venturinesun · 1 year
January 24th, 2023
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Seven of Cups / Debauch or Lord of Illusionary Success
Princess of Wands / Earth of Fire
Easy gratification is a slippery slope and a constant pursuit of pleasure leads to shame and indignity. Unchecked vigour and self-assuredness becomes self-absorption and any resulting success is illusionary. Try not to have too much of a good thing.
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venturinesun · 1 year
January 23rd, 2023
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Four of Swords ♃ ♎︎ / Truce or Lord of Rest from Strife
Princess of Cups / Earth of Water
A short lived moment of stability provides refuge for the mind. Rest from strife allows for romantic ideas—too subtle for times of chaos and conflict—to gain substance and flourish. Work in silence.
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