Mobile Friendly Rules:
Hi there! I noticed you stumbled onto my blog. I just have a few rules and guidelines to go through before we can start roleplaying!
Any of the Muses I roleplay is a work of pure fiction. They are in no way shape or form associated with any people in the real world.
I am in no way shape or form any of their face claims and any and all Edits, Manips and Pictures are not mine. (Unless I specify)
I am not associated with ANY fandom I roleplay under. I just enjoy said fandoms and said muses.
A Bit More Info on the Mun
I am Agender. I use just about any pronoun you give me, so please don’t be worried what to call me.
I am also suffering from numerous mental health conditions so I will have triggering content and what I REFUSE to roleplay. That information is later on.
Please don’t hesitate to talk to me. Most of you guys who already roleplay know I am pretty okay with talking to people (More like an awkward potato!)
I suffer from Dyslexia, I may get my words mixed up and my threads mixed up. Please don’t hesitate to tell me I messed up. I am learning to not be so ashamed of who I am. It still sucks though, and it’s much appreciated. And please do not get upset if I have to be explained something. My brain is my brain so just be patient with me.
Some of my muses may or MAY NOT BE over 18 or 21. So please read up on their bios. It helps the both of us.
I also have muses who are willing to do darker themes and certain darker fetishes. I will NOT be roleplaying them on this blog as I want it to be a safer place for my friends. If you wish to do a darker thread, please message me so I can give you my Skype. We can roleplay it there. Please respect this rule.
General Rules about Roleplaying:
No God Modding. Seriously. That is legit annoying.
Don’t automatically assume the muses will like you. In fact, some have a hard time trusting.
Don’t also assume your muse knows any specially powered muses that they have those certain powers from the start.
You are more than welcome to send asks/memes. I am more than welcoming of it! More like a ho for them but YA KNOW!
I will roleplay with Men, Women, Trans, practically anyone. As long as you’re not a racist or an overall asshat, we should get along fine. <3
I am not very comfortable with just doing smut roleplays. My muses are more than that. Keep that in mind lovelies please.
I also do ships. Please please PLEASE tell me if you ship because. I LOVE ALL SHIPS.
In regards to ships, I multi-ship and ALL ships are it’s own unless you ask.
9/10 I am usually mobile. Please keep that in mind as I can’t always tag certain things. So please send me a message if I am not tagging accordingly.
When it comes to roleplays. Keep in mind, I run several different blogs. I may not get to you right away. But if I have been replying to everyone else but our thread, just send me a message! I probably didn’t get a notification and forgot to ask. I have lots of other replies on other blogs that I do forget.
In that regard,
TRIGGERS: Words that are bolded are STRICTLY PROHIBITED ON THIS BLOG. Words That are in Italics, are possibly acceptable as long as you commincate them to me first. You disregard this rule and I will block you. Simply put.
Body Shaming/Eating Disorders
Child Abuse/Pedophilia
Suicide (This is one that is touch and go. I may suddenly drop a thread like this)
Certain Darker Fetishes
Abuse (Depends on what kind and as well as certain other factors.)
Shaming of Any kind
Animal Abuse
Will add as I go.
Now, I know how people can have a hard time remembering rules, but to ensure you read them, send me a Private Message or Ask saying the following.
“Want a cup of coffee? My treat.”
It’s just another way to ensure you guys care and actually read. <3
With Love, 
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Muse Name: Dr. Christine Palmer
Alias:  None.
Age: 32
FC: Rachel McAdams
Profession: (Depends on the thread)
Fandoms: Marvel, DC And others if asked.
Christine Palmer began working at Metro-General Hospital, where she developed a relationship with colleague Stephen Strange but later broke off the relationship due to his ego. Despite this, she remained Strange's closest friend and continued to work alongside him, even helping him come up with new surgical techniques.
When Strange was performing surgery one day, Palmer came to him to get his opinion on a patient Nicodemus West had claimed was deceased which she didn't feel right about. Strange then figured out that the patient was in fact still alive so the two rushed to stop West who was going to harvest the patient's organs.
Palmer and Strange stopped West from killing the patient and Strange went to perform surgery on the patient with Palmer assisting him. Palmer helped Strange successfully removed the bullet from the patient which he had to do by hand. Palmer and Strange then told the family of the patient that he was alive.
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Muse Name: Edith Barton
Alias:  Mama Barton, Mom, Ma.
Age: 62
FC: Samantha Smith
Profession: (Depends on the thread)
Fandoms: Marvel, DC And others if asked.
Edith Barton is wife to Harold Barton, and mother to Barney and Clint Barton. Mrs. Barton and her family ran a butcher's shop in Waverly, Iowa. Harold Barton was abusive to his wife and his boys especially when he drank. His drinking eventually killed him and his wife, leaving the two boys orphans. The boys were placed in an orphanage. 
There is also an Alternate Universe where Edith did not in fact die, and she now is suffering from amnesia and trying to find the Barton Boys.
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Muse Name: Cooper Phillip Barton
Alias: Cooper, Coop, Hawkeye Jr., BirdBoy.
Age: 26
FC: Matthew Daddario
Profession: (Depends on the thread)
Fandoms: Marvel, DC And others if asked.
Born on June 13 as Cooper Phillip Barton to Clint and Laura Barton, Cooper had as ordinary of a life as one can get when one's own father is a superhero. Growing up on a farm with Laura wasn’t easy; It was always hard work, Laura helping to teach their son some hard work will pay off once he found his dream.
When baby sister was born about 3 years after, Cooper immediately got jealous. Another girl to take away his attention? He started to rebel as an act of his jealousy, but as he grew older, he realized his sister needed protecting, especially when it came to Lila going into school.
Living without his father was tough, but Cooper made do with whatever time that he got with Clint, making their bond stronger and practically unbreakable.
Now graduated and grown up, will de decide to live under his father's shadow?
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Muse Name: Dr. Pamela Isley
Alias: Poison Ivy, Ivy
Age: 30
FC: Emma Stone
Profession: Former Botanist/Evil Villain
Fandoms: Marvel, DC And others if asked.
Following the events of the DC maxi-series comic Crisis on Infinite Earths, which massively retconned DC Universe history and continuity, Poison Ivy's origins were revised in Secret Origins #36, 1988, written by Neil Gaiman. Poison Ivy's real name is Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley, Ph.D., a Gotham City botanist. She grows up wealthy with emotionally distant parents and later studies advanced botanical biochemistry at a university with Alec Holland under Dr. Jason Woodrue. Isley, a shy girl, is easily seduced by her professor. Woodrue injects Isley with poisons and toxins as an experiment, causing her transformation. She nearly died twice as a result of these poisonings, driving her insane. Later, Woodrue flees from the authorities leaving Isley in the hospital for six months. Enraged at the betrayal, she suffers from violent mood swings, being sweet one moment and evil the next. When her boyfriend has a car accident after mysteriously suffering from a massive fungal overgrowth, Isley drops out of school and leaves Seattle, eventually settling in Gotham City.
She begins her criminal career by threatening to release her suffocating spores into the air unless the city meets her demands. Batman, who appears in Gotham that very same year, thwarts her scheme, and she is incarcerated in Arkham Asylum. From this point on, she has a kind of obsession with Batman, he being the only person she could not control. Over the years, she develops plant-like superpowers, the most noticeable being a lethal toxin in her lips; she is able to literally kill with a kiss.
In subsequent issues, she states that she only started a life of crime to attain sufficient funds to find a location to be alone with her plants, undisturbed by humanity. A few years later, she attempts to leave Gotham forever, escaping Arkham to settle on a desert island in the Caribbean. She transforms the barren wasteland into a second Eden, and is, for the first time in her life, happy. It is soon firebombed, however, when an American-owned corporation tests their weapons systems out on what they think is an abandoned island. Ivy returns to Gotham with a vengeance, punishing those responsible. After being willingly apprehended by Batman, she resolves that she can never leave Gotham, at least not until the world was safe for plants. From then on, she dedicates herself to the impossible mission of "purifying" Gotham.
At one point, Batman travels to Seattle to ascertain information on Pamela Isley's life before she became Poison Ivy. Here, Batman states that both of Pamela's parents are dead. When and why they died has been left undetermined.
While in Arkham, Poison Ivy receives a message through flowers that someone is to help her escape. That night, two women, Holly and Eva, successfully break Ivy out and bring her back to their employer. She is less than happy to discover that it is the Floronic Man, formerly known as Dr. Jason Woodrue, her former college professor that conducted the experiments on her. The only human portion of him remaining is his head, while the rest of his body is plant-based.
After striking a deal with him in the underground tunnels of Gotham, Ivy receives a trunk full of money in return for samples of her DNA. Woodrue intends to combine their DNA to create a "child", all while flooding the streets of Gotham with high-grade marijuana. The purpose of this is to create a world economy run on hemp and to have their offspring control it. Batman intervenes but is overcome by Woodrue's henchwomen, Holly and Eva. However, Ivy turns on Floronic Man and lets Batman go to fight the intoxicated maniac. In the end, Batman decapitates the Floronic Man, and Ivy escapes with her money.
At times, Ivy demonstrates positive and maternal traits. When Gotham City is destroyed in an earthquake, rather than fight over territory like most of Batman's enemies, she holds dominion over Robinson Park and turns it into a tropical paradise. Sixteen children who are orphaned during the quake come to live with her as she sympathizes with them having suffered a traumatic childhood herself. She cares for them like sons and daughters, despite her usual misanthropy.
That winter, Clayface (Basil Karlo) pays Ivy a visit, hoping to form a bargain with her. This would entail her growing fruits and vegetables, having the orphans harvest them, and him selling the produce to the highest bidder. She wants nothing to do with the plan, and she attempts to kill him with a kiss. Clayface overpowers her, however, and imprisons Ivy and the orphans for six months in a chamber under the park's lake. He feeds her salt and keeps her from the sun to weaken her. Eventually, Batman comes and discovers the imprisoned orphans and Ivy. The two agree to work together to take Karlo down. Batman battles Clayface and instructs Robin to blow up the lake bed above, allowing the rushing water to break apart the mud, effectively freeing Ivy. She fights Karlo, ensnaring him in the branches of a tree and fatally kissing him. She then proceeds to sink him down into the ground, where he becomes fertilizer for Ivy's plants. Batman, originally intending to take the orphans away from Ivy, recognizes that staying with her is what is best for them, and they remain in her care until the city is restored. Also, as part of a bargain to keep her freedom, Batman arranges it so that Ivy provides fresh produce to the starving hordes of earthquake survivors. Soon after, Ivy finds Harley Quinn, who had almost been murdered by the Joker, among the debris of the earthquake and nurses her back to health. The two have been best friends and partners-in-crime ever since.
After Gotham City is reopened to the public, the city council wants to evict her from the park and send her back to Arkham Asylum, as they are uncomfortable with the thought of a "psychotic eco-terrorist controlling the equivalent of 30-odd square blocks." They also mistakenly believe that the orphans in Ivy's care are hostages. The Gotham City Police Department threaten to spray the park with R.C. Sixty, a powerful herbicide that most certainly would have killed every living plant in the park, including Ivy, and more than likely do harm to the children. Ivy refuses to leave the park to the city and let them destroy the paradise she had created, so she chooses martyrdom. It is only after Rose, one of the orphans, is accidentally poisoned by Ivy that the hardened eco-terrorist surrenders herself to the authorities in order to save the girl's life. Batman says that, as much as she would hate to admit it, Ivy is still more human than a plant.
Later on, she and other Gotham characters are manipulated by the Riddler and Hush. Her task is to hypnotize both Superman and Catwoman, using Catwoman to steal ransom money from Killer Croc after the original plan is interrupted by Batman while Superman serves as a 'bodyguard' when she hides in Metropolis. However, she abandons Catwoman to be killed by Killer Croc, and Batman is able to keep Superman busy in a fight (aided by the Kryptonite ring he was given long ago) long enough for the Man of Steel to break out of the spell. Soon afterward, the Riddler, who is being chased and attacked by Hush, approaches Ivy and seeks her protection. Ivy, who is angered by the manipulation, battles the Riddler physically and psychologically. She comes to physically dominate her opponent, humiliating Riddler and temporarily breaking his spirit.
"One Year Later", Ivy is alive and active. Her control over flora has increased, referred to as being on a par with Swamp Thing or Floronic Man. She also appears to have resumed her crusade against the corporate enemies of the environment with a new fanaticism, regarding Batman no longer as the main opponent, but as a "hindrance". After arriving back from a year-long absence, Batman discovers that Ivy has been feeding people including "tiresome lovers", "incompetent henchmen", and those who "returned her smile" to a giant plant which would digest the victims slowly and painfully. She refers to these murders as a "guilty pleasure". In an unprecedented event, her victims' souls merge with the plant, creating a botanical monster called Harvest, who seeks revenge upon Poison Ivy. With the intervention of Batman, however, she is saved. Poison Ivy is left in critical condition, and the whereabouts of Harvest are unknown.
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Muse Name: Wanda Maximoff
Alias: Scarlet Witch, Wanda, Little Witch, The Enhanced
Age: 21
FC: Elizabeth Olsen
Profession: UNKNOWN
Fandoms: Marvel, DC And others if asked.
Wanda Maximoff is a native of the Eastern European country of Sokovia who grew with her twin brother, Pietro. In an effort to help purge their country of strife, the twins agreed to undergo experiments with the Scepter under the supervision of Wolfgang von Strucker's HYDRA cell, and achieved superpowers as a result, with Wanda attaining various telekinetic, telepathic and energy manipulating abilities. When HYDRA fell, the twins joined the robot Ultron to get their revenge on Tony Stark, but eventually switched sides and joined the Avengers when they discovered Ultron's true intentions. Although Pietro was killed during the ensuing Ultron Offensive, Wanda survived and became a member of the Avengers. During the Avengers Civil War, she sided with Captain America and was briefly imprisoned in the Raft before Rogers freed her along with his teammates.
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Muse Name: Kiki DeWynter
Alias: Kiki, Ki.
Age: 29
FC: Michelle Trachtenberg
Profession: Personal Assistant to the Syndicate.
Fandoms: Saints Row 3, and Gat out of Hell. Other fandoms are welcomed.
Kiki and her sister run finances for The Syndicate, having increased The Syndicate profits tenfold in Steelport. Also, it has been stated in several sources such as Xbox Magazine and a brief interview with Sasha Grey, that the twins are Philippe's heiresses to the leadership of the Syndicate and Morningstar.
The DeWynters are also Philippe's Personal Assistants, managing his personal life and day-to-day business affairs.
Kiki is reunited with Viola in hell. She and Viola were running businesses in hell however some of the power players didn't like their ideas. They are surrounded and attacked by a group of Satan's demons known as "Sinterpol" in Downtown in a parking garage in the neighborhood of DeWynter View until they were rescued by both Johnny and Kinzie during the "Rally the Twins" quest. After being saved, she and Viola make a deal with Dane Vogel and award both Johnny and Kinzie the Arcane Blast element.
Kiki seems to have an issue with Kinzie considering Viola her "sister". Though Kinzie offers to "both be her sister", but Kiki declares she won't share her. Viola defends Kinzie saying "She grows on you". If Kinzie rescues the twins after they're kidnapped, Kiki will claim that she's now her sister too, which pleases Kinzie.
After completely taking over Downtown, the Dewynter sisters are cautiously happy but are concerned they'll be dealing with another storm soon. It then shows the shadowy picture of the "power players" to be William Sharp, Kazuo Akuji & his son Shogo Akuji, Jyunichi & Killbane.
In the Shawarma cutscene after completing City Takeover, Kiki is captured by William Sharp. Dane risks his own life to save her and the happy couple is reunited, married with "ironclad prenups", and force Sharp to be their pool boy.
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