I have a hard time believing, full stop.
Does anyone else have a hard time believing that somebody will wanna stay with you forever bc same
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VÔltsmoraliseerimisest pea-alaspidi maailmas
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"We don't bet their money, we keep their money."
"Suppose they win?"
"They won't win. They always pick the wrong horse. They have a way of always picking the wrong horse."
"Suppose they bet our horse?"
"Then we'll know we've got the wrong horse."
-- Bukowski, Factotum
On muutunud omaette kÀibetÔeks öelda, et revolutsioonid olla alati omi lapsi söönud. VÔiks aga kysida: kas siis kÀesoleva, kÀibiva ning otsekui vÀÀramatult ainuÔige maailmasysteemi elusunnis jÀreltulijad jÀÀvad metafoorselt Ôgimata? Kui mÔelda teatud inimgruppide lootustel ja ideaalidel tallumisele, nende verbaalsele rÀbaldamisele, day in and day out, ei nÀi see nii olevat (rÀÀkimata materiaalsetest teguritest). Aga sÔnavabadus, eksole.
Oma surivoodil olla yks moodsale liberalismile ja liberaalsele “demokraatiale” kaasaaitajatest[1], itaalia "politoloog ja filosoof" Vilfredo Pareto vĂ”idurÔÔmsalt sajatanud: "No ma ju ytlesin!"[2], sellal kui Mussolini parasjagu linna marssis. Pareto suri, hinges rahuldus, et "jĂ”uline lĂ”vi" toob Ordnungi ja haarab tyytu "poliitilise vabaduse" lyhikese lĂ”a otsa[3]. Haaras ka. Hitler samamoodi. Ja mitte ainult. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. “Igayks on oma saatuse sepp!” Teate kyll. SÀÀrastest tĂ”ikadest, pandagu tĂ€hele, establishment liberaalid targu ei rÀÀgi. Alati on lihtsam tsiteerida Arendtit, rÀÀkida totalitaarsusest ja ohmust massist, kes lihtsalt ei tea, kuidas elada korrekt. (Ei hakka mainimagi, et Arendti peatykk imperialismi positiivsest mĂ”just "metsikule" Aafrikale peaks igal normaalsel inimesel kĂ”hus keerama panema[4]. Muust rÀÀkimata.) MĂ€rkigem sedagi, et needsamad kehtivat korda alalhoidvad sabakoerad tavatsevad sellistel hetkedel öelda, et tegelik elevant ruumis olevat "neo-"liberalism, et kui kuidagi saaks sellest lahti, siis elaks kĂ”ik harmoonias, Ă”ndsuses ja teineteisemĂ”istmises igavest ajast igavesti. Paraku on ajalool, ainsal materiaalse elu dokumendil, rÀÀkida vĂ€heke teised lood. Loetagu Landat, Losurdot, ilmselt paljusid teisigi. 
Kui Charlottevilles oli teine tÔrvikurongkÀik, polnud mul kyll vÔimalust sellesse vÀga syyvida ning tagantjÀrele jÀin veel haigekski, kuid pÀevi hiljem panid nii mÔnedki artiklipealkirjad jÀrele mÔtlema. VÀgisi hakkas tunduma, et alanud on teatav naturaliseerimine, peavoolustamine. "Valge natsionalist" nÀib muutuvat kÀibeterminiks, millekski, mis otsekui osundaks vÀhemusele vÔi liikumisele; umbes nagu "transsooline," "feminist," vÔi "vegan," kasvÔi. Saate kontrastist aru, eks?
Umbes aasta olen pidanud taluma mĂ”tteavaldusi nii kohalikus kui mĂ”istagi ka eeskĂ€tt lÀÀne meedias sellest, kuidas need tĂ”elised faĆĄistid ja terroristid on ikka need, kes nende eest vĂ€lja pyyavad astuda, kes ise seda ei suuda. AuvÀÀrne noorliterati PĂ€rnits kirjutas midagi sarnast kohe kiiresti eesti oma paleokonservatismi taimelaval[5], samas kui Ameerikkkas on midagi analoogset seoses black bloc'ga juba ammu mĂ€rkinud „vasakintelligent“ Chris Hedges[6]. Muidugi, kĂ”ik see on paremÀÀrmusliku lobbi vili. Kunagi oli Dinesh D'Souza, yks 80ndate pseudoteadusliku belli kĂ”vera "teooria" esipromojatest, naeruvÀÀristatav "marginaal," kui kasutas Churchilli tsitaati (mille algupĂ€ra on vaidlustatud, ehkki on vĂ”imatu vaidlustada "riigimehe" vaateid[7]) "tuleviku faĆĄistid on antifaĆĄistid."
Ja ometi, just see tundub olevat jÀrjest aktsepteeritavam ning kÀepÀrasem diskursus. KÔige tipuks on sarnane retoorika siginenud juba ka sfÀÀridesse, kust seda leida on pehmelt öeldes veider. Eilne Postimees, ntks, maalis pildi eesti loomakaitsjatest kui veristest sissisÔdalastest, kes millegi ees tagasi ei kohku[8]. Reaalsuses oldakse esindusdemokraatia kammitsais, rÔÔmustades seadusandlike muudatuste yle umbes nagu nÀljasel kaob leivakoorikki hetkega suust alla.
Aga ei. Ikka tahetakse liigselt. Liiga palju. KÔik tahavad palju. RahvusvÀhemused, afroameeriklased, transsoolised, geid, lesbid ja loomaÔiguslased. Fuck it, loomadki. KÔik tahavad.
Aga saage aru, heteronormatiivne valge supremacist kapitalistlik patriarhaat ei lase. Ei saagi kunagi laskma, kui ise ei vĂ”ta. Kui ei muutu just selleks "hirmutiseks," kellena see valge mees, juhtumisi eesti ajalehtede liidu tegevdirektor, seal eesti StĂŒrmeris ka legaalset ja tagasihoidlikku vastuhakku vÔÔpab.
Sest siin praeguses maailmas. Siin nÀhakse igas vÀiksemaski protestis ohtu systeemi pysimisele[9]. Ja senikaua kuni pysib systeem, sörgivad ka arvamust avaldavad sabakoerad truult selle jÀrel.  
Ameerikkkas arreteeri yks mustanahaline aktivist selle jÀrgselt, kui ta nelja "valge natsionalisti" kÀest peksa sai. Neid ei arreteeritud.
Tere tulemast TĂ€napĂ€evaℱ. [1] Vt nt, “Pareto printsiip,” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_principle
[2] Landa, I. (2010), Apprentice's Sorcerer. Liberal Tradition and Fascism. Leiden and Boston: Brill. p. 48.
[3] Vt, samas, pp. 44-54.
[4] Arendt, H. (1951[1962]). The Origins of Totalitarianism. Cleveland and New York: Meridian Books. Eriti, p. 185jj.
[5] http://nihilist.fm/alt-lefti-tous-impotentne-raev-ja-trumpi-voit/
[6] https://www.truthdig.com/articles/chris-hedges-debates-the-black-bloc/ [7]Vt nt: http://www.instituteofopinion.com/2014/01/17/we-need-to-talk-about-churchill/
[8] https://arvamus.postimees.ee/4280769/mart-raudsaar-hundid-nailonnahas [9] Vrd. https://twitter.com/h_ups/status/921088155952009218 
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Chelsea manning just compared stalin’s NKVD & east germany’s stasi to the nazi gestapo & ICE (immigration) which I don’t think is particularly helpful to the left.
Communists getting compared to nazis/fascists/imperialists has historically been a way to delegitimize communism/silence communists & Chelsea is just giving people who subscribe to the Arendtist notion that communism/Stalin & Nazism/Hitler are two sides of the same coin ammo.
Someone was telling me she was just comparing the repressive state apparatuses and “not the regimes” but I think most people reading her tweet will not be that charitable & the repressive state appartuses will be representative of the states themselves. Essentially, when we critique past socialist states, we definitely should not even be implying that they are similar to like, Nazi Germany (or the U.S. omg). That just makes no sense.
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Seriously, if you think poor, white, rural folk had the money to fly and drive to Charlottesville, pay for lodging and food and all other expenses to attend a Nazi rally, i don’t know what to tell you
These folk are probably professionals in cushy positions, business owners or public employees.
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@anticapitalists How fucking dense do you have to be to think that pointing out that the popularity of fascism comes from it having an appeal to the labor aristocracy is “apologia for nazi germany”? Revolution is not inherently leftist, just as mass movements aren’t, just as class struggle isn’t. It depends on who the revolution is for, who the mass movements are comprised off, which class is carrying out that struggle. For the white nation, fascism is revolutionary! They today and during the 20s and 30s weren’t supporting fascism en masse because they were “””tricked by the bourgeoisie””” but because fascism represents their interests, just as the expansion of imperialism is in their interests, just as ethnic cleansing is in their interests. Germans benefited from fascism until the Red Army came busting through the gates, acknowledging such isn’t admiration or apologia for fascism, as, just as Sakai states in these works, that benefit came through mass repression, mass murder, mass enslavement, and not repression or murder or enslavement of their definition of Germans. Pointing out why people like Hitler become so popular is nowhere near support, it is simply stating what the German people (in that specific example) saw in him, it does not matter how true such things are, what matters is the public perception! Hitler wasn’t loved by Germans because he was seen as a dumb, boring leader who could care less for radical change (and, again, radical doesn’t mean “leftist” or “good”, simply a perceived challenge to the status quo, which fascism is to its supporters!) anticapitalisms’ response is a demonstration of how fascists are underestimated by the left, whether it’s Hitler or Richard Spencer or fascist movements as a whole, because so much of the left cannot even accept that fascism has mass appeal to the white labor aristocracy! Sakai is nowhere near beyond criticism, there are many flaws within ‘Settlers’ among other writings, but trying to paint an examination of the massive popularity of fascism among the labor aristocracy during periods of economic turmoil, even when a sizable leftist presence exists within the country, is a massive reach to say the least. As is comparing Sakai to Slavoj “defend evropa” Zizek because some quotes, in a work he stated that fascists don’t come to power without being appealing to those who fight to put them into power, look “iffy” when taken out of context. How will we combat fascism if we can’t even admit the appeal it has to the exact people it aims to fight for?
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post detailing why everyone should always & already remain anti-imperialist.
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[Caption: “gringos go home” painted in red on a wall]
GRINGO GO HOME: a comprehensive list of (some) of the bullshit the u.s. has pulled on latinoamerica
this list is being published on december 27th; 2014. i’m 20y/o; argentinian, not associated with any particular political party. i don’t claim to know everything that’s happened or is happening in latin america and i welcome any addition from fellow latinxs.
i want u.s. intervention on my country and the rest of my continent to stop; and i want the usamerican people to be aware of the atrocities that your country has committed against ours. 
i strongly suggest @thisisnotlatinx and @fylatinamericanhistory for more readings on latinoamerican history, politics and why your country fucking sucks. now: the first part of this post is mostly historical events from 20 years or longer ago; the second part is about more recent events.
#murder cw, #torture cw, #sterilization cw, #police violence cw, #medical cw, #drugs mention cw, #rape cw (add any warning i missed, por favor)
(1952’s-recently) after aiding the military coup of Batista in Cuba; the US used its own military force to try and stop the armed revolution led by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. after the revolution succeeded, the US proceeded to apply a diplomatic, political and economic blockade on the Cuban republic that lasted until Fidel Castro’s stepping from power (this part has been edited bc i had originally mixed up Castro w/Chavez and wrote he’d died recently)
also the mere existence of Guantamo Bay to this day in Cuba like
(mid 1800’s-today) the US not only invaded and occupied Haiti, wrecked its economy and aided several military dictatorships; it still holds silent power over its government and is doing nothing good with it 
(1946) the US government admittedly infected Guatemalan citizens with various STDs as part of ‘medical research’
(1980) the US government to this day justifies its aid in the murder of more than 63k civilians during the US-supported military dictatorship in El Salvador
(1970’s) one third of Puerto Rican women were forcibly sterilized in a state-approved project
(1973; operation condor) after Chile democratically elected its first socialist president; the US worked to block him diplomatically and destabilize Chile’s economy; ended up with a coup d'etat that killed him and placed Pinochet in power; giving place to a 17 years long dictatorship that had over 30k victims of kidnappings, murders, disappearances and tortures, all aided by the CIA
(1973; operation condor) the CIA aided the military coup in Uruguay that led to 12 years of prosecution and torture and at least 180 murdered people (most executed in Argentina and Brazil); though they had been gathering information with inhumane methods for years. 
(1954-today; operation condor) the CIA and the US administration in general aided the 1954-1989 anti-communist military dictatorship of Stroessner in Paraguay, even founded some of the torture centers. in 2012; the Obama administration also supported the ‘institutional coup’ of former leftist president to be replaced a liberal and pro-USAmerican government; that the people are protesting to this day
(1976; operation condor) the so-called Argentinian dirty war was another US-aided military coup that aimed to end Peronism (a populist movement named after Juan Domingo Perón). the kidnappings, murder and torture started roughly in 1969 and ended in 1989 with more than 30k disappeared/murdered people; thousands more victims of torture and hundreds of stolen children whose identities might never be recovered. there is hard proof that the CIA trained Videla’s military forces in torture and assassination methods. (this part has been edited bc i had incorrectly labeled Peronism as leftist. it’s a populist movement but not leftist)
(1964; operation condor) as Brazil had already confirmed and has been recently backed by the 2014 CIA torture report; the 1964-1985 military dictatorship that had thousands of deaths and over 20k victims of torture was also helped to put in place and aided during its extension by the US
the main reason Puerto Rico isn’t independent is because the separatists are all socialists and communists, and the US doesn’t want anyone to mess with their economy
(1960’s) the thrilling story of how the CIA built Manuel Noriega as the perfect spy, placed him as a military dictator in 1983; used him to aid USAmerican drug trafficking and, when he became a nuisance, invaded Panamá to take him out 
(1983) the CIA’s torture manuals also aided the murder of more than 150 leftists in Honduras
 recent events:
(2002) the Bush administration orchestrated a coup d'etat against Venezuelan leftist president Hugo Chavez; which was thrown off two days later by the massive popular support towards President Chavez
(2012-today) though this post isn’t supporting or condemning Maduro’s presidency; the US wants to push for another military coup in Venezuela and that’s just because the opposing party is a neo-liberal, pro-US party while Maduro is anti-yanki and openly leftist
(2007-today) US intervention is Mexico’s cartel situation has been proved to only worsen the situation and increase the violence
(2012-today) amnesty international and about any human rights organization agrees that the monetary and military support that the US is giving to Colombia’s war on drugs is just leading to violence, human rights violations and a borderline police state
(2009) Manuel Zelaya believes the latest coup d'etat in Honduras to have been aided by USamerican forces
La Escuela de las Américas / Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation; a US-based training center for Latin American military to learn torture methods.
Para colaborar menciono el golpe de estado a Jacobo Arvenz en 1954 impulsado por EEUU debido a las medidas proteccionistas en el pais que perjudicaba a la United Fruit Company (empresa PRIVADA) // “To collaborate, let me mention the coup d'etat against Jacobo Arvenz (Guatemala) in 1954, pushed by the US due to the protectionist motions that affected the United Fruit Company” - via @thehawthornepassage
Por favor, no olvides el boicot económico que los Estados Unidos ejercieron sobre Argentina para forzar la caída del peronismo y evitar que Argentina se convirtiera en la potencia sudamericana que prometía ser en la primera mitad del siglo veinte. // “Please, don’t forget the economic boicot that the US used against Argentina to force the fall of Peronism and avoid Argentina becoming the south-American potency that it promised to be during the first half of the 20th century” - via @olie-golden-wolf
Dominican Republic: Two Interventions and support to the worst dictatorship in the island. A lot of people say Trujillo was the most bloodiest mothefucker -pretty sure I made a mistake in those words but wathever- in America Latina. Thanks. - via @juanitastar
American invasions/occupations of the Dominican Republic: 1916-1924; 1965-1966 (let’s be real the US never left) Also this gem: “Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, the brutal dictator who ruled the country with Washington’s blessing for 31 years.  Trujillo used the U.S.-trained National Guard to banish, torture or kill his opponents.  As President Franklin Roosevelt’s secretary of state, Cordell Hull famously said of Trujillo: “He may be a son-of-a-bitch, but he is our son-of-a-bitch.” - 40 years later, U.S. invasion still haunts Dominican Republic  - via @212023
It’s hard to find sources that are not skewed towards the U.S. but here’s a pretty objective timeline of the events that have happened in Nicaragua - via @egoxmania​
In 1856 the numerous attempts of a man known as William Walker to usurp Costa Rican land  by force and push for the construction of an inter-oceanic canal in the Nicaragua/Costa Rica border, also the systemic elimination of and defamation of all leftist and socialist parties in Costa Rica, as well as constantly violating Costa Rica®s peace and non military measures by sailing military vessels in Costa Rican waters. - via @kidofstories​
I may add, in the case of Colombia (-via @yabanned​)
After failing to reach an agreement with Colombia’s government about Panama’s canal, USA gave the financial and military support required to make Panama a new country, which is not necessarily bad until you notice they asked in return 100 whole years of profit from the canal, and they incited a lot of corrpution and violence in the process. USA also supports Nicaragua in their fight for the Colombian island of San AndrĂ©s, which currently has got the islanders with no sea for fishing at all.
Approximately 3000 workers where murdered during the strike of the United Fruit Company in 1928, because USA threatened to invade Colombia if the national government didn’t do anything to protect the interests of the company. People from the USA army were involved in the massacre.
As mentioned, USA’s “aid” against drug trafficking has only caused more violence. USA gives financial support to paramilitary groups, which have committed massacres like Maripipan (1997), when more than 50 people where murdered with electric saws and machetes.
USA army has exclusive access to seven militar bases in Colombia: Malambo, Palenquero, Apiay, Cartagena, Bahía Málaga, Larandia and Tolemaida. In 2004, USA agreed to start an investigation on their soldiers located in Tolemaida after years of rape reports: the results estimate that 54 underage women, the younger being 11 years old, where raped by the soldiers between 2003 and 2007. Several of those sexual assaults were recorded and sold as pornography. None of the soldiers were prosecuted thanks to the lobby made by USA’s government, it is not expected they get punished by their crimes.
also; as of today, the list of USAmerican military bases; training locations and planned military programs on latinoamerican soil includes the following (sources and readings on why you should be angry and worried: [x] [x] [x] [x])
cuba (guantĂĄnamo)
puerto rico 
el salvador
las bahamas
antigua y barbuda
EDIT: this list had originally included costa rica, but, as someone pointed out, the military pact that the US had started talking about w/costa rica’s government was never actually acted upon (“In June 2002 the United States signed an agreement with Costa Rica for an International Law Enforcement Academy, but popular movements have so far prevented the pact’s ratification. - [x]”
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all I was saying was that (cia-funded) isis/"moderate rebels" looting archeological sites isn't exactly news, items turning up in some billionaire's dirty racket outfit should be (perhaps) even less so. as always, everything's connected.
of all the things i expected to read in the news today, hobby lobby being busted for smuggling 5,500 ancient mesopotamian artifacts including cuneiform tablets and clay talismans into the united states was not one of them
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wait until you hear about cia & state dept.
of all the things i expected to read in the news today, hobby lobby being busted for smuggling 5,500 ancient mesopotamian artifacts including cuneiform tablets and clay talismans into the united states was not one of them
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like please don’t make this bomb about yourself like why do we even have to say this anymore? stop saying ‘we’re fucked’ as you type this from your bedroom like please spare one shred of empathy for the people of Afghanistan that have been experiencing american terrorism for over 16 years
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i hate how the US’s stupid guise of wanting to eliminate the isis is just a pathetic excuse on killing hundreds and hundreds of innocents for being muslim and i hate everyone taking a backseat and ignoring it
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reblog if ur blog is anti-nazi
if ur a nazi or neo-nazi or support nazi ideologies let this be a fucking harsh message that ur not welcome on this blog and I hope you get socked in the face
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killing off the imperialist-fascist administration can be "also presented as an option," tbch.
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The problem is not that poor countries cannot manage to drag themselves up the development ladder, the problem is that they are actively prevented from doing so. Beginning in the early 1980s, Western governments and financial institutions like the World Bank and IMF changed their development policy from one that was basically Keynesian to one that remains devotedly neoliberal, requiring radical market deregulation, fiscal austerity, and privatization in developing countries as a condition of receiving aid. We were told that this neoliberal shock therapy – known as structural adjustment – would help stimulate the economies of poor countries. But exactly the opposite happened. Instead of helping poor countries develop, structural adjustment basically destroyed them. Cambridge economist Ha-Joon Chang has demonstrated that while developing countries enjoyed per capita income growth of more than 3% prior to the 1980s, structural adjustment cut it in half, down to 1.7%. When it was foisted on Sub-Saharan Africa, per capita income began to decline at a rate of 0.7% per year, and average GNP shrank by around 10%. As a result, the number of Africans living in basic poverty nearly doubled. It would be hard to overstate the degree of human suffering that these figures represent. Robert Pollin, an economist at the University of Massachusetts, estimates that developing countries have lost roughly $480 billion in potential GDP as a result of structural adjustment. Yet Western corporations have benefitted tremendously. It has forced open vast new consumer markets; it has made it easier to access cheap labor and raw materials; it has opened up avenues for capital flight and tax avoidance; it has created a lucrative market in foreign debt; and it has facilitated a massive transfer of public resources into private hands (the World Bank alone has privatized more than $2 trillion worth of assets in developing countries). Poverty in the Global South is not just a static given; it is being actively created. And the striking thing is that these atrocities are being perpetrated under the cover of aid. In other words, not only does aid serve as a powerful rhetorical device that cloaks takers in the guise of givers, it also operates as a powerful tool in the global wealth extraction system.
Aid in Reverse: How Poor Countries Develop Rich Countries (via mehreenkasana)
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So this happened tonight.
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The Grapes of Wrath was written because Steinbeck stole the notes of a hardworking Dust Bowl-era journalist named Sanora Babb, who was trying to write her own book. When she finally had a chance to pitch it, she found that the market was overpowered by a successful book—based entirely on her notes. When Steinbeck saw the things in person that he later wrote about, he couldn’t stand to look at it for more than a day. Babb spent much of her career working with and chronicling impoverished farmers. Her book wasn’t published until the year before she died. In 2004. She would be a household name if not for the theft.
Fuck you, Steinbeck. (via theangelofbucephalon)
Steinbeck based his book on reports made by Sanora Babb (leaked to him by her boss, Tom Collins, to whom Grapes of Wrath is dedicated). Sanora Babb was planning to write her own book, but Steinbeck published before she did. Babb was told that the market could not bear another on the same subject. Her book, ‘Whose Names are Unknown’, was finally published in 2004. I haven’t read either book yet, but am now definitely going to be reading ‘Whose Names are Unknown’ soon. Babb’s novel is described as showing how by re-creating rudimentary democratic practices the refugees restructure their lives as a unified community, resisting violent discrimination. In ‘Whose Names are Unknown’, we hear the whole powerful story from the point of view of a woman who had actual experience with both the origin and the destination of the migrants.
Sanora Babb was a member of the US Communist Party in the 1930s and 40s, dropped out of the party due to the authoritarian structure and in-fighting.
(via jinerviet)
here are some sources, in case you were looking for them
(via corvus-cornix)
(via kiriamaya)
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