vntrbl-blog · 7 years
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We don’t laugh anymore. What was all of it for? Oh, we don’t talk anymore Like we used to do.
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vntrbl-blog · 7 years
bts reaction: you cry during a fight
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thank you so much for your request, sweetheart! i’m so happy you like my writing!!! love you too xx
requests: open
jin: as soon as tears gathered in the corners of your eyes, he immediately shut his mouth, dropping his end of the argument. he’d pull you in a tight hug whispering in your ear, “i didn’t mean it princess, i’m so sorry.” and he wouldn’t stop apologizing until you told him that it really was okay. 
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yoongi: your face changed into one full of pain and he cut himself off in the middle of arguing with you, “…baby?” he’d ask apprehensively, afraid to make a move. you shook your head before taking off down the hallway and locking yourself in the bathroom. he would sit outside the door telling you how much he loved you until you came out. 
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hoseok: hoseok, always the empathetic one, would feel his heart constrict at the first sight of tears. he’d drop down to his knees in front of you and beg for forgiveness while trying to hold back tears of his own. you’d quickly kneel down and gather him in a hug, both telling the other that it was okay.  
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namjoon: namjoon’s hatred for himself with triple as soon as a tear slid down your cheek. he’d growl roughly in his throat before turning away and stomping to his room, slamming the door behind him. after he had calmed down, he’d come out and comfort you, telling you that he can’t believe he had made his babygirl cry. 
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jimin: jimin would place his hands on your cheeks, holding your face close to his at the first sight of tears. he’d use his thumbs to gently dry your tears and press a soft kiss to your forehead. he’d whisper how sorry he was and gently rock you both back and forth until you calmed down, argument totally forgotten. 
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taehyung: taehyung would be determined to bring his baby’s smile back. he’d quickly say something stupid and totally out of context to make you giggle and give you his blinding boxy smile. once your tears had stopped and the smile returned to your face, he’d take you in his arms and give you all the kisses you could dream of. 
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jungkook: jungkook would be mad at himself first, angry that he had made his babygirl cry. he’d shush you quietly and bring you to sit down on the couch and pull you into his lap. he’d hold you tight against him and whisper how sorry he is and how much he loves you. when your tears stop, he’d place a kiss on your hair, continuing to hold you in his grasp. 
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vntrbl-blog · 7 years
i get so overwhelmed by the fact that if i wanted to i could change (nearly) every aspect of my life. everything in life is so temporary and transformable…all i have to do is get up
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vntrbl-blog · 7 years
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vntrbl-blog · 7 years
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vntrbl-blog · 7 years
hi guys if you're interested, please check out my suga fanfic !! http://my.w.tt/UiNb/x9HXmxH1GD username : bulgogii fanfic name : roommate đź’—
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vntrbl-blog · 7 years
I'm not crying
Hey guys! ok this has nothing to do with studyblr but I’m new to the bts fandom and I’m so confused right now? Bc under their mv are comments like that the mv from them are a whole story or smth like that? Can someone pls explain?👼🏼 (& don’t judge me ok im very new)
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vntrbl-blog · 7 years
i excel at many things but getting over you isn't one of them.
sheldon, the big bang theory s9 e09
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vntrbl-blog · 7 years
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love yourself.
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vntrbl-blog · 7 years
my mind keeps telling me to find someone new but my heart tells me to stay. when will this battle between my heart and mind stop? my head keeps replaying all those bad memories of us yet my heart is dreading to keep even an ounce of the love you gave me. i want to stop fighting against myself especially knowing how you stopped thinking about me so long ago.
me, anonymous.
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vntrbl-blog · 7 years
i've grown accustomed to being alone and it honestly doesn't surprise me anymore if someone walks out the door and leave me the second i fall apart. i've been used like a fucking piece of paper. you scribble on me and after you're done, you'd crumple me and throw me away even if there were still empty spaces left on the paper. you wasted a perfectly helpful person and ended up being torn yourself. i would go through the mountains and valleys to help you cross the rickety bridge yet you wouldn't even step in a puddle for me.
me, anonymous.
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vntrbl-blog · 7 years
this is my fave one yet
A lot of people ask me what my biggest fear is, or what scares me most. And I know they expect an answer like heights, or closed spaces, or people dressed like animals, but how do I tell them that when I was 17 I took a class called Relationships For Life and I learned that most people fall out of love for the same reasons they fell in it. That their lover’s once endearing stubbornness has now become refusal to compromise and their one track mind is now immaturity and their bad habits that you once adored is now money down the drain. Their spontaneity becomes reckless and irresponsible and their feet up on your dash is no longer sexy, just another distraction in your busy life. Nothing saddens and scares me like the thought that I can become ugly to someone who once thought all the stars were in my eyes.
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vntrbl-blog · 7 years
I’m tired of being sad and having no clue as to why I am this way, so I’ll write about the happy bits of me and why I smile. I dance when I’m alone, when the music gets just right and I’m sure that no one is watching, it’s okay to feel lonely, I used to not like the idea of it, but once you’re comfortable in your own skin even depression starts to feel like a breeze. I’m reading a book that says we are the beliefs and thoughts that we think and believe in. So if I say that I’m happy a thousand times, one of those will come back as true. So if I say I’ll find the love of my life some day, some day she’ll appear in front of me while I’m writing another poem. It’s good to have goals, the only goal I’ve ever had up until recently was to keep myself happy with someone else, that’s not a goal, but an illusion. You can’t live your life for someone else, it’s called your life for a reason. Happiness must happen when I say so, so I’m saying so. We bring into this world the kind of kindness that we’ve been dealt, so when I fake a smile, my mother is omnipresent. Although it’s not real, fake it until you make it, right? The book also says, spend more time doing things that make you lose track of time, so I decided to write again and more often than not, to not compare myself to others because once you start doing that, there’s no going back. I don’t write like someone else, I write like myself. I don’t think like anyone that I know, there’s just you and the beautifully twisted world, we’re all trying to find redemption inside of coral skies and trustworthy friends. I would break my own hand to contain my anger, it is contained. Happiness is what we make it, so if I say that it exists, then it will be so. Listening to your guidance, that makes me happy. You know who you are. Breathless to the words, you paint the sunrise with your pinky and promise that as long as I’m here today, tomorrow will not be filled with sorrow. I keep writing letters to the future person that I will be, I wonder if I’ll change. I probably will, we all do in one way or another. I’m the kind of person that snaps a picture of the sky while I’m driving, I’m reckless, but we’re still alive. Life’s too short and I need to be more careful, I’m certain that death has given up a few passes for me. Do you ever feel like you’re running out of time? Like there’s something trying to make a statement, a lost word that even google couldn’t even get its hands on. Do you ever feel like no one’s really listening? We’re all selfish in the end, but the ones that truly listen– they are the ones that I live for. I maintain online friendships better than I do with my siblings, I guess our thinking is just on different frequencies. On the topic of frequencies– the you that you would like to be is out there, you just need to listen. Hear the right words said by the right person and you’ll be in the right spot to be the you that you’d want to be in this life. Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough? Remember that thing I said about thoughts? Sometimes we just need to let go a little bit, embrace the art of it. To be left to the wind, the unknown will bring us to more adventures and you may not be loved by many, but there’s a chance that you will be– why not take it? I would like to break out of this, I want to smile more and to laugh a little louder, I just want to make myself proud of who I will be versus who I used to be. And you can’t turn back the hands of time, you cannot change your mistakes– they are permanent, but you are not. There is a fire inside of your chest and if you keep suffocating yourself with an indescribable pain then you’ll only suffer in a incomprehensible way. I just want to fill this world with more love and less pain, I see a butterfly and I’m easily distracted– how beauty will fly past you if you’re not even paying attention because you’re so damn sad all of the time. So I drop all signs of negativity and lean towards the positive, I am the only vibe that’ll alter my moods, so I must feel more wealthy than a million silver spoons even if I don’t have any, so I must create the art that likes to spill from my fingertips, we live such short lives– why not be the best version of yourself? Who will you be if tomorrow was your last day on this planet? Will you cry because it’s over? Or will you search the ends of the earth until you’ve found the fountain of youth? I’ve got a secret to share with you. You can be a 100 years old and still have the sweetest smile, you can be in your 20s and have a soul heavy enough to sink the titanic, life is strange, life is strange. We live our youth to buy pretty things, but live our oak days trying to make up more time– it waits for no one, the wrong turn will break you, a simple kiss will turn your thoughts into poetry and a life of self-hate is a road that needs constant validation– why not be your own way out? Be your own lover, be your own brand of music, be your own kind of poem, be your own story of kindness, and if you’re not perfect just look around– nobody is. I’m tired of dreaming, I want to build it instead. You can’t be who you want to be if you’re still having the same thoughts from last year– you can’t change or heal in the right way if you’re not willing to break a few pieces of your heart because the clutter inside of our minds often match the attitude that we give off. So like a quote, so like a poem, so like a bedtime story. If I repeat it enough times, I’ll be happy. I just want to be happy. I just want to let go of the bad feelings. I just want to love myself enough to see a brighter day. You can’t change the world if you can’t even change yourself, right? If I repeat it enough times, then it must be real. I will be happy. Sadness is a crucial emotion because without it, being delighted and euphoric wouldn’t be so dense, but that’s the beauty of the intensity to which we should love ourselves. I want to be so fucking glad to wake up today that it’ll just drown my depression into the white noise. I want to glow in the dark and live like the jellyfishes, give my poetry the immortality to always bring a smile onto the faces of those that love who I am even if I’m a bit flawed because at the end of the day– you’re the only one sleeping on your bed, you’re the only one who’s going to determine if you’ve got enough room to breathe, you’re the only one to have the last say if you’re art or not.
I wanted to write something happy for you– yes, you. The person that’s reading this. (via everylittlepieceofyou)
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vntrbl-blog · 7 years
i love him but i can’t seem to tell him that. he’s already happy with her. if their relationship was horrible, i’d be the first in line to gladly destroy it. but he’s already happy. i could never risk his happiness for me. love isn’t selfish.
me, anonymous.
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vntrbl-blog · 7 years
You can be a good person with a kind heart and still say no.
Anonymous (via wnq-anonymous)
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vntrbl-blog · 7 years
rare words
adomania: the sense that the future is coming too quickly
anecdoche: a conversation where no one is listening
kairosclerosis: the moment when you realize you're happy
monachopsis: the subtle persisting sense of being out of place
opia: the ambiguous intensity from looking someone in the eye
rubatosis: the unsettling awareness of your heartbeat
vellichor: the strange wistfulness of used book stores
zenosyne: the sense that time keeps going faster
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vntrbl-blog · 7 years
Fanfic Writers
I don’t understand why people think fanfiction writers aren’t real writers.
I mean, have you ever read a fanfiction? Have you read how wonderfully their descriptions​ are? How well they know the characters?
I am a full-time​ writer and I write my own stories but I’m far below the average Fanfic writers when it comes to writing scenes and describing emotions.
If a writer writes a retelling of old work/fairy tale, they’re applauded and praised but that’s what Fanfic writers are doing. Retelling a story in a completely unique way with old set of characters.
It just annoys me. But shout out to all the fabulous Fanfic writers out there (yes, even though you write fanfics about my anti-ships). Thank you for your selfless contribution to our fandoms (and fantasies which we know won’t ever happen).
Fandoms and the world of storytelling are incomplete without you all.
I have nothing but utmost respect and love for you. đź’—
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