visions-in-gemini ยท 1 year
Visions in Gemini
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Indie selective roleplay account for Gol and Maia Acheron of [Jak & Daxter]. Pre-corruption and post-corruption verses! (please specify which one if you want one in particular!)
Headcanon heavy, but there wasn't a lot of canon anyway so!
OC, Crossover, Multifandom, AU, Shipping Friendly!
Literate/Semi-Literate Friendly!
Be advised, will contain themes that are 18+ and NSFW, minors DNI!
Please read rules before interacting!
Corrupted by Draig!
Rules โœฆ About โœฆ Mun
;ooc || into the light
;ic || into the dark
through the portal || starters
the sages unspoken || headcanons
experiments || memes & dash games
research notes || musings
visions in violet || aesthetics
the dark's beauty || visage
inquiries filed away || answered
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visions-in-gemini ยท 1 year
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My name is Draig My pronouns are they/them & xe/xyr My age is over 25 My timezone is PST
Hello, my name is Draig, Iโ€™m a nonbinary queer artist, and Iโ€™ve been roleplaying for almost two decades. Also Iโ€™m chronically not good at describing myself. You might see some of my artwork pop up from time to time on here, even! The, uh, writing part should be more expected.
Iโ€™m open to all forms of RP, long form and short, including chat style, paragraph, and IC blogging. I lean towards literate RP.
Also I am very shy and I do not bite despite playing these gremlins.
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visions-in-gemini ยท 1 year
name: Gol & Maia Acheron
pronouns: he/him (Gol), she/her (Maia)
age: 30's-40's (pre-corruption) & 50's (post corruption)
alignment: Chaotic Neutral [pre-corruption], Lawful Evil [post corruption]
Myersโ€“Briggs: INTJ-A the Architect (Gol), ISTJ-T the Logistician (Maia)
hair color: blonde to red ombre, silvering from eco
eye color: garnet red
height/weight: 6'2/160lbs (Gol), 6'3"/280lbs (Maia) [pre-corruption], 6'0/120lbs (Gol), 6'1"/130lbs (Maia) [post corruption]
occupation: sages, scholars, engineers, guides
residence: the Precursor Citadel
Eco Mastery: Eco channeling is a lot like most basic magic skills, and in the case of a master Sage, these powers include levitation, focused blasts of Eco, the ability to absorb Eco, formation of crystal foci, and Ecokinesis. Dark Eco also grants the unique power of transmutation and transformation. Both twins are capable of channeling and absorbing all colors of Eco, but specialize in Dark.
Engineering: Both twins are skilled in using and building Precursor tech, but it's more Maia's field. She is a master blacksmith and engineer when it comes to Precusor metal.
Alchemy: Both twins have knowledge pertaining to potion crafting, basic alchemy, and medicine, but it's more of Gol's field.
Piloting: Both twins have basic education in the of piloting Prescursor mechs, vehicles, and machinery.
Environmental Knowledge: The twins have basic to in-depth knowledge of most fauna, flora, and geology local to their area, especially in how they deal with Eco. Things like crystal formations, how animals are affected by Eco, and basic botany.
[Post Corruption verse] Eco Resistance: Fully corrupted by Dark Eco, neither twin experiences the more dramatic negative effects of full contact with the substance, such as: exploding.
Gol and Maia both have normal basic physical weaknesses: fire hurt, not immune to fall damage, if you stab them it will hurt a lot, etc.
Gol has a physical disability and suffers chronic pain that requires him to use a cane often. He can walk without it for a while, but something like running is very difficult. He mitigates this with levitation as a mobility aid if he needs to and has the energy to do so.
[Post Corruption verse] Eco toxicity: Both Gol and Maia suffer from Dark Eco toxicity, though Gol's case is far more advanced. Symptoms include difficulty breathing, coughing, hemoptysis, weight loss, memory loss, muscle pain, atrophy, and eco discoloring the blood.
Short Bio (long bio here for tumblr page or here for googledocs):
The twin Sages of Dark Eco. Born in Sandover as orphans, but having long since moved into Sagehood by their determination and teamwork, Gol and Maia are two very strong personalities to contend with all wrapped in one big package.
The twins always strove to not only make their mark, but explore the unexplored and push boundaries built from fear. Choosing the much feared, very dangerous, and in their opinion very misunderstood Dark Eco as the focus of their studies, they drew concern, caution, and sometimes ire from their fellows with not only their controversial work. Well, that and their constant flouting authority of the older Sages. But, despite their more prickly aspects, there is kindness, curiosity, and passion in them that the few who meet them get to see.
They mostly live on their own in the ancient ruins of a Precursor Citadel, keeping sparse contact with the rest of the world while they work. But that doesn't mean they don't welcome company if it's good or entertaining.
[Post Corruption]
However, something happened. Whether by accident, on purpose, or simply fate, Gol and Maia found themselves poisoned by the very substance they had devoted their lives to. Their minds and bodies forever and irrevocably changed, the two fell into a madness that led them to try and drown the world in a flood of Dark Eco.
Were it not for the actions of two young heroes, they may have actually done it. But instead, they ended up trapped in the cockpit of a broken Precursor robot at the bottom of a sealed Dark Eco silo, presumed dead.
But Dark Eco has a problem with letting go, and despite everyone's expectations, the Acheron twins still yet live. And when, or if, they ever find their way out, they have a lot of ill-will built up for those who put them there...
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visions-in-gemini ยท 1 year
This is a semi-selective 18+ blog. I will only write para with mutuals for the time being! However, OoC interactions (questions/asks/memes) donโ€™t require being mutuals. You (the mun) must be 18+ to follow/interact. No NSFW or suggestive interactions will be permitted or accepted with underage characters. No ifs, ands, or buts about it, this is a hard line. Roleplay in the form of chat, asks, short-form, and long-form (para and multi-paragraph) are all welcome. -
I ship on chemistry. But hey, ask! I'll probably say yes if you ask nicely and I think the ship fly! I WILL NOT ROMANTICALLY SHIP EITHER TWIN WITH A MINOR, EVEN IF THERE IS NO NSFW. DO NOT ASK. -
Please specify which verse of the twins you want to play with, or I will choose! Think of it like a multimuse situation. -
Canon characters, OCs, or crossover characters are entirely welcome! (I will try and look into your fandom as best I can for the latter!) Verses/interactions/AUs will be tagged accordingly so you (& I) can keep track. -
Excessively long posts will be hidden behind read mores or otherwise trimmed down. -
Bigots begone. If you (the mun) are a TERF, SWERF, racist, transphobe, homophobe, fascist, neo-nazi, antisemite or otherwise religiously bigoted, or any other purveyor of hateful beliefs, you will get a big fat block-on-sight. You are on the wrong blog. -
Mun =/= Muse. I am NOT my character, and my character is NOT me. Assume all posts are in-character unless otherwise stated with the #ooc tag or with indicated OOC text. Their actions and beliefs may not reflect my own. -
Please be polite and courteous. Donโ€™t be rude/hateful/harassing to me OoC. Thatโ€™s not cool. Please be aware that I have a day job and do commission work. I may be a little slow to reply sometimes. You are free to politely poke me if itโ€™s been a little while, but I am definitely going to have my slower moments. I thank you very much for your patience. โ™ก -
Donโ€™t metagame or godmode. C'mon, friendo, be cool. That will not fly here, I am way too old to have patience with that stuff. Respect is key. I control my character, you control yours, unless we have mutually negotiated otherwise for any reason. -
Tagging/Trigger Warnings: I will do my very best to tag and TW all content that I can for the comfort of partners and readers alike. This blog may contain mentions of dark topics. Be advised. All threads containing sensitive topics will be hidden behind read mores. But, if you need anything specific tagged, please do not hesitate to shoot me a message! I will absolutely make sure to tag them for you. I highly encourage discussing and agreeing on boundaries and limits prior if you are interested in RP, and I will happily adjust my writing to meet them! Consent is absolutely critical and to be respected. -
I donโ€™t have exclusives, nor do I have plans for that at this time. I may have mains, however. -
And finally, three strikes, you're out. I will always do my best to talk through any issues, I much prefer to solve problems amicably. However, I have my limits. If the behaviour continues past the initial addressing, I will end all current interactions immediately. If you persist in the behaviour, you will be permanently blocked.
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