vedaaz · 2 years
The Ayurvedic View on Drinking Milk. A2 Milk in Mumbai | Organic Milk in Mumbai
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According to ayurveda, milk provides special and unique nutrition that cannot be derived from any other type of food. Milk, when digested properly, nourishes all the tissues, promotes balanced emotions, and helps to balance all the doshas. It is one of the most important foods to promote ojas.
According to ayurveda, ojas is a refined substance the body produces from the most subtle level of proper digestion. Ojas brings strength, strong immunity, happiness, and contentment, according to ayurveda. Therefore, milk is a very important food to include regularly in ones diet, especially if you follow a vegetarian lifestyle.
In order to digest milk properly, one should avoid drinking cold milk right out of the refrigerator. Milk should be brought to a boil. Allow the milk to foam up, and then bring the heat down so the milk is on a slow boil for about 5 to 10 minutes. Heating the milk changes its molecular structure so it is much easier for human consumption, and it reduces Kapha, making it lighter to digest. While cooking it, you may add a pinch of ground turmeric, a pinch of ground black pepper, a cinnamon stick, or a few pinches of ginger to reduce the heaviness of the milk and reduce any mucus-causing side effect.
If you have trouble digesting milk and have not consumed it for a while, then it is recommended that you start again in a gradual fashion to help your body acclimate to it. Start with drinking ⅛ of a cup of the boiled milk with ginger. Then gradually increase the amount to about a cup over a ten-day period.
Milk should be organic, whole and non-homogenized. Homogenized milk is very difficult to digest and can easily clog the finer channels of circulation. It is probable that milk that is not certified organic may contain rBGH. This is a hormone that artificially increases milk production in the cow. The only way we know to avoid rBGH is to purchase organic milk, because currently the FDA does not require labeling on milk products that may have come from cows injected with the hormone. Cow’s milk is considered to be the best, but raw goat milk is fine to use too.
Milk should not be mixed or eaten with sour, bitter, salty, astringent, or pungent tastes. That means the old American tradition of drinking a glass of cold milk with dinner should be avoided and the milk replaced with pure drinking water or juice. When combined with incompatible tastes, milk becomes indigestible and causes the build-up of harmful toxins in the body. Meals cooked with milk and fish or meat should be avoided, such as in the popular clam chowder. However, warm milk may be consumed with sweet tastes such as rice, cream of wheat, dates, mangoes, and almonds. If you wish to have warm milk, then it is best to wait at least one hour after you have eaten a meal.
Warm milk consumed 30 minutes before bed can aid in falling asleep. Warm milk with a little natural sweetener makes a great afternoon snack for children when they come home after school.
Visit Us-https://www.mancharfarms.com/
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vedaaz · 2 years
Shelter, Clothing and Real Milk of Manchar Farms : That’s it !A2 Milk in Pune | A2 Desi Cow Ghee in Pune
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Working in polluted cities, tight schedules of work, changed lifestyles, untimely or irregular meals results into deficiency of Vitamin D in your body. The normal remedy is vitamin tablets.
But, you are not aware about the fact whether the tablets you are using are of vegetarian or non-vegetarian origin. So instead of such medicines, if you get the A and D vitamins via milk then wouldn’t it be more beneficial? As it is confirmed that you would get those vitamins from vegetarian source.
Keeping this objective, a group of software developers came together, leaving behind their steady and high profile jobs and took a leap to start their own business ‘Manchar Farm’.
A well planned, determined and customer oriented firm ‘Manchar Farm’ now owns a huge frarm, hi-tech dairy, native healthy gir cows along with jersey cows and a great team of entrepreneurs, delivery staff, kathiyawadi farmers who takes care of their cows like a mother and transport vehicle.
We all know that Vitamin D is vegetarian and expensive vitamin. It’s prepared by some processing where the oil is extracted from Algae Plant. And it has many benefits for our bones, muscles and for immunity.
The introduction of ‘Fortified milk with Vitamin A and D ’ by Manchar Farm is the first of it’s kind products in the current market or the dairy industry. As DD says, Do you Think about me? with Zen like focus and solution oriented approach, we made our idea of getting first of its kind vitamin enriched milk in Pune market a reality.
Transparency is the major factor of Manchar Farm which attracts customers based on their honesty. They provide adulteration kit which can detect contamination in milk if present. And that’s the main reason behind their success.
These software guys have taken their business one step ahead with the provision of app, where you can issue or cancel the order on a fingertip.
At Manchar Farm, fortified milk is available only in 56 Rs/ltr which is comparatively lower than other company’s milks in market where it’s above 90/Ltr. The reason behind is that other companies provides similar milks in plastic bottles which costs extra 15 rs and so the overall cost of the milk increases.
You get really a fresh and untouched milk in Manchar Farm and it tastes like real milk because it is. And it’s a complete food like mother’s milk for a newborn. So, if you make any recipe with this fortified milk like, Kheer, Basundi or any such food item, you will be beneficiary of the vitamins A and D.
Isn’t that a great step towards a healthy life ?
visit us-https://www.mancharfarms.com/
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vedaaz · 2 years
Health Benefits of A2 Milk
Many of you may not be aware that the milk you consume and feed your kids has different health effects based on its protein content or Casein. The protein content depends upon the breed of the cow the milk comes from.
And therefore, there are presently two types of milk, A1 and A2. And it really should matter to you what goes inside the tummy of your little ones, as well as yours. Medical studies claim that A2 milk is healthier and promotes better health benefits. It is also recommended for people with a dairy intolerance.
This article will talk about milk proteins, the science behind it, and the health benefits of A2 milk.
Why Should You Know About A2 Milk?
Milk contains different types of protein. However, Casein takes precedence, as it comprises 80% of milk’s total protein content.
Casein has several types as well, including beta-casein which is the second most important protein in milk. However, beta-casein exists in milk in 13 forms, where two are most critical. They are A1 beta-casein and A2 beta-casein.
While the milk you get in-store or buy from your milkman contains both A1 and A2, only A2 milk contains high A2 beta-casein.
There’s a huge difference between A1 and A2 milk beta-casein.
A1 milk is milked from the breeds of cows originating from the places in northern Europe, such as Ayrshire, Friesian, Holstein, and Shorthorn.
A2 milk is milked from the breeds that are found in Western India, Southern France, and the Channel Islands. The names of the breeds are Indian Gyr, Jersey, Guernsey, Limousin, and Charolais.
A2 beta-casein is a very safe and nourishing protein as opposed to A1 beta-casein, which many scientists claim as harmful. There is no concrete evidence regarding it, however, researchers do say that A2 milk is nutritious, promotes heart health, and contains CLA, an essential acid that potentially lowers bad cholesterol.
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Gir Cow A2 Milk
You should always buy A2 Milk in Pune and Mumbai from a registered A2 Milk producer. Manchar FarmsA2 Milk Company is an authorized A2 desi cow milk manufacturer and distributor that delivers organic milk and desi ghee, rich in A2 beta-casein.
In India, A2 desi cow milk is milked from the famous milk cattle, Gyr or Gir, found in the Gir hills and forests of the four Gujarat districts, Kathiawar, Bhavnagar, Rajkot, and Junagadh.
While milk invariably contains a higher quantity of protein, calcium, and other nutrients, Gir breed’s milk provides additional health benefits that A1 milk cannot. Also, to absorb the nutrients adequately, you must consume only organic milk, which only very few certified companies in Mumbai and Pune provides.
Manchar Farms, being one of them, also offers home delivery of A2 desi fresh milk, A2 ghee, A2 paneer, and curd, and if required cow dung as well.
Benefits of A2 Desi Milk
Manchar Farmstreats their GirA2 desi cows as their family where the cows are fed with an organic diet. The cows are given organic fodder and kept amidst a happy environment. Organic milk is notorious because the milk production is not increased unnaturally using steroids, injection, or antibiotics, but rather increased with super-rich diet.
The quality of A2 milk is compared to that of mother’s milk as it is packed with the goodness of organic diet. It contains 12% more protein, 15% more calcium, 25% extra Vitamin A, and 33% extra Vitamin D, along with 30% more cream.
Common symptoms of lactose intolerance are diarrhea, bloating, gas, stomach discomfort, and nausea. Studies reveal that A2 milk does not trigger the symptoms of lactose intolerance.
A2 milk reduces inflammatory reactions in our body and doesn’t create gastrointestinal problems.
Since A2 milk is desi cow milk, one glass of milk will give you 8 grams of protein. So, instead of costly protein powders, fitness enthusiasts can consume Manchar FarmsA2 milk after a workout and repair their muscles. You can order A2 milk products from Manchar Farmsfor morning delivery as well.
It is perfect for growing children and pregnant moms as it has 15% more calcium content than regular cows’ milk. Besides, it is thicker and creamier, making it a perfect add-on for smoothies, cereals, and fruits.
At Manchar Farms we offer door step delivery and you can call or place your orders for Pure A2 Milk online.
Visit Us-https://www.mancharfarms.com/
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vedaaz · 2 years
Why should we consider switching to A2 Milk?
There is this continuous debate about the benefits of Milk which ends with the conclusion that Milk is Milk. But the validity of this statement stands debatable. In modern times, ordinary milk may not be enough to meet your dietary requirements. Owing to which other varieties of the milk were introduced to make up for our dietary needs.
In recent times, A2 milk has started garnering a lot of popularity. It’s a much better variant of its counterpart and offers benefits that wouldn’t have been present in ordinary milk. It’s a great addition to our diet and will provide incredible health benefits to supplement our strength and vigor.
There are some fundamental differences between A1 and A2 milk which are important to look at when you are focused on taking the best care of your body. They say we are what we consume, so let it only be the best.
Let’s check out some important health benefits of A2 milk: To begin with, A2 milk is a great source of A2 milk is also a great source of: Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Calcium, Thiamin, Riboflavin and Potassium, Omega 3 Fatty acids.
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Here are some additional health benefits of A2 milk:
It keeps your blood pressure healthy- High blood pressure is a result of high Cholesterol and if you could keep that in check it would remain stable. For that A2 milk could be a great addition to your diet. It has high amounts of Omega 2 Fatty acids which keeps the cholesterol levels low.
Give a boost to your immunity system- Milk in any form is good to strengthen our body and A2 milk is exceptionally good to boost our immunity. A2 milk improves the response and regulation of immune system cells.
It’s great for our eyesight- It has high amounts of Vitamin A which is a great supplement to maintain retinas and corneas well. Consuming A2 milk on daily basis will help maintain healthy eye-sight, prevent cataracts, and keep your vision sharp.
Additional health benefits- A2 Cow Milk also has essential vitamins like Vitamin A, D, and B12 which are necessary for bones and teeth and mental health too.
It’s great for people with lactose intolerance- Some people are lactose tolerant and consuming ordinary milk is not an option for them. A2 milk could be a great choice for those people as it’s not very heavy on our digestive system.
With the growing rate of population and pollution, it is very difficult to find anything in its pure form and that’s what makes us second guess our choices when it comes to food. This has given rise to debates about what we consume. If we are taking our health and body seriously we should consider switching to A2 milk to avail of the additional health benefits it has to offer.
visit us-https://www.mancharfarms.com/
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vedaaz · 2 years
Organic Cow Milk Journey
Organic Food
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In the day-to-day life, we hear about Organic Cow Milk and Food becoming more prevalent than ever before. Thus our elder generations say, “This all was not available in our generation,”. Products sold with the Organic label weren’t available. Yes, they are right, but how? Why? So many questions are swirling in your head. Right?
Life and Soil on this Earth 2/3 decades back was different. The use of fertilizers, pesticides and modified/hybrid varieties of seeds started in the early 1960s to increase the need of the growing population. But the effects and consequences are showing up now these days. We hear even small kids are having diseases like diabetes and people dying at a very young age of heart attack.
In today’s modernized world, we must address this major problem. The increasing amount of pollution in the environment and in the foods we eat daily is affecting our bodies in a variety of ways. The food we eat today contains a wide range of harmful chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides. Organic food i.e., natural foods without synthetic additives or synthetic ingredients can save us.
Organic farming and Organic Practices does require more effort – time, discipline, and awareness. We can incentivize farmers to adopt best practices by wisely choosing organic products in increasing amounts. This will help them to drive organic farming in a big way. In addition, it will improve our health and build our immunity.
Our Cow milk Journey
MancharFarms team always wanted to be a source that could provide pure and natural products to your kitchen without harming any animal in the process. This is how MancharFarms began its journey with the vision to provide pure unadulterated Milk/ Organic Cow Milk to every household. Giving is the only way of receiving. Taking good care of Cows and providing them a stress free open environment is our top most priority. This ensures Organic Cow milk delivered is of best Quality. We have not only grown and build trust over the years but also have made a special place in our customer’s hearts. We understand that eating right is the only way to remain healthy for years to come.
Cow Milk is referred to as a complete meal. Thus there is a special mention of Cow as Gomata/ mother in our Scriptures. Not only Milk but everything that Cow gives us has nutritional and medicinal value. Blend of five products obtained from cow which is also known as Panchgavya in Sanskrit holds an important place in Ayurvedic medicine. It is basically a combination of cow’s dung, urine (Go Mutra), milk, curd and ghee. It not only heals one’s body but also lifts up depressed mental states thereby providing positivity, longevity and magnetic charisma. Due to such benefits of Panchgavya, it is often called as a divine elixir by Ayurvedacharyas. The use of cow derived products has been mentioned in the Vedas and various researchers and scientists have found them to be rich source of essential elements as well as minerals and hormones.
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Enjoy your life and celebrate it with Us.
Visit Us-https://www.mancharfarms.com/
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vedaaz · 2 years
Visit Us- www.vedaaz.com
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vedaaz · 2 years
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Enjoy Vedaaz A2 Desi Gir Cow Ghee and give yourself the nutrition to live strong every day!!
Don’t miss out! Visit www.vedaaz.com for exclusive Deals on our products.
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vedaaz · 2 years
A2 Desi Gir Cow Curd
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Promise Of Purity
Vedaaz A2 Curd is made from pure Az cow milk without any preservatives. Our cows are grazed in the forest with natural grass and medicinal herbs.
Vedaaz Curd is set traditionally, from pure Az desi cow milk using natural culture in homemade style. We don’t use any artificial culture or industrial processing. Vedaaz A2 Desi Curd is completely unique in taste.
You can consume plain Curd as it is or add your favourite flavors. It is smooth in texture and original in taste.
A chunk full of milk’s finest nutrition and taste..
♣  Aids in digestion
♣  Great for lactose intolerant people
♣  Good for your heart and bones
♣  Aids in brain functioning
♣  Full of good bacteria
♣  Contains essential minerals
Health Benefits of Vedaz Organics Curd:
♣  Improves Digestion
♣  Ensures Brain Health
♣  Improves Bone Strength
♣  Healthy Heart
♣  Improves Skin Tone
♣  Effective Hair Care
♣  Helps in Weight Loss
♣  Prevent Allergies
♣  Enhance Immunity
♣  Makes Skin Healthy
Visit Us-www.vedaaz.com
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vedaaz · 2 years
A2 Desi Gir Cow Paneer
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Gift From Our Holy Cow
A2 Paneer is made using the Desi Cow A2 Milk only. The coagulating agent is only a lemon. No vinegar or other chemical is used for the acidity.
Paneer is Cottage cheese that is made by coagulating the milk by adding an acidic food substance. Unlike any other cheese; it is neither fermented not cured. Many vegetarians consume it as a source of protein in their diet.
Energy297 kcal
Total Carbohydrate4.5 g
of which sugars (Lactose)4.5 g
Total Fat22.7 g
Proteins18.6 g
Vitamin A260 μg
A rich and nutritious batch of naturally processed paneer
♣  Reduces risk of heart disease
♣  Enhance your immune system
♣  Helps beautifying Skin and Hair
♣  Aids in digestion
♣  Treats allergy
♣  Has anti-bacterial properties
visit us-www.vedaaz.com
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vedaaz · 2 years
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vedaaz · 2 years
A2 Desi Gir Cow Ghee
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Our Gir Cow Ghee is prepared by tradotional method i.e.,bilona. process, is to make curd from whole milk. Then churn it to seprate makhan from it and then boil it to get ghee.
This purity and lack of proceccimg translates into a nutritious product that can be consumed by everyone in the family. The A2 milk ghee contains all the nutrients you need and can be used for cooking vegetables,dal,sweets and other food items.
Hand Churned Ghee In Small Batches
♣  Grass Fed Cows
♣  Gir Cow Milk
♣  Curd
♣  Makkhan
♣  Low Flame Heating
♣  Original Vedic Ghee
A2 Gir Cow Ghee Health Benefits
♣  Helps In Digestion.
♣  Reduces Mental Stress.
♣  Controls Cholesterol Level.
♣  Boosts Immune System.
♣  Enhances Memory and Eyesight.
♣  Slows Down Ageing Process.
Visit Us-https://www.vedaaz.com/
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vedaaz · 2 years
A2 Desi Gir Cow Milk
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The A2 Gir Cow Milk is available in glass bottles. The milk is delivered to your doorstep. within 12 hours of milking the cow. The milk has been pasteurized, but not processed. What you get at in your hand is pure, natural milk that can be used to make dairy by products, such as curd, butter and cream.
A2 Gir Cow Milk Benefits
♣  Natural Source of Vitamin B-12 and Omega-6 Fatty Acid.
♣  Makes Body, Brain and Heart Healthy.
♣  Improves The Digestive System.
♣  Helps in fat Loss.
♣  Nutritious Of Children.
♣  Increases Immune Power Of Our Body.
♣  Alternate Milk For Infants.
♣  Maintains Of Cholesterol Level.
Why choose Vedaaz A2 Gir Cow Milk
♣  Free Range Gir Cows
♣  No Hormonal injections
♣  Chemical Free & Natural Fodder
♣  Eco –Friendly Glass Bottles
♣  Free Adulteration Kits
♣  Farm-To-Home within 18 hrs
Visit us- www.vedaaz.com
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