vallebrothers2 · 2 months
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Novo designer da oc principal, Gigi!
New main oc designer, Gigi!
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vallebrothers2 · 2 months
Seila pq eu entrei aqui, então vou me apresentar, Sou iniciante nos desenhos, e aceito críticas construtivas! E bom, vou postar alguns desenhos meus, mostrando a evolução.
Ah, e eu vou postar aqui a história das minhas ocs dos universos: Valle brothers e the nightmares, e tbm vou divulgar minha historia dos Valle brothers no app laranja (que ainda tá só no beta, mas eu posto um pouco)
Seila because I came here, so I'm going to introduce myself, I'm new to drawing, and I accept constructive criticism! Well, I'm going to post some of my drawings, showing the evolution.
Oh, and I'm going to post here the story of my ocs from the universes: Valle brothers and the nightmares, and I'm also going to publish my story of the Valle brothers on the orange app (But it's still in Beta, and I post very little
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