vigordbs · 3 years
UAE Emirates ID E-Version Now Available via Smart App ICA
UAE News Update: An electronic version of your UAE ID will now be available for use on the ICA Smart app. The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship has rolled out an electronic version of the Emirates ID.
UAE Now Issuing Emirates ID in e-version
This version will be made available via the ICA’s smart app which is downloadable in both iOS and Android platforms. The Identity and Citizenship Authority advised applicants to use this e-version of their Emirates ID for all their government transactions until their physical cards are printed out. The e-ID features a unique QR code which makes it easier for government agencies to identify an individual. The QR scanning technology will enable the immediate reading of the card and automatically generate the individual’s identity. The e-ID contains all data shown on the physical card through the information on the database. This e-version has the same validity as the physical card.
This move of the ICA has been coordinated with all concerned authorities and is said to be part of the transition of the nation towards a new generation of identity cards and passports. All concerned service departments, business providers will honor this e-Emirates ID.
New Design of UAE Emirates IDs
The new design for the Emirati IDs and passports was first announced in November 2020 as the Cabinet met and was chaired by HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashin Al Maktoum, the Vice President and the Prime Minister o UAE and the Ruler of Dubai. It was announced in this meeting that the current passports and IDs will be replaced with the new-generation designs which boast tighter security measures...
Continue Reading: UAE Emirates ID E-Version Now Available via Smart App ICA
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vigordbs · 3 years
UAE Soft Power Strategy-Connecting International and Local Business in Perspective
The Soft Power Strategy seeks to increase the global reputation of the United Arab Emirates by showcasing the culture, identity, heritage, and contributions of the UAE to the world. This strategy is propelled by the goal to achieve the developmental, economic, and cultural objective of laying the foundation for a strong reputation of the nation. The UAE soft power strategy is also expected to help as a framework for all sectors in the UAE. It was launched in September 2017 by the UAE Soft Power Council.
What are the objectives of the Soft Power Strategy?
The Soft Power Strategy aims to:
Promote the United Arab Emirates as a regional leader for art, culture, and tourism
Unify various sectors like humanities, media, science, and tourism in the right direction
Promote the United Arab Emirates as a friendly country welcoming to visitors.
Help in promoting the United Arab Emirates as a business hub for potential investors thereby boosting the economy.
Pillars of the Soft Power Strategy
The Soft Power Strategy encompasses six pillars that combine to form the structure of the UAE’s public diplomacy. They include:
People diplomacy
Economic diplomacy
National representatives diplomacy
Humanitarian diplomacy
Cultural and media diplomacy
Scientific and academic diplomacy
Citizens of the United Arab Emirates (Emiratis) are instrumental in the successful execution of the Soft Power Strategy. By communicating their thoughts and opinions through the portals of communication developed by the department, they aid the effectiveness and progress of the strategy...
Continue Reading: UAE Soft Power Strategy-Connecting International and Local Business in Perspective
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vigordbs · 3 years
Top Facts about Trading Industry in Mainland Dubai Company Formation This (2021)
Talking of trading, Dubai is deemed to be the best place for investing both for the seasoned investors and newbies who are struggling to make ends meet in Dubai. Therefore, the trading industry in Mainland Dubai company formation tends to be an effective accelerator of business setup in Dubai. Usually, one thing always leads to another in Dubai.
If not an amazing infrastructure in Dubai, you’ll get support from the UAE government and other financial institutions. Also, the sunny climate and the stable economy are the prime factors behind a successful trading industry in Dubai.
So, since time immemorial, UAE has been a trading country for several investors globally. Therefore, investing in the UAE marketplace is one of the safest places for doing business without incurring huge losses compared to other towns with a deplorable economy and business ambiance.
Additional Information…
Because of the massive benefits Dubai incorporates, buyers from different nations have flocked to the town and set up institutions for banking and enterprise in the UAE.
In addition, Dubai provides other advantages to foreign investors such as free taxation together with zero Forex and exchange trading restrictions.
That’s to means: if you want to start any type of business in Dubai, it will be easy for you to leap into your business success in a crunch of time.
When a town is stable economically, other things normally fall into place. And that’s why; setting up a business in Dubai will be a big advantage to you.
UAE marketplace specifically dwells on re-export of products via perfectly-related airports and established seaports.
Some of the popular forms of trade in the UAE include food, gas, and oil products, cosmetics, clinical supplies, and seaports.
Therefore, if you are novel longing to acquaint yourself with some of the basic facts about the trading industry in Mainland Dubai company formation. Then, you are fortunate to meet this post.
Without further ado, let’s dive in:
Prepare your Business Plan
A business plan is one of the powerful tools when you want to start any kind of business in Dubai.
You might be asking yourself, why do some businesses start with complete gusto and never attain their objective at the end of the tunnel?
Ignoring a business plan is like forcing a child to walk without crawling, impossible, right? Therefore, the same will apply to your business. You must craft a business plan that will give you a clear blueprint of what your company will incorporate as a whole.
Continue reading: Top Facts about Trading Industry in Mainland Dubai Company Formation This (2021)
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vigordbs · 3 years
Vigor Business Center – 3 Reasons to Start Your Business in Dubai
Launching your business in a different country can be intimidating and nerve-wracking, especially when you aren’t quite familiar with the market and business prospects about how to start your business in Dubai. However, if you’re considering the United Arab Emirates for your business, you won’t have to worry. It has one of the best business environments in the world, with a welcoming and supportive company filled with ambitious ex-pats.
In fact, thousands of businesses launch in Dubai every year. Things barely slowed down during the pandemic; more than 40,000 business licenses were issued in 2020. Additionally, ex-pats make up roughly 85 percent of the country’s population, many of who are entrepreneurs, which means you definitely won’t be alone in your venture. Here are three reasons to start your business setup in Dubai:
1. No Tax on Your Income
One of the main reasons to start your business in Dubai is because the UAE does not tax personal and corporate income. That’s right—zero tax for your earnings! However, there’s still Value Added Tax or VAT to be aware of, which is at a flat rate of 5 percent. If you set your business up in a free zone, you can take advantage of 100 percent repatriation of capital and profits, deal with no currency restrictions, and 100 percent import and export tax exemption. It sounds too good to be true, but the great news is that it is!
That’s means more cash flow for your business, which is crucial for a startup. These advantages will improve your startup’s profitability and allow you to enjoy more liquidity, giving you more disposable income that you can put back into your company.
2. Support for Startups
The UAE has many funding initiatives that are geared to increase business growth. For example, the Mohammed Bin Rashid Innovation Fund, worth 2 billion AED, funds innovation projects while providing expert guidance and support to make business ideas come true...
Continue Reading: Vigor Business Center – 3 Reasons to Start Your Business in Dubai
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vigordbs · 3 years
Top 5 Factors to Consider when Importing Cosmetics Products on the UAE Market
Cosmetics products are among the top consumed products in the world. Everyone is fighting for tender and beautiful skin. Therefore, a lot of investors are looking forward to ways on how to import cosmetic products on the UAE market. Currently, UAE has grown and is perpetually growing in terms of export and import capabilities. According to TechSci Research statistics, the personal and beauty market in UAE has exponentially increased over the past 5 years; and is deemed to enjoy an annual increase rate of over four percent in 2018 and 2023.
Therefore, as an investor who’s after the cosmetic business, there are certain tenets you’d be forced to consider before importing cosmetics products on the UAE market.
‘’ So, the legal scope for cosmetic products in Dubai, safety protocol, product wrapping and packaging are great determinants to deem fit before importing cosmetics products on the UAE market. Additionally, an authentic certificate of Conformity from ESMA for Cosmetic and product registration from a reputable municipality holds lots of gravity in this context.’’
The UAE government is trying to regulate. And monitor the cosmetic sector to build trust in the safety of these products in human life and the environment at large. Generally, not all products are safe for use and the surroundings as well. Thus, certain constrictions must be enacted, especially for the manufacturers to avoid producing harmful and toxic products for human use.
Therefore, the locally manufactured cosmetic products from different companies as well as the imported personnel ought to be certified before diving deep into this business. Primarily, they must get a clearance letter of certification from an authorized government figure before selling in the UAE market.
In this article, we strictly narrow down to the top 5 factors to consider when importing cosmetics products on the UAE Market. If you are looking for a cosmetic business setup in Dubai, this article will shed light on some of the endless questions crisscrossing your mind. Oftentimes, the majority are clueless about what is needed before jumpstarting a certain business in a foreign country. Thus, if you’re passionate about cosmetic products, then, we got you covered.
Without further ado, let’s get the ball spinning;
Things to Know before Importing and Selling Cosmetics Products & Perfumes in UAE
Whether you want to import or sell perfumes and other cosmetic products, one thing for sure is that you must prioritize some factors before rolling the ball. Thus, below are some of the plain points to know before importing and selling cosmetic and perfume products in UAE;
1. Legal Requirements
In every marketplace, there must be a body in charge of certain aspects of the market. So, products are normally relegated to a specific body to deal with and enact substantive rules to keep them safe in the global market...
Continue reading: Top 5 Factors to Consider when Importing Cosmetics Products on the UAE Market
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vigordbs · 3 years
Top 5 things to remember before Starting an Offshore Company in the UAE
Are you looking to set up a business in a land full of endless business opportunities? For a hassle-free business environment, an offshore company set up in Dubai is among the top business ambiance you can subscribe to, especially if it’s an individual venture or a group enterprise. Additionally, there are myriad ways you can decide to set your enterprise in Dubai flawlessly. For instance, you can form your business in Dubai Mainland, Offshore Company in UAE, or Free zone areas depending on the nature of your business and preference.
Similarly, an Offshore Company setup in Dubai is not a no-brainer attempt you can embrace without considering some factors in mind.
‘’Therefore, you must be aware that there are 3 unique offshore jurisdictions in the UAE. Most of the offshore companies in the UAE adhere strictly to the (KYC) process commonly known as Know Your Customer. To register a company in the UAE, you must first open a bank account. Furthermore, keep in mind that while an offshore business in the UAE is not need to be licenced, it is permissible to obtain a certificate of establishment.‘’
For more…
In most cases, foreign investors in Dubai are unaware of the requirements for establishing an offshore company in Dubai. Worry less; there are lots of business setup consultants in Dubai that can help you get the tidbits of information about the offshore company set up. So, if your focus is to start an individual enterprise or partner with others in your business, you’re fortunate to meet this post.
In this article, you’ll learn the fundamentals to keep into consideration before starting an offshore company in UAE. Moreover, an offshore company in Dubai accords investors unlimited opportunities to use their funds to capitalize on international markets. Nonetheless, to understand some of the top five things to remember before starting an Offshore Company in the UAE, you must know what an offshore company entails. And so, let’s find out;
What is an Offshore Company?
An offshore company, also known as an offshore company organization or incorporation, is a business that is run entirely outside of its home nation. Furthermore, this company might have multiple partners or shareholders, or it can be wholly held by a single person.
On the flip side, offshore companies don’t involve the tax laws from the government. The main purpose of no-tax laws in this system is to essentially promote the wealth management of the country together with its economy.
Also, there are solid reasons as to why investors and businesses embrace offshore companies set up in Dubai. The main reasons for starting an offshore company include;
Property protection
Open international operations
Total ownership of capitals and funds
No currency limitation
Therefore, if you want to register your offshore company in UAE, the following are the authentic jurisdiction to step your feet in;
Jebel Ali
Having this in mind, what are the top things to know before starting an offshore company in UAE?...
Continue Reading: Top 5 things to remember before Starting an Offshore Company in the UAE
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vigordbs · 3 years
How to Start a General Trading Company in Dubai
Starting a general trading business company in Dubai seems prolific and productive. Simply, Dubai is among the top cities with a stable economy and business-friendly environment for investment. The majority of foreign investors are seeking for business setup in UAE due to the favorable global market reach the country presents to the investors. Therefore, jumpstarting a general trading business company in Dubai is a sure bet that the business will accrue a high return on investment.
So, starting a general trading business in Dubai will compel you to first create a sound business plan for your company, decide solely on the business activities, select a company name and apply for business licenses. Additionally, selecting the appropriate business jurisdictions, finding sponsorship, and opening bank accounts are the major steps to take when starting a general trading business company in UAE.
Therefore, when you set your trading business in Dubai, you can as well opt to get DED general trading license for your business. Thus, instead of trading one product in the marketplace, with this type of licensing, you can sell and purchase different products under one approval. I know you’re disturbed to know what DED general trading license is, right? Before we discuss how to start a general trading business company in Dubai, let’s unleash the benefits of acquiring a DED license and what it entails.
Without further ado, let’s dive in;
What is DED General Trading License?
It can also be referred to as a mainland trade license. Therefore, you can get this type of license from the Dubai Department of Economic Development, commonly known as DED. Generally, having this permit allows you to trade different types of commodities from the UAE mainland.
Conversely, this type of permit differs from other licenses, especially the Free zone general trading license. The mainland trading license gives you room to trade from any place or anywhere in UAE rather than being restrained to trade only in specific places within UAE.
Having the above data in mind, how will DED general trading license benefit your business? Let’s find out;
The license allows you to trade different unrelated goods
It makes your company flexible
You need no other license to trade anywhere
Generally, it will be more prudent to start a general trading business company in UAE and find yourself in a hassle-free environment. That means; you can sell and buy different products at your disposal. And having a DED general trading license will help you skyrocket your company effortlessly.
Now that you’re acquainted with the type of license to secure for your trading business; how do you start s general trading business company in UAE? To get more information,
Continue Reading: How to Start a General Trading Company in Dubai
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vigordbs · 3 years
How to Start a Company in Sharjah Free Zone
Are you novel longing to embark on your entrepreneurial journey this year? It is quite challenging to kick off your business journey, without acquainting yourself with the best zone to embrace. And, Sharjah Free Zone is here to provide you with end-to-end solutions for your business. Therefore, starting a company in Sharjah Free Zone is a big plus because it might help you with your business setup in Dubai. Additionally, Sharjah can help you sustain and grow your business to the next level.
The procedure for setting up a company in Sharjah Free Zone can be overwhelming, especially when conforming to the wrong procedures. Therefore, as a productive investor, first, you have to understand the nature of your business and decide on the appropriate zone for your company. Craft a business plan, select an ideal brand name, open financial accounts, and apply for licensing among others. 
In the same vein, this zone attracts a lot of tourists and investors globally. It is the 3rd biggest emirate of the UAE and the only zone to be included in the Persian Gulf and the land on the Gulf of Oman. As a result, Sharjah has established a strong industrial base for the UAE and is deemed as the shipping sector in the entire United Arabs Emirates. Having this in mind, the UAE government has tried its best to bring several foreign investors to start their business in Sharjah Free Zone.
How to Conduct Your Free Zone Business?
To mention; this is the best zone that gives room for future medium and small-sized businesses to be able to pop out through the competition. And, so, there are different zones within Sharjah you can decide to conduct your business. These zones include;
Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park (SRTI) Free Zone
Hamriyah Free Zone
Sharjah Media City Free Zone
Sharjah Airport International Free (SAIF) Zone
The U.S.A. Regional Trade Center (USARTC) Free Zone
Sharjah Publishing City Free Zone
On top of that, every zone in the UAE marketplace has different jurisdiction that governs its entire business endeavor in town. Sharjah is not exceptional. In fact, there are also various types of licensing you’d want to apply depending on the nature of your business. That means; you cannot start a company in Sharjah Free Zone without a trading license.
So, to acquire a Sharjah Free Zone trading license, you ought to decide on the nature of your business. Thus, based on the type of your business, you can opt for different types of licenses in Sharjah.
Types of Licenses in Sharjah Free Zone
1. Commercial License
Generally, this type of license in Sharjah is issued out to companies involved in buying or selling goods or trading. Therefore, if your business activities will fall under a commercial type of business, it is needless to say, you’ll have to apply for a commercial license. Some of the examples of commercial activities might include real estate services, logistics, and car rental among others.
2. Professional License
If you are into business setup consultant in Dubai, then a professional type of license might be a good fit for your business. Meaning, a professional license is majorly offered to businesses providing services such as craftsmen, artisans, or professionals. Aside from that, other activities might include auditing, management consultancy, medical services, law firms, educational institutions, and accounting companies.
3. Trading License
For you to obtain a trading license, you ought to have an office in the country. So, a trading license is typically issued out to businesses involved in manufacturing and industrial activities. If your business activities fall under the manufacturing of food products, furniture manufacturing, metal casting, and packaging, then you need to apply for this type of license.
Licensing is a must-have in several businesses. However, the big question is how to start a company in Sharjah Free Zone this year? If you are looking to dive into this field for your entrepreneurial journey, we got covered it...
Read More: How to Start a Company in Sharjah Free Zone
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vigordbs · 3 years
How to Choose a Suitable business Center in UAE; 4 Facts to Remember
Are you struggling to find a suitable office for your business? Starting a new business comes with lots of joy and anticipation, especially when it comes to profit-making. However, setting up a business in Dubai and finding a suitable business center in the UAE are two different things. You may wish to jumpstart your business journey in UAE, but lack the ideal business center to do your business. Therefore, in this post, we’ve done the hard part and compiled a detailed article that will help you choose a suitable business center in UAE. 
‘’Generally, considering the demographics of the business center will help you profoundly to rest on a good office for your business. Additionally, the cost and budget play a big role when choosing a suitable center. On top of that, the simplicity of the business setup, infrastructure; accessibility, and level of competition are big determinants that will channel your mind to a suitable business center in UAE.’’
Therefore, because of the diverse, growing, and stable economy in Dubai, UAE is deemed to be the hot-cake country to conduct any type of business therein. Similarly, the liberal cultural atmosphere in Dubai lures foreign investors to start their business in Dubai. To mean, business centers became the center point to ponder before starting an offshore company or setting up a company in Dubai.
Moreover, the Dubai Multi Commodities Center or DMMC offers companies a productive business environment to conduct their businesses. So, this makes several business investors in Dubai invest in a good business center. 
So, what is an ideal business center for your business?
Business Center in UAE
Dubai incorporates several business centers that are out to offer an expert work environment for companies of all sizes. Therefore, an ideal business center provides a myriad of services such as meeting rooms, virtual offices, and more. That means; if you want to create a business in Dubai, you can get a suitable business center that matches the vision and mission of your business.
In addition, a suitable business center must provide a solution to your enterprise when it comes to company formation in UAE, renting offices, and catering for renting needs among others. Also, a business center helps you to save unwanted extra charges that you could have incurred without your consciousness. 
That means; business centers in the UAE have lots of benefits when selected properly. Let’s discuss some of them;
Read More at Dubai Business Center...
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vigordbs · 3 years
5 Steps for Document and Degree Certificate Attestation in UAE - 2021
Document and degree certificate attestation in UAE
is one of the most substantive processes valued by UAE authorities. Dubai being the most stable economic city in the world, the majority of foreign investors flock to UAE for business setup in Dubai. Nonetheless, it is quite cumbersome to enter and expand your enterprise in a foreign country without acquainting yourself with a tidbit of information about their global market. So, as a foreign investor, you’ll be compelled to provide documentation that has been legalized by reputable personnel.
‘’As a general rule, the first step involved in documentation and degree certificate attestation in UAE is the notarization of a document. Typically, this helps to limit fraud and advocates for transparency. Additionally, your country of origin also needs to be attested to confirm your residency stance. The authentication process by the UAE Embassy is then conducted and once the document is brought back. The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) will verify the document and give it legal effect in the UAE. ‘’
Degree Attestation from UAE Embassy for Setting up business in Dubai
Therefore, as a foreign investor in UAE, it will be crucial for you to strictly adhere to what UAE authority commands you to do, especially for your company formation in Dubai. Needless to say, every country has its rubrics set aside to govern its marketplace. And, if your heart propels you to start your business in UAE, then you must be well-versed with the solid steps involved in document and degree certificate attestation in UAE. 
So, before we delve much into the processes involved in document and degree certificate attestation in UAE, let’s discuss the following.
What is Document Attestation in UAE?
Attestation essentially means verifying and giving a certification of a document that is provided therein if it is valid, and legalized by a reputable party.  Most countries demand document attestation before meddling into their marketplace or engaging in serious businesses in their country.
For instance, if you want a visa to travel to another country, you’ll be compelled to issue out legal proof of your home citizenship. Other countries might require you to provide medical certificates. And some countries might require pertinent documents that are utilized by a foreign government for security reasons. Therefore, these documents need to be attested by an honorable authority to indicate that they have been obtained lawfully.
In this article, we’ve penned down some of the steps needed for your document and degree certificate attestation in the UAE this year. So, if you’re looking for business registration in Dubai or documents required for Emirates ID, this article will help you with step-by-step instructions on how document and degree certificate attestation in UAE is done.
Read More at Dubai Business Setup...
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vigordbs · 3 years
Vigor Business Center – Starting Your New Business In Dubai – Things To Remember
The UAE has one of the world’s largest and most diversified economies, mainly because it’s also a World Trade Organization member that plays a vital role in world trade and commerce.
Many entrepreneurs and investors are excited about the potential of doing business in Dubai. So, if you want to launch a business in the UAE’s financial capital, you should know these exciting facts:
1. The United Arab Emirates Has a Promising Future
It has one of the world’s fastest-growing populations, with over 80 per cent being ex-pats. With its calm lifestyle, world-class facilities, and world-class tourism attractions, Dubai is a sensible relocation choice. There are millions of investments, and job opportunities like Expo 2020 Dubai are organised and held here.
Expats living in Dubai can also enjoy unsurpassed living standards and a 10 to 15 per cent annual return on property investment. The UAE has set worldwide education standards from kindergarten to university. Dubai is home to notable educational institutions such as the University of Wollongong, the American University of Dubai, and Manipal. Overall, Dubai has a promising future.
2. Dubai’s Free Zones Have a Lot of Advantages
All UAE Free Zones offer 100 per cent foreign ownership with no corporate tax for the next 50 years. Leading worldwide commodities firms like ENI, American Express, General Mills, Total, Viacom, and Petronas have operations in Malaysia’s Free Zones.
Free Zones include purpose-built infrastructure, networking opportunities, flexible office options, and simplified immigration procedures. Our business setup experts can provide customised business strategy counselling on the benefits of such foreign ownership in Free Zones.
3. Dubai’s Labor Market Is Massive
Dubai’s immigration and labour market rules have honed the city’s workforce availability today. Professionals from over 200 countries provide organisations with highly educated, experienced, and motivated workforce options.
The UAE is a wealthy country, making good talent quite expensive. Although the labour market is indeed massive, make sure to think about completing some market research before you hire personnel and start operations.
4. Dubai’s Favourable Currency Exchange Rate
The UAE currency is stable against various currencies, including the USD, with little movement since 1997. Exchange rates are advantageous with most Arab, African, Asian, and European countries. The currency has been stable for nearly two decades.
The AED’s purchasing power is stable and robust versus other currencies, allowing UAE businesses to gain leverage in worldwide trade. Moreover, the world-class banking industry gives you a competitive advantage.
5. Dubai Provides Incorporation Tax Incentives
The UAE government exempts personal income, withholding tax, and corporation tax. In other words, you keep all profits to reinvest in your firm. This allows investors to enjoy living and working in Dubai.
Minimal taxes and a simplified tax structure help start and run a business. A competitive business strategy and a good company structure can help you qualify for additional tax breaks. Savings on taxes can be invested in better business procedures and workflow efficiency.
6. Dubai’s Local Rules and Regulations Are Well-Versed in Business
The UAE has a solid legal structure, making it one of the most incredible places to do business in the world. It’s for both companies and foreign investors. Except in criminal law, foreign investor rules are entirely distinct from labour standards.
For example, did you know that you may complete business registration in Dubai in less than a month? With our help, you may secure company registration and license in other Emirates within 24 hours. Yes, starting a firm is simple, and the requirements are precise.
7. Choosing the Correct Structure Is Essential
The correct structure will determine your company’s success. A Limited Liability Company is one of Dubai’s most popular business setups. Forming a Free Zone company allows you to keep 100 per cent foreign ownership in Free Zones like DMCC, Dubai South, Dubai Design District, Dubai Internet City etc.
Choosing a Beneficial Strategy for Business
We have discussed exciting options, facts and details in establishing a business in Dubai. With all the benefits that the country can offer, let us help you start a new life and business in Dubai so you can grow.
Vigor Business Center’s consulting services can assist you better grasp the local market and how to build your business. We help you register a company in Dubai, open commercial and personal bank accounts, and help you, your family, and staff get visas. Set up an appointment with our team of experts and consultants today!
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vigordbs · 3 years
Vigor Business Centre – 6 FAQs When Starting A Business In Dubai
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a popular location for business owners and investors worldwide. It is not just an investor-friendly country, but its low tax policies and ease of doing business have bolstered its status as a Middle Eastern commercial powerhouse.
If you’re thinking about it, here are the answers to six fundamental questions about how to establish a business in Dubai.
What is a Free Zone?
In the UAE, free zones are economic zones where products and services can be exchanged at favorable tax and customs rates. They were first implemented to encourage international business in the region by providing 100 percent foreign ownership incentives.
There are many distinct types of free zones, each with its own set of rules for authorized activities and office space. It is usually less expensive and requires a more straightforward process than forming an LLC. At Vigor Business Centre, one of the most popular free zones within the UAE is the Jafza free zone.
What are the limitations of having a Free Zone company?
There are a few limitations. One of these is the restriction to trade with the UAE market directly. Companies would be permitted to sell exclusively through locally designated distributors within the UAE. There is also a 5% customs fee to pay, and workers must only work from the company’s headquarters within the Free Zone.
How do LLCs differ from Free Zone companies?
A Limited Liability Company (LLC) allows you to operate freely anywhere in the UAE and trade both domestically and internationally. Previously, before you can set up a business, you would need to have a local Emirati sponsor or partner who owns 51 percent of your business. However, as of November 2020, the UAE granted 100% foreign ownership of all onshore commercial companies.
How long does it take to set up a business in Dubai?
Whether it’s an LLC or a Free Zone Company will determine this. It will also differ based on the Free Zone and whether an individual or a corporation owns it. It is commonly stated that it may be created in 48 hours. However, it will take anything from 3 to 6 weeks in actuality.
Do I need to live in Dubai to open a business there?
No. Dubai is the world’s first city to allow remote investors to create and operate enterprises from anywhere in the globe. This is because 100 percent foreign ownership in Free Zones and onshore UAE-based firms is now feasible.
However, you must determine if you will require a resident visa after registering your firm. This will be determined by whether you obtain an LLC or Free Zone license. The General Manager of your company, who has the power to sign on behalf of the firm, must have one. The visa holder must visit Dubai every six months, or the visa will be revoked.
Do I need to have an office in Dubai?
Yes, having a physical address in Dubai is necessary when setting up a business. You must have a current lease for office or warehouse space to be considered for a license.
Choosing to start a business in Dubai is a significant choice. It entails, among other things, planning, conceptualising, researching, budgeting, and making hundreds of decisions. It also necessitates advice and support in determining the appropriate trade license for your firm. 
If you are looking for company setup consultants in Dubai, Vigor Business Centre can show you the ropes in setting up and establishing a business in the emirate. We can simplify the formation of your business by providing professional counselling and advice. Get in touch with us today!
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vigordbs · 3 years
Health And Safety At The Workplace
People who work in the industrial and construction sectors are not allowed to work during the hottest hours of the day in the summer. Employers are mandated to provide their workers with safety gear and appropriate clothing to protect them against injuries and harm. The employees are also required to undergo a medical examination to detect any occupational disease they may have contracted.
Provisions for safety and health of workers
The employer is mandated to provide the workers with adequate protective means against hazards of occupational injuries and harm that may occur during the work. The employer is also mandated to protect the employees against fire and other hazards resulting from the use of machines and other work tools.
The employer is required to adopt all safety measures set by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the employee is mandated to use all gear and clothing supplied thereto for such purpose.
The employer is mandated to display detailed instructions related to the measures taken for the prevention of fire and the protection of employees from any danger that working may expose them to. These instructions must be in Arabic and in another language that the employee understands.
All employers are mandated to provide one or more first aid boxes containing medicines, bandages, antiseptics and other first-aid materials set by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
The employer is required to entrust one or more physicians with the total examination of the workers.
In Dubai Freezone Companies and Abu-Dhabi, employers in the private and public sectors are mandated to provide insurance to their employees. However, in some other Emirates like Ajman and Sharjah, government employers are mandated to provide insurance to their workers.
Medical Check-up
Employers are required to assign at least one doctor to examine the workers who are exposed to the possibility of contracting a disease associated with their jobs at least once every six months.  The results of these examinations must be recorded on the files of the employees.
Mid-day break rule for workers under the sun
Workers in the industrial and construction sectors are not allowed to work during the hottest hours of the day in the summer. A company discovered to have staff working during the designated break would be fined AED 5,000 per employee up to a maximum amount of AED 50,000.
Prohibition of alcohol on work premises
An employer is not allowed to bring or allow any other person to bring any type of alcoholic drink on the work premises.
In case of an injury or death in the workplace
The amount of compensation to be paid is calculated based on the amount paid to the worker before his death. The compensation for death in the workplace is equal to the wage of the worker for 24 months. However, the amount of compensation must not be more than AED 35,000 or less than AED 18,000.
Working in remote areas
Employers who employ staff to work in remote areas that are not easily accessible by a public means of transportation must provide their employees with:
Suitable transportation
Suitable drinking water
First aid services
Means of entertainment and sport activities
Suitable food
Suitable accommodation
The above services must be paid for by the employer.
Protection against injuries
Employers must provide their employees with adequate means of protection against injuries and harm that may occur from the use of machines and work equipment. Employers are mandated to display detailed instructions regarding the means of preventing fire and the ways in which employees can protect themselves against dangers in a permanent and visible place at the worksite. These instructions must be shown in Arabic and another language that the worker understands.
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vigordbs · 3 years
Visa fees, Overstaying and Modifying
Cost of visas
The Ministry of Interior published a visa application fees list that includes the various types of entry permits and residency permits applicable across all the Northern Emirates and Abu Dhabi. It is important to note that the fees differ slightly in each emirate.
New / Renew Emirates Id 1 Year –  Aed 250.00
New / Renew Emirates Id 1 Year –  Aed 350.00
New / Renew Emirates Id 1 Year – Aed 450.00
New / Renew Emirates Id For Uae National 5 Year – Aed 250.00
New / Renew Emirates Id For Uae National 10 Year – Aed 350.00
New / Renew Emirates Id For Gcc – Aed 450.00
An additional fee of AED 100 applies in cases where the visa service is requested on an urgent basis. If you are applying for a visa online, you can check the time required to process the service card of the visa you have applied for.
Overstaying your visa
The validity of visas and the period within which the visitor should enter the UAE is based on the type of entry permit issued.
The validity permit for employment visas, visit visas, and tourist visas are 60 days from the issue date while the validity of entry permits for GCC residents is 30 days from the issue date. Different validity periods apply for the various entry visas and work permits.
Tourists and visit visa holders overstaying their visas have a period of grace of 10 days. If a tourist or a visitor overstays beyond the extended period, he will be fined with
AED 200 for the first day of overstay
AED100 each consecutive day
AED 100, as service fees.
UAE residents overstaying their visas have a  30 days grace period after visa expiry. This is given to either amend their status and get another residence visa or leave the country. Fines do not apply during the grace period.
However,  If they overstay after the grace period, they will be fined with:
AED 125 for the first day
AED 25 for each subsequent day.
AED 50 per day after six months of overstaying
AED 100 per day after one year of overstaying
Modifying your visa status
Under Ministerial Resolution No. 377 of 2014,  People who hold all of the visas can modify the status of their entry while staying in the country if they intend to convert it into a residency visa. Modifying your visa status into a residency visa means that after meeting the required rules and conditions, payment of the AED 550 fee has to be made in lieu of leave. However, the applicant is mandated to do this before the expiry of his current visa to avoid any penalties.
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vigordbs · 3 years
Tips To Avoid Labour And Visa Fraud
What are some tips to avoid labour and visa fraud in the UAE?
People who intend to enter the UAE for the purpose of work, visit, investment, residence or any legal purpose could be exposed to visa fraud but following these tips may help you avoid it:
It is crucial to note that a visit or tourist visa does not give you the right to work in the United Arab Emirates. Working under a visit or a tourist visa will lead to your getting penalized and deported.
If you are offered a job in the UAE by someone, you should receive an offer letter issued by the UAE’s Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MoHRE) from the person. You are also required to check the validity of such offers.
The prospective employees/ candidates can check the job offer at the UAE embassy in their country. The job offer number can be used to verify the employer’s validity at the website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MoHRE).
After you sign the offer letter, you should receive an employment visa from your employer to enter the UAE.
Your employer who is also your sponsor is responsible for payment or recruitment expenses as stipulated by the UAE’s Labour Law.
It is crucial to make sure that the company legally exists. To do this, you can search the company’s English and Arabic name in the National Economic register and get the details of the company.
Get your enquiries replied by MoHRE by dialling the telephone number 0097168027666 or email them at [email protected] or chat service.
If you have an entry visa permit/visa issued from Dubai, you can check its validity on the website of the General Directorate of Residency Affairs.
If you have an entry permit/visa issued from Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al Quwain, Ras Al Khaimah or Fujairah, you can verify its validity at the eChannels platform.
A tourist visa is either issued by UAE-based airlines like Emirates, Etihad, Fly Dubai and Air Arabia or UAE-based hotels and travel agencies.
Receive help on entry permits and visa issued from Dubai through the chat service of Amer.
Discover more about the fees of visas and entry permits issued from Dubai through this website.
Through the chat service of ICA, you can get more information on visas and entry permits issued from Abu-Dhabi, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al Quwain, Ras Al Khaimah and Fujairah.
It is important to know that there is nothing like an independent employment visa. You are mandated to work for your employer/sponsor. Your employer may give you a permit to work for another employer as long as MoHRE approves it.
Working under a visit or tourist visa may have you penalised or deported as these visas do not give you the right to work in the UAE.
Lastly, it is important to note that a residence visa cannot be processed while the applicant is outside the UAE. This means that a residence visa can only be issued when the applicant is inside the country after getting in with an entry permit.
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vigordbs · 3 years
Reasons You Should Hire Business Setup Consultants in Dubai
Conducting business in Dubai nowadays has grown to become out to be a sensible choice. Business is thriving in the UAE, with an increasing number of business setups blossoming throughout the region.
Setting up a business in Dubai is notably smooth and straightforward.
If you meticulously study the UAE business ambiance, you’ll be acquainted with the legalities featured in the process of starting your business in Dubai and make it proactive. And by learning their feature-specific business objectives, then you may have an up and running business in Dubai.
It might look easy and simple to start a business in Dubai; however, your business ought to have a business plan, a crystal clear comprehension of the marketplace, and get to know the nitty-gritty of getting an appropriate license required to get you started with business set up in UAE.
Therefore, in case you encounter some difficulties when setting up your business, don’t worry.  In this article, we’ve done the hard part and documented some of the best reasons why you should hire a business setup consultant in Dubai to help you with your business setting up in the region.
In most cases, consultants in Dubai are more knowledgeable about the market trend in UAE. Therefore, they provide all services that might be a big elephant when setting up your business. Nonetheless, you must opt for a professional and a consultant who is familiar with the market condition in Dubai.
So, if you’ve ever started to invest in Dubai and found some stabling blocks in your investment journey. Then, you are lucky to meet this post. Without wasting time, below are some of the reasons why you must hire a business setup consultant in Dubai this year:
They help you to pick the right business activity
Provides you with a clear roadmap of the UAE business landscape
Help you to connect with other established business investors in Dubai
In the case of a language barrier, they act as mediators
Save your Time and Money
They help you to pick the right business activity
The first step earlier than you even assume when setting up a business in Dubai is the choice of the business activity that your organization will perform. It is a clear-cut mission, however from time to time because of the overpowering alternatives, a budding entrepreneur or business setup proprietor can get confused.
Furthermore, the business setup sports in Dubai are categorized with the help of using the Department of Economic Development. This body will walk you and help you select the right business activity for your business. And it additionally states the scope and permissions wanted that confines you with the business setting in the area of your choice.
Moreover, the business setup consultant in Dubai assists you to use different offering alternatives concerning the interest of the business of your choice, so you could make a knowledgeable choice rather than creating a hasty one which you may remorse later.
Provides you with a clear roadmap of the UAE business landscape
Even if you are seasoned in launching new businesses in UAE, you might be baffled at one point. Whenever you arrive in a brand new region, there’ll usually be new approaches to doing commercial enterprise, new legal guidelines to be accompanied, and exclusive cultural norms.
For instance, in case you need 100% possession of your commercial enterprise in UAE, to obtain this, you’ll be compelled to install your new business in the diverse Free Zones that provide this facility.
As simple as that, nonetheless, such locations include their set of guidelines and conditions that govern how the business setup in those areas should be conducted.
Therefore, mastering those legal guidelines may be time-consuming. And, when such guidelines are not put into practice within your set business, it might lead to more harm than ever seen before.
When your business is in jeopardy for the failure of not observing the rules and policies set to govern a certain marketplace, then, it will dawn on you that it is crucial to hire an expert business consultant in Dubai.
By hiring a commercial enterprise set-up representative, you may keep your treasured time. By leaving all of the complexities associated with registration and organization formation as much as the professionals, you may without a doubt consciousness of growing your commercial enterprise idea.
The professionals will help you at some point in the setup procedure, offering you with an independent and sensible recommendation concerning which unfastened sector to select based totally on your business interest and the sort of licenses that might be required.
The setup consultancies will even test minute details; inclusive of your organization call is in step with the Dubai naming legal guidelines.
To sum up, they may be your walk-through to ensure that your business setup is rapidly growing.
Help you to connect with other established business investors in Dubai
Similarly, constructing connections and studying the proper individuals for making a certain solid increase of your commercial enterprise also can take time.
Certain authorities departments, banks, and coverage organizations need only from 1/3 events and sponsors which are trustworthy. To construct those connections, you may need to method the proper individual then communicate to them and benefit their trust. This, of course, does now no longer take place overnight.
One of the various perks of hiring professional business setup consultants in Dubai is that they may have already got sturdy ties constructed in the network. This sturdy dating will show to be a brilliant asset for you, particularly in the preliminary levels of beginning a commercial enterprise in Dubai.
Seasoned commercial enterprise owners, in addition to budding entrepreneurs, recognize the price of introduction. Knowing who’s who of the neighborhood commercial enterprise network can considerably accelerate the setup procedure.
These consist of visa application, establishing a company financial institution account, and organization registration. The first-class part of the connections you used at some stage in the setup procedure is that: they may stay in touch with you even after your commercial enterprise is up and jogging. In short, the business setup consultant experts might turn your business into a community in Dubai.
In the case of a language barrier, they act as mediators
Although there are numerous languages spoken in the UAE, nevertheless Arabic reigns supreme.
If English or Arabic isn’t your local language, then you could run into a few problems at the same time as carrying out commercial enterprise in Dubai. This language barrier can in the beginning appear like a small inconvenience; however, it may provide beginning to needless delays which could avert the commercial enterprise setup procedure.
Therefore, you ought to have a translator/interpreter with you in any respect times, which could fluently communicate examine and write in both Arabic and English.
Recently, English has grown to be broadly famous in the UAE; neighboring countries are also practicing and get to embrace other forms of lifestyle and preserved it.
Also, the business consultants in Dubai offer a translator or interpreter as a part of their service. This translator might be fluent in each Arabic and English. And will act as a bridge between you and the diverse businesses you want to talk with to set up a commercial enterprise in Dubai.
Save your Time and Money
It is feasible that you may begin your commercial enterprise with no assist from professionals. Through trial and blunders, you may maximum in reality installation your commercial enterprise.
However, this may effortlessly change into a tedious and time-ingesting mission which could drain your strength. To preserve your strength and precious time its miles counseled which you lease a professional business consultant in Dubai.
Final Thoughts
Business setup experts can save your precious money and time by executing the duties efficiently. As they’ve finished these limitless times, therefore, it has grown to be 2nd nature to them. Thus, offering you a legitimate base that is prepared to capitalize and benefit from Dubai’s beneficial economy.
Therefore, if you want your business to thrive well in Dubai, seek a professional business setup consultant in Dubai. Vigor Business Setup and Company formation will act as a mediator between you and the Arabic people, save your investment time, and will help you to select the right business activity you desired for your business and more advantages they come with.
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vigordbs · 3 years
Vigor Business Setup and Company Formation Services Provides Best PRO Service for Business Setup in Dubai
The Dubai business area offers great benefits for foreign investors. There are remarkable opportunities for entrepreneurs to begin a commercial enterprise in any emirate in the UAE. As an entrepreneur in Dubai, before you establish your company in Dubai you want to finish some steps to get approval from governmental authorities.
To set up a business in Dubai, one needs to fulfil some mandatory regulations and rules with the assistance of expert agencies. The PRO services are one of these duties which might be critical for first-time entrepreneurs just like finalizing their business relations.
What are PRO Services for Business Setup in Dubai?
PRO means Public Relations Officer. It encompasses all key activities which are essential to your business set up in Dubai. The PRO services are connected with office work and processing of official documents which facilitates the execution of each part of your business set up in Dubai.
The PRO services cannot be easily fixed with the aid of businessmen who do not properly understand the policies of the United Arab Emirates. However, this can be avoided by working with company setup experts in Dubai who will help bring together your company’s credentials and end the complicated process of registration as quickly as possible.
Some common PRO services are crucial for the success of your business setup in Dubai and the credibility of the company set up experts can be judged through their PRO services catalogue.
Major PRO Services in Dubai.
The PRO services provided when you work with Vigor Business Setup and Company Formation Services for your PRO services in Dubai are:
Attestation of files with the aid of the Dubai Chamber.
Visa services including processing and renewal of visas in Dubai.
Immigration card approval from Emirates Identity Authority.
Labour and immigration card.
Business license services which include professional, business and industrial
Documents testifying via the Department of Economic Development (DED)
Dubai free zones documents processing with the aid of the DMCC (Dubai Multi Commodities Centre)
Employment visa for all of the free zones and mainland zones within and outside the UAE.
Any Dubai company formation paperwork.
Collection of mail files and transferring to governmental bureaus.
Importance of PRO Services for Dubai Business Setup in Dubai
There are several advantages of PRO services. However, there are a few benefits of PRO services that play a crucial role in establishing a company in Dubai. These PRO services help to prevent your company from unexpected consequences that may create adverse effects for the company leading to company liquidation. The PRO services encompass:
The possession of legal papers that proofs your Dubai business’s legitimacy.
The acquisition of VISA for business partners, employees, relatives for officially recognised jobs in Dubai.
Helps to open gates for opening bank accounts and company expansion licenses.
It helps to reduce cost and maximise time for documenting files and license application submission.
The signatures and stamps are the main issues for foreign investors but Vigor business setup consultants in Dubai can resolve these issues by providing you PRO services.
They are required to present your certificate to run your company in any region in the UAE.
The PRO services assist in getting rid of obstacles, doing your transactions and helping you complete your Dubai company formation in no time.
What PRO Services do Vigor  Business Setup and Company Formation Services provide?
At Vigor, we offer exceptional PRO services such as:
Notarization and attestation of all services
Assistance in attesting your documents via our partnership with DED, DMCC, Dubai courts, Dubai Chamber, Ministry of overseas affairs, labour, and interior.
Facilitation of the translation of your documents which are indexed inside financial institution account paperwork or license approval application
Collecting all your emails.
Cancellation of licenses or closure of your bank account.
Regulatory approvals and NOC letters.
Approving contracts from nearby sponsors and investors and their offers with marketers to establish a company within the mainland.
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