Maybe a y/n x Al-an but.. y/n has severe ADHD to the point in mid conversations they just go "OOO Whats that" looking at something that moved before going back to what they fuck they where doing.
Al-an x Unmedicaed ADHD Reader HeadCannons
•When You arrived on the ocean planet she didnt expect her unmediated ADHD to hit you with full force
•it was already hard enough trying to manage with it, and now you had a architect in her brain constantly telling you to focus, and not understanding what was wrong half the time
•it took like forever for you to explain that you had ADHD and how it worked to Al-an, afterwords he became extremely curious about the prosses of getting diagnosed, getting meds, how meds helped. And all the different things that came with ADHD
•tho he does have to constantly remind you to do basic things like eat, bathe, drink and sleep becuse you will get so hyperfocused on the stranges of things
• Al-An found it intressting that when you wernt intressted in a topic that you were trying to focus on your brain litterly would not focus no matter how hard you tried
•But when focusing on somthing else you where hyperfocused on you couldnt unfocus on it and you would CONSTANTLY think about it
•Tho he did half to suffer threw you being hyperfocused on Architects for a while, it seemed like every breaking moment of the day she had another VARY PESEIFIC question for example ‘how much do architects waigh?’ And ‘What do your organs look like?’ Now that was hard to explain
•Tho he will admit, he found it absolutely adorable when you would get into a 2 hour long convo about all the info you just learned on the reaper leviathen
•tho he does struggle still understanding ADHD paralysis, like, why cant you get up? Are your legs broken? Do you need help??
•it took about 3 trys to explain it to him till he somewhat understood what you were talking about
•another thing he finds interesting is all your different stims, such as your pacing and leg tapping stim. As well as your vocal stims like popping sounds and wiseling
• over all he finds everything about you and ADHD intressting, and wishes to learn as much as possible about it, aka in short Al-An loves you no matter your condtions
AHHHH thanks so much for this request anon! There are so much i could write about ADHD! As i have ADHD myself! I feel like al-an would just be a vary cerious sweet heart when finding out what it was.
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Requested by freind: Yendere Viktor Humphreis kidnapping reader headcannons! Gender nutral reader
Yendere Viktor Humphries kidnapping reader (Headcannons)
Warnings: Kidnapping, drugging and manipulation
•Viktor has been planning this for a while, every time Y/N would visit him they would always leave so soon, he wishes they would stay longer, he enjoys there company and cant get them of there mind
•After much thought and planning He desided to make the teleporter break after You would walk threw it, causeing them to have to stay with him for at least a few days, under the exuse he was waiting for the suplise to fix it and how could it have possibly broken?
•Also dearing this time he would also stalk up on Your fav food and make sure that the guest bedroom had everything they could possibly need it in, blankets, water, food, spare cloths. Everything for there perfect ‘stay’
•After a few hours he finally had the currage to go threw with it, and desided to call them asking for help catching glitch slimes in the simulation, so of course You go threw the teleporter and it broke, what a success, it took all the power viktor had to hide his pure joy from you
•As soon as it broke he imitty acted conserned, and began to check and see if you were ingured, not careing about the teleporter. Thankfully you wernt at all ingured but insted just vary confused on why and how it broke. But he brushed that off
• he spent the first few hours just spending time with you after you helped catch a few glitch slimes for him. He cooked you your favorite food and put on some of your fav movies. Before he went to go look over the teleporter seeing why it broke
• when he finally came back he explained what went wrong and how it would take a few days for suplise to come. You seemed conserned on where you would stay and if he was ok with that. He was of course prepared for this and showed you the guest bedroom, that was perfectly decorated to your liking.
• for the rest of the night he left you be, to rest in the guest bedroom (your bedroom) as he finished work. After a few hours he heard a knock on the door. Poor Y/N couldnt fall asleep, of course. He new before hand you had bad sleeping issues
• he got up and offered to make you some tea, Y/N of course agreed, thankfully. He began making there favorite tea, with a seceret ingredient, some sleeping meds to help poor Y/N sleep. It only took you about 30 minutes to completely pass out on his shoulder. He was a flustered mess as you slepted there, he enjoyed your touch and watched as you, you looked so peacefull.
•tho deep down he knew that he had to put you into your bed, so he did, picking you up and careing you back into your bed room, placing you into your bed and covering you with a big green blanket. He watched you for about a minute, checking to make sure you were 100% asleep before placing a small kiss on your forhead.
Hope ya enjoyed my first headcannon request! Sry for any typos or inaccuracies. Criqtue is always welcome
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I wanna try out writing some x reader stuff to get better at writing and story making! So here is the characters ill write for and some rules!
Warning: im also dyslexic so all my writings will have typos and mistakes in every sentence
Will write for (both romanticly and platonicly)
•Viktor humphries (slime rancher)
•Al-an (subnautica below zero)
•Locus (Red vs Blue)
•No Nsfw! Under any circumstances. Im willing to write kinda yandere stuff but no nsfw.
•pedo, sevear abuse ect, all the extream stuff i wont do.
Ill add on more once i have more to write ^^
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