wannabe-skeleton · 4 years
i need thinspo. i got to my lw last summer and made the stupid mistake to try and “recover”. i’ve gained too much weight since then, and i’m starting over again. idk why i thought recovery was the road for me when i can’t even look in the mirror without feeling repulsed.  so. send me skinny people and mean comments. thanks! <3
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wannabe-skeleton · 5 years
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Heathers (1988)
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wannabe-skeleton · 5 years
looking for active ED blogs to follow :-) like/reblog if any if these apply to you!
- 14-20 y/o
- SW 150+
- CW 120+
- lgbt+
- not pro
- posts sweetspo
- smokes cigs/weed
- enjoys art
- want a have a buddy to talk to :-)
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wannabe-skeleton · 5 years
Anyone with common sense: literally all you have to do is eat more unprocessed food and excersize. Calories don’t even matter.
Me,starving and saving calories to eat a brownie: what?
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wannabe-skeleton · 5 years
Why i need to loose weight
So i can buy over sized clothes and look cute and not like a sack
So i can buy cute jfashion from asain companies
So i can get sexy/cute sock suspenders
To be able to rouck the pastel goth look ive always wanted
So when i meet my boyfriend he can pick up and and wrao hus arms around me fully
So i can look elegant rather then frumpy
Outfit of the day posts
So people envy my asethic rather then look down on it
More clothing potions where ever i go
So i can try clothes on and have to get smaller sizes
So my thighs dont rub when i walk and i get chaffing burns
I can get collar bone peircings
So i can look ethreal yet also slightly demonic
Bones sticking out with out my straining
Too see my toes when i look down
Not be scared to sit on plastic chairs and weak looking benches
Piggy backs
Sit on peopkes laps
Not leaving those gross sweaty marks on chairs
Not feel my legs giggeling as i walk
Not have to worry if look ok of a morning because i know i do
To hear things like "omg you got so skinny" "u look like i could snap u in half"
So when someone offers me there jacket i dont have the embarasing moment of trying it on and it doesnt fit
shorts and thigh high socks because my thighs arent too big for them
No longer be the fat friend
No longer be the ugly friend
Perkier boobs
No more bingo wings
Sweating less
Less strain on my back
Ankles hurting less
Better joints
Better stamina
Cheaper clothes
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wannabe-skeleton · 5 years
please help share tips on how to drop weight as fast as possible, i lost abt 5 pounds but i gained them all over again wqkjahgefeh i'm literally disgusted at myself i just wanna be skinny
hello darling 💕
first of all, take a deep breath, you've got this. now, what I did at the beginning, was to just cut on carbs and to eat smaller portions. just by that I lost like 7lbs in a matter of two weeks. here are a few tips that I found helpful after losing the easy pounds:
cut on carbs. forget about that bread and those potatoes, you'll see results almost immediately if you're a bread lover
drink your water and your tea. they're good for you, they make you full, they're nice, tea helps with toxins, and they're zero cals!
if you like coffe, try taking it black or with just a bit of almond milk
workout! I cant stress this enough, especially if you're not a very athletic person, this is going to make your metabolism go insane, plus you'll feel better. Don't overdo it though, you don't want to injure those muscles
this might be controversial but I always do this and it helps a shit ton. allow yourself to have a candy, few times a week. don't even check the calories if you can, eat it when you have cravings before they get too bad cause if you wait, that one candy might result into a binge so proceed with caution, belive me, I speak from experience. try limiting yourself to 3 candies a week. this has helped me to avoid binges when I learned how to do it properly cause my cravings are not as bad
fruits and veggies are your best friends. if you're very hungry, prepare yourself a nice low cal salad and try not to put dressings, those are what make the calories go from 30 to 500
I try to fast at least 16 hours almost every day. during these fasts I can drink tea and coke zero and all of that but I don't allow myself to eat anything at all, not even smth that's supposed to have zero cals. not risking it. please don't do this if you feel like fainting or too dizzy
the most important thing to remember: a bad day won't ruin your progress. many bad days won't ruin your progress. even if you put on a few pounds, you're going to drop them again. okay? I promise. it's all going to work out
these are some of the things I do to drop weight as fast as possible. I left out the extreme habits cause I don't want anyone to do them because I mentioned them, I hope you understand. stay safe and be strong, you've got this 💕🍃
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wannabe-skeleton · 5 years
How to hide an ED
⤷ remember that these tips are for me, and me only. i could not be held responsible if you decided to follow them as well, so please be careful. ⤶
⭐ microwave food around people then take it to your room and throw it away, everyone will think you eat all the time.
⭐ don’t suddenly wear baggy clothes to hide weight especially if this isn’t your usual style of clothing, layer clothing instead.
⭐ say you ate with a friend or when you were out.
⭐ press on your stomach when it grumbles. if people hear it, say you ate recently and it’s still digesting.
⭐ get rid of food in the fridge when no one is around so it looks like you’ve eaten.
⭐ say you are allergic to certain food or than you are vegetarian or vegan or that you only eat gluten free food.
⭐ eat a tiny piece of onion or a pinch of garlic powder so your breath will smell like you ate.
⭐ if you don’t have your periods anymore, make sure you still continue buying/asking for tampons/pads and just carry them with you in case a friend needs one.
⭐ if you’re at a party try to drink from opaque cups or beer cans, you can bring it with you to the bathroom, dump it and then refill it with water.
⭐ paint your nails so people don’t notice that they are starting to get discolored.
⭐ if you go down in dress size cut the size marks out.
⭐ take sun, you always look healthier when you’re tan.
⭐ before going to the doctor, drink tons of water, also load up your pockets with spare change or rolls of change. you can also sew quarters or other small weighted objects into your underwear or bra. if you’re deperate, you can wear ankle weights under your pants but if you’re discovered it’s a dead giveaway and probably not worth it.
⭐  talk / post on social media about fitness a lot so people will think you’re just thin from exercise and healthy
stay safe Angels ✨
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wannabe-skeleton · 5 years
me: *loses two pounds a day*
me: can u like….. go faster
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wannabe-skeleton · 5 years
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i found this wallpaper and it’s so cute I had to share it!!!
By @clemoriarty on Insta!!!
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wannabe-skeleton · 5 years
i hate the idea that anorexics hate food. you think i hate food? nah man, i love food. i daydream about fried chicken. my love for food is the reason i’m in this mess
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wannabe-skeleton · 5 years
Me: Eats
My ED: That wasn’t very 🌸skinny legend🌸 of you
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wannabe-skeleton · 5 years
me: *fasts for 24 hours*
me, in the mirror the morning after:
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wannabe-skeleton · 5 years
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wannabe-skeleton · 5 years
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you can do it.
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wannabe-skeleton · 5 years
Guess I’ll just die ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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wannabe-skeleton · 5 years
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She looks so beautiful 🥰
• reblog if you’re pro recovery
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wannabe-skeleton · 5 years
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