestors
I wanted to make up a different religion for them, something similar to StarClan, but being very mysterious and less like a cult.
The Ancestors are dead cats of the past. They are very mysterious and only talk to the leaders, deputies, medicine cats and warriors only (even then it's not that constant). They begun as a group of exiled Starclan cats and Dark Forest cats, making a place where everyone belongs. They let cats think for themselves and not interfere much with anything unlike StarClan or the Dark Forest. Even evil cats get to live happily in their paradise, they don't deserve to be separated from loved ones and they will be redeemed!
Not every cat has to believe in them and most cats don't depend on them, allowing cats to think freely. They will not judge for what others did in their life and there is no cat hell basically, only therapy. Cats often give thanks to them for catching prey or thanking them for safety or even during ceremonies to give thanks, yet they are not feared.
Honestly I can see how the canon cats learning about the valley cats beliefs and be so offended that they don't trust StarClan while the valley cats just vibe (and they will not change their beliefs, no 'rouge group' will)
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warriorcatscookies · 2 years
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I made Velvetstripe fanart :)
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warriorcatscookies · 2 years
Hey, is it possible I could make a Multi animator project inspired by this? I really like the idea of this whole thing.
Of course! If you need any details or designs let me know and I can draw them out! You may contact me through my main ( @heyagoatlover ) so it would be more simple! :D
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warriorcatscookies · 2 years
DUDE THIS IS AWESOME! may I ask if I could maybe make some fanart?
Of course! All fanart is accepted! :D
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warriorcatscookies · 2 years
Chapter 3
"What do you mean there are cats on our territory?" Millennialstar asked, his eyes filled with confusion as he stared at Espressoeye's patrol (consisting of Lattepool, Muscleslash, Yamscar and Carrothop. They had all gotten wounded during the patrol due to some random cats Espressoeye had never seen it smelled like before.
Lattepool nodded and before Espressoeye can open his mouth she spoke. "There were some cats in our territory. We asked them to leave but they called us outsiders before attacking. Honestly, they were much smaller than us but they put up a good fight." Espressoeye sat down and spoke up next. "They seemed way too organized to be a rouge group. And the cats there looked odd- like their colored pelts were limited-"
"How limited?"
"One was a white and silver tabby, another was a ginger, one was gray and the last one was a calico of sorts. They smelled like honeysuckle, magpies and mice mostly." Espressoeye reported. He saw Madeleinepelt near the den, looking in curiosity. "Why do you ask?" He then turned to look at his leader.
Millennialstar blinked, taking in this information. "Hm, recently I have been having dreams about those cats... and so has Vanillastar. Strange..." He muttered to himself. "Oh! Thank you Espressoeye. You and your patrol should go to the medicine den! There is a gathering tonight, maybe we can discuss it with the other leaders!" The brown tom meowed, leading the patrol out of his den.
Espressoeye sighed and looked at Madeleinepelt. "What is it now?" He asked the muscular tom sharply.
"Are you alright?" Madeleinepelt asked, looking concerned and worried, holding some flowers in his mouth. "Do you need me to do anything?"
"No! Just stay away!" Espressoeye hissed, his fur bristling in anger before feeling a flower be placed in his ear, which stopped him dead in his tracks. Madeleinepelt gave a sweet smile. 'Not that stupid face...' Espressoeye thought. "Just wanted to give you a gift! I see you tonight!" He purred, going to the elder's den.
Espressoeye stared and frowned gently. "Hm, he takes a liking to you." Windfoot observed, having seen the whole thing. "Well I don't like him." The thin tom growled gently.
"You sound just like me when I was rejecting Fireblaze's affection."
"Ugh!" Espressoeye went outside of camp to avoid all the glances in camp. He walked along the grassy plains, frowning gently and bitterly as he thought of his past once again.
As a kit he was born as a rouge fending for himself and for his siblings, Affogato and Latte. However while stealing from Meadowclan camp with a small they were caught by Iceheart and immediately taken to Millennialstar. He remembered feeling scared and wishing he could run away and remembered hearing Affogato wail in fear. However instead of killing them like stories say, the three were taken in by the clan, renamed to Espressokit, Lattekit and Affogatokit. To this day it still hurts to know that Affogatovenom betrayed Meadowclan and Doveclan by leading wolves to camp. Currently he is in Yewclan... Why did Enchantressstar accept him in?
He sighed gently in frustration before hearing a twig snap behind him. Espressoeye hastily turned around... And speak of the snake.
"It's been a long time...brother." A teasing voice purred... A all too familiar one.
Affogatovenom sat down with a sly expression on his face. "Still sensitive I see?" He meowed. Espressoeye hissed. "Leave the territory now! You... You-"
"How about no~?"
Espressoeye launched himself at Affogatovenom with the other grabbing his shoulder with unsheathed claws. Both brothers were spitting and hissing as blood spilled on the grass. Affogatovenom would pin him down and then yowled in pain as Espressoeye raked his belly with his rear claws. Espressoeye then would try to rake his flank, but Affogatovenom clawed the other's ears and bit his throat.
When the two stopped fighting, they were both in equally bad condition with heavy wounds. Both were staring each other down and panting. Then, Affogatovenom looked up and fled towards Yewclan territory.
Madeleinepelt and his patrol had come! Twizzlypaw raced after the 'snake' out of the territory while also giving him some nasty wounds. Madeleinepelt ran to Espressoeye. "You are not dying!" He yowled as he picked up the thin brown tom and ran towards the camp. Espressoeye tried saying something but more blood bubbled out from his throat. "MILKBUBBLE, CLOVERSONG!" He called out to the medicine cats as he entered camp.
All eyes were on them both.
"What happened?! Bring him in the den!" Cloversong looked shocked and pushed the two cats into the medicine den, where Milkbubble was already chewing up yarrow. Angelpaw was gathering cobwebs into her mouth, looking very nervous.
Madeleinepelt said nothing, still in shock as he looked at Espressoeye, who was barely clinging on to life. He wanted to lay down next to him, but refused. The medicine cats need their space to do their work... and he knows if he is in the way he would be the cause of his painful death. Espressoeye looked almost lifeless with those wounds being very deep... especially around the throat.
Espressoeye felt scared. Was he dying? No, he was safe in camp. He tried heaving himself up, but Milkbubble said something he couldn't hear. He slowly closed his eyes as the darkness enfolded him.
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warriorcatscookies · 2 years
Chapter 1 and 2 surprise!
This is the written version of what you will see in the comic. The main idea is for me to draw everything out as I finish the main writing. You all saw the prologue, so now, the Chapter 1 and 2 reveal!
Chapter 1
“Espressoeye, wake up!” A voice would reach into his sleep behind him. Espressoeye groaned softly as he opened his eyes, his vision a bit blurry as the small bits of sunlight reached into the warrior’s den. The brown tom would yawn and thump his tail once he sat up.
“Madeleinepelt stop acting like a kit. You are a warrior now.” He spat, looking at the pale blonde tom. Ever since the day he could talk Madeleinepelt has been a bother to Espressoeye… especially during apprentice training where he would ask him a billion times to train with him or to go on a patrol. He was always so reckless though seen as a brave warrior all the cats would look up to and help cats in need.
The clan looks up to him... something Espressoeye wished would happen to him. Even though Madeleinepelt became a warrior 2 moons ago, he is already showing signs of what would make a good leader one day... if he ever got rid of his stupid prideful looks or his ridiculous amount of energy that can outrun even the most active of foxes!
“Windfoot said that we have to go on a hunting patrol soon.” Madeleinepelt smiled, puffing his chest out happily. Espressoeye could only guess that the other tom was excited to go on a patrol after many attempts of trying to catch him not so tired or mentoring.
“Fine. Just let me check up on the queens-” He muttered, getting up and stalking past the other without a second glance.
The clearing was filled with other Meadowclan cats chattering to each other. He even saw Carrothop and Beetstalk sharing tongues together. He would walk across to the queen’s den, being careful to not wake any sleeping kits.
A blur of ginger, white, brown and blue went right past him with feathers falling. The thin tom turned to look at what was happening.
“Get back here!” Bravekit hissed as he chased Dozingkit out of the nursery. Dozingkit turned back to his littermate with a few feathers in his mouth. The ginger kit would pounce on him with Dozingkit screeching and laughing. “You shall never take my feathers!”
Espressoeye watched the kits play around before seeing Croissantspots poked her head out of the nursery. “Bravekit! Dozingkit! You best be careful because you might break a bone if you both keep playing like that!” She called to her adoptive kits, her voice having a bit of worry with a hint of humor. The kits separated and went to Croissantspots. “Hello Espressoeye… I hope you didn’t mind my kits playing around.” She gave a very gentle smile at the dark tom. “I didn’t mind.” He nods softly and smiles back, something rare he does. “They are very strong. I am sure they will be wonderful cats one day.” Espressoeye purred. The queen gave a nod of agreement. “I hope when they are apprentices they get wonderful mentors.”
“Mom, not yet, we are barely three moons!” Chesnutkit squeaked from behind her. He remembered the day Croissantspots came forward with the truth that she was mates with a rouge, but Millennialstar didn't seem to mind despite the clan's dismay, in fact, he welcomed the rouge in who either goes by his past name 'Bleu' or his warrior name 'Rougefeather'.
Espressoeye saw Iceheart shift in her sleep a bit with Walnutkit close to her stomach. “I best go now… Windfoot is expecting me to go on a patrol.” He smiled, giving the queen a farewell before meeting the deputy at the exit of the clan.
Windfoot narrowed his eyes at him, twitching his tail once in a while. Always so serious and rarely smiled. Even with his mate Fireblaze he wouldn't smile that often.
“Timedapple, Madeleinepelt and Twizzlypaw are coming with us.” He said sternly as usual. ‘She overhunted last time’ His thoughts hissed, remembering how Timedapple didn’t show any concern over the mouthful of mice and the two magpies the apprentice brought to the clan last time. Timedapple and Twizzlypaw came to the area together with the neon blue and pink apprentice looking very excited. “Oh I can’t wait to find a rabbit! Maybe a hawk!” She purred. Timedapple chuckled. “With your speed and strength I am sure you can catch one.”
“Encouraging reckless behavior I see?” Espressoeye frowned. “Then what happens if she gets heavily wounded and can’t be a warrior?” His voice filled with anger towards the massive she cat.
Twizzlypaw kept her gaze on her mentor while Timedapple traced the dirt with her claw. “She needs to enjoy her youth.” The yellow she-cat meowed. “Assuming you ever had one-” Timedapple paused as Madeleinepelt came running over to the group and Windfoot standing up and heading out of camp and into the meadow. Espressoeye followed behind with his mouth slightly open.
“No bears or wolves here today...” He muttered before recoiling at a stench. “Though I smell wolf dung nearby.”
Windfoot gave a small nod and began to lead the cats to the river. “We are going to hunt for fish today, I fear that wolves may be near and may pounce on us if we hunt a deer like last time.” Espressoeye sighed, hating hunting in the river. He had a feeling Yewclan would be hunting or making a border patrol near the area too and attempting to push...
“Hey! Get off our territory!” A voice would hiss, bounding over to the group. A hairless gray cat with sickly yellow eyes came running over with a larger tom walking behind him.
Madelienepelt growled at the two cats, his fur bristling. “Licoricehaze and Darknight… why are you here?! This is Meadowclan territory!” He got his body ready to fight. Espressoeye eyed the two cats, knowing they were trying to hunt… but why on Meadowclan territory? Did Enchantressstar ask them to get a specific type of prey again?
“Sorry about my clanmate…” Darknight replied, his voice deep and smooth. “We were trying to find prey for the clan but Licoricehaze lost a vole in the river. He thought we could hunt in your territory and I deeply apologize for his actions.”
“Yeah! And I- Ow!”
“Zip it.”
Espressoeye noticed that Darknight stepped on Licoricehaze’s tail with his very large paw. Windfoot sat down. "Alright then... though be careful, wolves might be around as usual-"
"Stand down!" Timedapple yelled, unable to control her apprentice. Twizzlypaw hissed and hopped forward, her claws unsheathed and ready to tear the two cats. She had a gleeful grin across her face though as she was about to hop Timedapple put an arm in front of her.
Licoricehaze's shot up wide at the warning. "No, no. I don't want to get hunted down!" He and Darknight turned and headed into and pass Yewclan border. Espresso eye's ears twitched with his thoughts being pressed down slowly. "Next time they do that I will tear them to shreds!" Twizzlypaw hissed before racing to camp.
"Let's just head back to camp and report what we saw to Millennialstar after we get our fish. I am sure Doveclan didn't cross, but we have to make sure." The green tom nodded as he signaled the cats to the water. Espressoeye felt annoyed by this.... it couldn't get any worse... right?
Chapter 2
Madeleinepelt placed a rabbit in the fresh kill pile. He went on a private hunting trip after the patrol returned to camp and reported Yewclan's actions. He heard footsteps approach and turned around, only to see Milkbubble, the blind medicine cat. 'Goodness, he is almost as big as a fox!' Madeleinepelt thought before smiling. "Is Almondshade feeling better?"
"He is, but he is getting very restless in the den." Milkbubble chuckled. "We all know he is a bit stubborn." He lowered his voice.
The warrior nodded, remembering when he was a apprenticed and mentored by Almondshade. A strict mentor... and had a no nonsense attitude, oh the memories! Madeleinepelt looked around before nodding. "All cats of Meadowclan, come below the moss rock for a clan meeting!" A soft voice called in a sweet melody. Definitely Milllennialstar.
"Oh right! It's Herbpaw's and Sparklingpaw's warrior ceremony!" Milkbubble bounded over to the clearing where the other cats were gathered. Madeleinepelt felt stupid. How did he forget that a ceremony was happening today?! Vampirefang and Mintmelody became warriors yesterday, it would only make sense for the other two in the group to also become warriors the day after! He saw Espressoeye sitting on the opposite end of the clearing. His heart skipped a beat whenever he saw the dark brown tom, his thin appearance and his agile movements. 'If only he would let me in as his mate... I will love him to death and protect him with all my heart and strength! I-' A yowl for attention interrupted him and his thoughts.
Millennialstar stepped forward, a gentle look across his face as usual. "We are gathered here today to make two apprentices into warriors." He began, looking at Herbpaw and Sparklingpaw. "May the two step forward." He purred. Windfoot looked proud of Herbpaw... his son with Fireblaze. Madeleinepelt remembered when Windfoot made the reveal that he wasn't a she-cat and never would be... the clan accepted him for who he is! 'Hopefully Espressoeye feels welcomed... he was a rouge kit before...'
"I, Millennialstar, leader of Meadowclan, call down our ancestors to look down and watch these apprentices. They have trained hard to learn the traditions of the clan and understand the code, and in return I commend them to all of you as warriors in their turn." The leader looked at Sparklingpaw first. "Sparkingpaw, do you promise to uphold the code and protect the clan?"
"I do." The golden apprentice smiled, no hesitation in his voice.
"Then with the ancestors blessing, I give you your warrior name. Sparklingpaw, from this moment forward you will be known as Sparklingstream. All cats honor your calm nature and critical thinking." He rests his muzzle on Sparklingstream's head while the new apprentice placed his head on the leader's shoulder before going down to sit next to her paw. "Herbpaw, do do you promise to uphold the code and protect the clan?"
Herbpaw hesitated and looked at Fireblaze and Windfoot nervously. "Go on..." Fireblaze encouraged his son with a smile with Windfoot nodding in agreement. Herbpaw looked back up. "I... I do!" Madeleinepelt felt the young cat's nervousness remembering his ceremony. He had fainted in front of the clan during the ceremony. "Then with the ancestors blessing, I give you your warrior name. Herbpaw, from this moment forward you will be known as Herbfawn. All cats honor your kindness and compassion." Millennialstar did the same to Herbfawn as he did to Sparklingstream. Herbfawn was visibly shaking with a smile as he placed his head on his grandfather's shoulder. "This concludes the meeting! The new warriors must add a paw print to the Ancestors stone before high moon comes."
"Sparklingstream! Herbfawn! Sparklingstream! Herbfawn!" Every cat chanted as they welcomed the new warriors with their new names. Madeleinepelt was the first to greet them and give them words of encouragement. Even though they weren't his apprentices, he still felt proud of them. 'Maybe I can get my first apprentice soon... that would be fun.' He looked at Croissantspots with her kits, specifically Bravekit. 'Hopefully!' He thought happily.
Madeleinepelt shook his pelt and sat down close to the warrior den, where Espressoeye was about to stalk inside. "No." The thin warrior said as he went inside, seeing that the other opened his mouth. "Come on Espressoeye, we haven't had time together in a while! Please... Pretty please?"
Espressoeye frowned and yawned. "Maybe tomorrow... If it happens." He spat bitterly that even made Madeleinepelt flinch. He kept his smile up and nodded. "Tomorrow night then! See you!" He purred as he left the other alone.
'He doesn't need to be so bitter all the time... maybe I can help him have some fun! Not right now at least, but some day!' Madeleinepelt smiles back at the den before bounding over to the group of cats again.
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warriorcatscookies · 2 years
Sorry for the unsaid semi hiatus!
Sometimes we need a break to get back into things that we love and right now I plan to do hierarchy sheets for the AU, showing height differences and the cats in the Valley Territory!
It will go in order from leader to deputy to medicine cat (and medicine cat apprentice) to senior warriors to warriors to apprentices to queens to kits and finally to elders!
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warriorcatscookies · 2 years
AAA I keep forgetting to post updates!
Not as active at the moment due to me working on the comic!
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