valnyan · 3 months
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valnyan · 3 months
Thanks for the heads up, I didn't know about that. Even though it would be stupid to train an AI on my shitty pictures.
From instructions on how to opt out, look at the official staff post on the topic. It also gives more information on Tumblr's new policies. If you are opting out, remember to opt out each separate blog individually.
Please reblog this post, so it will get more votes!
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valnyan · 4 months
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Year of the Dragon's Dogma
Did that in about 15 hours within two weeks. I wish I had more time. I wish I was faster.
J'ai fais ça en environs 15 heures sur deux semaines. J'aimerais avoir plus de temps. J'aimerais être plus rapide.
これ、2週間に15時間ぐらいで作った。 もっと時間があればよかったのに。 あたし速くなればよかったのに。
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valnyan · 4 months
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Water soaker battle
Sai decided to break and lose my work twice when I was tracing vectors, so I started using Krita but I'm so used to Sai's tools. The vectors in Krita in particular I just decided to not use it at all.
Sai a décidé de casser et perdre mon travail deux fois pendant que je traçais les vecteurs, donc j'ai commencé à utiliser Krita mais j'ai trop l'habitude des outils de Sai. Le vecteur en particulier j'ai juste décidé de ne pas l'utiliser.
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valnyan · 1 year
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Happy new year
I don’t know how I managed to finish that but I did. The kimono are less horrible than last year. It took two months but I could only draw a few hours a week.
どうやってしあげたがしっていない、でもやりちゃった。 今年は着物が去年より酷くなくなった。 2ヶ月かかったけど、一週間に数時間しか描けなかった。
Je ne sais pas comment j’ai réussi à finir mais j’ai réussi. Les kimono sont moins horribles que l’an passée. Ça m’a pris deux mois, mais je n’ai pu dessiner que quelques heures par semaine.
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valnyan · 1 year
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Very belated chrsitmas
I’m a bit less busy, I’ll try to upload a lunar new year picture next, hopefully this month, but beside that I’m not sure how long it will take for the next picture.
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valnyan · 2 years
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We’re wolves
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valnyan · 2 years
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Summer timelapse
I should have posted that in august, I may post some halloween drawing in november if I manage. I will try to keep a one drawing a month schedule but I’m so fucking busy.
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valnyan · 2 years
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Done in three days.
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valnyan · 2 years
Femininty first, humanity last is something that I've pondered for a long time. It's so prominent in female characters. It's also annoying when the female character is written as the side character in her own story. Her love interest will be given all the agency and depth. It's especially hard when I related to the female characters as well. But as a future writer I'm gonna change that.
Good to hear, we need more writers like you.
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valnyan · 2 years
I don’t have to live with chronic illness right now but if I find myself in this situation I will be glad that a community like that exist.
Especially since doctors tend to dismiss women’s pain having a place to discuss it and being believed seems pretty necessary to me.
would anyone be interested if i made a discord server for women with chronic pain/illness? i feel like a lot of us are out here going insane feeling like we’re the only ones living like this. ofc it would be targeted toward radfems/rad-aligned women but anyone open-minded would be allowed as i don’t want to refuse a resource to another woman because her values don’t perfectly align with mine. idk, anyways, thoughts?
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valnyan · 2 years
Your last point is so very important because, I admit, sometime it’s hard not to hate those women for what they do to themselves and the repercussions their actions have on every woman and girl.
But no one is immune to advertising and advertising can be done outside of ads, like, there is such an effort to normalise and even glamorise onlyfans, you watch tv an hour or two and you’ll hear about this celebrity’s onlyfans and how much you can earn from it and that it’s ok to talk about it during prime time because it’s not dirty. They make it prestigious, they make it fashionable.
Like, really pushing women into it but strangely not men, if they advertised it for men and men are not immune to fashion, they’ buy the exact same pair of basket several times just because they are the last one, they’ll buy the same sports game every year, they’ll buy foul smelling body sprays instead of the good ones because it’s advertised to them after all.
men are constantly trying to frame conversations around prostitution and onlyfans and surrogacy and whatever else as “what women choose to do with their bodies” specifically so that you don’t think about it as a problem with what men do to women’s bodies. men are very very very invested in making you think this has nothing to do with them. don’t fall for it
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valnyan · 2 years
It’s not just novels or even books, it’s like that across all medias. Women get akwardly shoved in romance even if it doesn’t fit them so often that I consider that a win already if the love plot make any kind of sense.
Even when they are not shoved in heterosexual romance their whole story often still revolve around a man even when the woman is the protagonist she’s often the passive spectator of her own adventure because a man gets in the driver seat of her life.
Women and girls are just so often written so weird, even by female authors, they are written with feminity in mind first and humanity last. They rarely act, think, look or even talk like actual women.
“There are no Jack Kerouacs or Holden Caulfields for girls. Literary girls don’t take road-trips to find themselves; they take trips to find men. “Great” books, as defined by the Western canon, didn’t contain female protagonists I could admire. In fact, they barely contained female protagonists at all.”
— It’s Frustratingly Rare to Find a Novel About Women That’s Not About Love - Kelsey McKinney - The Atlantic (via davidlynchshair)
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valnyan · 2 years
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The Outbursts of Everett True was a comic strip that ran in papers from 1905 to 1927, wherein the aforementioned Everett True regularly beat the everliving shit out of rude people as a warning to anyone else who might consider being rude. Men have not only been taking up too much room on public transport for about as long as public transport has existed, but the people around them have been irritated about it for at least a hundred years. The next time someone tries to claim that manspreading is a false phenomenon, please direct them to this strip so that Everett True can correct their misconceptions with an umbrella upside the head.
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valnyan · 2 years
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Marshmallow beanbags
Yeah, the beanbags are not dirty, they’re supposed to look like roasted marshmallows.
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valnyan · 2 years
Thank you, that’s what I was rambling about yesterday.
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Happy International Women’s Day to this twitter account and only this twitter account
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valnyan · 2 years
Today I heard a segment about the pay gap between men and women in the news. It was a neat little segment that referenced a detailed study about the difference in number and level of education, the unemployment rate and addressed the fact that the gap was much bigger the higher the position. Nothing ground breaking, really just general knowledge for most feminist but at least it’s nice to acknowledge the situation is not that good but better than last year.
But then they followed that segment up with an interview of some “expert”, a woman at that, who wanted to put these numbers into “context” so that people don’t get the “wrong impression”. And she straight up said the pay gap was due to women’s choice to work lower paid jobs and that we just don’t have any interest in high end, high responsibility careers. Like women get a PhD and then choose to become a waitress or something.
That shit got me mad. I went back home still mad at it, I vented about it to my friends, to my family and I’m still fuming so I’ll just yell at the void a bit. I’m gonna go to bed mad about it and maybe I’ll translate this post some day or delete it.
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