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The gray man
LSD: Dream emulator
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LSD Dream Emulator Grey Man Genderbend
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This isn鈥檛 a ploy to get me naked again, is it? Because once is quite enough for this blog.
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Hmph. First off, I do not stalk anybody. I have a very fulfilling life without your intervention. I am simply doing my job. It seems, rather, that I am the one being stalked by all of you. Second, there are things about this place that you tourists neither understand nor need to know. You need to trust me when I鈥檓 telling you that I鈥檓 doing this for your benefit.
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The Great Moomon: Episode 2
Mammon: Your Highness are you alright? *sits down next to him*
Altissia: *hisses like a pissed off cockatiel from underneath the blanket as he lifts it up to have a peek*
Mammon: *flinches and quickly lowers the blanket* Welp you're pissed...something's up.
Altissia: *growls from under the blanket*
Mammon: Yep, deferentially pissed and I haven't done anything yet! The fuck is you're problem?!*stands up and is puzzled*
Altissia: *tosses his Mammon Miss 'Em that was torn up with stuffing spilling out in odd places, and slides out a notepad with Sharpie*
Mammon: *takes them both and reads the note* Not feeling too hot...in pain and am very hungry...got any ideas on what I'm going through...? P.S. I kinda accidentally poked holes in my Mon Miss 'Em with my fangs while sleeping...can you fix him for me? Please? *blushes and walks out the door with the objects still in hand*
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S: Are you happy? Y: Seems like a complicated question. S: But you act as a light. Y: Because I know what it feels to be in the dark.
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Photo: Love
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Billy: *running up to Grim* Nononononono
Grim: Hi, Billy
Billy: *punches grim in the stomach*
Billy: You are one of my very best friends, and I will not stand by and watch you throw away your life like this!
You're too young! YOU'RE TOO BEAUTIFUL!!
Grim: What on earth are you talking about??
Billy: Oh, I'm talking about the baby that's growing inside of your belly right now.
Grim: .....
Hazen: ..... *Walks away*
Death: *follows him awkwardly*
Grim: I'm not pregnant!
Billy: Well, not after that punch you're not. I've been taking Muy Tai classes.
Grim: I was never pregnant, Billy!
Billy: ... Are... Are you sure??
Grim: YES, I AM SURE!!
Mandy: *Walks up to them* I'm sorry, but why the heck is everybody yelling over here?
Billy: Oh, I found this positive pregnancy test and--
Mandy: *Pelts Grim in the stomach*
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and no you cant kill yourself. if you dont like sex replace fuck with kiss
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Trick or treat!
Very retro! Happy Halloween, here's a spooky bubble popper to play with when you're done eating candy!
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Trick or treat! 馃巸
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treat! you get pop rocks!
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Hope everyone had a good one
Now let's DANCE
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Happy Halloween 馃巸
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Happy Halloween! 馃巸
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Color Fall 2023 - #5
Gotta draw these two at least once! They're dressed as a Hexside student (illusion track, naturally) and their Palisman this year ^_^
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Outfits we wore to a murder-mystery party!
Funeral Skirt by @mayakern | store
Ghost Pok茅mon button up by StarSalts | store | etsy
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