vengadogta · 3 years
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Subject 66526371: Codenamed ‘VENGADO’ executed at Los Santos Airport.  Subject declared deceased at 5:23PM. Lt. Young relieved from her duties as Investigative Officer and will be reinstalled as Cabinet crew in Carcer City for time being. The investigation is complete and can now be closed. For all media related purposes, use the following report: “Earlier today, Los Santos Finest have fought a hard battle at the airport to apprehend the criminal known as ‘White Tigre’. He has been responsible for all the senseless murders in the recent 48 hours and was shot dead with ten bullets after opening gunfire on our officers. While we would have preferred to have him alive so we could offer answers to the remaining relatives of those slain in the violence, the situation was simply too dangerous to keep this murderer alive. We will further investigate into his motives and when a full report is available, will be presented to the Mayor of Los Santos. We’re very glad the spree of excessive violence can now finally end and Santonians can safely go about their business again.”
Case closed.
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vengadogta · 3 years
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I got this on my work phone and I’m completely on the fence about whether I should include it, but if I don’t you would never have read it. So that mean that was a good idea. This is the final message I got from Vengado, after which I am now subsequently transferred to Carcer City for a ‘cooldown period’. Cooldown my ass, they just want me out. The message reads as follows: Esther, A final message to you. From what I have heard, you have begun to understand the rot that lives within your organization. Now you see, eh? The IAA and FIB will have a hard time covering this up as our actions are now part of a bigger conversation. Mr. Cheung led a tiring and submissive operation on Little Havana, but few Santonians actually know this. It is one of the greatest tragedies of our people, and for this I have sought compensation.
Unfortunate the man was uncooperative and I had to kill him in the process. We both know a new pawn will take his place, but at least I have hope he will think twice before trying to enslave my people for your lousy drug deals.
America is and will always be funded on two things - slavery and profit. Even your organisation, your superiors - no one is safe. My offer for you to live a more free life still stands. Muchos gracias for keeping my story in your files and if some day this may come to light, Los Santos will begin to learn where the rot really is.  - Tigre
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vengadogta · 3 years
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SHIT! As soon as I wanted to launch an investigation into Marty, my superiors called off the entire investigation and shut me down. I was escorted out of the building and taken home for ‘security reasons’. Luckily I took some of my work with me and it seems Mr. IAA here had private drug operations throughout the city which also funded private police operations. All the drug traffickers and worked were escorted from.. Little Havana? I can’t believe it, Vengado was right? FUCK! If this comes to light, it’ll put a bomb under our entire investigation. Now we know the next thing our department is going to do - play it all down.  I can’t believe there is so much corruption in our organisation. What if.. (redacted by DOA superiors) This thing is a nightmare.
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vengadogta · 3 years
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You have got to be shitting me! Both groups of criminals made it out of sight of our police force? What the hell are we good for? With more than 4 million down and lord knows what was in that FLeeCA bank, this is could very well be one of the biggest and most violent money grabs in the history of this city. I have to investigate into the murder of that IAA operative, this doesn’t make sense at all.
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vengadogta · 3 years
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UNBELIEVEABLE. Vengado himself just took a hit out on IAA special operations director Marty Cheung. This guy NEEDS to be stopped. How on earth does a person justify all this killing and vengeance? Explain all you want, you’re just a criminal like the rest of them, White Tigre. Jesus, the IAA department is going to hell fast.
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vengadogta · 3 years
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Got back footage from the casino hit. Vengado doesn’t even seem to be here, what the fuck? They took out half of the Vinewood squad trying to get out of there as the near the border. You can tell me all about how it’s not about money, Vengado. But this does seem like a fucking cash-grab - even though it is privately owned.
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vengadogta · 3 years
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ANOTHER Bank Heist? How many ones can you have at the same time. This one doesn’t even have that much money laying around. Could this all be an organized hit or it this the work of multiple organizations? Colleagues are still chasing the Casino suspects down the I-95 and they’re closing on the border. What if they’re not caught and they drive into Mexico?!
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vengadogta · 3 years
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The Diamond Casino has just been hit by a stickup crew! I’m still trying to get the footage out, but holy shit - they took millions worth of cash from the Texans. Agents are en route tailing the supects racing to the border while.. Wait, what’s that?
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vengadogta · 3 years
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I just got a text message on my phone, christ: Esther, The final hours are starting to count down. You have been a part of most of our actions, I presume. Everyone you see fighting hates your dictatorial ways and quite frankly, didn’t ask for much compensation to fight my fight. Unfortunate so many people had to die, we tried to keep bloodshed to a minimum. Only your people.. So stubborn. Think about my offer, yes? You would like Little Havana and I could always use a sniffer around me. If anything, please write in your little reports that I carefully picked the targets we hit - leaving thousand other ones to live with the message.
Vámonos and good luck.
Are you fucking kidding me? How compromised are we really? I get a text message on my work phone? Wha does he mean, the final hours? I better go check the preps around the city, seems like this must be the big thing.
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vengadogta · 3 years
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Hour 14. The weapons are becoming heavier and the crowd more intense. Multiple crews are ravaging our city, taking out gang members and officers as they see fit. The whole city is on full alert as crews are tightening screws on our finest. I asked to be transferred to a street team, but everyone thinks it would be more effective to have me file up reports for the investigators.  Where is Vengado getting all this help from? He can’t possible have done this alone. Which means the payout is not a simple murder or a building. He didn’t want the city. So what do you want?
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vengadogta · 3 years
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As the second set of murders committed commence and my colleagues are out there trying to stop the onslaught, it seems Vengado himself took it upon him to crash a local gas station and kill the inhabitants. Why this excessive violence? What did these people do to you? It doesn’t make sense. All I know is this won’t take long if he keeps this up.
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vengadogta · 3 years
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Just got called out of bed for some major mayhem. The whole city’s on edge as it seems brutal killings are going on throughout the entire city. I traced back footage of two of them - lo and behold, our friend Tigre is involved. He’s not worried about leaving a trail. The guy is sending a message. But what does he intent to get out of it?
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vengadogta · 3 years
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This is bad. This is really bad. Vengado’s crew just stole one of the old cars off a private cargo ship belonging to Hector Hanriguez, one of our.. more wealthy drug associates of Los Santos. The whole thing was a blood bath and no doubt, the underworld of Los Santos will come looking for them. With police on your neck and the criminals from under you, what will you do? What on Earth is the plan?
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vengadogta · 3 years
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It seems IAA agents paid off a few gang members to stop Vengado from reaching anything in Los Santos. The murders he committed against the breakaway members from The Family actually come from hits on his number. I traced back dash cam footage and saw the most brutal murders I have ever seen. Fuck, this crazy nut is so adamant to getting things his way.
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vengadogta · 3 years
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My superiors really though it was a bad idea to work on this case, so they relocated me to some child molester I need to keep watch of from Rockford Hills. Fuck that, in the spare time I have I’ll still be updating this dossier with what I can find. Seems White Tigre has been on a rampage trying to find supplies for something big, taking competitors out in the process. I had a look through all the people he’s killed - even our own - and it seems a trail of dirty laundry leads to most, if not all of them. Interesting..
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vengadogta · 3 years
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Got the scariest letter of my life delivered to my desk today. It reads as follows: Lt. Young, What a fine example of a DOA officer you make. You have been tailing me from my humble start as an immigrant, it seems. I commend your efforts and judging by how you fill your reports, it will be easy to have a movie made of my story after eh? Hahaha! We are not enemies. Surely you are fighting for the good cause of your country and investigating my efforts is a part of that, but I am not here for control of your country. I am not here for revenge or chaos, despite my nickname being the avenger. Vengado, as you call me. What I avenge is the plundering of your people in my country. Little Havana was always a great place to stay, until your nation stood on our doorstep. Now we are little but drug fields, toxic belts and corrupt politicians.
All I want is enough to provide for my people to get out safely. And if I murder a few of your corrupt men in the process, even better. Understand this is in your best interest as well. You want to be a healthy and powerful organization, yes?
I will not ask you for consideration or help. You are simply a good person and I respect this. Do exactly as you have done and you have done me enough of a favour already. Perhaps one day, when this is all over, I can invite you over to my country. Make you see the beautiful side of life. A mal tiempo buena cara, Esther. - Tigre Going out of my mind here. My superiors want me off this case immediately, but reading this letter I don’t think the man has it out for me. In fact, he encourages me to record it all. Did he have access to our files? Could he possibly.. Unbelieveable. I have never felt so naked. 
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vengadogta · 3 years
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The NERVE of this fucking guy! He just executed another IAA agent responsible for the financial investigations in broad daylight. Can you believe this shit? And every time our finest are trying to go after him, it’s as if their systems are being shut down. I have a bad feeling about this. A really bad feeling about this.
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