Make Secure And Fast Websites With Google
In this article, let’s take a look at some of the tools that can help us make easily accessible websites with assured security. Google has made an announcement that they will be evaluating page experience as a ranking criteria. And to achieve this they will use Core Web Vitals metrics as its foundation.
What Are Web Vitals?
Web Vitals are quality signals key to delivering great UX on the web This Chrome extension measures the Core Web Vitals, providing instant feedback on loading, interactivity and layout shift metrics.
Core Web Vitals
Core Web Vitals are the subset of Web Vitals that apply to all web pages, should be measured by all site owners, and will be surfaced across all Google tools. The three pillars of 2020 Core Web Vitals are
1. Loading performance (how fast does stuff appear on screen?)2. Responsiveness (how fast does the page react to user input?)3. Visual stability (does stuff move around on screen while loading?)
They are captured by the following metrics:
1. Largest Contentful Paint
This estimates to what extent it takes for the biggest part of the content to show up on the screen. This could be a picture or a block of text. A good score gives clients the inclination that the site loads quicker.
Here is an example of how it works;
In this example, the Instagram logo is loaded relatively early and it remains the largest element even as other content is progressively shown.
In the first frame of the Instagram timeline, you may notice the camera logo does not have a green box around it. That's because it's an <svg> element, and <svg> elements are not currently considered LCP candidates. The first LCP candidate is the text in the second frame.
LCP is primarily affected by four factors:
Slow server response times
Render-blocking JavaScript and CSS
Resource load times
Client-side rendering
2. First Input Delay  
The First Input Delay measure the time it takes for the browser to respond to the first interaction by the user. The faster the browser reacts, the more responsive the page will appear.
FID is a metric that measures a page's responsiveness during load. As such, it only focuses on input events from discrete actions like clicks, taps, and key presses. Other interactions, like scrolling and zooming, are continuous actions and have completely different performance constraints (also, browsers are often able to hide their latency by running them on a separate thread).
The following tools are used to measure FID:
· Chrome User Experience Report
· PageSpeed Insights
· Search Console (Core Web Vitals report)
· Firebase Performance Monitoring (beta)
FID requires a genuine client and in this way can't be estimated in the lab. Nonetheless, the Total Blocking Time (TBT) metric is lab-quantifiable, associates well with FID in the field, and furthermore catches gives that influence intelligence. Enhancements that improve TBT in the lab ought to likewise improve FID for your clients. 3.Cumulative Layout Shift  
The sum total of all individual layout shift scores for every unexpected layout shift that occurs during the lifespan of the page.
To do this, the browser looks at the viewport size and the movement of any unstable elements. The score is measured by the sum of the impact that shift has, and the distance of the shift.
Now lets explore few tools that enhance web optimization:
Lighthouse 6.0 is an automated website auditing tool that helps developers with opportunities and diagnostics to improve the user experience of their sites. It's available in Chrome DevTools or as a browser extension.
In its latest version, developers have focused on providing insights based on metrics that give a balanced view of user experience quality against critical dimensions. To ensure consistency, support for the Core Web Vitals has been added. The most significant change coming with Lighthouse 6 is a complete overhaul of its scoring algorithm, some adjustments to the weights based on user feedback have been made.
Chrome DevTools is a set of web developer tools built directly into the Google Chrome browser. DevTools can help you edit pages on-the-fly and diagnose problems quickly, which ultimately helps you build better websites, faster. The latest advancements are:
To reduce notification fatigue and clutter of the Console, they’ve launched the “Issues Tab” that focuses on three types of critical issues to start with: Cookie problems, Mixed content and COEP issues.
To emulate deficiencies-Open the Rendering tab and use the new Emulate vision deficiencies feature to get a better idea of how people with different types of vision deficiencies experience your site.
The new Experience section of the Performance panel can help you detect layout shifts. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is a metric that can help you quantify unwanted visual instability and is one of Google's new Core Web Vitals.
After recording your load performance, the Performance panel now shows Total Blocking Time (TBT) which is the measure of First Input Delay, which is one of Google's Core Web Vitals.
“The web is a complex platform and developing for it can be challenging at the best of times. Build tools aim to make a web developer’s life easier, but as a result build tools end up being quite complex themselves. To help web developers and tooling authors conquer the complexity of the web, we built tooling.report”, says Dion Almaer, Director of the Web Developer Ecosystem at Google.
It gives an overview of the features supported across a selection of popular build tools. It explains the tradeoffs involved when choosing a build tool and document how to follow best practices with any given build tool.
We designed a suite of tests for the report based on what we believe represents the best practices for web development. The tests allow us to determine which build tool allows you to follow what best practice and we worked with the build tool authors to make sure we used their tools correctly and represented them fairly. As an initial set, they investigated webpack v4, Rollup v2, and Parcel v2 and they also tested Browserify + Gulp since a large number of projects still use this setup.
The  tooling.report is built with the flexibility of adding more build tools and additional tests with help from the community.  Conclusion
Each time Google officially declares that they will be adding another feature to the calculation, there is a great deal of clamor in the community. We have given some insights about the recent updates.
Toward the day's end, the entirety of the Core Web Vitals mirror a desire from both Google and clients for better client experience on the web.
We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs. As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
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Node 12
Node 12 - What Are The New Improvements And Features? Node improved support for ECMAScript modules.
Node 12 New FeaturesIt include faster startup and better default heap limits, updates to V8, llhttp, TLS, new features including diagnostic report, bundled heap dump capability and updates to Worker Threads, N-API and ES6 module support and more let's check what's new in Node js 12.
The new feature are-
V8 Engine Updated to V8 7.4- It has updates for faster JavaScript execution, better memory management, and broadened ECMAScript syntax support.
Major Features of V8 version 7.4-
JIT-less V8WebAssembly Threads/Atomics shippedFaster calls with arguments mismatchCheck out More of the v8.7.4 New Features Below:
Improved      native accessor performance
Parser      performance
Bytecode      flushing in memory
Bytecode      dead basic block elimination
JavaScript      language features include Private class fields
Hashbang      grammar
V8      API
ES6 Module SupportIt import/export syntax for developers in ES6, and the Node team.
Private Class FieldsNode V 12 accessed externally receive a syntax error and private class field
Improved Startup PerformanceNode.js 12 updated ES6 modules which gives 30% speedup
New compiler and platform minimumsNode 12 takes full benefit of compiler. The codebase required GCC 6 and glibc 2.17.
TLS 1.3 and SecurityIt added TLS 1.3 support and reduce the time required for the HTTPS handshake.
Heap DumpNode.js 12 brings advanced heap dump.
Native Modules N-API ImprovementsNode VMs - allowing N-API different versions.
Diagnostic ReportsNode.js 12 includes an experimental feature named after Diagnostic report
v 12 Node.js Development process include Python 3 support, improving startup performance.
We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs. As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
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Hyper Text Markup Language: HTML
HTML is the basic key of all website.
How To Use The HTML Drag-And-Drop API In React
HTML helps to implement drag-and-drop features in web browsers. This file can be uploaded in cloud server.
Recreating The Arduino Pushbutton Using SVG And <lit-element>HTML have lots of input control and feature library that can control the check box and standard radio buttons. It can mimic physical object like Arduino Pushbutton.
Why You Should Choose HTML5 article Over sectionSection was developed as generic covering of HTML5.
Make Your Own Expanding And Contracting Content PanelsWith some HTML program we can expand and contract our panel
How To Build A Sketch Plugin With JavaScript, HTML And CSS (Part 2)With some basic experiment of HTML we can create A sketch plugin. Plugin code can be share through HTML learning.
Caching Smartly In The Age Of GutenbergHTML output contain code which is used to speed up server site according to customer. Cayching is needed to speed up the page.
Avoiding The Pitfalls Of Automatically Inlined CodeImplementation of content is done by Inlining process. For printing code inlining id done with avoid rendering block request.
We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs. As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
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Understanding Plugin Development In Gatsby
Gatsby is a React-based static-site generator that has huge tools to create website and blogs. It use plugins to create custom functionality which is not available at the time of installation.
Here I will discuss about the topic like-
Types of Gatsby plugins
Different forms of Gatsby plugins
Create a comment plugin for Gatsby website
What Is A Gatsby Plugin?
Gatsby is a static-site generator which can be use at anywhere. Plugins helps to extend Gatsby with the feature which is not available in the box. We can create a manifest.json file for a progressive web app (PWA), embedding tweets on a page, logging page views, and much more by Plugins.
Types of Gatsby Plugins
There are two types:
i) local- It can be develop in the project directlyii) external- available through npm or Yarn or may be linked in the same computer by yarn link or npm link command
Forms of Gatsby Plugins
There are three types of Plugins:
Source plugins: This provide sources of data for a Gatsby website.
Transformer plugins: This helps to transfer data from source to other plugins in most easy and expected form.
Generic plugins: It can do the things which is not done by other two plugins.
Components of A Gatsby Plugin
Some files are important to create Gatsby:
gatsby-node.js: It make possible to build Gatsby.
gatsby-config.js: used for configuration and setup.
gatsby-browser.js: It allow Plugin to run code in the browser.
gatsby-ssr.js: It adds functionality to the server-side rendering (SSR) process.
Building a Comment Plugin For Gatsby
For developing a Gatsby plugin you need to create comment plugin which is installable.
Serving And Loading Comments
We need to provide a server to saving and loading comments. It accept the following fields of the
body-content: [string]
        Which give comment to itself,
author: [string]
        The name of the author of the comments
        The website that the comment is being posted from,
        It is for the comment.
Integrating the Server With Gatsby Using API Files
Initializing the folder
        ��It is a command line interface. Then change it into plugin directory to open it in code          editor.
Installing axios for Network Requests
         Axios package is installed to make web request.
Adding a New Node Type
         A new node type is added to extend the comments.
Fetching Comments From the Comments Server
        Axios is used to pull comments and store them to data layer.
Transforming Data (Comments)
        To resolve comments on post we need an API.
Final Code for Comment Sourcing and Transforming
const axios = require("axios"); exports.sourceNodes = async ( { actions, createNodeId, createContentDigest }, pluginOptions ) => { const { createTypes } = actions; const typeDefs = ` type CommentServer implements Node { _id: String author: String string: String website: String content: String slug: String createdAt: Date updatedAt: Date } `; createTypes(typeDefs); const { createNode } = actions; const { limit, website } = pluginOptions; const _limit = parseInt(limit || 10000); // FETCH ALL COMMENTS const _website = website || ""; const result = await axios({ url: `https://Gatsbyjs-comment-server.herokuapp.com/comments?limit=${_limit}&website=${_website}`, }); const comments = result.data; function convertCommentToNode(comment, { createContentDigest, createNode }) { const nodeContent = JSON.stringify(comment); const nodeMeta = { id: createNodeId(`comments-${comment._id}`), parent: null, children: [], internal: { type: `CommentServer`, mediaType: `text/html`, content: nodeContent, contentDigest: createContentDigest(comment), }, }; const node = Object.assign({}, comment, nodeMeta); createNode(node); } for (let i = 0; i < comments.data.length; i++) { const comment = comments.data[i]; convertCommentToNode(comment, { createNode, createContentDigest }); } }; exports.createResolvers = ({ createResolvers }) => { const resolvers = { MarkdownRemark: { comments: { type: ["CommentServer"], resolve(source, args, context, info) { return context.nodeModel.runQuery({ query: { filter: { website: { eq: source.fields.slug }, }, }, type: "CommentServer", firstOnly: false, }); }, }, }, }; createResolvers(resolvers); };
This is the final code .
Saving Comments as JSON File:  
JSON File make possible to fetch data on demand.
Rendering Comments
Define the Root Container for HTML
        We have to set HTML element to set the point in a page. It is expected to set every         page have HTML point.
Implement the Route Update API in the gatsby-browser.js File
        Fetching file and component should be done when file is visited.
Create Helper That Creates HTML Elements
        Define function need to create element in HTML.
Create Header of Comments Section
        We need to add header in the comment component.
Posting a Comment
Post Comment Form Helper
        We need to make post request for the end point of API.
Append the Post Comment Form
        Appending a form can be done by the code.
// ... helpers exports.onRouteUpdate = async ({ location, prevLocation }, pluginOptions) => { const commentContainer = document.getElementById("commentContainer") if (commentContainer && location.path !== "/") { // insert header // insert comment list commentContainer.appendChild(createCommentForm()) } }
Test the Plugin
Create a Gatsby Website
A Gatsby website is done by following coding // PARENT // ├── PLUGIN // ├── Gatsby Website gatsby new private-blog https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-blog
In this article we explain how to create Gatsby plugin. Here we learn that Plugin uses different APIs file to provide comments in Gatsby website. We can save comments in JSON files. Plugin made this post in npm module and full code in GitHub.
We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs. As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
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Information Architecture
Have a look...
Too many choices, isn’t it?The design of the website is cramped making it hard to identify all the options available.  Now let’s take a look at another webpage.
A clear and useful page for the user. So why the difference?
The answer is Information Architecture. Information architecture is the process of categorizing and organizing information to create structure and meaning. Information architecture is the creation of a structure for a website, application, or other project.We are living in a world exploding with information, but how do we find what is relevant to us at the time that we need it? I believe that good information architecture is key to helping us navigate through the mountains of data and information we have created for ourselves.
What Is Information Architecture And Why Is It Important?
“Information architecture is the practice of deciding how to arrange the parts of something to be understandable.” —
The Information Architecture Institute
A good information architecture (IA) uses scalable hierarchy and familiar nomenclature to make content easy to find. An effective information architecture enables people to step logically through a system confident they are getting closer to the information they require.Most people only notice information architecture when it is poor and stops them from finding the information they require.Information architecture is considered to have been founded by Richard Saul Wurman. Today there is a growing network of active IA specialists who constitute the Information Architecture Institute.
Benefits of good information architecture:
For users, information architecture solves the most basic problems of finding relevant information to them at any given point, in an intuitive way.
· Reduces cognitive loadToo much information on a screen with no clear navigation can make it difficult for a user to focus. Too many options can overwhelm where a user chooses not to make a decision at all.
· Right information, quickerIA creates a spotlight on the required information and the user make choices faster.
· Focus on the task If the user is provided with a clear path of navigation, they will find it easier to accomplish their goal without too many distractions.
· Reduces frustration If the webpage contains information in an organized manner, then the user will complete their task on their own. Or else they may contact the supplier due to frustration.
Keeps customers on their website for longer.
Increases the chance of customer conversion.
Reduces risk of customers going to a competitor.
Reduces cost of support when a user can’t find something.
Search Vs Navigation
How To Do It The RIGHT Way?
Here is a brief list of considerations and processes to use when you are designing the information architecture for a product or service.
Define the company goals and users goals      
Identify what tasks they are trying to achieve Try to create a hierarchy with minimal sub-levels. If you can achieve this, then the user can access any information on your site with a maximum of two clicks.
Map out your site navigation to see if you can organise into a minimal number of sub-levels or categories.
Don’t use jargon in the navigation language. Understand the language of your audience. Test with your users to ensure they understand the correct meaning of the language used.
Always indicate to the user exactly where they are within the site
so they can easily navigate back to a previous page. Breadcrumb navigation is one example of how to do this effectively   Use hierarchy For example, a top-level hierarchy heading may be displayed with a larger font size. These visual differences can guide the user’s eye to more important information first. It can also be the job of the visual designer to help differentiate these areas.
Methods To Test Your Navigation:
Card sorting is a generative UX research method that reveals users’ mental models by having them arrange topics into groups that make sense to them.
Card sorting sessions can be classified as one of two types — open or closed. Open card sorting is the more flexible option of the two. Here, users are free to organize the cards you supply into groups that make sense to them, and then come up with their own names for these groups. They are also free to rename cards or make their own suggestions for new cards if they wish. This type is best when you want to understand how users would group your content. Gathering their ideas and suggestions for names and labels goes a long way to making your website more intuitive. The alternative method, closed card sorting, is where the categories or labels are fixed. This is useful when you want to understand how users fit content into an existing structure. It’s also used when new content needs to be added to a website. As an example, consider an e-commerce website and the top-level categories they might have for their products, such as technology, home and garden, and sports and leisure. Now suppose that the store has started stocking a new range of products that have just been launched. Which top-level category on the website should these products be added to? Involving users in a closed card sort could help you to arrive at an answer.
By using a wireframe or prototype, ask participants to complete a specific task by navigating through the site. You can use a clickable wireframe to test this by observing how clear it is for a user to carry out the activity. An example task (refer to the wireframe below) might be to register on the website and then make a booking for a single event and publish it.
Tree testing is a usability technique for evaluating the findability of topics in a website. It is also known as reverse card sorting or card-based classification. A large website is typically organized into a hierarchy (a "tree") of topics and subtopics. Tree testing provides a way to measure how well users can find items in this hierarchy.
The test is used to determine how and why users use a website (or a product). It is one of the qualitative testing techniques. The answer to the question ‘why?’ is such valuable information that can help you design and get better results. TOOLS
1. Treejack is a tool that allows you to validate your navigation structure. It asks the participants to indicate where they would look to find specific information and provides you with insightful actions.
2.  dynomapper.com/This visual sitemap generator is more than just that—sure you can create, customize, edit, and share your interactive sitemaps, but you will also be able to take care of your content inventory, content audit, and keyword tracking. Integrated with Google Analytics, display and share all of the most important data related to your website.
3. For you Mac fans, xSort  enables creating and grouping various content listings using a computer version of the tried-and-true 3×5 index cards on a table theme. Handy for use when conducting card-sorts, it’s easy enough to use for almost all your participants and will help identify from the user’s perspective the proper grouping of content items.
4. WebSort.net and PlainFrame.com – while these sites also offer paid licensing, there are free versions of the studies that you can run and gather some great feedback on your IA.Apart from these, a simple piece of paper and pen or pencil can be is simple to use, fast and effective for IA. Listing out content items, then asking others to draw circles around similar groupings is a great way to facilitate information architecture analysis and optimization. Online white boards, Excel sheets and powerpoint are simple tools that can be used for organising information.
Why is IA Important?
We live in a time where our access to information is unprecedented. It is instantaneous, it is global, it is everywhere, it is the Internet. News stories are broadcast as they unfold, communication with friends and family in other parts of the world has never been easier, and Google has become our personal library of virtually limitless topics. Information is king and queen.
A Final note,
While creating a new website or developing an existing one, the effective structure and organisation of information across the site is essential. Information architecture can be best understood by comparing these two images:
Organizing books doesn’t just make it easier to find what you’re looking for — it also makes you more likely to actually pick up a book and read. In the similar way, a well structured website appeals the user more and results in a good profit for the company.
Crafting content and structure with the user in mind should be a primary consideration.Information architecture is about putting the user at the heart of the design process to ensure that the site is being built for them. A good website structure that intuitively works for users is much more likely to be valued by any search engine.
We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs. As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
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How To Test Your React Apps With The React Testing Library
In this article we will discuss about the automatic testing of written software projects with some types of common testing process. First of all we will build to- do list app by Test-Driven Development (TDD) approach. Here I will use combination of RTL and Jest which were pre- installed in any new project created by Create-React-App (CRA).
At first you need to know the working process of new React project and how to set up and explore it and how to work with yarn package manager (or npm). One should know about Axios and React- Router.
Testing of Code
To hand over a software to the customer you should confirm that whether it satisfy all the specification or not as customer expectance.
Not only at the time of shipping, testing our code is essential for lifetime. There are many reason behind it:
We may update some parts of our application by changing the code.
A third party may interfere in this.
The browser which run the application may undergo breaking changes.
Some function may stop due to unexpected reason.
For this reason testing is important throughout lifetime of a project. Types of Automated Testing
Unit test
This test verify the unit of our application which works isolately. For example it test particular function for known input and expected output.
Smoke test
It check the system whether up and running or not. For example in a React app we just need to render our main app components which would fairly render the browser.
Integration test
It check two or more module works together or not. For example server and database work together or not.
Functional test
The test is done to verify functional specifications of the system.
Acceptance test
This test is done by business owner whether for the system verification.
Performance test
It verify how the system work under load which specify how fast app load in a browser.
Importance of React Testing Library?
The most common React Testing options are Enzyme and React Testing Library (RTL).
It is very simple that the user need not to care whether you use redux or context for state management. They just fix your app in certain way you want. It just need to usual testing of app.
It is very easy to use.
New React project comes with RTL and Jest configured.
Testing is done of your choice
Project Setup
To open a terminal follow the command:
# start new react project and start the server npx create-react-app start-rtl && cd start-rtl && yarn start
While a project running open separate terminal to run yarn test and then press a. Run all the project in watch mode which indicates that when detect changes it automatically run the file. In terminal picture is looked like
Green line means in the test we are passing with flying colours.
CRA sets up RTL and Jest are for sample test.
Jest is javascript testing network to running the test. It is not listed in package.json but can be find from yarn.lock.
Jest provide huge range of functionality like assertions, mocking, spying, etc.
There are some packages for testing specifications like:
testing-library/jest-dom: provides custom DOM element matchers for Jest.
testing-library/react: provides the APIs for testing React apps.
testing-library/user-event: provides advanced simulation of browser interactions
Testing And Building The To-Do List Index Page
The components specifications for the system are:
A loading indicator
Display the title of 15 to do list while returns to the APIs call.
To creat a file src/TodoList.js enter the content.
import React from "react"; import "./App.css"; export const TodoList = () => { return ( <div> </div> ); };
Isolation testing is done before incorporating into the app
Testing is also done to check any accidental fight fire.
To create a new file in src/TodoList.test.js enter the code.
import React from "react"; import axios from "axios"; import { render, screen, waitForElementToBeRemoved } from "./custom-render"; import { TodoList } from "./TodoList"; import { todos } from "./makeTodos"; describe("<App />", () => { it("Renders <TodoList /> component", async () => { render(<TodoList />); await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.getByText(/Fetching todos/i)); expect(axios.get).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); todos.slice(0, 15).forEach((td) => { expect(screen.getByText(td.title)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); });
The source of to do which can be used in list
const makeTodos = (n) => { // returns n number of todo items // default is 15 const num = n || 15; const todos = []; for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) { todos.push({ id: i, userId: i, title: `Todo item ${i}`, completed: [true, false][Math.floor(Math.random() * 2)], }); } return todos; }; export const todos = makeTodos(200);
This function generated complete list, from where it is choosen by true and false.
Unit test should be done under few seconds where APIs calls are impractical.
To avoid APIs calls mocking should be done where original version is replaced by fake version.
Jest automatically provide mocking functions in the box.
To mock the Axios create a file src/_mocks_/axios.js and enter the below content:
Jest originally find the mock folder instead of find the original one.
Here we carried out a passing and a failings test.
Testing And Building The Single To-Do Page
To creating the list one should make it simplier
To add components create a file by src/TodoItem.js and content should added like
import React from "react"; import { useParams } from "react-router-dom"; import "./App.css"; export const TodoItem = () => { const { id } = useParams() return ( <div className="single-todo-item"> </div> ); };
The file is the const { id } = useParams() line which is attached from react-router-dom that lets us read URL parameters.
Here the situation is little different from the other because the user when click on the link
After satisfying we want to hold first item in the to-do list. To prevent collision with other URL, we use the global mock with Jest’s mockImplementationOnce.
The test is finished by adding position where it is expected.Here we expected to see our name and who created this, but it is not sure about to-do status. Here we can create a switch block, if it is not work we can throw it like an error.
To understand this you need to write tests for React app, no matter how small it is. For better implementation you can use CRA’s testing docs and RTL’s documentation. For small tests make sure that all the components should render. You can continuously add more tests over that time.
We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs. As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
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In this blog we’ll see how to create the basic files that make up a Sketch plugin; we’ll write some JavaScript and create a user interface for our plugin with the help of some HTML and CSS. The plugin we’ll be creating is called “Mosaic”.We’ll study the basic documents that make up a Sketch plugin; we’ll write some JavaScript and create a user interface for our plugin with the assist of some HTML and CSS.
Sketch Plugin And How Do They Work?
In Sketch, plugins are a way to feature functions and capability that aren’t found in Sketch. Considering that there’s nearly always going to be a few missing characteristic or integration in any given program, one can begin to consider how plugins might be especially useful and powerful. Sketch plugins are able to do things like manipulating the color, shape, length, order, style, grouping, and outcomes of layers, but additionally able to do such things as make requests to internet sources, gift a consumer interface, and an awful lot, lots extra! Most Sketch plugins are written in JavaScript, and some times in, Objective-C and Swift.
Feed it your layers, tweak a few settings, and Mosaic will create a pattern. Mosaic is inspired by  Adobe Fireworks plugin called Twist-and-Fade which turned into quite powerful, able to replica a layer any range of instances whilst adjusting its hue, role, rotation, size, and opacity. The plugin was even able to generate animated GIFs.Duplicate any Sketch layer (bitmap or vector) and tweak the duplicates’ layer’s role, rotation, and opacity. This will supply us an advent to manipulating layers the usage of Sketch’s JavaScript APIs. Display a user interface created using HTML, CSS, and JS, a good way to teach you about the way to without problems create an interface for the plugin. The plugin interface is quite important since it’s how we’ll gather the user’s inputs concerning how the person wants the resulting mosaic image to look.
Creating the Base Plugin
1. First, we’ll be growing the “base” for the plugin we want to construct. We ought to create all the essential documents and folders that make up a plugin manually, but thankfully we don’t ought to — because Sketch can do it for us. After we’ve generated the template plugin, we’ll be capable of customize it as we see fit. With Sketch open, test the menu bar at the top of the screen and click Plugins -> Run Script. This will open up a dialog container that we are able to use to test and run the code.
const UI = require("sketch/ui"); UI.message("message");
2. Next, hit Save Script as Plugin inside the bottom-left of the window, input whatever name you’d like for this plugin then Save Script as Plugin .
3. Press “Save” within the bottom-left of the window and enter some thing call you want for this plugin to have.
Congratulations, you’ve just written your first Sketch plugin!
First, it imports the sketch/ui module of Sketch’s built-in JS library, and assigns it to the UI variable. This module contains many useful interface-related methods, we’ll use:
const UI = require("sketch/ui");
Next, it calls the message method with the string of text we want displayed in the tooltip we saw:
The message() method sends message to the user.There’s also different ways to give common UI elements like alerts, prompts, and such, a number of which we’ll be the use of as we construct Mosaic.
We now have a simple plugin to begin from, but we nonetheless need to tweak it to change the plugin’s metadata. For this step, we’ll want to peek into what’s referred to as the plugin bundle.
When you hit save the ‘Run Script’ window, Sketch saved your plugin as a folder named Mosaic.Sketchplugin that you could discover inside the ~/Library/Application Support/com.Bohemiancoding.Sketch3/Plugins listing. You could also pull it up through Plugins -> Manage Plugins -> (proper-click on your plugin) -> Reveal Plugins Folder. Sketch registered the .Sketchplugin extension as a “bundle” (a special sort of folder that looks as a record) and requested for it to routinely open in Sketch while opened. Right-click on Mosaic.Sketchplugin, then click “Show Package Contents”. Inside, you should see the following listing :
Contents/ └ Resources/ └ Sketch/ └ manifest.Json └ script.Cocoascript
Go ahead and rename the last report to index.Js,
Contents/ └ Resources/ └ Sketch/ └ manifest.Json └ index.Js
Let’s start by tweaking the file named manifest.json.The plugin appear serves mainly two purposes:
First, it presents metadata that describes the plugin to the user — such things as its call, version, the writer’s name, and so on. Sketch makes use of this records within the Sketch -> Preferences -> Plugins dialog to create a listing and description in your plugin. Second, it additionally tells Sketch approximately the way to get right down to your business; that is, it tells Sketch how you’d like your plugin’s menu to appearance, what hotkeys to assign in your plugin, and where your plugin’s code.
{ "description": "Generate awesome designs and repeating patterns from your layers!", "x": "=> Your name here <=" } Change your identifier to com.your-name.mosaic: { "identifier": "com.your-name.mosaic" } The menu and commands keys are responsible for telling Sketch what code to call and in response to what { "menu": { "title" : "Mosaic", "items" : [ "com.bohemiancoding.sketch.runscriptidentifier" ], "isRoot": true } }
This tells Sketch to place the first level of menu items directly under the Plugins menu, rather than nesting them under the menu’s title.
{ "menu": { "title" : "Mosaic", "items" : [ "open", { "title" : "I'm a sub-menu!", "items" : [ "another-command-identifier" ] } ] } }
Open Sketch/index.js in your code editor, delete what’s already there, and paste in the following:
function onRun(context){ const window = NSWindow.alloc().initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer_( NSMakeRect(0, 0, 145, 500), NSWindowStyleMaskClosable | NSWindowStyleMaskTitled | NSWindowStyleMaskResizable, NSBackingStoreBuffered, false ); window.releasedWhenClosed = false; window.makeKeyAndOrderFront(nil); }; const window = NSWindow.alloc().initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer( NSMakeRect(0, 0, 145, 500), NSWindowStyleMaskClosable | NSWindowStyleMaskTitled | NSWindowStyleMaskResizable, NSBackingStoreBuffered, false );
Code Explanation: First, we name alloc() on NSWindow; this basically means “set apart a few reminiscence for an instance of NSWindow”. It’s sufficient to realize that you’ll have to try this for every instance of a local class you want to create. The alloc technique is available in every native magnificence.
Next, we name NSWindow’s initializer method (that is, the method that truely creates an instance of NSWindow), which is known as initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:. You’ll word that’s one-of-a-kind from what we call in our code above — it’s were given a gaggle of colons (:) between every argument. Since we can’t use that syntax in JavaScript, Sketch without difficulty renames it to something we can sincerely use by way of replacing the colons with underscores, which is how we get its JS name:
Next, we skip in each of the arguments the technique needs. For the first argument, contentRect, we supply a rectangle with a size massive sufficient for our consumer interface.
For styleMask, we use a bitmask which says that we want our window to have a near button, a title bar, and to be resizable.
The next arguments, backing and defer, are continually going to be set to NSBackingStoreBuffered and false, so we don’t really need to worry about them. THE INTERFACE
download the HTML and CSS code
Once you’ve downloaded it, extract it, then move the folder named “web-ui” into our plugin’s Resources folder.
We’ll add the code needed to create our WKWebView beneath the code we wrote for our window:
function onRun(context){ // Create window const window = NSWindow.alloc().initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer( NSMakeRect(0, 0, 145, 500), NSWindowStyleMaskClosable | NSWindowStyleMaskTitled | NSWindowStyleMaskResizable, NSBackingStoreBuffered, false ); window.releasedWhenClosed = false; // Create web view, and set it as the view for our window to display const webView = WKWebView.alloc().init(); window.contentView = webView; // Load our UI into the web view const webUIFolderURL = context.scriptURL .URLByDeletingLastPathComponent() .URLByAppendingPathComponent("../Resources/web-ui/"); const indexURL = webUIFolderURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent("index.html"); webView.loadFileURL_allowingReadAccessToURL(indexURL, webUIFolderURL); // Make window key and move to front window.makeKeyAndOrderFront(nil); };
If we run our plugin now, we’ll see that now we’ve got a window open that displays our web user interface. Success! Again, before moving on, let’s examine what the code we added does: const webView = WKWebView.alloc().init(); This should look familiar — it’s basically the same as what we did when we made our NSWindow: allocate memory for a web view, then initialize it. window.contentView = webView; This line of code tells our window to display the web view we just made.
const webUIFolderURL = context.scriptURL .URLByDeletingLastPathComponent() .URLByAppendingPathComponent("../Resources/web-ui/"); Make it as follows file://path-to-your-plugin/Contents/Resources/web-ui/ Consider the following alterations: window.standardWindowButton(NSWindowZoomButton).hidden = true; window.standardWindowButton(NSWindowMiniaturizeButton).hidden = true; window.floatingPanel = true; window.becomesKeyOnlyIfNeeded = true; window.frameAutosaveName = "mosaic-panel-frame";
For the full code and its working visit:
We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs. As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
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Angular model 10, has been launched at the twenty fourth of June, 2020 but with the beta version this time. This can imply that we are nearing the final launch of the newest version of the google-developed, typescript primarily based framework. The Version 10.0.0 is a major release that spans the framework, Angular Material, and the CLI. It has only been four months since they launched model 9.0 of Angular. Let’s explore the new features of Angular 10…
Here’s a list of top ten features of the newly updated Angular 10
1. Language Service and Localization
The language-service-precise compiler permits more than one typecheck files by using the venture interface which creates ScriptInfos as necessary. Autocompletion is additionally appeared to have been removed from HTML entities, consisting of &, <, etc., on the way to safeguard the inhouse center functionality of Angular LS, which holds questionable value and a performance cost. One of the fine capabilities of Angular 10 is that the today's angular model supports for merging of more than one translation files which could best load one report in the previous variations. Now clients can specify a couple of documents in step with locale, and the translations from each of these documents may be merged together by a message ID. In practice, this means you want to position the files so as of most vital first, with fallback translations later.
2. Router
The CanLoad shield now can go again Urltree in angular model 10. A CanLoad protect returning Urltree cancels the modern-day navigation and allows to redirect. This suits current conduct to the available CanActivate guards which might be also reputedly added. This however doesn’t have an effect on the preloading. Also, any routes with a CanLoad guard won’t be preloaded, and the guards will now not be completed as part of preloading. 3.Service Workers and Bug Fixes In the previous versions of angular Vary headers might had been considered even as retrieving sources from the cache, however simply stopping the retrieval of cached belongings and fundamental to unpredictable conduct because of inconsistent/buggy implementations in various browsers. However, in angular model 10 Vary headers are omitted even as retrieving sources from the ServiceWorker caches, which can bring about sources being retrieved even when their headers are not similar. If your utility needs to distinguish its responses based totally on request headers, it is important to ensure that the Angular ServiceWorker is configured to keep away from caching the affected sources. With this Angular 10 model, there had been a number of malicious program fixes, this consists of the compiler keeping off undefined expressions in a holey array and the middle averting a migration error at the same time as a nonexistent image is imported. Another worm restore ensures right identification of modules affected by overrides in TestBed. 4. Warnings about CommonJS imports
Starting with version 10, we now warn you while your build pulls in this kind of bundles. If you’ve started seeing these warnings on your dependencies, allow your dependency realize that you’d decide on an ECMAScript module (ESM) package. Converting pre-Ivy code All the pre-Ivy dependencies from npm ought to be converted to Ivy dependencies, which is supposed to take place as a precursor to jogging ngtsc at the application. Further all the destiny compilation and linking operations must be made inside the course of transforming variations of the dependencies.
5.Optional Stricter Settings
Angular version 10 offers a more strict project setup in order to create a new workspace with ng new.ng new --strictOnce this flag is enabled, it initializes the new task with a pair of recent settings that improve maintainability, help in catching bugs well in advance in time, and allow the CLI to perform superior optimizations on your app. Enabling this flag configures the app as side-effect free to make certain extra superior tree-shaking
What the flag does?
Enables strict mode in TypeScript
Turns template type checking to Strict
Default bundle budgets have been reduced by ~75%
Configures linting rules to prevent declarations of type any
Configures your app as side-effect free to enable more advanced tree-shaking
6. New browser configuration
The browser configuration is up to date for new initiatives to exclude older and less used browsers. This has the side effect of disabling ES5 builds by means of default for brand new projects. To permit ES5 builds and differential loading for browsers that require it (which include IE or UC Browser), actually upload the browsers you want to guide within the .browserslistrc file. 7. Typescript 3.9, TSLib 2.9 & TSLint v6
Angular 10 features typescript 3.9. As opposed to the previous version which supported typescript 3.6, 3.7 and even 3.8. Typescript is a language that builds on JavaScript by adding syntax for type declarations and annotations which is used by the TypeScript compiler to type-check our code. This in turn clean readable JavaScript that runs on lots of different runtimes. Typescript helps save the files with its rich editing functionality across editors. With Typescript 3.9 the team has worked on performance, polish, and stability. Apart from error-checking, this version powers things like completions, quick fixes and speeding up the compiler and editing experience.
The Angular Package Format no longer includes ESM5 or FESM5 bundles, saving you 119MB of download and install time for Angular packages and libraries. These formats are are not needed as any downleveling to help ES5 is finished at the end of the construct process. Deprecating support for older browsers including IE 9, 10, and Internet Explorer Mobile.
9. Flags and logic
Logic is updated relating formatting day periods that cross midnight, which will fit the time within an afternoon period that extends past midnight. Applications which are the use of either formatDate() or DatePipe or the b and B format codes are likely to be affected by this change. Another point underneath this segment is that any resolver that returns EMPTY will occur to cancel navigation. In order to enable any navigation, builders will should replace the resolvers to update some vale, together with default!Empty. Angular NPM inside the version 10 does no longer contain wonderful jsdoc comments to assist the Closure Compiler’s superior optimizations. Support for Closure Compiler in applications has been experimental and damaged for some times. For folks who will employ Closure Compiler is possibly better off soaking up Angular programs constructed from resources directly in preference to ingesting variations published on NPM. As a brief workaround, customers can't overlook using their present-day construct pipeline with Closure flag --compilation_level=SIMPLE. This flag will make sure that the build pipeline produces buildable, runnable artifacts, at a price of elevated payload size because of advanced optimizations being disabled.
10.New Date Range Picker
Material now consists of a brand new date range picker. To use the new date range picker, you can use the mat-date-range-input and mat-date-range-picker components.
We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs. As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
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6 Ways To Make Your Node JS Web App Faster
Nowadays all the companies are interested to hold the market of IOS and Android because they are smooth and successfully running platform all over the world having node js to make the solution of server-side development.
Node js is the most stable web application of Java-script based. HTML web page take min. 10 minutes to open pages where JavaScript and CSS files takes average 5 seconds. Sometime underperformance and crashes occur in node js because of vulnerabilities and weak spots and rapid traffic fluctuations.
Here I discuss about the speed of Node-based web application:-
Run in Parallel:
To render the HTML page node.js application need to retrieve data for the dashboard. While rendering the dashboard of user it is important to make multiple internal API calls:
The user profile – getUserProfile().The site list – getSiteList().Subscriptions – getSubscriptions().currnet site – getCurrentSite().Notifications – getNotifications().
Application should make some API call to retrieve data. To achieve the aid we have to do something like:
Cache, Cache, Cache
Some variable data base connect the object for every year for permanent application. Most high use item can be catch for better performance.
Enable GZIP
Gzip compression browser can be used to static resource it might take longer for the browser to fetch it.
Use Client Side Rendering When Possible
Instead of using rendering application just expose APIs that send JSON responses to the client. Plain JSON can render the client side.
Use nginx in Front of Node
Nginx serve static file from Node. Nginx to improve the speed use to produce an aap.
Minify and Concatenate JavaScript
Speed of the application increase by minifying and concatenating multiple JS files into one. Tool like Grunt/Gulp helps to minify and concatenate files.
This article helps to improve the performance of Node.js application development. Especially on mobile, where CPU power, memory, rendering performance, latency and bandwidth are important for its application.
We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs. As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
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Node.js version 14 is here!
Whether you have upgraded your Node version already or are thinking about doing it soon, let's discuss some of the things that this new version gives us!
What's New?
There are many things to look forward to with this major release. A few exciting features are:
Diagnostic Reporting
V8 to V8 8.1
Updated Node Streams
Removal of Experimental Modules Warning
1)Diagnostic Reporting
One of the main functions of node 14 are the Diagnostic reviews. These reports are JSON- formatted statistics of process facts which encompass call stacks, running system facts, loaded modules, and different crucial records which can be formulated to support the present application.When things go incorrect on your app, like gradual overall performance or reminiscence leaks, it's useful to have a full report on where issues are occurring. Even if our app were to crash, this document could have information on that as well. We can run this file in development, testing, or production.
Back while Node.Js v12 turned into released, diagnostic reporting became experimental. We now have it as a stable characteristic in this new version. As a stable function there could be one much less command-line choice needed to allow Diagnostic reports and it ought to be simpler for customers to permit it in manufacturing environments.
To run the report, run the following in your command line: node --report-uncaught-exception --report-on-signal \--report-on-fatalerror app.js  2)V8 to V8 8.1
Highlights of the new JavaScript features include:
Optional Chaining
Nullish Coalescing  
Enables calendar and numberingSystem options for Intl.DateTimeFormat  
The nullish coalescing operator looks like this: ??. The operator returns the outcomes of the expression to the right of the operator best while the expression to the left of it's miles null or undefined. Otherwise, the results from the left expression are returned. The new Intl.DisplayNames API allows programmers to display translated names of languages, regions, scripts, and currencies with ease.
3)Removal of Experimental Modules Warning
When running an ECMAScript Modules (ESM) in Node.Js, we would get an "Experimental Warning". That caution has now been removed. ESM is JavaScript's widespread module system. It helps with dealing with variables, organizing functions, and grouping things that might make sense in our code. To learn greater approximately this function, take a look at out the documentation. ESM is the best module format way to its easy syntax, async nature, and tree-shakeability.
4)Updated Node Streams
Streams have not been recently added, however consistency has improved.As an example, http.OutgoingMessage is much like stream.Writable and net.Socket behaves precisely like stream.Duplex. A great alternate is that the `autoDestroy` alternative is now defaulted to true, making the stream continually call `_destroy` after ending. Additions1.
Experimental Async Local Storage API
Experimental Web Assembly System Interface
Experimental Async local storage API
Node.Js 14 includes some other Experimental API called AsyncLocalStorage. The expectation is that this extra vast level API may also have a less complicated time getting the possibility to regular because it uncovered less internals and gives a much less complicated API. While numerous npm modules gave comparative usefulness, the troubles in preserving up and getting packages to utilize them in a far-reaching manner has added about an accord that an API should be given as a factor of Node.Js itself.So what happens to the older versions?Visit the official website for announcements
Quick! What are you waiting for? Update to the latest version of Node.Js and get your hands on the new exciting features…
We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs. As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
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Flexbox Gaps
We can use margins to space out grid items, the great thing about the gap feature is that you just only get gaps between your items; you are doing not find yourself with additional space to account for at the beginning and end of the grid. Adding margins has typically been how we've got created space between flex items. to make an everyday space between flex items, we use a margin. If we don't desire a margin at the beginning and end, we've got to use a negative margin on the container to get rid of it.
Gap Support For Flexbox
You can use the subsequent query, to test if you've got gap support for flexbox @supports (display: grid)}
If we test for a gap: 20px, we'd get a positive response in Chrome which currently doesn't support gap in Flexbox but does support it in Grid.
Native Masonry Support
Developers often ask if CSS Grid may be accustomed create a Masonry- or Pinterest-styled layout.
Grid isn't masonry because masonry uses row wise arrangement. Grid aligns elements in rows and columns.
The extent 2 of the CSS Grid Layout includes a subgrid value for both grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows.
The CSS Subgrid solves a typical problem with nested grids. Currently, the subgrid only works on Firefox.
.grid { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(9, 1fr); grid-template-rows: repeat(4, minmax(100px, auto)); } .item { display: grid; grid-column: 2 / 7; grid-row: 2 / 4; grid-template-columns: subgrid; grid-template-rows: subgrid; } .subitem { grid-column: 3 / 6; grid-row: 1 / 3; }
This is a media feature that permits CSS to test if the visitor has enabled data saving in their device and adjust the web site accordingly.
• no-preference
The user has made no preference to cut back data. This keyword value evaluates as false within the boolean context.
• reduce
The user prefers lightweight alternate content.
@media (prefers-reduced-data: reduce) ">}
The site could render a smaller image per the preference of a user who has turned on data-saving mode.
The ::marker may be a pseudo-element. It allows us to focus on the list marker that's we are able to change list bullet’s color or size. This wasn't possible before because the entire list item had to be targeted earlier.( text and marker)
Only the subsequent properties are allowed with ::marker as a selector: • All font properties• Color• The content property• text-combine-upright• unicode-bidi• direction properties Consider an example,
ul li::marker { color: red; font-size: 1.5em; }
We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs. As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
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Make Your Own Expanding And Contracting Content Panels
It is better to call expanding panel instead of calling Expanding and Contracting model. Here is some approach of animated open and close with own benefit and trade off.
There are three types of approach like-
Animate/transition of the content
Transformation is complete with the element.
A library should use with variation.
Considerations Of Each Approach
Basic Steps
Collapsing height of the content
The content should be moved when the height is collapsed
The content should be removed when Javascript fires it.
Markup Pattern
It can be look like
<div class="container"> <button type="button" class="trigger">Show/Hide content</button> <div class="content"> All the content here </div> </div>
Basic Logic
Always measure the height of the content
Height should be calculated in CSS Custom Property.
Approach manifested code-
// Get the containing element
const container = document.querySelector(".container");
// Get conten
const content = document.querySelector(".content");
// 1. Get height of content you want to show/hide
const heightOfContent = content.getBoundingClientRect().height
// Get the trigger element
const btn = document.querySelector(".trigger");
// 2. Set a CSS custom property with the height of content
container.style.setProperty("--containerHeight", `${heightOfContent}px`);
// Once height is read and set
setTimeout(e => { document.documentElement.classList.add("height-is-set");
// 3. Set aria hidden
content.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); }, 0); btn.addEventListener("click", function(e) { container.setAttribute("data-drawer-showing", container.getAttribute("data-drawer-showing") === "true" ? "false" : "true");
// 4. Set height to value of custom property
.content[aria-hidden="false"] { max-height: var(--containerHeight, 1000px); }
// 5. Toggle aria-hidden
content.setAttribute("aria-hidden", content.getAttribute("aria-hidden") === "true" ? "false" : "true"); })
The CSS is looked like-
.content { transition: max-height 0.2s; overflow: hidden; } .content[aria-hidden="true"] { max-height: 0; }
Points Of Note
Multiple drawer need to loop different size.
Set time out is needed to before hiding the container.
Only fire the wrap only whwn the page is ready.
All together it is looked like-
var containers; function initDrawers() { // Get the containing elements containers = document.querySelectorAll(".container"); setHeights(); wireUpTriggers(); window.addEventListener("resize", setHeights); } window.addEventListener("load", initDrawers); function setHeights() { containers.forEach(container => { // Get content let content = container.querySelector(".content"); content.removeAttribute("aria-hidden"); // Height of content to show/hide let heightOfContent = content.getBoundingClientRect().height; // Set a CSS custom property with the height of content container.style.setProperty("--containerHeight", `${heightOfContent}px`); // Once height is read and set setTimeout(e => { container.classList.add("height-is-set"); content.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); }, 0); }); } function wireUpTriggers() { containers.forEach(container => { // Get each trigger element let btn = container.querySelector(".trigger"); // Get content let content = container.querySelector(".content"); btn.addEventListener("click", () => { btn.setAttribute("aria-expanded", btn.getAttribute("aria-expanded") === "false" ? "true" : "false"); container.setAttribute( "data-drawer-showing", container.getAttribute("data-drawer-showing") === "true" ? "false" : "true" ); content.setAttribute( "aria-hidden", content.getAttribute("aria-hidden") === "true" ? "false" : "true" ); }); }); }
We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs. As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
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How Much Does Flutter App Development Cost In 2020
It is a new benchmark and excited platform for all the mobile app developer.
There are some benefits for Flutters popularity are:
This platform is free
It is an open platform
It accommodate to other platform significantly
It is based on single codebase.
Effecting factors:
Hours It takes to UI/UX Design
The application expands the accommodation of the development.
Overall Development Time
It is very time consuming
Backend Server
It controls all the data, chatbox and application security.
Developer Cost
The developer need to get payment because it is very time consuming process.
The Complexity of the App
A third party may interfere through this app.
Total Hardware Costs
Number of hardware increases the cost of the application
App Category
Those app can do so many function like talk, track and call
Maintenance of the App
For easy maintenance there are few updates, change in design patterns etc.
Location of the Development Company
The development cost depend upon area and surfaces.
How Flutter is Cost-Effective than Other Platforms
It is open source based: It is UI software with other toolkit
Its designs and programs can be open on both Android and iOS platforms
It is designed for high performance.
Cost estimation and benefits cab be derived from the Flutter app. It is very efficient for business and future growth. It is enough for customer and satisfactory for industries.
We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs. As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
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15 Top React Native Features & Updates
Nowadays React Native occupy Mobile App Development industry very fast. The popularity behind the React Native is programming language, i.e. Javascript. 92 percent use of React Native is observed in coding.
React Native App Development Company want faster mobile app development and more efficiency in coding language. It enable to update user’s mobile phone without going to the mobile store.
React Native Features:
Open Source
Like any other open source it helps to develop thousand equivalent technology, facing equivalent struggles and encountering equivalent bugs.
Backed by Facebook
Facebook invest considerable time and energy to improving bugs for several year.
Modular and Intuitive
It increase the flexibility of the project and time saving process for development of project application.
Speed Up Development
It is the most important and significant feature that make it easier to use than any other Javascript page. Thus Facebook made it easier to update web application.
Community Driven
It is the alternative search of mobile having advantages of mobile app application.
Maximum Code Reuse & Cost Saving
It develop the same code for iOS and Android save cost to its half.
Live Reload
The next step react for mobile application is Respond Native which make powerful mobile application.
Strong Performance for Mobile Environments
It make the use of GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) which is very fast accessible compare to any other hybrid technology.
Modular and Intuitive Architecture Similar to React
The modular and intuitive interface make it flexible than any other web application.
NPM Libraries Support
People who don’t have knowledge about NPM skill feel difficulties about it, but it is not difficult to research on it.
React Native is very accessible.
The android ecosystem for the React Native 0.60 is automatically migrate to AndroidX.
Start Screen
For consumer friendly application it launch version 0.60.
Project Extractions
It clearly develop Lean Core projects.
Autolinked Native Modules
It easily update the group
We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs. As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
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The Ionic Framework team has launched model 5.0.0( Magnesium ) on 11th Feb 2020. This new version centered considerably on material layout recommendations which advanced the UI consists of iOS 13 & Android design, compatibility with multiple frameworks (not best with Angular however now it supports react framework), ionic 5 capabilities consist of remodeled Ionicons, up to date Ionic colorings, new API for growing your very own custom animations, new starter designs, improvements to issue customization, up to date documentation and other enhancements that we can analyze in this article.
How to Update Ionic 4 App to Latest Ionic 5 Version?
For an Angular app
npm install @ionic/angular@latest --save
For a React app
npm install @ionic/react@latest --save npm install @ionic/react-router@latest --save npm install ionicons@latest --save
Top capabilities added in Ionic 5:
iOS Design
The latest version of the Ionic framework has a large section of the updated UI component compatible with IOS 13.Apple recently released its iOS 13 update, in which they up to date the design of many components and accordingly included a few updates to our own, these consist of headers, segments, huge and small titles, and the menu overlay type.
The ionic crew has absolutely remodeled the iOS Segment layout extensively from its preceding iOS model. With the ionic five design replace, a single indicator is now used to slide between the buttons, checking the only it ends on. Now it makes use of a gesture that may be used to pull the indicator that applies for both Material Design and iOS and some adjustments had been added to support the brand new design.
The header is a root issue of the page that holds the toolbar aspect. Some properties to get a collapsible header and buttons are now available to use.In ionic v4 iOS added the idea of a collapsible header and special sized titles. In Ionic version 5, a few residences are added to the header & name additives to get small titles, shrinking broad claims, and collapsible buttons.
Large Title
The way to do so is to add two headers, one standard-sized above the content and one large-sized inside the content. Other elements, like the search bar in the large header, can also collapse.Ionic v 4 provides a manner to create the collapsible titles that exist on inventory iOS apps. The huge title in iOS collapses right into a default sized title when the content scrolls exceeding a certain point & this setup calls for configuring your IonTitle, IonHeader, and IonButtons elements.
Small Title
The small refers as a header note often used in combination with Swipe to Close Modals. It normally used internal of a toolbar above some other toolbar that contains a standard-sized identify (Additionally, to get the small title styling, ion-name ought to have size="Small".
Swipe to Close Modal
You can now add a modal that remains inset with the page behind it propelled back. A gesture could be used to control swipe to close modal.The Swipe to Close Modals in iOS mode has the capacity to be offered in a card-style and swiped to close mode rather than displaying a modal that covers the whole screen. The card-fashion presentation and swipe to shut gesture want to permit I.e. swipeToClose and imparting element need to be surpassed upon modal creation. Ionic five has includes a gesture to drag the modal down to shut it.
The ion-refresher produces pull-to-refresh capability on a content issue & it's pulling icon in iOS has been updated above a header with a huge name. The pull-to-refresh pattern shall we a user pull down on a listing of records the usage of contact to retrieve greater statistics & as you pull down on the content the spinner rotates till the content material is pulled down enough to in which all ticks are seen after which it will start to rotate. IOS refresher in ionic v5 has absolutely redesigned to Material Design refresher.
List Header
ListHeader a header element for a listing and the lists in iOS now grow to be greater massive and bold layout. Comparing ionic v4, the List Header turned into uppercase and small and didn’t have the option for a bottom border. The new lines assets on a List Header permits you to add a border while matching the contemporary design.The Ionic framework official website suggests wrapping all text content of the list header inside an <ion-label>. It is required to support the changes in the List header.
Ionic Animations
Ionic Animations is an open-supply animations software that offers developers the equipment to construct surprisingly performant animations no matter the framework they're using. Ionic Animations is now officially a part of the ionic five.zero launch which makes use of the Web Animations API to build and run all your animations. Web browser time table to run all your animations which offloads essential duties and prioritize optimizations to your animations permitting your animation to run easily as viable which enables you achieve excessive FPS which preserving low CPU makes use of.Ionic 5 ships with the trendy version open-supply icon library Ionicons five, which includes all-new icons for use in web, iOS, Android, and computing device apps.
Ionic Colors
Ionic has nine default colors that may be used to exchange the color of many additives & on the way to alternate the default colorations we have to exchange the coloration characteristic. Ionic 5 up to date with all new colors by using default also to exchange the colours of your Angular or React app builders want to update the subject/variables css manually. Now ionic 5 supports the dark.  
Easier Customization
We all know that the additives are not very easy to customize due to following reasonsLack of to be had CSS Variables or way to style internal factors.
Components are being scoped and their Ionic styles taking precedence over custom styles.To make it simpler for builders, ionic team brought assist for extra CSS variables,
transformed some scoped components to Shadow DOM, and commenced adding aid for Shadow Parts.
The following additives were converted to Shadow DOM:
Back Button
Split Pane
Shadow DOM
An critical element of web components is encapsulation and shadow DOM serves for encapsulation. It lets in a aspect to have its very very own “shadow” DOM tree, that it is markup structure, fashion, and conduct hidden and separate from different code on the web page that can’t be by accident accessed from the primary document and the code may be kept satisfactory and clean.
In addition to that, Shadow DOM permits the use of custom CSS variables inside the issue for less difficult theming. In previous versions, Sass variables have been used to customise and subject an app but that brought on longer construct times but to have more than one themes within the identical app it required developing multiple CSS documents with different Sass variables.
With the growing assist for Shadow Parts in browsers, users could be capable of goal particular elements inside of our components to override their styles directly.
Angular Ivy
One of the biggest improvements to the brand new Angular v9.0 is that Ivy is enabled with the aid of default & for Ionic Angular builders, Ivy support is now completely enabled in Ionic 5. Ivy permits apps to only maintain pieces of the renderer that they require, rather than the whole thing. This approach that our final output may be distinctly smaller, which is better for load performance. The manner the CSS variables are used for targeting the activated, targeted and hover backgrounds have been updated at the following components:
Action Sheet
Back Button
FAB Button
Menu Button
Segment Button
Tab Button
Anchor : The ion-anchor thing has been renamed to ion-router-link Back Button : Converted ion-returned-button to use shadow DOM. Card :  Converted ion-card to apply shadow DOM. Header / Footer : The no-border attribute has been renamed to ion-no-border Menu : Removed the main characteristic, use content material-id (for vanilla JS / Vue) and contentId (for Angular / React) instead. Use swipeGesture() in preference to swipeEnable() function Colors : The default Ionic shades have been updated to the following: primary:
dark: #222428 Ionic five features bring a few solid modifications which includes iOS 13 layout updates, a new API for creating custom animations, made over Ionicons, updated Ionic colours, complete assist for Ivy, Angular’s new renderer, new starter designs, Ionic CLI 5 and the assist for React frameworks at the side of the Angular.
Hopefully, Ionic v5 will take the Ionic app improvement to every other degree and will help to develop the cross-platform app that may run on the computer, as PWAs, web, and cell platforms.
We wish these modifications will enhance your build time and productivity on the ionic platform.
The good thing is you don’t need to worry lots about dealing with the updates as the process is simple.
Just ensure to have a examine breaking changes document so that you may want to make adjustments in your app.
We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs. As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
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React Latest Updates
ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript framework which is used to build web and mobile applications. Its simple model and higher performance has made it one of the most popular developer’s selections for creating JavaScript libraries.
React encourages developing reusable components that also render the server-aspect code using Node. The JavaScript library used in net improvement to construct interactive factors on websites, and that incorporates very right documentation.The latest version of React 16.13 was released in February,2020.It contains bugfixes and new deprecation warnings.
Let us look at some of the useful features:
In Strict Development Mode, React calls lifecycle strategies two times to remove unwanted consequences. This launch adds that behaviour to shouldComponentUpdate. This shouldn’t affect maximum code, unless you've got aspect outcomes in shouldComponentUpdate. To restore this, run the code with aspect results into componentDidUpdate.
The warnings for usage of the legacy context API didn’t encompass the stack for the factor that induced the warning. This launch adds the lacking stack to the warning.ReactDOM is adds it back.This is not recommended however it’s useful when debugging issues with mismatching / multiple versions of ReactDOM on the same page.OnMouseEnter now doesn’t trigger on disabled elements.  
Warnings for some updates during render
It is vital for a React component to now not reason any headaches in other additives all through rendering. During render, any setState call can be supported simplest if it is for the same issue.
If the setState is called for a different element all through a render, a caution comes up which asks you to now not refresh a component from inside the feature frame of an alternate element. This warning can help you word utility bugs due to unintentional nation changes.
Warnings for conflicting style rules
Dynamically making use of a fashion that includes longhand and shorthand variations of CSS properties, can give you a particular aggregate of updates that can purpose inconsistent styling.
Warnings for some deprecated string refs
Old Legacy API named String Refs is pulled down in React latest version and will in addition process in the direction of deprecation. An automatic script can be provided in the destiny named “codemod” that allows you to migrate away from String Refs. In instances while ones the use of the sooner version of react and want to replace to the brand new version, all they have to do is convert all componentWill to UNSAFE_componentWill, with the help of a simple command.
npx react-codemod rename-unsafe-lifecycles.
React.createFactory is a helper for creating React elements. The 16.13 release adds a deprecation warning to the method. It will be removed in a future major version.However, this will be replaced with regular JSX. You can copy and paste the below codeto resolve the issue. Let createFactory = type => React.createElement.bind(null, type)Deprecating ReactDOM.unstable_createPortal in favor of ReactDOM.createPortal which became an officially supported API.
Experimental Improvements:
Scheduler is added to react due to the fact they need to enhance queue performance through switching its internal facts shape to a min binary heap. Till now, you can usepostMessage loop with short intervals rather than trying to align to frame boundaries with requestAnimationFrame.
Concurrent mode
The concurrent mode allows React apps to live responsive and gracefully modify to the consumer’s tool capacities in addition to community speed. One can take a look at react fiber in order to understand approximately this new function implementation. In Concurrent Mode, rendering isn't always blocking. It is interruptible. This improves the consumer experience. It also unlocks new functions that weren’t viable before.
We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs. As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
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New Features & Improvement In Node Version 14.0
In the year of 2009, Node.js made its introduction in the market. In April, version 14 is launched with the new features of diagnostics and a WebAssembly interface. It is replaced replace the node.js 13.
Node 14 Features & Improvements
Diagnostic Reports
This version can identify some defects in production such as-
Abnormally terminated products
Slow performance of the device
Memory leakage of storage
High uses of CPU
Unexpected error occurrence
Incorrect output
JavaScript Engine have to be updated
In Node.js 14, the V8 engine is updated to version 8.1.
Performance and Speed
This updates code to the engine to run fast.
Nullish Coalescing
It handles the default value.
It display translated names of languages, regions, scripts, and currencies etc.
Experimental Web Assembly Interface
Experimental Web assembly keep the security in mind.
Support for ECMAScript Modules
It is used for future model device.
Internationalization Support Expands in 2020
It interchange the test between Unicode and other character sets.
Experimental async local storage API
It is used to cover less amount of internal and less difficult API.
New compiler and platform minimums
It gives new platforms of various stages.
The current released of Node 14 with new features id ideal for testing and highlighting. We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs. As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
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