wallflowerswit · 21 hours
penelope those first two seasons out listening to all the girls yap on and on about anthony and benedict bridgerton: haha yeah they’re cool i guess whatever but COLIN bridgerton !!! omg he’s so kind and so funny and so sweet and so gentle and so caring and so lovely 🥰😍❤️😘🥰😍❤️😘😍🥰❤️😘😍🥰
her third season out and colin’s all anyone can talk about: yeah whatever 🙄😒 idk #notmycolin
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wallflowerswit · 3 days
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dialogue prompts taken from or inspired by the movie  PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (2005).   please feel free to change the sentences for pronouns and context as you see fit!
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‘ do you not want to know who has taken it? ’ 
‘ I doubt I have any choice in the matter. ’
‘ have you no compassion for my poor nerves? ’
‘ so will you come to the ball tomorrow? ’
‘ if every person in this room does not end the evening completely in love with you then I am no judge of beauty. ’
‘ they are not all bad. ’ 
‘ one of these days, someone will catch your eye and then you’ll have to watch your tongue. ’
‘ do you dance? ’
‘ so what do you recommend, to encourage affection? ’
‘ only the deepest love will persuade me into matrimony. ’
‘ you’re a great deal too apt to like people in general, you know. ’
‘ I still cannot believe what he said about you. ’
‘ I doubt we shall ever speak again. ’
‘ oh,  please! it’s ten in the morning. ’
‘ do not be alarmed. excepting a sore throat, a fever, and a headache there is nothing much wrong with me. ’
‘ good lord, did you walk here? ’
‘ it’s all going according to plan. ’
‘ I never saw such a woman, she would certainly be a fearsome thing to behold. ’
‘ would you consider pride a fault or a virtue? ’
‘ my good opinion, once lost, is lost forever. ’
‘ I don’t know how to thank you. ’
‘ he can turn us out of the house as soon as he pleases. ’
‘ how happy for you, to possess the talent for flattering with such delicacy. ’
‘ shall we all look for some ribbon together? ’
‘ how do you like my ribbons for your ball? ’
‘ you may well be surprised, especially given our cold greeting this afternoon. ’
‘ oh no, it is not for me to be driven away. ’
‘ if you wish to avoid seeing me, you must go, not I. ’
‘ I hope never to encounter him. ’
‘ may I have the next dance? ’
‘ it would be most inconvenient since I have sworn to loathe you for all eternity. ’
‘ please advise me of what you would like most to hear. ’
‘ do you talk as a rule while dancing? ’
‘ I prefer to be unsociable and taciturn. ’ 
‘ why do you ask such a question? ’
‘ and what have you discovered? ’
‘ I hear such different accounts of you as puzzle me exceedingly. ’
‘ I hope to afford you more clarity in the future. ’
‘ what interesting relatives you have. ’
‘ almost as soon as I entered the house I singled you out as the companion of my future life. ’
‘ and now nothing remains for me but to assure you in the most animated language of the violence of my affections. ’
‘ you are too hasty!  you forget that I have made no answer. ’
‘ you could not make happy and I’m convinced I’m the last person in the world who could make you happy. ’
‘ go back now and say you’ve changed your mind! ’
‘ there’s no earthly reason why I shouldn’t be as happy with him as any other. ’
‘ not all of us can afford to be romantic. ’
‘ I’ve been offered a comfortable home and protection, there’s a lot to be thankful for. ’
‘ I’m plain and I have no money and no prospects. ’
‘ do not make yourself uneasy, about your apparel. ’
‘ your mother must have been quite a slave to your education. ’
‘ upon my word, you give your opinion very decidedly for so young a person. ’
‘ no excellence can be acquired without constant practice. ’
‘ you would be in nobody’s way, you know, in that part of the house. ’
‘ I am well enough acquainted with you, to know I cannot alarm you even should I wish it. ’
‘ I do not have the talent of conversing easily with people I have never met before. ’
‘ I came to  ___  with the single object of seeing you. l had to see you. ’
‘ I love you. Most ardently. ’
‘ I appreciate the struggle you have been through, and I am very sorry to have caused you pain. ’
‘ I’m sure that the feelings which, as you’ve told me, have hindered your regard, will help you in overcoming it. ’
‘ might I ask why, with so little endeavour at civility, I am thus repulsed? ’
‘ I suppose you suspect that his fortune had same bearing on the matter? ’
‘ what excuse can you give for your behaviour to him? ’
‘ you take an eager interest in that gentleman’s concerns! ’
‘ oh yes, your misfortunes have been very great indeed! ’
‘ you have ruined his chances, and yet treat him with sarcasm? ’
‘ so this is your opinion of me! thank you for explaining so fully. ’
‘ and those are the words of a gentleman? ’
‘ from the first moment I met you, your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain of the feelings of others, made me realize that you were the last person in the world I could ever be prevailed upon to marry. ’
‘ I shall not renew the sentiments which were so disgusting to you. ’
‘ what are men, compared to rocks and mountains? ’
‘ believe me, men are either eaten up with arrogance or stupidity, and if they are amiable they’re so easily led that they have no minds of their own whatsoever. ’
‘ take care, my love, that savors strongly of bitterness. ’
‘ I’m so sorry to intrude. they said the house was open for visitors. I had no idea… ’
‘ there is something pleasing about his mouth, when he speaks. ’
‘ you don’t mind delaying our journey for another day? ’
‘ but I know very well that nothing can be done. we have not the smallest hope. ’
‘ would I could help you. ’
‘ sir, I think it is too late. ’
‘ this is grave indeed. I will leave you. ’ 
‘ I forgot! I shouldn’t have said a word! ’
‘ I’m just glad that you come alone, because then I shall see less of you. ’
‘ not that I’m afraid of myself, but I dread other people’s remarks. ’
‘ oh my goodness! everybody behave naturally. ’
‘ whatever you do, do not appear overbearing. ’
‘ stop that racket and sit down! find yourself some work! ’
‘ oh lord. I shall have a seizure, I’m sure I shall. ’
‘ I return to town tomorrow. ’
‘ so soon? ’
‘ for when you were in town last winter you promised to take a family dinner with us. I have not forgot you see. at least three courses. ’
‘ well, I’m glad that’s over. ’
‘ we can now meet as indifferent acquaintances. ’
‘ you cannot think me so weak as to be in danger now. ’
‘ I think you are in great danger of making him as much in love with you as ever. ’
‘ I know this is all very untoward, but I would like to request the privilege of speaking with you. ’
‘ first, I have to tell you that I have been an unmitigated and comprehensive ass. ’
‘ thank the lord for that! I thought it would never happen. ’
‘ I knew she could not be so beautiful for nothing. ’
‘ can you die of happiness? ’
‘ bravo! that is the most unforgiving speech you’ve ever made. ’
‘ you can be at no loss to understand why I am here. ’
‘ I warn you, I am not to be trifled with. ’
‘ if you believed it impossible, I wonder you took the trouble of coming so far. ’
‘ you may ask the questions, which I may not choose to answer. ’ 
‘ you have insulted me in every possible way and can now have nothing further to say. I must ask you to leave immediately. ’
‘ I have never been thus treated in my entire life. ’
‘ for once in your life,  just leave me alone! ’
‘ I couldn’t sleep. ’
‘ how can I ever make amends for such behaviour? ’
‘ you must know  —  surely you must know, that it was all for you. ’
‘ you are too generous to trifle with me. ’
‘ my affections and wishes have not changed. ’
‘ one word from you will silence me forever. ’
‘ you have bewitched me body and soul and I love and love and love you. ’
‘ I never wish to be parted from you from this day on. ’
‘ your hands are cold. ’
‘ I thought you hated the man. ’
‘ but will that make you happy? ’
‘ I was wrong, entirely wrong about him. ’
‘ you mustn’t tell anyone. he wouldn’t want it. ’
‘ you do love him, don’t you? ’
‘ I cannot believe that anyone can deserve you. ’
‘ and how are you today, my dear? ’
‘ I wish you would not call me “my dear”. ’
‘ what endearments am I allowed? ’
‘ and what shall I call you when I’m cross? ’
‘ how are you this evening,  ____ ? ’     
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wallflowerswit · 3 days
little meme call !! like this and i'll send you a handful of memes ~
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wallflowerswit · 3 days
if u wanna write w my own interpretation of baby boy colin
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wallflowerswit · 3 days
she  studied  him  carefully  ,  blue  eyes  so  focused  on  his  much  darker  ones.  it  was  clear  that  he  was  acting  .  .  .  well  ,  not  like  himself.  but  this  was  only  further  emphasized  when  he  took  her  hand  (  not  that  that  was  odd  for  them  ,  )  but  it  was  what  followed  that  caused  penelope  to  PANIC.  as  he  spoke  ,  she  only  felt   .  .  .   dejected.  although  his  tone  was  full  of  care  ,  and  gentle  —-  the  matter  of  subject  was  what  was  upsetting  her.  her  brows  furrowed  deeply  ,  gaze  looking  away  from  his  .  .  .  she  made  to  interject  ,  to  argue  with  him.  until  it  was  his  hand  reaching  for  her  cheek  ,  and  his  touch  ,  of  course  —-  on  her  bare  skin  ,  ignited  something  she  had  been  trying  so  diligently  to  REPRESS. 
he  is  your  friend  ,  she  thinks.  nothing  more  ,  no  matter  how  kind  or  gentle  or  caring.
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gathering  up  the  courage  to  form  a  rebuttal  to  his  words  ,  she  swallowed.  her  hand  moved  to  rest  atop  the  one  placed  upon  her  cheek  ,  and  for  one  very  brief  moment  ,  she  allowed  it  to  stay  there.  her  head  full  of  so  many  thoughts  ,  their  shared  kiss  at  the  forefront  of  her  mind.  then  ,  she  snapped  back  to  REALITY.  reminded  herself  that  her  love  was  an  unrequited  fantasy  ,  and  pushed  down  all  of  her  imaginings  ,  all  of  the  love  that  she  had  for  him  ,  down  ,  down  ,  down.  with  all  of  the  willpower  that  she  could  muster  ,   she  took  his  hand  and  removed  it  from  her  cheek  ,  only  to  bring  it  back  down  to  his  side  ,  letting  go.  ❝  colin  ,  you  are  right  .  .  .  i  do  not  know  him  but  ,  i  do  not  think  you  truly  do  either.  ❞  how  could  he  ?  half  of  his  time  was  spent  fending  off  the  attention  from  his  ONSLAUGHT  of  admirers.  ❝  i’m  grateful  ,  that  you  see  me  in  this  way  —-  truly.  you  are  a  better  friend  to  me  than  i  deserve.  but  colin  ,  what  we  did  .  .  .  i  was  nearly  ruined.  i  should  thank  lord  debling  for  being  reasonable  ,  for  looking  past  my  low  standing  in  society.  besides  ,  we  are  simply  just  courting.  i’m  sure  i  will  get  to  know  him  much  more  ,  but  you  can  rest  assured  that  he  is  a  kind  man.  i  do  not  have  to  pretend  around  him  ,  and  he  accepts  me  for  all  of  my  shortcomings.  ❞  well  ,  even  her  mother  had  told  her  she  should  take  what  she  can  get.
she  takes  a  step  towards  him  ,  her  body  practically  betraying  her.  acting  on  its  own  accord.  but  she  smiles  softly  nonetheless,  and  looks  up  to  match  his  GAZE.  ❝  i’m  so  thankful  ,  to  you.  for  all  of  your  help.  if  lord  debling  does  propose  ,  i  will  have  you  to  thank  for  that.  but  i  promise  you  that  i  will  thoroughly  get  to  know  him  before  making  any  rash  decisions.  —-  ❞  she  finishes  her  sentiments  off  with  another  lighthearted  laugh.  ❝  but  forget  about  me  ,  truly  .  .  .  you  are  the  one  with  prospects  galore.  ❞  she  joked  ,  because  if  she  did  not  .  .  .  she  might  very  well  cry.  ❝  i’m  sure  those  mama’s  will  make  a  husband  out  of  you  some  day.  i'll  be  here  patiently  waiting  to  see  it.  ❞
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Colin had been lost in thought, his mind drifting back and forth to Lord Debling and the fact that he had called upon Pen; it seemed that things were becoming serious, and quickly, and that only made him feel worse. Why couldn't he be enthusiastic for Pen, why was his chest suddenly feeling heavy and melancholic feelings haunted him? He felt bad, for sure, Pen deserved better from her best friend, and he was aware of that, yet it was hard for him to process all of it... he could see the hint of sadness in her eyes when he didn't reciprocate her excitement so he knew he had to be vocal about his feelings.
He waited for her to finish her train of thoughts so he would not interrupt her. Her mention of the Queen's ball and their dance brought a lightness to the conversation, but, he still felt like he needed to take things off his chest.
He reached out, gently taking her hand. ❝ Pen ... we must talk. ❞ he let out a sigh, gathering courage to continue … ❝ I think ... that you should get to know Lord Debling a little more before going further with this choice ... ❞ he offered her a nervous smile, eyes darting out to hers. ❝ I know you must be thrilled that he's shown interest in you, but you're not just anyone… you're Penelope Featherington and I KNOW there is someone else... someone ... better, for you. Specifically made for YOU. ❞ his gaze got more intense, he wanted her to know that he was genuine, his words coming from his heart and he didn't want, not even for one second, to hurt her.
In one last desperate attempt, he reached out with his free hand to touch her cheek. ❝ You mean a lot and ... ❞ his tone got softer and voice almost trembling while he continued, ❝ and ... I wish you knew how much you've got to offer. Lord Debling is not the match you want, not the match you deserve.❞ he was aware of how desperate he must seem, but he couldn't let her just waste away her life in the arms of another.
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wallflowerswit · 3 days
penelope  simply  nods  in  agreement  ,  despite  never  having  seen  benedict’s  art  herself  .  .  .  she  somehow  knew  sophie  was  telling  the  TRUTH.  it  had  brought  many  questions  to  the  forefront  of  pen’s  mind  ,  but  her  eyes  only  find  themselves  studying  the  work  sophie  diligently  labored  over.  at  least  until  she  decides  to  speak  her  thoughts  aloud  —-  ❝  so  it  is  the  lack  of  belief  in  himself  .  .  .  that  causes  him  to  —-  well  ,  hide  his  art  ?  if  that  is  truly  what  he  is  even  doing.  ❞  she  had  simply  made  an  inference  ,  as  penelope  was  not  close  enough  to  benedict  to  know  what  ailed  him.  what  she  did  know  ,  however  —-  was  that  she  felt  similarly  about  her  writing.
she  should  be  ashamed  of  lady  whistledown  ,  and  sometimes  in  the  recesses  of  her  mind  ,  she  was.  but  there  was  no  part  of  her  at  the  moment  that  could  think  of  any  good  reason  to  give  it  up.  it  was  her  voice  ,  the  only  thing  she  had  for  herself.  she  was  not  ready  to  share  that  with  the  WORLD  ,  and  might  never  be  ,  but  it  was  hers  and  hers  alone.  so  ,  penelope  offers  sophie  another  smile  ,  glad  to  know  there  were  so  many  others  that  had  felt  love  from  the  bridgertons. 
❝  i’ve  heard  good  things  about  emma.  ❞  penelope  offers  with  a  smile  ,  ❝  i’ve  yet  to  read  it  myself  though.  when  you  finish  ,  you  must  tell  me  if  it  has  a  happy  ending  or  not.  i  can  only  stomach  happy  tales  of  love  these  days.  ❞
What did Benedict have to say? WELL.. that was to be seen. She picked up one of Hyacinth's gowns that lay upon her lap, needle and thread upon the hemline as she fixed what needed to be fixed with a rather PERFECT HAND. Sophie always put others before herself, it cost nothing to be kind and so Sophie was always good natured, even if she was fiery and stubborn at times. "If there is one thing I will say about Bene-- Mr Bridgerton, his art is very good. Brilliant even." A COMPLIMENT, which brought a small smile across her features.
"He needs someone to believe in him, or to believe in himself. His art could very well go up in the National Gallery it is that good" Kind eyes looked briefly up to Penelope. "If there is one thing Lady Whistledown could say about the Bridgerton family, it is that they are beyond kind and generous.. although I am sure you Miss Featherington know that already" Sophie stated, it wasn't a JIBE, she knew that Eloise and Penelope had been CLOSE FRIENDS. Sophie finished the sewing tying it off correctly before holding the gown up to observe it in the light, a smile of SATISFACTION across her features.
"there, now that is done for Hyacinth, I can take half an hour for my break. I usually sit by the window and read, the Jane Austin book Emma has been quite good I have found." Sophie commented, she enjoyed reading romance novels the most in her spare time, PERHAPS because it gave her a SENSE OF JOY that she couldn't have in the real world. Knowing how she felt for Benedict, no other man would be able to match him, at least not in the depths of her soul.
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wallflowerswit · 4 days
↬   THE  LANGUAGE  OF  THORNS,  midnight  tales  and  dangerous  magic.   (  2017  )  by  leigh  bardugo.
sentences  taken  from  or  inspired  by  the  collection’s  dialogue  &  narration.
+   feel  free  to  change  pronouns  !
‘  love  speaks  in  flowers.  truth  requires  thorns.  ’
‘  we  all  know  the  story  of  how  the  queen  becomes  a  queen.  ’
‘  we  should  leave  this  place.  ’
‘  no  doubt  it  will  come  and  devour  us  all.  ’
‘  the  beast  will  laugh  you  right  out  of  the  wild  lands.  ’
‘  you  know  how  the  stories  go.  interesting  things  happen  only  to  pretty  girls.  ’
‘  is  the  wood  much  worse  than  a  garden  overgrown  with  pricklers  ?  ’
‘  stupid  girl  !  do  you  wish  to  become  a  monster  ?  ’
‘  strike  me.  cleave  me  in  two.  ’
‘  you’re  as  thorny  as  the  wood.  ’  
‘  there  is  but  one  rule  in  my  wood.  speak  truth.  ’
‘  perhaps  you  might  show  mercy  freely.  ’
‘  just  eat  a  bit  of  the  sun  to  fill  the  sky,  and  you  will  feel  empty  no  longer.  ’
‘  what  nonsense  !  of  course  that’s  not  how  the  story  ends.  ’
‘  some  people  are  born  with  a  piece  of  night  inside,  and  that  hollow  place  can  never  be  filled.  ’
‘  what  do  i  care  for  winter  ?  no  season  touches  this  wood.  ’
‘  you  know  the  only  bargain  i  will  make.  ’
‘  sometimes  the  unseen  is  not  to  be  feared  and  those  that  are  meant  to  love  us  most  are  not  always  the  ones  that  do.  ’
‘  bad  fates  do  not  always  follow  those  that  deserve  them.  ’
‘  no  prince  is  worth  your  life.  ’
‘  are  you  so  eager  to  be  eaten  ?  ’
‘  they  have  told  me  to  return  with  your  heart.  ’
‘  you  think  to  love  a  monster  ?  ’
‘  a  man  like  you  is  owed  no  words.  ’
‘  you  are  doomed  to  a  miserable  life.  ’
‘  better  to  be  hungry  now  than  to  be  sorry  later.  ’
‘  what  will  everyone  say  when  they  see  such  a  face  ?  ’
‘  we  have  not  gone  so  soft  as  that.  ’
‘  you  think  that  we  will  let  you  live  on  foolish  promises  ?  ’
‘  you  have  bested  me.  that  much  is  clear.  ’
‘  will  you  not  free  me  ?  ’
‘  you  will  have  a  fine  time  of  it,  i  can  tell  you.  ’
‘  i  can  bear  ugliness.  i  find  the  one  thing  i  cannot  live  with  is  death.  ’
‘  if  you  will  only  cease  your  talking,  i  will  gladly  go.  ’
‘  where  he  went,  he  bled  the  woods  dry.  ’
‘  what’s  a  bit  more  blood  ?  ’
‘  you  should  leave  this  place.  you  are  not  safe  here.  ’
‘  with  such  big  eyes,  i  think  you  see  too  much.  ’
‘  will  you  not  tell  me  what  troubles  you  ?  ’
‘  why  do  you  stay  with  him  ?  you’re  pretty  enough  to  catch  a  husband.  ’
‘  just  because  you  escape  one  trap,  doesn’t  mean  you  will  escape  the  next.  ’
‘  first  i  must  find  my  courage.  ’
‘  few  can  resist  the  sight  of  a  pretty  girl  crying.  ’
‘  the  trap  is  loneliness,  and  no  one  escapes  it.  not  even  me.  ’
‘  in  the  wood,  even  songbirds  must  be  survivors.  ’
iii.    THE  WITCH  OF  DUVA.
‘  there  was  a  time  when  the  wood  ate  girls.  ’
‘  be  back  before  dark.  the  trees  are  hungry  tonight.  ’
‘  who  can  say  what  shapes  an  appetite  ?  ’
‘  this  is  my  home,  you  can’t  just  send  me  away.  ’ 
‘  don’t  be  foolish.  there’s  plenty  of  light.  ’
‘  well  then,  come  help  me  stir  the  pot.  ’
‘  i  will  warn  you  just  this  once.  go.  ’ 
‘  you  cannot  come  and  go  from  this  place  like  you’re  fetching  water  from  a  well.  ’  
‘  hope  made  me  stubborn.  ’
‘  stay  there  and  keep  quiet.  i  don’t  need  rumors  that  i’ve  been  taking  girls.  ’
‘  i  will  not  have  you  bring  a  monster  to  my  door.  ’
‘  you  know  that  you  are  welcome  to  remain  here  with  me.  ’
‘  i  will  follow  her.  i  will  peck  out  her  eyes.  ’
‘  believe  me.  say  you  believe  me.  ’
‘  dark  things  have  a  way  of  slipping  through  narrow  spaces.  ’
‘  it  is  dangerous  to  travel  the  northern  road  with  a  troubled  heart.  ’
‘  if  you  are  lost  in  your  own  thoughts,  you  may  find  yourself  stepping  off  the  path  and  into  the  dark  woods.  ’
‘  she  was  beautiful  from  the  moment  of  her  birth.  ’
‘  why  must  i  be  the  one  to  hide  ?  ’
‘  do  you  think  i  am  so  foolish  or  so  cruel  ?  ’
‘  water  only  wants  direction.  it  wants  to  be  told  what  to  do.  ’
‘  always  you  have  done  my  bidding,  but  what  good  are  you  to  me  now  ?  ’
‘  soon  i  will  be  very  rich,  but  will  i  have  a  good  man  ?  ’
‘  that  is  a  question  for  the  river.  ’
‘  your  tongue  is  not  fit  for  my  true  name.  ’
‘  will  you  come  with  me,  and  be  bride  to  nothing  but  the  shore  ?  ’
‘  she  was  terrifying  in  her  beauty,  bright  like  a  devouring  star.  ’
‘  remember  that  to  use  a  thing  is  not  to  own  it.  ’
‘  should  you  ever  take  a  bride,  listen  closely  to  her  questions.  ’
‘  this  is  the  problem  with  even  lesser  demons.  they  come  to  your  door  in  velvet  coats  and  polished  shoes.  ’
‘  you  will  find  great  love  and  more  gold  than  you  could  wish  for.  ’
‘  he’s  a  charming  fellow,  but  most  unusual,  and  peculiarities  seem  to  follow  him.  ’  
’  it  seemed  harmless  at  the  time.  ’
‘  he  needed  a  girl,  still  malleable,  one  that  he  could  make  admire  him.  ’
‘  this  is  pleasant.  this  is  enough.  ’
‘  are  you  my  soldier  ?  are  you  my  prince  ?  ’
‘  i  have  not  come  to  fight,  only  to  talk.  ’
‘  wanting  is  why  people  get  up  in  the  morning.  it  gives  them  something  to  dream  of  at  night.  ’
‘  i  am  perfectly  real.  ’
‘  she  loves  you,  though,  and  that  will  make  it  harder.  ’
‘  best  not  to  ask.  i  think  the  answer  would  please  no  one.  ’
‘  we  can  stay  forever  in  the  land  of  dreams.  ’
‘  kiss  me.  take  me  from  this  place.  ’
‘  i  sent  you  to  die  a  hundred  times.  ’
‘  i  eat  the  wonder  in  their  eyes.  ’
‘  you  were  an  idea  in  my  head.  you  were  nothing,  and  to  nothing  you  will  return  when  i  think  of  you  no  more.  ’
‘  you  wanted  only  that  i  might  live.  you  would  sacrifice  your  own  life  to  make  it  so.  ’
‘  are  you  my  darling  ?  are  you  mine  ?  ’
‘  you  wish  to  strike  a  bargain.  ’
‘  make  me  someone  new.  ’
‘  this  is  the  problem  with  making  a  thing  forbidden.  it  does  nothing  but  build  an  ache  in  the  heart.  ’
‘  easy  magic  is  pretty.  great  magic  requires  that  you  trouble  the  waters.  ’
‘  no  one  expects  me  to  accomplish  anything.  ’
‘  i  can  smell  your  ambition  like  blood  in  the  water.’  
‘  i  know  that  you  should  keep  it  like  a  secret,  not  shout  it  like  a  curse.  ’
‘  yes.  i  can  imagine  it  all.  ’
‘  you  are  worth  more  than  that.  you  should  not  have  to  earn  him.  ’
‘  hope  rises  like  water  trapped  beneath  a  dam,  higher  and  higher,  in  increments  that  mean  nothing  until  you  face  the  flood.  ’
‘  there  is  no  pain  like  the  pain  of  transformation.  ’
‘  take  your  pleasures  as  you  will.  ’
‘  come,  and  i’ll  tell  you  all  you  wish  to  know.  ’
‘  he  made  me  dream  of  things  i  cannot  have.  ’
‘  i  do  not  care  for  dancing.  ’
‘  look  into  the  mirror,  and  try  to  deny  it.  ’
‘  you  have  never  been  like  the  others,  and  you  never  will  be.  ’
‘  we  were  not  made  to  please  princes.  ’
‘  i  am  not  quite  mortal  either,  and  i  have  many  lives  to  live.  ’
‘  i  wouldn’t  care  if  you  were  part  human  or  part  frog.  ’
‘  my  voice  is  not  enough.  ’
‘  you  know  i  was  never  strong.  ’
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wallflowerswit · 4 days
❝  being  with  child  ,  ❞  she  offered  ,  rather  matter  -  of  -  fact.   ❝  a  maid  .  .  .  she  said  it  was  because  of  love  ,  love  is  what  brings  children.  ❞  and  penelope  shutters  at  the  thought.  ❝  yet  ,  my  mother  has  said  love  is  not  a  prerequisite  for  marriage.  that  well  ,   sometimes  it  is  not  even  needed.  ❞  portia’s  marriage  with  penelope’s  father  had  been  PROOF  of  that  very  thing.  she  had  been  trying  to  connect  the  dots  for  weeks  ,  eloise  had  been  of  little  help  ,  but  —--  daphne  was  older  ,  and  she  had  a  duke  as  well  as  a  prince  vying  for  her  attention  at  one  point  ,  so  penelope  was  hopeful  that  this  was  the  bridgerton  who  would  tell  all.  ❝  eloise  and  i  can  hardly  make  any  sense  of  it  all  ,  hard  as  we  might  try.  and  i  just  cannot  understand  why  it  has  to  be  so  .  .  .  secretive.  being  with  child  is  something  that  is  typically  celebrated  ,  and  yet  .  .  .  i  know  very  little  of  the  details.  ❞  —-  her  gaze  shifts  to  her  hands  out  of  nervousness  ,  and  then  she  gathers  the  courage  to  look  back  up  at  daphne  only  to  offer  an  apologetic  smile.  ❝  i  know  it  is  not  an  appropriate  matter  to  discuss  ,  so  i  hope  you  can  forgive  me  for  that.  i’m  simply  .  .  .  curious.  there  must  be  another  explanation  ,  something  beyond  .  .  .  love  ?  ❞ 
daphne found penelope's words undeniably truthful, they remained a little confusing. undeterred by the lack of immediate comprehension, daphne displayed a genuine willingness to delve deeper. penelope, a girl she had known for years through her sister eloise, had always been on the quieter side, preferring the fringes of social gatherings. despite this, she had always enjoyed penelope's company, making a point to greet her whenever their paths crossed. now, with a subtly raised eyebrow and an encouraging smile, daphne silently invited the other to elaborate. ❛perhaps you could explain it to me, then?❜
@wallflowerswit: “i know it doesn’t make sense.”
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wallflowerswit · 4 days
little meme call !! like this and i'll send you a handful of memes ~
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wallflowerswit · 4 days
penelope  gives  the  woman  a  polite  nod  ,  but  she  considers  her  words  carefully.  colin  bridgerton  had  once  told  her  that  she  had  a  unique  way  of  seeing  others  ,  of  seeing  him.  her  heart  fluttered  at  the  thought  ,  and  maybe  that  was  why  the  rejection  he  had  so  PLAINLY  served  her  hurt  so  terribly.  she  could  do  more  than  sympathize  with  the  girl  ,  for  she  had  experienced  it  first  hand.  ❝  wouldn’t  it  be  better  though  ,  to  be  rejected  ?  you  could  simply  .  .  .  move  on.  ❞  she  paused  ,  wondering  if  the  honesty  in  her  question  was  too  much  ,  and  so  she  backtracks.  ❝   i  apologise  ,  i  just  .  .  .  i  suppose  i  wonder  what  would  happen  if  you  were  honest  with  him.  if  you  were  to  TELL  him  how  you  feel  ,  it  could  lead  to  something  wonderful.  or  .  .  .  well  ,  perhaps  you  would  face  rejection.  but  then  you  would  not  have  to  wonder  anymore  ,  and  you  would  be  —-  free.  ❞ 
penelope  swallows  ,  it  had  been  far  too  late  for  her  to  take  the  advice  she  was  offering  unsolicited.  colin  had  given  her  that  rejection  without  even  having  to  utter  the  truth  aloud  ,  so  he  had  saved  her  ,  perhaps  —-  from  the  humiliation  of  it  all.  maybe  she  should  thank  him  one  day  for  that.  ❝  being  a  spinster  is  not  such  a  terrible  fate.  my  mother  had  once  told  me  that  a  life  unmarried  is  not  all  bad  ,  and  sometimes  .  .  .  well  men  are  not  the  same  as  they  are  in  the  stories.  a  husband  could  simply  just  be  .  .  .  a  hindrance  ,  an  ire  even.  no  privacy  ,  no  affection  or  love  —-  if  you  marry  the  wrong  one  ,  that  is.  ❞  —-  as  her  own  mother  had.
At Penelope's question, Thinya felt her cheeks turn slightly pinker. Her heart was aching, she knew that this wouldn't be a possible love. After all, Benedict was often seen with ladies who were of a certain age, enjoying his freedom and not really willing to settle for marriage. The young woman suffered in silence and preferred not saying anything, by fear of being rejected.
"I stay discreet due to the fear of being rejected. Yes, I am the daughter of a Count, but this doesn't make me desperate enough to jump and secure my match. Besides.." Her green hues looked at Benedict, who was checking on another woman. "He doesn't seem interested in marriage." She looked down, pain clearly readable on her features as she sighed. "I don't think I am the right woman for him." She said reluctantly, though her heart was screaming at her to try at least.
When Penelope talked about Benedict, Thinya agreed with her words. "He is, indeed. Which is why my heart fell instantly for him." A kind smile came across her face as she looked at her friend. "I am not brave enough to tell him. I am not strong enough to face a rejection and see him enjoying other women. If I do end up rejected by him, I guess my only fate will be to end up as a spinster."
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wallflowerswit · 4 days
penelope  and  secrecy  were  indeed  two  words  that  did  not  seem  to  fit  well  together.  she  had  spent  her  second  season  out  realizing  that  lady  whistledown  and  penelope  herself  were  two  sides  of  the  same  coin  ;  not  easily  separated  .  .  .  and  lying  in  those  scandal  sheets  had  gotten  her  NOWHERE.  nowhere  but  simply  friendless  ,  all  through  her  own  doing.  so  she  offers  the  other  girl  a  gentle  smile  ,  and  changes  the  subject  swiftly.   ❝  there  are  not  many  secrets  in  the  ton  ,  not  with  lady  whistledown  around.  i'm  sure  she  will  likely  write  what  everyone  else  is  thinking  ,  but  won't  dare  say  aloud.  ❞  penelope  reaches  for  a  glass  of  lemonade  sitting  on  the  table  beside  them  ,  and  takes  a  languid  sip.  ❝ it  was  a  BORE  ,  the  music  was  tragic  ,  the  queen's  interest  was  wholly  elsewhere  .  .  .  ❞  now  that  they  had  established  the  honesty  between  themselves  ,  it  rolled  off  of  penelope's  tongue  with  ease.  ❝ now  that  we  are  being  honest  with  each  other  —-  i  would  have  preferred  staying  home  with  a  good  book.  ❞
relief swept over her as the other lady responded to her comment with nothing but good humour and understanding. always a solace to know that one was not alone in their opinion in a crowd, especially when the opposite could make them feel more than a little cruel. besides it was clear the quartet on stage were putting in quite a bit of effort and at the very least their outfits were beautiful. "well i suppose if someone did not appreciate my honesty we were destined never to get on for too long anyway," a sentiment her mother had taught a young ellie when she lamented her struggles bonding with other girls her age. "inspite of that your secrecy is appreciated."
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wallflowerswit · 5 days
thinking about s.uccession on this day and "the poison drips through" bc penelope spends so much of her life trying to separate herself from portia and be everything that she is not and yet ends up being the daughter that is the most like her
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wallflowerswit · 5 days
@storiesbreathed / eloise said ❝  can we talk ?  alone ? ❞
❝  oh . . . uh , yes  —-  of course.  ❞  it takes so much out of penelope to even respond , fighting her instinct to simply freeze , or worse  . . .  run from it , from facing her. how miserable it was to have gotten to this point with eloise bridgerton , when just last year they had been practically inseparable. it was PAINFUL , to see her so content without her , and to watch the brewing friendship between eloise and cressida blossom. penelope had been full of grief , but most importantly  . . .  so much guilt. because it truly had been all her doing , even now —- having the chance to speak with eloise felt like a privilege in and of itself.  penelope could not let it go to waste.  ❝  come —-  ❞  she tilts her head in the direction of a quiet and secluded corner , one of very few in the hartigan estate.
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only when it is clear that they have escaped listening ears and peering eyes , does penelope allow herself to speak. ❝  eloise , if this is about earlier . . . i apologise , i did not expect lord debling to see me or even ENGAGE in conversation with me for that matter , i  —-  i know cressida is , well  . . .  whatever she wants from him ,  i do not intend to stand in her way. it is just complicated , considering what whistledown has written of me , well  . . .  thanks to your brother , his heroic pursuits seem to have distracted them for now. still , i did not intentionally set out to put any of us in this position but —-  ❞  and she stops only to let out a frustrated sigh , realizing that she was rambling on and on , surely not what eloise wanted to listen to.  ❝  i apologise if i have put you in the middle of this , is all i mean to say. —- this was what you wanted to speak of , is it not ? ❞
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wallflowerswit · 6 days
making icons is hard bc im like .. yeah i could crop this so it's focused on her face and expression but also that would risk me cropping out her cleavage and ... why would i want that.
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wallflowerswit · 6 days
@stormlit / amalia said ❝ it’s more about confidence than anything else. ❞
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❝  well that is not much help ,  as confidence is exactly what i do not have.  ❞ and penelope's mask slips , frustration EVIDENT as she lets out an irritated sigh. amalia cannot be blamed for this however . . . no , this was her own doing. she could be so stupid at times , and thinking she would be able to somehow overcome the wallflower title , to trick the masses into forgetting that she was just another poorly dressed featherington daughter . . . well that seemed to be her biggest crime yet. turning away from the other , she finds the nearest surface and flops miserably down onto it.  ❝  i can be confident , around you . . . i used to be around friends ,  but i don't even have much of those these days.  ❞  ugh god , this pity party was getting pathetic.  ❝ instead of confidence , maybe . . . just tell me what you do. you are smart , and confident . . . you have an apt for speaking and are quite pretty to look at !  everyone seems to love you ,  in fact. you cannot tell me it is all simply just confidence ?  ❞
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wallflowerswit · 7 days
"colin!!! i could DIE tomorrow!! that's why u must!! kiss me" *penelope in the next episode almost dying by balloon* colin : "wow she rly did almost die, looks like i need to kiss her again"
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wallflowerswit · 8 days
💐🌷spread the love to the people you’re glad you’ve found in this corner of the internet 💐🌷
oh !! you're the best and sending this back x10 to you <3
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