victoriagoods · 1 month
When you're the fat girl, everyone forgets that you're just a girl.
When you're the fat girl, people expect you to behave like a man. They expect you to do chores, go to work, and do not complain. Why? Cuz you're fat. As tough as it sounds, this is truth.
But.. when you're the thin girl, people hold doors for you, do everything for you, make money for you. You sit here just being pretty and accept all the goodies..
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victoriagoods · 1 month
something that helps motivate me is imagine your thinspo like bella hadid or whoever woke up and they switched bodies with you and they feel soo disgusted to be stuck in a fat overweight body. keep going so that they wouldn’t hate the body they would be trapped in
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victoriagoods · 1 month
the day that my hip bones are showing is the day im gonna wear a crop top 😋
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victoriagoods · 1 month
"is your choose"
tu eligues si ser delagada y bonita. o ser la bola de grasas que esta junto a ella cuando salgas con tu amiga si eres delgada tu, te mirararan a ti primero. despues a ella, o simplemente no la miraran en cambio. si eres la amiga gorda, eso te pasara a ti. no te miraran y siempre que te guste alguien te preguntara por tu amiga delgada. no por ti
''un estomago vacio se siente mejor que uno arrepentido''
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victoriagoods · 1 month
oh look its the girl that doesnt change her cw when she gains
(its me im the girl)
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victoriagoods · 1 month
Me seeing the calories in the food I used to eat
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victoriagoods · 1 month
the truth is, nobody will think you’re pretty unless you’re skinny.
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victoriagoods · 1 month
having an 3d is dead ass like living a double life
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victoriagoods · 1 month
he would love me more if i was skinnier
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victoriagoods · 1 month
I feel like a lot of people don’t actually know what a binge is on here 😭 I see so many people say they binged when they actually mean they just overate
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victoriagoods · 1 month
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story of my life 🪽
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victoriagoods · 1 month
Losing Inner Thigh Fat
1. Sumo squat
Set your feet out wide, turning toes out to about the 10:00 and 2:00 positions. Hold a dumbbell for added resistance.
Keep your chest up high as you bend your knees, keeping knees pointed out over toes. As you come up out of the sumo squat, squeeze your abs, glutes, and inner thighs.
Do 2 sets of 12–15 reps.
2. Side lunge
Stand tall with your feet together. Hold a dumbbell at your chest for added resistance.
Step out with your right leg and begin sending your hips back as you bend your right knee. During the descent, your knee should not move more than about 2 inches beyond your toes and you should keep your knee aligned between your second and third toe.
Push off with your right leg to return to a standing position.
Repeat on the left leg to complete 1 rep.
Do 2 sets of 12–15 reps.
3. Curtsy lunge
Stand tall with your feet together.
Step your right leg behind the left, bending both knees and pulling both knees slightly toward the midline to squeeze your inner thighs.
As you stand to exit the curtsy lunge, you can either tap your right foot or lift the knee for a greater intensity and balance challenge.
Repeat on the right side for 10–12 reps.
Repeat on the left, and then do an additional set on each side.
4. Skater
Stand with your feet together, knees slightly flexed, and abdominals engaged.
Push off with your right leg to hop to your left, allowing yourself to leave the floor on the way.
As you land on your left leg, cross your right leg slightly behind, in a small curtsy lunge, hinged forward at the hip.
Return to the right side with a small hop to complete the first full rep.
You can do these faster as more of a power move with a strong cardio effect or go slower with emphasis on range of motion. Either way, you’ll strengthen your inner thighs along with your glutes and abdominals.
5. Side-lying adduction
Lie on the floor on one side with your top leg bent and dropped forward, supporting your top leg with a yoga block or a pillow for comfort if necessary.
Extend your bottom leg long. Keep hips stacked as you lift your bottom leg, engaging your abdominals as you lift and lower your leg.
Do 15–20 reps before switching to the other side and repeating. Do a total of 2 sets on each side.
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victoriagoods · 1 month
I've never regretted not eating.
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victoriagoods · 1 month
lose the weight
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victoriagoods · 1 month
being afraid of weighing yourself is probably a sign that you haven’t been following your d13t.
are you not serious about this? do you actually even want it? stop ruining your progress. imagine where you could have been by now if you had done what you’re supposed to.
it’s not that hard.
just. stop. e4ting.
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victoriagoods · 1 month
i <3 purging after drinking alcohol, it’s so easy
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victoriagoods · 1 month
So you wanna purge- here are some foods to avoid!
⭐️ bagels, tortillas, hawaiien rolls. That shit will get stuck and you’ll make a lot of noise trying to get it all out.
⭐️ if it’s really spicy going down, it’s gonna be really spicy coming up
⭐️ tbh purging anything with tomato sauce has ruined me so badly. cant eat pizza or pasta without remembering the specific scent
⭐️ yogurt is so fucking vile to throw up but it’s not hard
⭐️ on the other hand, ice cream? so good. if you do it right after, it’s still kinda cold and it doesn’t taste like death! tbh not a bad experience
⭐️ sushi. stay away from sushi. just… take my word for it please ..
⭐️ SHREDDED WHEATS. listen- i was in high school (and cereal is a huge trigger food for me) i thought i could just throw the cereal back up. nO! it feels like bricks of sandpaper! and it’s like you never even chewed it?????? avoid at all costs.
⭐️ anything red is kinda sus bc is it blood? berries? sauce? who knows!
⭐️ if you never want to eat peanut butter the same way, avoid throwing it up. i had to avoid peanut butter for a long time.
⭐️ soda is so fucking weird to throw up. not bad just so so weird.
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