vape-x-mirrors-blog ¡ 5 years
“There’s something bothering you that you’re not telling me and I can see it slowly destroying you. What happened?” (bodhis-pool-repair)
Only shaking his head at first, he forced a small smile. “Bodhi… Things happened on that island. Things I’m very not proud of, my friend.”
rubbing at his jaw in thought, he lost any semblance of trying to be his cheery self around someone else. “They-uh.. They made a monster. Can I just say that?”
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vape-x-mirrors-blog ¡ 5 years
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vape-x-mirrors-blog ¡ 5 years
Send “ø” for a late night text.
[text: Thermal Drill]: I just had a fucking nightmare where I got drilled in half by the crew with you constantly screaming at them to get the bloody thing and I blame you entirely
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vape-x-mirrors-blog ¡ 5 years
Bain glanced up at someone’s sudden voice, smiling weakly when she identified him. 
“You should’a seen me before Gensec and Murkeywater decided to fuck me over. At least only smoking was doing it before then.”  He raised his arms in a shrug, grinning a little wider before quipping “’Least I lost some weight, eh?” 
After relaxing and turning to her completely; putting his hands in his pockets, he finally asked.“So.. How can I help you?” 
@vape-x-mirrors liked for a starter.
That was him. There was no mistaking it. The sickly, dying man in front of her was the most wanted and mysterious man in all of DC. It’d be a lie to say she wasn’t a little disappointed. “So, you’re the infamous Bain. When I imagined meeting you, I pictured you behind bars. What a turnabout this is.”
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vape-x-mirrors-blog ¡ 5 years
                     DON’T TAKE MY KINDNESS FOR WEAKNESS                                               DON’T TAKE MY SILENCE FOR IGNORANCE
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vape-x-mirrors-blog ¡ 5 years
Touch meme - 014
014.   from behind hug .
He chuckles before putting an arm around hers.“Hello to you too, girlie… Long time no see, eh?”
He’d missed walking around in the safehouse, and now he was well enough to, this was how he was greeted? Just fine by him.
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vape-x-mirrors-blog ¡ 5 years
worried starters
trigger warnings apply! ( mental illness, drugs and alcohol use, self-destructive behaviours, and vomiting )
“You haven’t slept for days, have you?” “Are you eating properly? You don’t look it.” “Why do you keep stumbling over your words? Just how tired are you?” “You need to think about yourself every once in a while.” “I know your work is important, but you’re going to end up in hospital if you go on like this!” “You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?” “You look so… empty. I’m worried for you, please talk to me.” “Are you alright in there? You’re so quiet.” “How did you get these bruises? Please don’t lie to me.” “There’s something bothering you that you’re not telling me and I can see it slowly destroying you. What happened?” “You’re sleep deprived and you haven’t been eating. Why do you think you’re feeling dizzy?” “I can give you some pills to help you sleep. They aren’t healthy, but this is even less healthy.” “If you didn’t just blink I would’ve sworn you were dead, that’s how sickly you’re looking. Go to bed, please!” “Have you drank all of these bottles in one weekend?!” “I know you don’t want this, but it’s for your own good. Sign the papers so they can pick you up tomorrow and you can get clean.” “What the hell are you doing?! Did you do that to yourself?!” “When was the last time you left the house? Or opened the curtains for that matter.” “Here, just keep breathing. It’ll be okay. Better out than in…” “This can’t go on like this! You’re not eating, you’re not sleeping, you barely talk!” “I’m sorry. I went through your room and found this. Explain what the hell this is doing in your room!” “I thought you’d quit! How long have you been lying to me?” “I’m only trying to help and right now I think I have a much better idea of what you need than you do.” “Did you take anything? Why are you passing out? Hey! Stay with me!”
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vape-x-mirrors-blog ¡ 5 years
Send me 🚪  ( or ‘door’ )   and I’ll generate a number for my muse to show up on your muse’s doorstep ( a mix of angst, silliness, and fluff ) …
sopping wet
blackout drunk
holding a baby
after a car crash
looking for a fight
covered in bruises
after being mugged
covered with confetti
severely dehydrated 
angry beyond reason
with a broken arm/leg
covered in blood (theirs)
after having a nightmare
after being missing for days
after the death of a loved one
covered in baking ingredients
about to faint from exhaustion
with a real crown on their head
on their knee, with ring in hand
covered in tiny scrapes and cuts
covered in blood ( someone else’s )
holding a baby animal ( sender’s choice )
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vape-x-mirrors-blog ¡ 5 years
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bain, do you vape
[Yes. Yes I do, Hoxton.]
[...We’ve been over this my control room looks like a hotbox room with all this smoke]
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vape-x-mirrors-blog ¡ 5 years
I can turn my sadness into a joke, so don’t worry about me.
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vape-x-mirrors-blog ¡ 5 years
He was afraid that question was coming. 
And to be honest; Bain wasn’t sure of the specifics himself. He was just glad he’d -well. He was glad he hadn’t attacked his family. 
He secretly had asked Locke to send him all the research he could find on what was put into him. Anything and everything. He’d been witness to what he could do; or at least what he was conscious enough to see he did. 
He gave Dallas’ hand a light squeeze, making eye contact to try to give a signal to him since Houston came in. 
“Thank you, Houston. At least I’ve lost some weight from everything, right?..”
He shook his head. “Once I get better I’ve gotta work on that. I worked hard to be a fat lazy computer addict, heh.”
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vape-x-mirrors-blog ¡ 5 years
“Get behind me NOW.” -Age
He knew he shouldn’t have been out. 
He felt horrible from everything. but there was still work to be done and by god he was tired of sitting around decaying-literally- on the inside.
But apparently Gensec had decided to follow him in his deal; usual fair agreements in crimenet, and had shot his partner. Who this murkywater looking person was was beyond him though. 
He immediately got behind the man like he requested, but who was he?  
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vape-x-mirrors-blog ¡ 5 years
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“Tart is a good dessert!!“
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vape-x-mirrors-blog ¡ 5 years
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(Drew Hoxton for practice.)
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vape-x-mirrors-blog ¡ 5 years
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Hoxton with a Remington MSR, young and unscarred and invincible. My very first all digital piece.
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vape-x-mirrors-blog ¡ 5 years
(femmexfatalexattraction) “Hey. Pal. I’ve got a knife and I’m not afraid to use it.”
He chuckled, stepping back some and holding the door open to the restaurant she was heading to. He had watched her and her organization for a month now, as they’d gotten his attention. 
“Now, now…Mrs. Monarch, right? I’ve noticed your organization and was highly interested in talking to you about it if you wouldn’t mind.. May I buy for you?”
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vape-x-mirrors-blog ¡ 5 years
(playingaheistinggame) “What do you think you’re doing to him?” (let’s assume Joy is talking to someone messing with bain...)
He looked back and forth from Joy to the Murky that had a firm grip on his shoulder. Newly being in a wheelchair wasn’t the best way to gain his orientation back, but he wasn’t concerned about himself. 
He was concerned about Joy. 
“Just.. discussing things with the poor old man, that’s all.” He spoke with a grin, cutting a glance to the younger girl.  
“Hey, sweetheart.. What’ya need?” Bain was speaking as calmly as he could, but he was nervous about the man.  
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