virulcntus · 2 years
The weight of mental or emotional stress can also lead to some serious itching.
Your brain is always communicating with nerve endings in your skin. When anxiety kicks in, your body’s stress response can go into overdrive. This can affect your nervous system and cause sensory symptoms like burning or itching of the skin, with or without visible signs.
You can experience this sensation anywhere on your skin, including your arms, legs, face, and scalp. You might feel it only intermittently or it could be quite persistent. The itch can happen at the same time as symptoms of anxiety or it can occur separately.
Even if the cause of your itching is anxiety, serious skin problems can develop if you scratch too much or too vigorously. This can leave you with irritated, broken, or bleeding skin. It can also lead to infection. Not only that, but the scratching probably won’t do much to relieve the itch.
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virulcntus · 2 years
I miss my boy.
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virulcntus · 4 years
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virulcntus · 4 years
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virulcntus · 4 years
revenge is therapeutic sometime you just gotta light somebody up to be at peace with the universe
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virulcntus · 4 years
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While emotional trauma is a normal response to a disturbing event, it becomes PTSD when your nervous system gets “stuck” and you remain in psychological shock, unable to make sense of what happened or process your emotions. Trauma disrupts your body’s natural equilibrium, freezing you in a state of hyperarousal and fear.
AFO purposefully encouraged Tenko to stew in his PTSD and warped memories that ‘proved’ he killed his entire family ‘on purpose’. He tried to draw Tenko further and further away from the guilt he imposed on himself and kept him from harming others, until he became remorseless and comforted by the freedom to ‘do whatever I want’.
This whole sequence shows that Shigaraki is finally moving past being emotionally frozen at the same age he was when he was traumatized, by embracing that he was born ‘only to destroy’. He now pushes aside the same identity and values he once held in order to become who he feels he was meant to be- An agent of chaos and destruction. He’s no longer the weak and frightened little boy he once was, forever trapped in an unfair world where everyone ‘rejected him kindly’.
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virulcntus · 4 years
I just want to destroy you And your soul over and over again
      Pitter-patter                     Pitter-patter                                  Pitter-patter
Oh god, how I long To erase everything you are and ever have been
How about we- Break it, fix it Break it, fix it Break it, fix it Break it, fix it
There’s no regret, and while you’re crying I watch and laugh at it
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virulcntus · 4 years
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virulcntus · 4 years
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“Why didn’t you just use the stove? Or the microwave?— Did you hurt yourself?”
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“I don’t know, it seemed like a good idea... Hey, cops are supposed to ‘serve and protect’, right? So, teach me how to serve up some tasty-ass ramen.”
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virulcntus · 4 years
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He’s reaching for the coffee pot–
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“Detective-san, I tried to make ramen in the coffee pot and I broke everything-”
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virulcntus · 4 years
If there is anything I hope to illustrate through roleplaying with @unsuccesscr​, it is that not every life is sacred- Some people are selfish and destructive. Some people, like Twice, were going against the grain because following the rules never got them anywhere. The underlying theme still exists in the narrative, even if Horikoshi seems to be careening wildly away from any deeper issues he initially introduced in the series.
I liked that Tomura had parts of his story told that readers could relate to, but he also is clearly a person who doesn’t care about hurting others. Was there a point when he truly was redeemable? Yes, but that ship has sailed. That ship left the port, traveled to the opposite end of the world, then got swallowed by Leviathan. And yet he still has the capacity to grow and mature after his confrontation with HD’s Izuku, but as a villain with conviction rather than a reformed criminal. 
Does this mean that it is pointless for Izuku to continue to attempt reaching out to individuals like villains? No, the fact that he sees different sides and outcomes, but it also doesn't deter him from the values he finds important is what makes him an excellent hero. The type of hero that is not merely a replacement ‘Symbol of Peace’, but goes above and beyond the limitations of such a role. 
Likewise, Shigaraki is not merely a ‘Symbol of Chaos’, but an individual seeking to overturn the current status quo in order to ‘make the world a better place’ for those who are oppressed by the current climate of a society that worships Heroes. There is a begrudging amount of respect that Izuku earns from Shigaraki, but their stances on what measures should be taken to enact change remain strongly opposed in terms of values.
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virulcntus · 4 years
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virulcntus · 4 years
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virulcntus · 4 years
Box -
Plant/Flower Asks
Box - How much has your muse changed throughout their life? What sort of inner demons have they overcome?
I feel as though Tomura’s been an ever-evolving character since his introduction and even chronologically speaking, in universe. 
As a child under AFO, we see that he’s still subconsciously holding back in terms of his Quirk due to guilt over accidentally killing most of his of family and manages to somewhat overcome that hurdle with some encouragement. He’s able to weaponize his hatred to freely kill and ‘do whatever he wants’.
Even if he can be categorized as a ‘man-child’ initially/during the USJ appearance, he still exhibits above-average intelligence, speed, and deductive reasoning. These are qualities you don’t just naturally have, but skills you need to develop. Sure, he winds up giving up a little too easily, but I chalk that up to inexperience and maybe just making the smarter call for the situation (survive to fight another day).
Each experience he has, even if it’s being on the losing end of a plan of attack, he’s adapting and learning from his mistakes. He starts valuing his allies more than seeing them as game pieces and takes their feelings into consideration when making decisions. He even manages to take advantage of Overhaul and the Shie Hassaikai underestimating him as a threat in order to get revenge for Magne and Compress- Not to mention steal the fruits of Chisaki’s research and labor for himself (although he hasn’t managed to have the Doctor reverse engineer anything thus far? Not sure if that’ll resurface later as a plot point).
The fight against Re-Destro ends in Tomura finally remembering the childhood he’d blocked out for most of his life and he even moves BEYOND needing to use guilt and negative feelings associated with the hands that were always holding him back- literally and symbolically speaking. 
At present, I feel as though he’s made steps forwards and backwards at the same time. He began to come into his own as a leader worthy of the respect of Gigantomachia’s ilk, he achieved that needed step to elevate their goals and manpower. But on the flipside, he’s sacrificing a lot in exchange for power and kind of… losing a sense of identity, I feel. Perhaps it is similar to the way I explain this behavior and that he now views himself as a weapon rather than a person- Or a force that only exists to destroy, who knows. But it’s a direction that, FRANKLY, worries me.
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virulcntus · 4 years
Reblog if you’re a roleplayer in your 30s.
under 18 | 18 to 21 | 21 - 29 | 30s | 40s | 50s | 60s | 70+
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virulcntus · 4 years
Plant/Flower Symbolism Asks (Part II)
Based on the list on this wiki page
Bay Wreath - What is your muse’s proudest moment/accomplishment?
Begonia - Is your muse prone to ‘flights of fancy’, or are they more down-to-earth?
Bellflower - Who does your muse love?
Bells of Ireland - Is your muse lucky?
Bird’s-foot Trefoil - How far would your muse go for revenge? What level of offense warrants retaliation, in your muse’s opinion?
Bird of Paradise Flower - Does your muse have a good grasp of the bigger picture, or do they have a more narrow perspective on things?
Box - How much has your muse changed throughout their life? What sort of inner demons have they overcome?
Borage - How courageous is your muse in general? What limits do they have to their courage? Are there any situations that will give them more courage than they normally would have?
Broom - How well do they take compliments?
Bulrush - Is your muse an aggressive person? What situations might bring out more aggression in them than normal?
Bumblebee Orchid - Is your muse good at figuring out the inner workings of a machine if they take it apart?
Buttercup - Does your muse come from a wealthy family? How wealthy is your muse on their own?
Cabbage - Does your muse know how to turn a profit if given the opportunity?
Camellia Japonica - What does your muse excel at, and are they aware of/proud of these skills?
Campanula - What is your muse grateful for in life?
Canterbury Bells - Who is your muse grateful for being in their life?
Carnation - What sets your muse apart from their peers, in your opinion?
Celandine - What is your muse looking forward to? Alternately, what are some examples of events in your muse’s future that will bring them joy?
Cherry Blossom - Does your muse do well in school?
Chestnut - How important is the concept of virginity to your muse personally? Do they impose this on other people?
China Aster - Would your muse be comfortable with a polyamorous relationship?
Chrysanthemum - Who considers your muse precious to them? Are they aware of how they feel?
Coreopsis - How good is your muse at keeping a cheery attitude, and how genuine is it?
Cowslip - Does your muse usually exhibit ‘grace under pressure’?
Clove - Does your muse believe it’s possible for love to endure all hardships?
Clover - Is your muse skillful in any sort of trade? Would they be interested in one?
Columbine - Has your muse ever been cheated on?
Coriander - What are your muse’s views on one-night stands, for themselves or for others?
Crocus - Did your muse ever experience puppy love as a child?
Cypress - What is the most impactful loss that your muse has experienced?
Daffodil - Has your muse ever gotten a chance at a fresh start at life? If not, would they make one if they had the chance?
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virulcntus · 4 years
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                              “So, can I paint your nails too?”
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“Show me what colors you have and we’ll see,” Tomura tentatively agreed. His nails had been growing out, which meant it was easier to accidentally scratch himself bloody. He normally was on top of clipping them and buffing them smooth, but hadn’t lacquered them before.
He was in an obliging mood, so why not.
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