vclcan · 5 years
Dear friend, 
You’re probably wondering where I went for three months because I just poofed and updates are fun. So, here is an update as to what has been up. 
First, I got a new job. Fun, yes? Oh my gosh yes. I am a personal stylist now and it’s amazing! Also, because I left my previous day job {spoiler alert, it was Starbucks} I no longer have to wake up at 3:20am! All good things. We stan sleep in this household. Just kidding, I don’t know what sleep means. 
Second, I run wardrobe {costumes} for celebrities, ballets, tours, etc.– Idina Menzel, Matthew Morrison, American Ballet Theatre, etc. So, I’ve been doing that a few times, including this upcoming weekend. Third, I’ve got a full season of shows I’m Costume Designing. In order, my shows are: Bye Bye Birdie {November}, Willy Wonka Jr {January}, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella {March}, Seussical Jr {May}, Summer camp {show tbd – June}, All Shook Up {July}.  The months listed are their opening dates, so, if you can guess, it doesn’t allow for a whole lot of downtime.  Fourth, tumblr decided to do things and I wanted to wait until it was {mostly} over to appear again. 
Fifth, I went to Disneyland! We all know how much I love that place! In fact, I went twice in four months and that’s that. So… Yeah! 
Anyway, that is my update as to why I poofed! Oh, and my birthday’s this Friday {the 8th} and I’m running a tour, so I won’t actually get to celebrate it… Yay.  
If you have DISCORD, I mainly use that when I’m not on my computer, and you can DM me if you want that and we be mutuals. Or, if you just want a buddy to talk to/rp with, I use Discord for rping too and it’s nice because then all 30+ muses of mine are in one handy dandy place ;)  
Happy Thursday! 
Love always,
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vclcan · 6 years
A E L L I A N A:
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   “You are not what you feel.”
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“Affirmative, Lieutenant. For what I feel would require emotional composition.”
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vclcan · 6 years
E L L I O T:
    Elliot had to be honest here. This was strange. Parents don’t go leaving their children unattended, even his parents didn’t do that, so why was this boy wandering about alone? Had he been separated, or did he run off for some mischief? But given that the child was Vulcan, that was unlikely. Elliot offered a smile and held up his hand in the proper salute.
    “Greetings, S’chn T’gai Spock.” He had no trouble pronouncing the name, as most humans would. “I am captain Elliot T’havi Lutz.”
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blink. blink. 
Spock looked at the end raised, his head tilted twenty-five-degrees to the right, question present on his face. He was confused. It was not often people could pronounce his name with ease, let alone returned the Vulcan hand salute. Oddly enough, this made Spock rather happy on the inside. The tips of his nose and ears turned [ [ p i s t a c h i o ] ] in color while he found himself raising his own Vulcan salute in return. 
“It is a pleasure to meet you Captain Lutz. I am aware that my name is not simple in pronunciation. You may call me Spock. ” His head [ [ s t r a i g h t e n e d ] ] and his hand lowered to his side. 
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vclcan · 6 years
“Aren’t you a little young to be wandering about on your own? What’s your name, kid?”
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DOE EYES BLINKED twice while looking up at the stranger talking to him. His eyes were reflecting more human representation than those cold like on Vulcan. A S T R A N G E R. Spock is unsure of how to proceed. He was asked his name. Ko-Mekh told him it was polite to respond when asked a question. 
He will do just that. 
blink. blink. 
“M-My name is S’chn T’gai Spock.”
[ [ @uss-camelot-crew ] ]
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vclcan · 6 years
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missio // twisted
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vclcan · 6 years
Please reblog this if you’re an active Star Trek RP blog
I need more people to follow. Any version of Star Trek.
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vclcan · 6 years
Hi, I’m alive…barely. As some of you know I’m a counselor for a camp, but on top of that I am still working my day job. I haven’t stopped doing things for a very long time. Days off don’t exist, right now, and I’m exhausted. Oh, and I’m starting to get sick. I’m sorry I haven’t cranked out replies, I’m just so drained and can’t get muse enough (because I’m so tired) to do anything but little discord chats in character. That being said, if anyone wants my discord (mutuals only please) feel free to message me. I’m sorry. I’m hoping, starting next week, it will be better and I’ll be able to do things again. I’m just really, really sorry and hope you can forgive me.
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vclcan · 6 years
A E L L I A N A:
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   It is not a poem.
   Not a poem? What else could it be? It makes some sense that he and his mother had chosen their selection – the words are emotional enough to be of both of them. 
   Warm… star… I feel at home… 
   “Nash-veh nah-tor ik kilko-srashiv would nerau fi’ ra odu vesh’ istaya tor zhelesh. Ra vesh’ odu istaya tor zhelesh?”
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His eyes. Vulcan, in appearance, but HUMAN in depth. They reflected concern, WORRY , [ [ s h y n e s s ] ] . All of them, emotions that the young hybrid had YET to fully under stand in hisemfl. 
      . . . To Spock, EMOTIONS  were purely [ [ i l l o g i c a l ] ].
Nervous fingers dance by his sides. He is uncertain how to proceed.  Does he express his emotions through words? Ko-Mekh made this entire process seem much simpler in theory than it is in PRACTICE.  He would discuss this with her at a later date. 
Dark chocolate hues meet the equally dark ones of the female across from him,  TWO.POINT.THREE seconds later, they are loking at a wall.  
“ I istaya tor zhelesh zherka ik nam-tor kaik tor ik t' tor ma wuh tel-tor t' wuh khaf-spol. Ko-mekh stariben ik lu veh olau strongly na' wuh'ashiv du stariben zhit kaik tor eifa tor mesprah vel du talal tor sanoi.”
[ [ TRANSLATION: I wish to convey emotion that is equal to that of to possess a bond of the heart. Mother spoke that when one feels strongly toward another you speak words equal to those to define things you find pleasing. ] ]
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vclcan · 6 years
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      . . . blink. blink. 
Spock stares at the other misfit hybrid, then looks at his boots. Tiny, SHY fingers toy with his clothing, as he struggles to find the words that would represent his current. . . [ [ e m o t i o n s ] ].
      . . . She has STUMPED him. 
Silence follows for all of FIFTY.SIX.POINT.FOUR.THREE seconds before he speaks again. 
“   . . . Ish-veh nam-tor ri wuh poem. I ma tor wuh zhit t'nash-veh shal. Ko-mekh na'shikhau me svi' ish-veh dvel. Vesh' au ri wihfelau svi' wuh gas'rak zek?  “
[ [ TRANSLATION:  It is not a poem. I have made the words my self. Mother advised me in their selection. Were they not sorted in the right order? ] ]
[ [ @empathicstars | Cont. ] ]
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vclcan · 6 years
Looking for Star Trek Roleplays!
Hey y’all, as the title says, I’m looking for Star Trek roleplays, namely, in the reboot verse. Third person, past tense, in paragraph form, no one liners please. I can roleplay over email, Skype, or Discord.
I will double OCs. I will take Spock, Kirk, or Bones, any of them, for mine. I will play anyone for you in return. Your OC does not have to be a female.
I’m open to a lot of plots. My only limits are noncon/rape and bodily fluid kinks.
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vclcan · 6 years
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Tiny feet SHUFFLED along the Vulcan soil. Head low, emotions . . .
      . . . Deflated?
Another day. Typical, day. Picked on for being DIFFERENT. Something he had [ [ n e v e r ] ] been able to control, but was held accountable for. Would it ever cease? At this current moment, the answer was no.  Yet, the young hybrid was hopeful. His parents often had words to say about it. Some kind, some not. Neither had a solid SOLUTION to what their youngest son faced on a daily basis. 
He sat along the shore, crosslegged, watching the waves crash in a steady rhythm. THERAPEUTIC. They sounded. . . Therapeutic. Calming, if you will.  Small fingers toyed with the dry sand while his thoughts roamed. 
      . . . blink.blink. 
Ears twitch, his head lifts to see a PERSON near him. Another Vulcan, or so it appeared in the shadows. Spock could not tell. His curiosity got the best of him and, before he knew it, Spock’s tiny feet were shuffling along the ground until he was face to. . . Chest of the MUCH taller stranger. 
In the moonlight, Spock’s doe eyes lifted in an attempt to see the other more. . . Clearly.  Hesitant, nervous. 
      . . . FASCINATING. 
“M-My name is S’chn T’gai Spock. It is too hard to say by most. I use Spock instead.” [ [ h e a d  t i l t ] ] “. . . Who are you?”
     . . . blink.blink.
 “. . . Is your name hard to say too?”
[ [ @ak-spra | Starter ] ] 
0 notes
vclcan · 6 years
A E L L I A N A:
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   Everything is warm. 
   Her face, her hands, her feet, trapped in shoes that rock again every few seconds. She can feel the anxiety in fingers adjacent to hers – Spock’s. His emotions rise and fall and rush like the waves of an ocean. Black eyes stare downwards, for she knows once she raises them, he will see something there she does not want him to see.
   Specifically, concern – uncertainty – anxiety. Chin moves downwards a bit. Her back is bent. She is little like the ramrod, silent adult she will grow to be.
   Do I hover you?
   “Hover over, or hover around, you mean,” she corrects, rare haughtiness present in her voice. Now, she is sitting up. Sitting up because she’s right. “No. We are approximately the same height. You could not hover even if you wished to do so.” Still at that gawky, childish age where everyone was approximately of the same height. “Nor can you do so because this project is ours to share, Spock.” 
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Doe eyes WATCH the movements of the girl next to him. Like his own, they were small, timid. They left MUCH to be desired. He was. . . How you say. . . Worried? Concerned? All of the above. Had it been something of which he had done? ears twitch with her movements.   She was [ [ f a s c i n a t i n g ] ] to him. Purely fascinating.  
The girl beside him was [ [  w a r m ] ] when he, himself, was very much the opposite. She radiated the source of heat that Spock had yet to find. It seemed, almost, as if it were coming from INSIDE of her, verses her aura. 
      . . . [ [ c u r i o u s ] ] .
Aelliana shifts, he freezes. Eyes fixed. 
       . . . blink. blink. 
“Hover. . . Around. . .” the young hybrid responds, almost questioning if his question was correct in the definition in the first place. She was correct, in her statement. In HEIGHT, the two were approximately the exact same. She was [ [ a l s o] ] correct, in that this project required them both to be present, thus, no one was hovering the other.  
“Height is not factored into the equation of the definition of ‘hovering’ in reference from one being to another.” Spock speaks again. Fingers nervous, fidgetting under the table. Small feet kick ONCE, then cease. 
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vclcan · 6 years
Young Spock wishes to be Young Aella's Valentine
Name: S'chn T'gai Spock
Age: Twelve.
Do you like to cuddle?: This is not a form of contact of which I am familiar with. What is a, “cuddle”?
Can we make-out?: I am unfamiliar with this terminology.
A night in or dinner out?: A dinner at home is satisfactory.
Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: …Strawberries subtracting the chocolate contents. Ko-mekh and Sa-mekh say I am to stay away from chocolate. Reasons are unknown at this current date.
What makes you a good Valentine?: I believe I am a companion well suited beyond those needed for a singular twenty-four hours.
Would you cook for me?: …Yes.
Would you let me cook for you?: …Yes.
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   “I, ah…” Black eyes look up from what she’s been offered to the other. “I… do not know what a Valentine is.” 
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vclcan · 6 years
A E L L I A N A :
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   In a spacious home in the heart of Shi’Kahr sits Aelliana Moore and her classmate, S’chn T’Gai Spock. She isn’t speaking to him – a sullen face is staring silently downwards. Her mentor has already offered their young visitor food or drink – given them a lone, clear table upon which to work. They have their stations, they have all they need. Now they just need to… communicative. 
   “Aelliana has made it clear that she works best when I do not – as she says – hover. Thus, I will be upstairs. I will be able to hear if either of you call for me.” 
   Aelliana, of course, should be better enough to not feel embarrassed by him stating such a fact to the relative stranger, but being emotionally splayed open for this Spock still makes her feel ill, causes a rush of color to her cheeks that she cannot control. Her mentor moves, cup of tea and PADD in hand, to the staircase – and she stares down at her hands in absolute silence, feet swinging once before she steadies them. 
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Deep brown hues FIXED on the paper in front of him. The assignment. [ [ I l l o g i c a l ] ]. They have their designated sections, they have a deadline. They have. . .
      . . . SILENCE. 
He heard a voice, pointed ears [ [ t w i t c h ] ] slightly in question. Eyes lift, the Mentor is speaking. He blinks at the words, twice. He has accepted them, processed them. He glanced at Aelliana, hoping she would say something. Yet, she said nothing.  Now, they were ALONE. 
Spock glanced at her again. It was short, quick. He soft, human-liked freckled cheeks tinged a faded pistachio green.  His heart began to RACE. What is this feeling? So sudden and new? Nervous hands [ [ f i d d l e ] ] under the table in his lap.  He did not understand these. . . [ [ f e e l i n g s ] ]. They were causing him confusion. He had felt these VERY feelings before, NUMEROUS times, in fact. They caused. . .A variety of health issues. 
Is he ILL?
      . . . .He would ask Ko-Mekh in time. 
He pauses, lips pouting slightly in question. He sits in silence for THREE.POINT.TWO seconds longer then looked at the girl to his left, doe eyes wide in thought. 
“. . . Do I hover you?”
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vclcan · 6 years
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Spock, Your cuteness is showing ((again))
This is mine! Please don’t take. :)
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vclcan · 6 years
[ [ I L L O G I C A L ] ]
Hi y’all! 
As some of you noticed, I decided to bring my Spock back to the Dashboard. I missed him and decided that I wanted to do something new, switch it up.  He’s now strictly young!Spock. You can still request adult verses, but I wanted to try something new, something different. ^-^ 
Love always,
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vclcan · 6 years
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Spock’s first word. I imagine he been almost completely silent until then, hardly ever making any noise. Maybe Sarek and Amanda even begun worrying he might never speak, that somehow his mixed physiology has hindered him somehow.
And so when Sarek is calmly holding him while Amanda has retired for the night, and every thing is calm and quiet suddenly - “SA-MEKH.” In a clear curious voice right by his ear. He would never admit being startled by his own baby son, but Surak he did not anticipate this.
Bonus with Amanda will be posted soon!
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