vintagewintage-blog · 5 years
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SEOUL Album cover for  BenAddict - Spectrum by Hajin Bae
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vintagewintage-blog · 5 years
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i don’t see a difference
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vintagewintage-blog · 5 years
not to sound like a golden retriever on main but the feeling when someone praises me for something i did? indescribable
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vintagewintage-blog · 5 years
My organs when I eat my first meal of the day at 5pm
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vintagewintage-blog · 5 years
a real ass guide to life
there’s a lot of shit on here about lighting candles and waking up early to see the sunset and if we are being hella honest, no one actually does that. u probably don’t own candles or if u do there in a closet and the only time you wake up early all year round is never. so here’s a guide to actual human beings.
-wake up when you need to. don’t wake up at 5 to “journal” and “meditate.” sleep is more important. if you have a class at 9, wake up at 8. it’s simple. - eat something. it doesn’t have to be avocado toast. just have a bagel or a bowl of cocoa puffs. - have ur meds if u take any - attempt to look nice. at least brush your hair and your teeth. but honestly no one cares how u dress. if you wanna dress like a stripper, then dress like a goddamn stripper. honestly no one cares. (but if ur in hs try to follow the dress code a little bit?) - wear makeup if u want, or if you don’t then don’t. - ur probably not gonna exercise or stretch. who cares. i dont. your friends don’t. if ur feeling up to it then go jog 4 miles, but if ur not then don’t. - actually try to have a plan of what ur doing for that day. attend ur classes, and do ur work. ur education is hella important. FUCKING DO IT. kill those grades, murder everyone else in that class, impress and surprise ur teacher, parents, and everyone else who thought u couldn’t do it - attempt to be social. make plans with friends and try to go. it can be lowkey and only like an hr. eat pizza or go to a bar. just have fun. - eat healthy. eat a hamburger when u really want a hamburger and eat a large pizza when u really want a large pizza but try ur hardest to eat healthyish. - watch ya shows. who doesn’t love some amazing netflix binges? watch it. do it. - actually read. books are honestly the best. at least try to pick up the first harry potter. - go to sleep before 2AM!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ sleep is hella important. - shower. you don’t need to buy expensive bath bombs or candles and have a fancy bath and coat ur skin in so much lotion that you are a walking wet rag, but try to smell somewhat pleasant. - do what u want. just make sure it’s legal. have sex, travel, learn how to code, be with ur family, have a family, marry someone nice, build an empire, be fierce, be strong, but most of all: be happy. you live once on this planet. live it to the fullest. and don’t let ANYONE bring you down. not a girl, not a guy, not a parent, or a so called friend. keep your standards high, and heels higher.
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vintagewintage-blog · 5 years
hey since louis tomlinson admitted that larries made him and harry’s friendship fall apart and dan howell said phannies digging into his relationship w phil made him experience ptsd symptoms and brought him to a terrible place, can u all stop w the shipping bullshit now
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vintagewintage-blog · 5 years
Country roads
Take me home
To the place
I belooong~
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vintagewintage-blog · 5 years
it’s almost pride month and I don’t want to see a single post saying that bisexual people are privileged. not a single one. want me to explain? fine. 
having extremely poor mental health rates, very high rates of suicide and very high rates of ED is not a privilege. 
having very high rates of substance abuse is not a privilege. 
being the most closeted group in the entire LGBT community is not a privilege
having extremely high rates for sexual abuse and intimate partner violence is not a privilege
receiving the least amount of LGBT specific funding (despite being the largest group) is not a privilege
having extremely high rates of economic insecurity and homelessness (often involving an unsafe home situation) is not a privilege
having very high rates of experiencing exclusion and harassment and not daring to go to LGBT pride events of support groups because of this is not a privilege
bisexual people aren’t fucking privileged. get over yourself and actually start supporting bisexuals for a change, you could actually start to make a difference.
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vintagewintage-blog · 5 years
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i got glasses and holy shit you have no idea how great it is to be able to see more than 10 feet away
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vintagewintage-blog · 5 years
nothing makes me quite so uncomfortable as cone snails do
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vintagewintage-blog · 5 years
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vintagewintage-blog · 5 years
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God gave me basic image editing skills and a free downloadable Carl Barks font for a reason
Original Vine: (X)
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vintagewintage-blog · 5 years
I went to see John Mulaney back when he was only starting out as a stand-up comedian and I was eating candies and disrupting his bit so he called me a “bitch with teeth” which was followed by a long silence and a, “As opposed to a bitch with no teeth?” I liked that a lot .
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vintagewintage-blog · 5 years
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🌄 sunshine 🌄
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vintagewintage-blog · 5 years
“Please sign my meat, Mr. Ackles!”
So I was sleeping naked and I woke up with the sudden urge to go to the grocery store. I left home (titties out) and physically flew myself to the grocery store. There were banners everywhere promoting the fact that celebrity Jensen Ackles was the store’s manager for the week; he even had a special line of grilling meats and cold cuts, so I clothed myself. I rushed through the store to load up on cold cuts and I saw Jensen standing proudly, arms crossed, smiling next to his meats (think Mr. Clean, but with khaki pants and a red polo) and greeting all of the customers. I go up to him with my basket full of meat and ask him if he would sign my meats for me. He said he could only sign one, but he had to grab something from the back first. As soon as he went there, the news came on all of the TVs announcing that Jensen Ackles and his team have just taken off in a rocket on a major expedition to Mars. I was devastated and cried on the floor until my alarm woke me up.
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vintagewintage-blog · 5 years
These weird slugs went up everyone’s noses to control their minds in order to cause a dance war. The last things I remember is Rihanna dress shopping and chanting, “We are mellow.”
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vintagewintage-blog · 5 years
i wanna hold a hand
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