venenorita · 4 months
@orangeshinigami chose violence!
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"HEY!....... Go fuck yourself!" She promptly snapped back. Immediately upset! THATS his response?! She expected incredulity, or the threat of violence! Not SARCASM!
"What, Nel gets to be all friendly and shit, but I somehow am some kinda monster? You don't know anything about me!" She insisted, folding her arms across her chest. thinking back to the limited number of encounters they'd had. Well, THE one encounter they'd had.
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"So...sarcasm aside. And the obvious incompatability and shit..."
Her voice softened and she looked off to the side.
"What did you think of it? Before you knew who it came from."
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venenorita · 4 months
7 , 10
Mun Questions Meme | Accepting
7. describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.)
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Suffering Love.
Plenty of people who have shipped with me in the past will know that above all else, I enjoy forcing people to bend. When the characters are forced to shift as a matter of circumstance.
Sure, its ...CONVENIENT for characters to be together because its easy for them to be like that. And theres certainly nothing wrong with those kinds of ships. But I'm a creature of curiosity. When I rp, I want to find answers to my questions.
Just how much can someone tolerate? How far can these two muses bend in order to line up with one another?
Former Enemies. Muses with opposing viewpoints. I adore nothing more than seeing fate and circumstance conspire to bring two muses together for whatever reason. And I enjoy even more people's reactions to them. Be it positive (Oh I never thought of that pairing!) Or negative (Thats awful why would those two be together?!).
Both reactions give me immense joy.
10. what genre do you most enjoy, whether in roleplay, or fiction as a whole? (fantasy, period, superhero, etc.)
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I don't think I've ever actually had a preference. Sure I have preferences for like.... settings and fandoms, based on how much I like the character s. But uh.... I don't think I've ever really had a preference for this kinda stuff. Spacey, Fantasy, Modern, its all the same to me. I more get into like... the character dynamics and how the world works. But uh, like...the baseline setting stuff has never really been of consequence to me.
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venenorita · 4 months
4,12 :3
Mun Questions Meme | Accepting
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4. which muse of yours is your all time favorite? if you stopped writing them: why?
Truth be told, probably my muse that's been my all time Favorite to play has been Loly.
I never actually particularly liked her as a character. And in fact she is the type of Muse I HATE rping WITH the most. NAmely, just a rotten bitch. Frankly when it comes to rp communities, I avoid these types of characters because thats what people tend to focus on when playing them. And trying to form meaningful bonds with such characters can be like trying to herd a cat through a straw.
Thus why I wanted to play one myself. To see if I could manage to play such an unlikeable bitch but still make them fun for people to approach. I like to at least THINK I've accomplished that. While Loly is most assuredly a horrind hag of a woman, she still is someone you can interact with. This initially posed an issue with uh, Orihimes. But I eventually managed to get around that by having her try and knive a sortof indirect form of bullying. So she WILL pretend cooperative and positive action with an Orihime, just with ulterior motives.
Plus I very much enjoy getting to rp a piece of shit. Loly's awful, and she's also just flat out wrong. She has REASONS for behaving the way that she does, but she also actively resists things that would make her a better person, and latches onto anything that validates her existing behavior. BUT. She still changes and evolves as a person. Not in a GOOD way mind you. She essentially just figures out new and more personal ways to fuck with people. But its still development. And of course, theres also the hall of fame of people who have ACTUALLY managed to garner a positive relationship with her. Which has been incredibly rewarding.
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12. what roleplay trends do you remember from the year you started tumblr rp? how did you feel about those trends?
That would beeeee, around February 2014.
Midway into the TYBW arc in fact! Back then, there was a lot of fractioning of peoples little rp communities. Back then there were also a lot more closed groups. BAsically people would have Affiliated blogs, no dupes, peeps all would play with eachother basically as their own little version of the Bleach storyline. Never was in one, so have no idea what that was like tbh.
BUT, the community seems a little more interwoven? About as interwoven as you CAN be on Tumblr. There was a lot of Arrancar blogs back then, and a lot of Quincy blogs coming out in the midst of the TYBW chapters coming out. Lots of people were excited about interacting with eachother. But it was also pretty segregated.
Arrancar, Shinigami, Quincy. They tended to stick within their own groups, so esseentially they had their own separate rp communities with little bits of interaction between them now and then. One of the unfortunate parts about Bleach as a setting is that divides are kinda built into the races. Each sect by their nature will clash with eachother, and so its hard for people to mingle in a broader sense. And well. Aint nobody had any kinda drive to try and push a narrative of that changing. People were, and are, pretty attached to canon.
Even so? I kinda miss the diversity. Having come back and seeing how the dust has settled, most blogs are humans or shinigami, at least insofar as single muse blogs. But even Multis don't seem to crack out their quincy or arrancar quite as often. Which is a shame, but frankly I understand it. The community has also shrunk over the years, and so its only natural would pick cohesive muses to maintain activity.
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venenorita · 4 months
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1. how do you feel about reblog karma? 2. is it hard for you to write with characters you don’t know/don’t know well? 3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.) 4. which muse of yours is your all time favorite? if you stopped writing them: why? 5. is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: what’s stopping you? 6. is roleplaying the only writing-based hobby you have, or are there other things you like to write? 7. describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.) 8. do you expect your answered memes/asks to be turned into threads? regardless of answer, what’s your reasoning? 9. when you look at a new blog, what is it that makes you press the follow button? is it the muse, the aesthetics, the writing–? 10. what genre do you most enjoy, whether in roleplay, or fiction as a whole? (fantasy, period, superhero, etc.) 11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted. 12. what roleplay trends do you remember from the year you started tumblr rp? how did you feel about those trends? 13. what themes/motifs do you hope other people notice most about your character? 14. which roleplay community has been your favorite to write in? 15. icons, or gifs? you can only pick one, and cannot say ‘neither.’
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venenorita · 4 months
"Loly-san. Do you have a crush in Ichigo?"
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"Is that the thing where I occasionally think about what his dick tastes like?
Then yes."
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venenorita · 4 months
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"Yea Ichigo, I'm discovering my FEELINGS. Don't be insensitive."
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" --I have a feeling LOLY kinda wants to be a part of our relationship." @auburniivenus
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venenorita · 4 months
Your Muse's Slumber Habits
Sleeping Schedule: 12 hours of sleep every 72 hours. Hueco mundo has no day-night cycle. Favorite Position: Curled up, usually with her knees tucked against her chest. Preferred Bed or Bed Type: On the floor or buried in sand. Since gaining access to beds, she prefers to be completely buried in blankets. Alone or Coupled or Group?: Prefers to sleep in groups, usually sleeps with Menoly for survival purposes.
Tagged By: @maddmuses Tagging: @auburniivenus @orangeshinigami
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venenorita · 4 months
"If ya went on a date with a BLONDE version 'a me that would be so fucked up."
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She knew exactly what he was talking about of course. No doubt he'd noticed that little Valentines sent in by the Vizard.
"I rejected him didn't I? But I gotta say Bro, you complimentin a Vizard by callin him a blonde version of ya? I'm a little surprised. You been getting fond of those guys or something?" She pointedly teased the mantis. More than happy to bully her brother just a little for his phrasing.
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venenorita · 4 months
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Oh this one didn't take any trouble to read. She also didn't even need to read it.
She could smell Orihime on the paper. She stared for a moment at the piece of thin pale material and furrowed her brows as she stared at the ....marks? Was that lipstick? What the fuck?
She carefully leaned over, and decided to read it from where it was.
The fuck was Wasabi?
She continued reading and almost CHOKED a bit when she caught the words 'Body Sushi'. Who the FUCK wrote this?! The Princessa. Bringing up stuff like THAT? Surely this was a prank. The gal seriously was thinking of them eating sushi off eachother?
She kept on reading...
This was.... not what she'd have expected from the girl. It was .... all cutesy sure. THAT she anticipated. But there was also some boldness here. And she narrowed her good eye as she read all the way to the bottom of the page.
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And a slow smile formed on her lips.
"You stupid cunt..." She muttered under her breath, drumming her fingers a few times as she ... let the gears turn in her head. She wondered what it'd look like on her face. To reject her. Tch. She doubted anything. The girl was a fuckin rock. She'd just try even harder. She wanted to punch the woman right in her face.
And she stared at the stamp she'd put on the paper without even thinking about it.
Why did she do that? She stared for a few long seconds as she contemplated it. Maybe she could hurt her. Make her miserable. What if she could make the girl fall in loce, only to rip her stupid heart out of her chest and laugh in her broken face? Of course that was it.
Why ELSE would she have accepted the application?
She stared at the stamp for a few more seconds, unable to feel...confident in the answer in her head. But who gave a shit. She had better things to fuss over. Smirking a bit to herself, she picked up her pen and added a note.
Bring Sushi.
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venenorita · 4 months
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your name: Shinji Hirako
Romantic or platonic?: Eeeh... FWB?
A night in or dinner out or an activity?: All three, same night.
Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: Chocolate Strawberries.
What's your perfect date?: Tha's puttin' me on the spot, but really just hangin' 'roun' an' talkin's good 'nough fer me.
Would you cook for me?: They say my cookin's phenomenal. Sure, why the hell not.
Would you let me cook for you?: Yeh why not, I'll try anythin' once.
Can we make-out?: Hell yeah- hope ya don' mind piercin's.
Make out in private or in public?: Both.
Do you like to cuddle?: Yeh, sure do.
Blankets or no blankets for cuddling?: Don' matter to me.
Couch or bed?: Couch then bed, in 'at order.
What are at least 3 hobbies of yours?: Listenin' to records, catchin' up on ol' dramas, collectin' hats.
Tell me something about you no else knows: there's a 69 on my dick.
Why do you want to be my valentine?: Ya're toleratin' me so far, an' I figure we coul' go out fer a nice dinner an' a movie.
What makes you a good Valentine?: I'm easy to please, but also I'm hilarious. If havin' a laugh an' a good time's up yer alley, then I'm yer guy.
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Someone actually sent one in?
She peeled the sheet of paper from the bin and peered at the name a few times.
Who the fuck was that?
It actually took her a while to realize.... IT WAS FUCKING UPSIDE DOWN?!
"Are you fucking kidding me?" She hissed, gritting her teeth a bit as she ...narrowed her eye and focused on the sheet. Slowly piecing the words together.
Eh? The fuckin Vizard? She felt her brows knit together as she took a moment to....process what exactly she was reading. Well the guy had guts that at least was something, not exactly being subtle.
That said. She ... considered the application for a few seconds. And imagined the face he'd make if she approved it. Snrk.
A stamp at the top of the paper before writing beside it. Your application has been rejected. You will, however, get a consolation prize. We'll go out for drinks on valentines day and I'll be your wingman.
"Better luck next year, bucko." She smirks to herself.
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venenorita · 4 months
Send my muse a wet dream and they will rate it on how they wake up:
1. Discomfort/Disgusted 2. Confused/Uncomfortably aroused 3. Slightly aroused 4. Very aroused 5. Had an orgasm in their sleep
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venenorita · 4 months
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Loly is filled with DETERMINATION.
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venenorita · 4 months
your name:
Romantic or platonic?:
A night in or dinner out or an activity?:
Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?:
What's your perfect date?:
Would you cook for me?:
Would you let me cook for you?:
Can we make-out?:
Make out in private or in public?:
Do you like to cuddle?:
Blankets or no blankets for cuddling?:
Couch or bed?:
What are at least 3 hobbies of yours?:
Tell me something about you no else knows:
Why do you want to be my valentine?:
What makes you a good Valentine?:
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venenorita · 4 months
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Sudden location changes in dreams should be illegal!
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venenorita · 4 months
Dream meme | Accepting!
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Dammit, Cmon she had to be here somewhere!
She led the way through the mall itself, her good eye sweeping about as she occassionally looked over her shoulder to make sure that Ichigo was still following her. An inquisitive and curious little face in evidence as he followed her around. Good, he didn't seem bothered by any of this. If only she could find ORIHIME!
She'd managed to coerce the big guy to help her find something, and so she intended on finding Orihime and just passing by.
A truly insidious plan. Have Orihime see them hanging out, and then the little human would get all jealous and anxious that Loly was hanging around with her precious crush.
Another day, another way to try and mess with Inoue~
"Cmon we're almost there." She pointed out to Ichigo, shoving her way through a few crowds as he followed behind her. Tch, what a big dumb oaf, just following along. It made this all too easy. Heck when he saw her struggling to get through the crowd, she even got a bit spooked when she felt his hand slip around her waist and scoop her off the ground! Promptly setting her on his shoulder as he simply strode through the crowd! Oh perfect! She smiled and gave him a pat on the head. What a useful little guy~
As soon as they were clear of the crowd, they found themselves outside. The streets? Well, may as well keep looking. It was getting dark and it even looked like it was about to Rain. Thankfully Ichigo had an umbrella, just in case. Awfully prepared wasn't he?
Still, she focused on her search, looking through alleyways, searching for that familiar flash of Orange hair.
And finding blue instead.
And suddenly her heart almost stopped. She kept moving. Pretending that she didn't see them. Even as fear coursed through her frame. And she briskly walked down the street. Even as she heard heavy footsteps coming after her. She was alone now. The big orange haired guy she'd been toting around was suddenly nowhere to be seen, as if her distraction had simply let his existence slip through her fingers like sand. No, the only other person.... was Grimmjow.
"Where the FUCK do you think you're going?"
She felt a powerful, clawed hand grab onto her arm and throw her into the nearest wall, a soft little yelp escaping her as she spun around and stared with fearful eyes at the tall blue-haired panther. A snarling smile on his face as his hand planted next to her head and he promptly trapped her against the wall she'd struck. Her own eyes wide with fear.
Oh fuck, oh fuck oh fuck! Instantly the area was so much darker. so much COLDER. Her whole body shivered as she huddled back against the wall and tried to melt back into the wall that he'd cornered her against. Seeing those cold eyes studying her, like a cat about to play with a mouse.
A loud THAP as a h and struck Grimmjow in the back of the neck. Not hard, but a firm clap before the grip tightened and the feline was ragged away from her. Her heart still racing as she huddled up on herself, and watched as Ichigo peeled the arrancar back and shoved him a short distance away, promptly placing himself between Loly and the nightmare.
And she just...... stood there. Shocked and surprised as the two stared each other down, Grimmjow narrowing his eyes, as if considering whether or not to turn this into a fight.
But after a few seconds, he just spat on the ground, giving a little shrug of his shoulders and turning to walk away from the pair. Leaving her anxious.
She was so fucked. Even if she'd been saved now, she knew this was a problem. He'd be back. He'd find her later. It didn't matter how long it took, NOBODY slighted Grimmjow! Her hands were still shaking as she tried to figure out what to do. If she should hide? If she should run?
But a warm hand steadied her as it slipped behind her back and gently pulled her close. As Ichigo gently held her. Startling her, naturally, before he spoke up.
'Hey, it's okay. I'm not gonna let you get hurt.'
She was.... speechless. Staring up at that big dumb smile of his as if he could tell what she was afraid of. But.... the smile didn't look quite so dumb anymore.
Because she could hear how much he meant what he said. He.....he was gonna keep her safe? Why? Why her?
"Why me?" She blurted out in echo of the thought itself. And he just....kept smiling at her. His hand still securely at her mid back. His body shielding her from the rest of the beach they were on. With nobody around but the two of them.
He really WAS going to protect her? She swallowed and ... gently leaned into him. As slowly, the shaking stopped, and she just....rested her head against him. She was ... safe here.
And so she reached back, and gently...guided his hand from her mid back, down to her-
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Ghuh! THUMP!
Her dream was VICIOUSLY ended as her own tossing and turning form finally made it over the edge and she slammed facefirst into the floor as she fell out of her bed. A startled tangle of limbs and blankets rolling over, trapping herself for just a few seconds! Before she finally sat up and panted for a few seconds! Blinking as she tried to ...figure out whatever the fuck that dream was?!
"What the fuck...."
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venenorita · 4 months
Dream Meme | Accepting
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Blood was everywhere.
The flames bathing the battlefield refused to be extinguished, something so hot that even the sands seemed to burn. But it was nothing like hhow she actually remembered it.
The soft CRACK of a body beneath her food sounded as she crushed the soldier beneath her heels. They didn't even manage a scream as she thrust her chin upward and sneered at the crowds of quincy before her.
"Cmon! Is that the best you can do?!" She laughed as she coiled those massive venom-drenched arms around her. Pleased with the sight of them backing away from her. Some of them panicking as acid melted down even their precious bows and chewed through flesh and fingers, leaving them debilitated messes of the flesh they once were.
None of them could touch her. And all of them found their eyes drawn to the number printed squarely at the very center of her throat like the brooch on a choker.
"Run along! I don't need any help here. The Primera's got this all handled!" She declared, casting a confident glance over her shoulder to the other arrancar huddled ..... behind her?
She'd spoken with such confidence, like any dream, there was a mess of details inexplicably inscribed. She had been standing between these quincy and her fellow arrancar. It was simply a fact in her mind, and yet when she cast a glance over her shoulder, she saw nothing but an empty desert.
Empty....of everything but the bodies.
Limp forms littering the ground. She was the only one left.
'You're quite strong, How interesting. I must say, I almost thought it was going to be an entirely fruitless day." A familiar voice caught in her head, one that instantly sent a slow creeping chill up the length of her back as she slowly turned back toward the quincy.
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The cowed ranks of Soldat parted and a single figure strode forward with a playful smile on his lips. That pale mantle distinguishing him from the other Quincy soldiers as much as that sharp little cap and the glasses on his face. Peeling a sword from his waist as he approached with a casual gait and his hands held to either side carelessly.
"The Primera. How marvelous. It's your lucky day, his Majesty is in need of powerful soldiers such as yourself."
She could feel herself starting to choke, her throat closing up with fear as she watched the man perform a casual bow at the waist as he introduced himself. She almost mistook him for someone else, but there was no mistaking that voice.
"I am the Leader of the Jagdarmee. Sousuke Aizen. And if you would be so kind..." The man raised his head back up, that calm, menacing smile played across his lips as he reached out, his hand outstretched for her to take.
"Kindly, Surrender."
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venenorita · 4 months
Send 💤 and I'll post a drabble of a dream my muse (reciever) had of your muse (sender).
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