Submitted by: Loraine Angelique D. Gan (NMPL-2)
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Being an inspiration is not easy. You need to get through different trials in life and learn to be strong despite the challenges that you are facing. Letters to God had a great impact in my life. Through this movie, it encouraged me to stay strong no matter what happens and to always have faith in God because His plans are always better than our plans. Each character played an important role and portrayed it successfully and gave justice to the real family that experienced this challenge. It was a very heart-warming and encouraging story.
The character growth of Tyler Doughtie and his relationship with God taught me to hold on to our faith no matter how big our problem. In the movie, it all started with Tyler who was fighting brain cancer at the age of 8 years old and dealing with the problem that his father recently passed away. Because of his strong faith, he never gave up and remained happy and optimistic even though his family was on the verge of giving up. Little did he know that he inspired many people’s lives especially his friend who is a mailman named, Bradey McDaniels.
Bradey McDaniels, is man who thinks his life was messed up because he and his wife was divorced and was trying to take away his son. He killed his time by drinking liquor in pubs and neglected his job. But God has better plans. Through these struggles he faced, he met Tyler along the way and after months had passed he became close to Tyler and his family and got inspired and his faith grew and he found the purpose in his life. He also met the right woman who will love him deeply compared to his ex-wife.
Tyler’s family was falling apart and they were starting to lose faith. They had enough of this trial and didn’t know what to do but Tyler still encouraged them and inspired them to remain strong no matter what happens to him. When he first came back to school after a brain surgery, his classmate, made fun of him. But instead of throwing the sticks and stones back at him, he just smiled and he did what Jesus wanted him to do. His strong faith encouraged his classmates and friends to open their hearts and welcome Jesus in to their lives and accept Him to have eternal life in Heaven.
Indeed, God has a plan. The letters that Tyler was trying to send was in the hands of Bradey McDaniels who was a mess and lost. He was confused at first of what he will do to these letters. He went to the church that knew about Tyler’s struggles and encouraged him to seek the reason why God would choose him to be the one handling it. Through the letters Tyler wrote for God, many people opened their eyes. His mother, who was struggling because of what Tyler was experiencing was unknowingly losing time for her elder son, knew why he has so distant from her. His classmate that was a bully, became kind towards him and his classmates. And Bradey McDaniels, a huge mess, found the real meaning and purpose in his life and got the chance to be with his son again. Even though, Tyler passed away, he was happy because his mission on earth was done and his family continued to move forward and their faith grew stronger and stronger as each day passed but Tyler will remain in their forevermore.
Letters to God is one of the best Christian movies I’ve watched. It made me cry in some scenes and it deserves to be in the cinemas in different parts of the world to spread the good news and to strengthen the faith of us Christians and also for us to be optimistic and to know that we have a purpose in this world. One of my favorite parts of this movie was when the different characters opened their eyes and found the solution to every problem. And that is to always pray to God not just when you have problems but also to thank Him for all the things He has given to us.
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GOD'S NOT DEAD 2 (Dominique Raso)
    "God's not Dead 2" showcased many different phenomena that can change the viewers lives. Director Harold Cronk, followed up a sequel where in which the issue of religion in school leads to courtroom showdown over God's rightful place in society. It is a crisis of faith whose resolution is a fait accompli, turning the struggle into a tormenting exercise in one-note proselytizing. This paranoid persecution-complex fantasy is likely to win many converts. 
   The movie started showing the realities of life. A person having a bad day, conquering a problem and also having a usual day. It was a big acclimation for Brooke (Hayley Orrantia) after her brother died. She was in search of something, she felt empty and sad because she will no longer be able to talk and see her brother again. Brooke is a student of Grace (Melissa Joan Hart) in her history class. Grace in the story finds herself facing the school boards fire-and-brimstone rage when, while lecturing about Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., and Brooke asks about the alikeness of those leaders and Jesus, and Grace responds by quoting scripture. According to the school board, such using biblical discourse violates state federal laws governing separation of church and state. Thus Brooke's parents files suit against Grace with the aid of Wise's nefarious lawyer, he is a disbelieving shark who "hates" Christian beliefs and who wants to use his newest case to "prove, once and for all, that God is dead". He promises them that ensuing publicity will help their daughter get into a good college, if only they'll sign on the Faustian dotted line.
         Refusing to accept the deal that requires her to formally apologize, Grace stands to her own faith for the Lord and, in doing so, is equated by the film as a principled kindred spirit. Tom Endler (Jesse Metcalfe) her lawyer, represented her to court. Tom is not a Christian but he respects his client's staunch convictions. The proceedings where overseen by Ernie Hudson's bellowing-judge-caricature soon devolve into cartonishness. With jurors accepted or denied, and legal councils indulging in endless orations.
       "God's not Dead 2" delivers profuse arguments about the separation of state and church that seem entirely sundered from any rational understanding of the topic. This movie shows the tyrannical driscimination faced by Christians.
       In the end good always win. The word of God always prevails. If we'll relate our lives to the movie, our life is like Grace's. We suffer problems, some people try to pulls us down and step on us, well life is not life without problems. God gave us that problems so that we can conquer it. There is always a pinch of hope in us. Don't lose that hope for that hope is from God and that hope keeps us going.
       In conclusion of all the intense debates, dramas and etc. "God's not Dead 2" operates at the level of average, but it surely has a lot of reflections and lessons that we can learn and "it has a far greater levels of upside-down logic" (variety.com).  
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