Still, Max felt as if he was a burden, but he didn’t move as Xenia requested. He merely scooted over to allow her more room in the shade. “Potions? Good luck with that.” Though she was very likely better at it than him, Potions was his worst subject. Looking down at his notes, he creased the sides of the paper and his face pinched. “It’s for a Charms’ quiz. I just never know where it is that the professor’s going to ask, so that makes it ‘arder to study for.”
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"Potions has always been one of my favourite subjects. It's just interesting how things like one stir too many can mess the entire potion up, and the endless possibilities from poisons to cures that you can make," Xenia shrugged. Her particular interest was in poisons, it was what she hoped to specialise in once she went to Healer school. Poisons were, in Xenia's opinion, a far more dangerous weapon than any wand because they could go undetected far too easily, and cause irreparable or deadly damage before the victim knew anything was wrong. Not only was that knowledge useful against other people, but it was also helpful for herself. Knowing their signs and symptoms and antidotes meant Xenia had a far better chance of surviving a poison attack if she ever encountered one. "Ah, I understand that completely. I can quiz you on some of the bigger topics if you like? It's only a quiz, so focusing only on the more major spells and theories might be better than trying to learn everything."
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"I was just wondering if you caught what the homework for the last class was. The professor speaks too fast, I didn't quite catch it," Xenia replied with a small shrug of her shoulders.
“You want to repeat that?”
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"That’s fantastic. The piano’s a great instrument to have mastery over like that.. It takes a lot of skills, too, so props to you.” Beau appreciated being able to talk to someone who also had a love for more sounds of classical music. “I do, not near as nicely as you though. I’m a bit better at a keyboard, but I like them both all the same.” Taking in Xeni’s introduction, he let that settle for a second before he noted, “Hufflepuff, huh?” A curious look overtook his face. “My sister’s a Hufflepuff, Halle Yeun. But she’s a sixth year, so you may not know her.” Of course, he knew oft the Lestranges, but he had no reason to think that she had intentions to follow suit of her family. Not when she spoke so kindly. 
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Many a thing had been said about Xenia Lestrange behind her back, particularly by those in the more traditional society. Even as a child she was polite and well mannered, a Hufflepuff of all things. She was far from what her parents had been like. Weak, they called her, someone to be ashamed of. Though they’d never say it to her face. Xenia just laughed, because little did they know that while she was studying how to heal people, she was simultaneously learning how those same techniques could be used to hurt. Beau didn’t appear, at least to Xenia, to share that opinion. His compliment about her playing brought a genuine smile to her face. While she was arrogant about a great many things, when it came to piano she was actually quite shy. Rarely anyone outside of her family actually heard her play. “Thank you. That's fair enough. How long have you been playing? I never tried the keyboard. It didn't interest me really," she admitted honestly. "Ah, I think I've seen her around but I don't know her very well."
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She sighed to herself as the other girl told her the professor wasn’t in the room, and that he was probably out at Merlin-knows-where at that point. It was useless, in her opinion, to tell someone to meet them for extra help and then not show up — a bit rude, actually. But that was just Hogwarts, she figured. The English didn’t exactly have the best manners, as far as she was concerned. Well, those she knew, anyway.
"He offered to help me improve my skills on the violin," Aureliana replied with a shrug. "Oh, well, that would be great, actually. Thank you."
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"The violin is beautiful, I've never played, though I hope to learn one day. How long have you been playing?" Xenia asked as she got up from her seat, fully intending on keeping her word and helping the other girl look.
Xenia's instrument of choice was piano, simply because she'd grown up hearing her mother play it. However if she could play another it would be the flute or the violin. "Where else have you looked, other than here? Sometimes he can be found in his office."
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“Oh you should. Put it on your bucket list - it’s wonderful!” 
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"I will! Are there any around Hogwarts, do you know?"
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Max recognized Xenia as his upperclassman and as he drew inward into himself, his lips formed a thin line and his hands curled around his knees. “I don’t mind,” he replied quietly, meekly, sun shimmering on his light hair. “I can move if you want me to.” Even though he had been there first, he offered regardless, not wanting to be in the way. He always felt as if he was in the way. “Are you studying too?”
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"No, no. Don’t move, you were here first it’s fine," Xenia replied as she sat down next to him. She actually didn’t mind Max’s company — not that she knew him particularly well, but he was quiet and she liked that. Xenia also knew it didn’t pay to underestimate people, and she couldn’t help but want to know if there was more to these seemingly meek boy than meets the eye. He didn’t seem particularly at ease, so Xenia shot him a genuinely warm smile hoping that would help. "Yeah, I have a potions test coming up soon I’m trying to prepare for. What about you? What are you studying? You look a little stressed, can I help you with anything?"
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• cooking/food headcanon
Xenia herself can't cook to save her life. Having grown up with house elves, she was quickly shooed out of the kitchen whenever she entered it for fear she might break a plate or something, so she never got a chance to learn. However her favourite dish to this day is simply chocolate coated strawberries with cream. Elegant but simple, just the way she liked it. As a child when this dessert was prepared, she always resented having to share with her siblings and some days it could be s fight to even get her to relinquish just one strawberry.  
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Classically Inspired Drabbles
Achilles: my character reveals their weakness to yours.
Agamemnon: tragic homecoming story for one or both of our characters.
Aphrodite: my character falls in love with yours.
Ares: our characters get into a fight.
Artemis: my character goes with yours on a hunting trip.
Athena: my character has yours on trial for past transgressions.
Cassandra: my character warns yours about future events, but your character does not listen.
Clytemnestra: my character kills yours.
Demeter: my character longs for yours.
Dionysus: my character gets drunk with yours.
Hades: your character is visited by my character's ghost.
Hector: my character fights in the place of yours/for your sake.
Helen: my character describes their favourite person/person they admire most to yours.
Hermes: my character brings your character good news (or vice versa).
Hestia: our characters snuggle by a fire.
Menelaus: my character gets something precious stolen from them by yours.
Nyx: my character has a dream about yours.
Odysseus: happy homecoming story for one or both of our characters.
Patrocles: my character dies in the place of yours/for your sake.
Persephone: my character is held prisoner by yours.
Poseidon: our characters are stranded on an island together after a shipwreck.
Zeus: my character sleeps with yours.
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Not everyone had the patience for people like Trinny, but Xenia made an effort to be kind. After all, she knew how dangerous it could be to underestimate someone, and Trinny could come in handy one day. "I didn't know that, actually. It sounds beautiful. I'd love to hear them one day."
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“Did you know if you listen really carefully, you can hear the lunabells chime at night… most people don’t believe it - because how can a flower chime, but trust me; it’s quite beautiful.”
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“I wonder if you can hear the sound of your intestines producing shit and it filtering out through your big, stupid mouth. It’s singularly distinct, honestly.” Crius blinked at her with what translated as indifference.  “Merlin, who the fuck is still hung up on people smoking?”
"The vulgarness and utter lack of creativity in your insults will never cease to amaze me," Xenia mused, not particularly perturbed by anything he said. It would take far more than petty insults to make a dent in Xenia’s armour of confidence. "You'll be sorry in ten years time when your face is lined with premature wrinkles from all your smoking. I pity your poor wife, having to be seen in public with what you'll look like."
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Busying himself with studying for his upcoming Charms’ quiz, Max was about to ready to call it quits. He couldn’t focus. There was this constant buzzing in his head. Like white noise. And it was cutting into his concentration. As was the sudden appearance of someone approaching his spot under the tree. Pulling the book closer to his chest, he glanced up awkwardly, fiddling with his knees and knocking them onto the back of his hands anxiously, anticipating the person to either acknowledge him or keep walking.
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It was one of those days where the weather was just too good to be stuck inside, so Xenia made the choice to abandon her little hole in the library and sit outside. However the tree in which she’d been planning on sitting under was, much to her displeasure, occupied. However it was difficult to be annoyed when she looked and saw Max, her fellow Hufflepuff, looking what appeared to be a mixture of stressed of anxious. Smiling kindly at the younger boy, Xenia gestured to the space next to him. “Do you mind if I sit?”
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The longer Xenia was sat on his seat, the thinner his composure became. Like every other incident, Evan knew he couldn’t draw his wand and win. It’d end with his pride and dignity in shreds. With his blood boiling vigorously, jaw locking, chest rising up and down, eyes hardening with rage, he inevitably snapped. “M O V E!!” Slamming his fists down on the head of the piano, he brought his clenched hands to his forehead. He despised being pushed to this point. One strong, invading stride was taken to stand closer to Xenia, stoop over her as he pushed her music off the stand with one aggressive push of the hand. “What is your problem?! You had your hour, now I want mine. It is hardly bullying!” Evan practically roared, the resonance bouncing off all the walls to create an almost echo. “Just get off!”
It seemed to Xenia that the wisest decision right now would be to just leave, let Evan have the piano and get out before he did something stupid or dangerous. Howevever she was too proud for that. There was no way Xenia was going to let herself be bullied — for yes, throwing a fit and screaming in someone’s face was, in Xenia’s opinion, an attempt to bully her — into leaving. There was no way she was going to tolerate being treated with so little respect. Admittedly, she flinched — if only slightly — when he slammed the piano, but she wouldn’t cave. Ice cold irritation and anger of her own surged through Xenia as she stood to face him. He was a fair bit taller than her, in fact Xenia had to tilt her head up to look him in the eye. It didn't deter her at all, though. "My problem is that all you had to do was come in here and say politely that's it's 7pm and the room is yours. I would have left. Instead you try and intimidate me into leaving. What did you think I'd do, immediately bend to your will and run off like a scared little first year? My apologises for demanding respect," Xenia snapped, a fire cold as ice burned in her brown eyes.
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“Why, thank you, Xenia. I don’t recall attempting to be humorous, but at least now I can rest easy in the knowledge that I received confirmation.” Crius released a third plume of smoke into the air, further polluting the oxygen remaining in the room with a feigned polite smile. “No, I can’t say I have. But if you’re free, I could rattle off a list of things I’d rather be doing than keeping tabs on the Lestrange siblings.”
Xenia didn’t have time for this. What was it with Slytherin boys lately and driving her insane? First Evan, now Crius. She was starting to think her brother was the only likeable one out of the lot of them. The smoke was thick, filling the air and making Xenia feel ill. It was a disgusting habit, and she hated it. “Better things? What, you mean like destroying your lungs and signing your early death warrant? I'd ask you to stop because it's gross, however on second thoughts the world would be a much nicer place without you in it. Please, continue killing yourself slowly. Don't let me stop you," she responded, a sweet smile curving her lips up.
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"You're hilarious, really." Xenia rolled her eyes, wrinkling her nose at the cigarette smoke. "Have you seen my brother, by any chance?"
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“Well, well. And I thought I had locked the door.”
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“If you’re looking for someone to talk you out of it, I’m not your guy.”
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"What if I said I was planning on murdering someone, are you saying you wouldn't talk me out of that?"
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"Different like someone spiked it with alcohol or different like this-could-be-poisoned kind of different?" Xenia responded, a small smile curving at the edges of her lips. "I'll hold off on drinking mine until I know you're not going to die on me or something."
“This pumpkin juice tastes…different.”
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"Sorry, I was in the music room and lost track of time," Xenia responded apologetically, hoping she could avoid a detention. She preferred to keep her record clean.
“And what exactly are you doing wandering around the castle all by yourself this late at night? It’s after curfew.”
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