TOP 5: Inspirational Fashion Quotes
1. Coco Chanel
"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different."
2. Marilyn Monroe
"Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world."
3. Bill Blass
"When in doubt, wear red."
4. Karl Lagerfeld
"One is never overdressed or underdressed with a little black dress."
5. Coco Chanel
"A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous."
Sources: http://www.vogue.co.uk/gallery/best-fashion-quotes
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Communication is key
Media/Promotion and Communication
Communication is definitely key! It helps one portray the message, they are trying to convey. We communicate everything. For me, especially lately, I communicate through Fashion Communication. Everything I have been learning has shown me different and vital ways to communicate; journalism, trend, photography, film and public relations. Making me realise that although words can be descriptive, it doesn’t mean communication has to be through words. Communication can also be done visually, verbally through motions of movements and the ways of listening
My interests lie in photography and film, and to communicate a message or a story means reaching into a creative aspect of yourself, which would also portray the message to others. In photography, I find interesting to create as it is still-motion, however, this is because of the post-production of a photo shoot  where the communication really sits. Changing the mood and atmosphere with one click of a button. 
And another alternative which is similar to photography is film, however, there is more depth to dwell into with different moods, emotions and atmosphere to really switch from when going into different scenes. It’s completely different to communicating with words, using motion and varies techniques to communicate and portray the message you want.
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Retail Future Consideration
As a Millennial, we are the pioneers of the digital age. We’ve had the privilege to spectate the improvement and developments of technology and every social media, contrary to Generation Z which are usually more realistic because of the straightforward modesty that the Generation X had whilst growing up. Question is... should Bricks and Mortar still continue? In my opinion and as a millennial, yes! 
I always find that having an enhancing shopping experience is through a shopping centre rather than online, this is because of the experience of wearing the outfit to see whether you are making the right decision and there is always the enticement of an impulse buy. But with that, there are pros and cons to everything. Because of everyone searching and shopping towards their style of fashion, the inability to filter your search in a retail shop is non-existing and that is definitely a pro when online shopping. It filters towards everything needs and desire
In my opinion, the next stage for the retail landscape to attract more millennials and generation Z would be pop up shops. With celebrities associating themselves with different brands lately, something I noticed that is attracting a lot of visitors is pop up shops. This is when a store opens only for a temporarily and a limited time and with limited products. This would increase the enhanced experience in a Bricks and Mortar because people nowadays are wanting more of an experience rather than just a visit to the mall
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'A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words’
Illustration/Design Impact + Futures
A picture is worth a thousand stories and unfortunately, it’s shocking that illustrations are nevermore commercialised on the front-page of a magazine, but why would it be with the forefront of photography? It unquestionably captures the clothing and it overtakes on advertisements and magazines. Fashion illustration has the ability to connect art and fashion into a visual representation especially for a designer, their initial concept starts on paper which is then created into the perfect garment for somebody out there. It expresses creativeness and reaches into the imagination of leaving an imprint of beauty and emotional power to the viewers. 
Take for instances, Yves Saint Laurent acknowledged as an outstanding fashion designer in the twentieth century starting signature styles by its association of art, shifting the form and nature of fashion. In the book ‘Yves Saint Laurent: Style’ by Hamish Bowles, it tributes over 160 timeless designs presented through illustrations and photography. This example shows the growing need and desire of fashion illustration for as long as there has been a high demand for clothes. I would portray the use of illustrations as a method of communication through mediums whilst generating an authentic feeling and atmosphere
Here’s a list of my personal favourite illustrators: 
Yves Saint Laurent
Christian Dior
David Downton
Jeanette Getrost
Euneve Lee
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Trends through Zara
Trend Fashion Forecasting 
I would definitely claim Zara as an exceptional store, including outstanding and incoming trends which rapidly change every week for them. I would definitely consider Zara as a personal favourite for getting above-standard quality with reasonable value, and always manage to style towards my needs and desires. Seeing as the Spring/Summer 2018 collection is now available it is showcasing bright crayon palettes and bold patterns
Here are a couple favourites of mine:
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Self-Evaluation: How Public Relations Influences Me (Sub-consciously and consciously: need/desires; emotional influence
Victoria Johnston - Fashion Communication
Part 2
Before learning about the way organisations and companies communicate in regard to the public and media, I had a tendency of confusing myself between advertising and public relations especially with little knowledge and understanding of the two subjects. However, through practice and participation, I acquired essential insight in this area, leaving myself more confident in the future. I consider it necessary to recognize that Public Relations can sub-consciously and consciously met everyone’s needs, desire and emotional influence by numerous procedures.
I learned more by actively participating in the live brief with The Bowes Museum as our industry partner. Upon visiting the museum, several points of interest caught my attention that could eventually raise engagement as my Public Relation pitch. From the information gathered, the introduction of promotion methodologies helped to identify potential areas of opportunity and additional exposure for the Bowes Museum audiences. A further aspect to the brief was to construct a Press Release including a Press Pack, issuing important information about the museum and the combination of the fashion installation that associates with the upcoming exhibition.
I struggled with multiple approaches regarding this brief, especially the starting point of several methodologies (PEST, SWOT, PESO in addition to AIDA). However, after applying thorough research and the constant incline to feedback, I developed confidence that could help during other opportunities that may involve Public Relations in the future. Although there were difficulties collecting the data for the methodologies, I found other aspects easy to excel towards when considering an original and relevant fashion experience for the Bowes.
In conclusion to this live brief of partnering with the museum, I discovered several strengths and weaknesses that I strived towards with my deliverables. When researching the promotional methodologies, the initial point was problematic because of the complexity of the content required. However, ultimately these techniques were proved to be helpful and effective for the vision of my potential pitch. Whereas, I should have concentrated on other aspects, such as elaborating on my abilities to promote the Bowes Museum by using social media platforms. Furthermore, I find that the planning and launch of a new exhibition are interesting therefore more information should have been provided in regard to the Chris Moore exhibition. When encountering public relations in the future, I intend to collect as much information, data and knowledge about the industry partner to understand their challenges and have a better comprehension towards initiating and organising a press release as well as a press pack. Moreover, I would take the opportunity to apply the strategical thinking and engagement practices on a larger scale, for instance, tackling public relation in a fast-paced and fast fashion environment to acknowledge the pressure and determination to meet everyone’s needs, desire and emotional influence.
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The harsh truth
Manufacturing to Sustainability
There has always been an uprising history in fashion, however, there is little information of the production of the clothing advertised for consumers to see. Unfortunately, the fashion industry attempts to disguise the horrible truth of fashion especially those in constant need of demand, the working conditions are unjustified and scarcely acknowledged. And we, the consumers are negligent of the issues that would be arising. 
In the early days of clothing manufacturing in Britain, instigated a radical transformation of attire which was influenced by either Scandinavian invaders also the Roman Empire.  With the introduction of textile revolution, it brought a change in the production of the clothing manufacturer in the United Kingdom that advanced the use of machinery. Throughout the years' technology has advanced in addition to the development of textile manufacturing, this is because the out breaking news of fast fashion giving consumers insight to the working conditions in the vast majority of third world countries. Like for instance the incident in 2013 in Bangladesh, over 1,134 innocent people died in a manufacturing factor this was because of the lack of safety checks and beneficial reasons for profit for fashion companies. However, the increase of sustainable and ethical companies has created an impact inviting more to join and show awareness whilst others still hide from the truth
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Self-Evaluation: How Public Relations Influences Me (Sub-consciously and consciously: need/desire; emotional influences)
Part 1
Is this relatable?
You’ve magically appeared in a shopping centre with ‘Zara’ right next to you whilst screaming in enormous font ‘SALE’, and next thing you know you are shifting in the directing the store is and ops... outdone yourself again. This is the beauty of public relations, it sub-consciously ad consciously fits everyone’s needs and desires. It is an astonishing and compelling topic to comprehend through the evolution of public relations over the years, nowadays marketing appeals towards customer needs, desires and emotional influences targeting the media and the general public through such subtleness. Our surroundings are submerged with everything related to public relations: advertisement, fashion shows, music videos, movies, Instagram posts and the list is endless.
As a Fashion Communication student, my insights and knowledge has developed and will continue throughout finishing my degree. Making me apprehensive about my desire and essentials.  
With my last encounter at Zara; I remember saying that shopping online was better because the store was always disorganised, however as soon as ‘SALE’ was in my direction, and launched myself into the sale to soon realise the amount of mess created without any disregards because of my findings was worth only £12.99
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Fashion Trend Forecasting
With Fashion week just passed, the trends of Spring/Summer 2018 collection there will be models cat-walking in ice cream shades, denim redux, trench dressing, crayola brights and countless more. With these trends being presenting on runways, it will eventually be in stores for the forthcoming seasons
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5 different brands - There’s everything for everyone
Introduction to the Fashion Industry
In the fashion world, there are fashion enthusiasts that complain on a regular basis that they have nothing in their closet to wear however, they are wrong! There is something for everyone and the fashion industry never sleeps, it is always constantly growing and improving. Designers in every fashion brand are always constructing the next trend collection that will eventually sit in your closet and that cycle of complaining you have nothing to wear starts once more.
Nowadays everything is thoughtfully planned out into categories of different apparel all tailored to make an individual feel a specific emotion. Therefore, there are different fashion brands for everyone’s taste and value range
Down below are the following images from different brands that are following similar trends, however, there is a difference between brands and pricing
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A letter from my younger self
About me
Dear Victoria,
This is a letter from your younger self 
Your struggles right now will probably be considered as nothing to you in the future, but everything you are going through right now will be the development of your success. You may not see it straight-away, but everything is a process! Those last nights in the library, breakdowns and doubtfulness will mean something someday and you can always count on that adrenaline rush to kick in
Think about you, you are writing this letter to yourself in the first year and will rediscover it in years to come, which by then you will have faced a number of dilemmas 
But let’s not dwell on that, this letter is addressing on everything you’ve overcome and a reminder of the strength you have within. So far you have managed to survive university with flying colours and although it is only your second semester (first year), it is the most challenging aspect of your life right now. You still manage to pursue and learn an abundance that is definitely going to benefit your career. And that’s Fashion Communication for you, something you can definitely say you love! It has managed to expand your creative knowledge, advance both personal and professional attributes. 
If I would have to give advice to my older self never lose that excitement and ambition you have besides that remember that everything takes time, dedication whilst putting in the hard-work
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Aleali May in ACW at CIFF Copenhagen, Denmark.
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La Chic/ Street fashion
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