venxmedina · 4 years
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                      *:・゚・✧・ venice’s friendsgiving fit・✧・゚・:*
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venxmedina · 4 years
hello all, we’re back with another edition of meme monday, so hopefully you enjoy the memes !! a lot of them came from our very own members !! there’s a mix of all kinds of memes to keep it fun && fresh.whether you wanna use ours or not is totally up to you, but hopefully that’ll help keep memes from burning out in inboxes !! if you’re using our memes that we curated for you this week, just reblog this masterlist and people will know to send asks to you from these memes. if you choose to go with other memes, be sure to only reblog one or two so we don’t overwhelm the dash !! remember to send memes to whoever reblogs ‘em as we don’t want anyone feeling left out. a good rule of thumb is to send an ask to whoever you reblogged a post from and vice versa. just remember to have fun with it && try to develop your characters !!
SEND ME A SHIP AND I’LL TELL YOU ─ find out who does what in the ship!
SENTENCE STARTERS – things my roommate has said to his rats.
AWKWARD SCENARIO PROMPTS – send one of the words for our muses to awkwardly interact based off that word. 
HEY MEME – send me “hey” and i’ll do this.
CHARMED THEME ASKS – charmed season one themed asks.
AFFECTIONATE SYMBOL MEME – send one of the symbols for our muses to affectionately interact based off that word.
SEND ME “<3″ – send me “<3″ and my muse will have an automatic crush on yours for a whole thread!
MARVEL CHARACTER ASKS – marvel related questions! 
as always, you can send in your meme suggestions through the memes channel on discord or in our DMs here !!
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venxmedina · 4 years
While Brinlee wouldn’t go so far as to call herself a coffee snob, she could admit to having a particular taste when it came to her caffeine fix. And of course she thought it was a kind gesture on the Malnati’s behalf to be supplying coffee in the break room and keep their employees caffeinated throughout the day, she had a tendency to make her own instead. The stuff from a pot just never quite tasted right to her. “Probably make your own? I have a french press and a pour over in there if you ever want to use it.” She offered giving a soft smile. At the mention of eyebags though, Brin perked up just a little knowing this was an area she could actually be useful. “Does your eye cream have caffeine in it? That would help reduce the look of eyebags and brighten the undereye. You could also try keeping it in the fridge so it’s cool when you apply it. The cold will constrict the blood vessels and make the puffiness go down.” Sometimes being an esthetician and having a wealth of knowledge in regards to skincare and products came in handy. “For something more immediate though you can try a jade roller, also preferably kept in the fridge so it’s cool when you use it. Or make yourself a cup of green tea and use the teabags on your eyes. Let them sit for about 10-15 minutes and the antioxidants from the tea leaves should help brighten and get rid of any puffiness.”
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“and to think i was dumb enough to leave all of my fresh presses behind ... you are an utter genius, brinlee! and far too generous,” the brunette shared a genuine smile of gratitude with the girl. the more time she spent at the malnati, the more she came to realize what it could be like living and working in an environment that was so community oriented. she’d never been offered so much blind help in her life, without expectations or all of these strings attached. she wasn’t going to start taking it for granted, either. “my eye cream is missing a dose of caffeine, but perhaps in my next nordstrom trip that will be on my list ... but what i’m really hearing is i should invest in one of those adorable little skincare fridges that i see everyone getting lately, no?” with raised brows, venice let the question linger for a moment before she added, “my jade roller could use somewhere better to go besides next to some frozen meatballs.” with a laugh. god, it sounded so ridiculous to admit. usually someone as meticulous as venice would have somewhere better to keep her skincare products, but she was a working girl now who had to pinch pennies so it meant she’d have to save up. but this new dose of information from brinlee was leaving her a bit stunned, as her brows pulled together in confusion. “okay, so like, probably shouldn’t use the tea bags when they’re still boiling hot, right? because i’m all about the naturalness of that, but not so into hot tea bags dripping on my face.”
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venxmedina · 4 years
“first of all, caffeine isn’t going to help babes.” ana replied, looking up from her magazine to respond to the familiar face. “you know it just…tightens the capillaries, giving less oxygen where it needs to go and that’s the opposite of what you want.” shutting the the glossy pages, she stood and walked over. “what you really need is an eye mask, some water–preferably with cucumber– and some good ol’ fashioned r & r. when mother used to get those, she’d spend the entire day at the spa, getting pampered to her hearts content. of course, sometimes i think it was also to see the cute jacuzzi attendant who always gave her the best towels but…nothing confirmed of course.” ana prattled on, for a moment forgetting about venice entirely. eventually, she popped her finger up with an idea. “hey–that’s it! what about a spa day? my treat! you look like you could use it.” she paused and tucked cosmo back into her bag. “is everything alright, though?”
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“wow stasia, talk dirty to me more often! i’m learning so much about tightening capillaries and less oxygen.” venice nearly growled, though she was entirely teasing with her friend, as punctuated by the way she bumped her hip into anastasia’s as she made her way over to her. “in all seriousness, though, you really are making some excellent suggestions.” venice hadn’t even considered how she may have been doing more harm than good to her complexion lately, and that was when she decided to skip the extra espresso shot for the day. “oh, i can all but confirm it was for the cute jacuzzi attendant. nothing is better than getting the warmest towel and all the other ladies being jealous.” she said with a laugh, smile stretching across her lips even as anastasia seemed to light up with an idea of her own. “my knightess in shining armor,” holding a hand over her heart with fondess in her gaze, venice wasn’t even certain if that were a word but she certainly just coined it regardless. “that sounds exactly like what i need - and the same could be said for you miss thing.” she motioned to the magazine that the redhead had been reading; the cover seemed to feature non-other but anastasia herself and her new beau - literally - on the cover. “when were you gonna tell me about your new boyfriend? don’t be too jealous, but he did buy me breakfast the other day.” a teasing smirk tugged at the corner of her lip, but it was harmless.
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venxmedina · 4 years
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noah had just gotten off of his night shift when venice came in, and he had been finishing up changing out of his work outfit that needed cleaned, which was why he’d changed in the break room. “um.. order one?” he quips, pulling the blue t-shirt over his head. “im no doctor but sleeping seems to cure the issue you’re having. if you want a doctors opinion i’d just ask joey.” he finishes off with a quick slip of his feet into boots before following her out of the room. “you’re asking me, i just came off a night shift and now i get to go walk my dog and do my workout routine. and then i get to go back to work at 4. we love it.” 
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“you think i haven’t thought of that already? it’d be cold by the time the postmates showed up!” venice said with a huff, crossing her arms over her chest as if she had any reason to be a brat about something so perfectly understandable. her favorite coffee spot was a few blocks away. “wow, thank goodness i have you, noah. a good night’s rest! never thought of that one before. not even for a single second.” the brunette deadpanned as she raised a brow in his direction, waiting for him to lace up his boots before she turned on her heel to head down the hall. his impromptu changing hadn’t phased her in the least. “can’t you just go jogging with your dog? fit in the workout and getting them out. multitasking is a real talent which i am blessed to have.”
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venxmedina · 4 years
“either or,” he said as followed her out. “i always think it’s great to make sure your body is taken care of and i am in the best shape i have ever been i want to help people out as well. no matter what time of day.” mason shrugged his shoulders and sighed. “not that long, but i don’t like to get out as much as i used to and i think i would rather be by myself sometimes though.” mason pulled his keys out and smiled at the girl. “we can drive. it’s getting cold out and i didn’t bring pants with me.” 
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“need you always remind everyone that you’re in the best shape of your life?” venice asked with an edge, but it was mostly harmless. mason was a beautiful boy and she knew that they were both aware of that fact; she couldn’t have told him any more when they were dating. it was moments like these that made it hard to be back around him. “it’s hard picturing you preferring to be by yourself ... i guess somethings really do change.” she knew him best as the sociable football player that everyone said ‘hi’ to when passing by on campus, but she could also understand the desire to be alone. his comment had her laughing, though, gesturing to the length of her body as she followed him out the door. “i could say the very same, but you don’t hear me complaining.” her pencil shirt hugged her thighs and down to the top of her knee nicely, but she was hardly dressed for the season any better than he was. 
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venxmedina · 4 years
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Camila Mendes for Urban Decay’s Naked Ultraviolet Palette.
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venxmedina · 4 years
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venxmedina · 4 years
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venxmedina · 4 years
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753K notes · View notes
venxmedina · 4 years
i really enjoyed last week’s meme monday, how about you ?? we’re back again with another fun list of memes for you all to do, so you all the know the drill !! there’s a mix of all kinds of memes to keep it fun && fresh. whether you wanna use ours or not is totally up to you, but hopefully that’ll help keep memes from burning out in inboxes !! if you’re using our memes that we curated for you this week, just reblog this masterlist and people will know to send asks to you from these memes. if you choose to go with other memes, be sure to only reblog one or two so we don’t overwhelm the dash !! remember to send memes to whoever reblogs ‘em as we don’t want anyone feeling left out. a good rule of thumb is to send an ask to whoever you reblogged a post from and vice versa. just remember to have fun with it && try to develop your characters !! 
PIERCING AND TATTOO STARTERS – starters related to piercings and tattoos! 
SEND ME 🕗 AND A YEAR – send me 🕗 and a year and i will give you a glimpse at what my character’s life was like at that point in time.
UNCOMMON HEADCANON QUESTIONS -- a list of uncommon headcanon questions for your muse to answer.
EMOJI ASKS – emoji asks 💫 (must be answered truthfully).
SEND ME ♣ + A SHIP AND…– send me ♣ + a ship and i’ll tell you…
100 QUESTIONS – 100 random character development questions.
PLAYLIST ASK GAME – create a playlist for each category / topic you get in your ask box. 
TEXT MESSAGES – drop these in my inbox for any of my muses.
as always, you can send in your meme suggestions through the memes channel on discord or in our DMs here !!
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venxmedina · 4 years
Beau is barely following what the woman is saying, his eyes focused more on the way her lips form words than what’s actually coming out of them, “Offend me?” He couldn’t hold back a scoff, “No. I just- people don’t usually walk around throwing out the name honey as if we’ve ever actually talked before now.” He tossed his landscaping bag on the ground and kicks it under the breakroom table to put away later. “Yeah, we did. I mean like… don’t look at me like that!” Beau laughed, “We had to sanitize them once an hour- the owner was like a super clean freak, so it was relatively clean. I mean, I never died or anything, so like… either I have a really great immune system or the mats were clean enough.” Stamina? He narrowed his eyes slightly and shook his head ever so softly, “Sure, I can be your escort.” Beau pulled his sweatshirt off of a nearby chair and slipped it over his head before slipping into a jean jacket (he really didn’t do well with the cold anymore, okay? Southern California does that to a guy), “I really hope you like donuts,” he nodded at the door and lead the girl out, trying his hardest to ignore the way her eyelashes fluttered or that sneaky sparkle snuck into her eyes as she played with him, “I’m particularly fond of the red velvets, but they’ve got basically anything you could imagine. Coffee included- I mean… not coffee donuts, but like… actual coffee.” Beau coughed to hide his apparent awkwardness and shoved his fists into his pockets as they reached the front door of the Malnati, “Hope you don’t mind walking?”
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as learning she didn’t offend him, venice offered a relieved nod and found herself giggling at his assessment. “i guess it’s just a way i’ve learned to greet people ... but perhaps it’s been a mistake all this time that we’ve never spoken until now. look at how well we get on already.” she said with a smirk, shifting her weight as beau stepped around the break room table with his bag. she knew she’d seen him around somewhere ( with a face like that, he was hard to miss ) but now she was placing it given all of the gardening tools. “so either you’re lucky to be alive or your body compensated for the germs, how charming,” venice teased, mirroring him in laughter as she shook her head. taking a nap in a rock climbing gym was likely never to be anything venice would do, but she was tempted to knock back in the malnati break room after a 5 am shift so at the very least she could relate. it was when he agreed to show her his favorite spot that she grabbed her own peacoat from the closet and slipped it over her shoulders. “what’s not to love about empty calories and crumbs all over the place?” a warm grin spread across her lips in a grin as she started to follow him towards the main lobby and entrance. “goodness, red velvet is one of my favorites as well. or a tiramisu flavored one - which may be the closest thing they’d have to a coffee donut, so if we don’t see one, i’m pitching it to the owner.” and while she jested, one shouldn’t put it past a medina to take advantage of a potential business opportunity. “i knew i wore my most comfortable boots for a reason,” kicking out a nylon clad leg, she wiggled her foot, camel colored bootie and all, as the corner of her mouth tugged upward. “have you grown accustomed to the chicago weather yet?”
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venxmedina · 4 years
“oh in such high demand for work,” he said as he grabbed his bag. “take a night off a do what? sit in my room and do nothing? or work and make money? add a little more muscle and join the fire department.” mason didn’t really talk to anyone here and working seemed to be the only thing he did because well as of right now it was the only thing to do. “i’ll have to lead the way? i guess i can do that,” he smirked. “do you want to walk or would you rather drive?”
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“i guess everyone’s trying to fit in their new year’s goals early, then ... or late.” the girl chuckled, simply teasing for she always thought it was important to take care of one’s body. certainly that was always something mason did well. “you’ve been in chicago for how long? and you haven’t found anything better to do than sit in your room or work? you should really get out more, mase.” venice said with furrowed brows before shrugging, pushing off from the counter as she got onto her feet again. “i don’t mind the walk, unless you’re exhausted?”
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venxmedina · 4 years
Max looked up from reading the latest issue of GQ and smiled at her. “ Sounds like you need a caramel macchiato… I can make you one in the restaurant if you want?” He suggested. “ And then we can figure out why you are not sleeping… or do I not want to know?” He asked with a quirked brow. “ I’m Max by the way, the new hospitality manager.” He gave a warm smile then tilted his head. “ And for the record… I cant see any eyebags  you look lovely.”
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“how did you know what my favorite beverage was?” venice asked, eyes narrowed but there was a playful smirk lightening her features. a caramel macchiato wasn’t the most original coffee of choice, that was certain, but it was still her favorite. “i’d simply melt if you made me one, my caffeine fix is nearly insatiable right now but i have a feeling you’d fix that.” as her smirk slipped into a proper grin, tucking a few locks of hair behind her ear as he continued. “there’s are a few answers to that, maybe i’ll let you in on a few.” a laugh fell from her lips, and she was a bit surprised in how easily the conversation had struck between the pair; it was just as he introduced himself that she realized they hadn’t yet met. “i’m venice.” she held out a hand for him to take; it was practically a reflex from all of her years in new york’s social circles, “and the pleasure’s all mine, max. you look quite lovely yourself.”
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venxmedina · 4 years
“Well I have about an hour before my next session comes in,” he said as he grabbed his jacket from his bag and put it on. “I don’t know why I thought you were talking about clothes. I’m tired as hell and have been staying up all night working out.” Great now he really sounded like an idiot around the girl. “Well let me cash in that IOU then. Whatever you want is on me. I think the closet coffee place is maybe a two minute walk. Give or take that honestly. Or we can drive there.”
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“sounds like you’re in high demand, then.” she commented, and there was only a hint of bitterness in her tone. she didn’t know why that made her jealous. it shouldn’t have. again, she took a breath to ground herself as mason continued. “maybe you should take a night off then, mase. because even your peroxide wouldn’t help a cashmere sweater.” she offered a sympathetic look with the boy; she knew him to overwork himself, so it felt like a reflex of sorts to try and convince him to take a break. “some fresh air could do me well. i’ve been cooped up in this tower all week, i think i’m starting to go a little stir crazy,” venice chuckled, tugging the strap of her bag over her shoulder and abandoning her old coffee mug that meant nothing to her now. “you’ll have to lead the way.”
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venxmedina · 4 years
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ah, nothing quite like a leisurely stroll through areas he shouldn’t be. employees only isn’t really a valid deterrent –– who is shish if not an employee of the universe ?  loophole. the winter green life saver stowed in his cheek finds its way between his back molars with a satisfying crunch.
“ –– ey. i’m walkin’ ‘ere ! ” he throws his hands up like a true new yorker as venice crosses his path. his life saver warps his consonants, clicking against his teeth. 
“ y’know, for a new york bitch, you’ve not too savvy ‘bout foot traffic. ” a beat. her ask for a fix doesn’t go unnoticed. he’s on his way back from… business. so maybe he’s got a little something he can share.
“ i just might be your lucky creep in a trench. ” shish tips his chin down to his black coat –– the collar’s popped. ‘cause it looks more bad ass. “ what’s your poison ? ”
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"you really think you’re the funniest man alive, huh?” venice asked, cocking her head to the side as a smirk stretched across her lips. as if she had never heard that a day in her life. the ironic part of it all was, she’d in fact been the one to say those very words in her beloved city. 
with a flourish, she placed a perfectly manicured hand over her heart. “a new york bitch, it sounds so nice to hear you say that,” the smile grew wider until she was laughing, “even if you do look like a total cartoon character in this ridiculous coat.” gesturing up and down the length of his body, she admired of course, but shook her head in amusement.
“surprise me,” the girl challenged, looking directly up into dark hues, “seems more fun this way, don’t you agree?”
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venxmedina · 4 years
mason walked through the hallways of he hotel. he had just finished his last session before had about three or four in a row and he just needed to relax. the boy walked in wearing a cut off tank with it showing his abs and arms. walking in the room he seemed to be a little under dressed compared to everyone else, but this is how he go paid at work and he wasn’t going to be mad. “well i still owe you a coffee,” he said as he sat down and placed his gym bag on the floor. “As for all that I don’t have a lot of experience, but we used a lot of peroxide to get stuff out during football. I may have some in my room.”
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it’d been years and venice still didn’t know how to behave around mason whenever he looked like that. it was the second most frustrating part of him working at the malnati; the first being the fact that he was working at the malnati. regardless, she straightened her shoulders to compose herself. “you do, and now is one of those perfect little times where i’d like to cash in that iou ...” she leaned against the countertop behind her, across from where he sat, and she couldn’t help but let out an amused huff. “mason, what do you thing under eye bags are?” the raven haired girl asked with a piqued brow as she crossed her arms over her chest. “because trust, they’re not something that is gonna be helped with peroxide.”
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