v-mons · 7 years
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I will be giving away: - a pack of muji B5 notebooks - a muji planner - 2 muji .5 pens - a pack of 10 uniball signo pens
TO ENTER YOU NEED TO✅ 1. follow me (ill be checking!) 2. reblog this post :)
💕EXTRA ENTRIES💕 reblog my other posts and you can reblog this post more than once
It ends August 30, 2017 at 11:59 pm EST
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v-mons · 7 years
PSA: This blog is inactive
My side blog @vmons is the blog you want to follow
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v-mons · 7 years
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Hello, this is Cass (vmons) and Mel (vmih)! 
Since 2016 was a bit of a roller coaster, we thought we’d kick start the new year with a worldwide giveaway! In preparation for the WINGS tour, we have a little something to give back to the fandom and there will be TWO winners, so means double the chance of winning. Anyway, let’s get into it and may the odds be in your favour. 
1 BTS Album of your choice.
1 Extra WINGS Album (Random, Unsealed w/ no PC)
1 ARMY bomb to get you ready for the 2017 Wings tour!
2 Member Slogans from the range we have to offer (Slogans TBA) 
Random merchandise from Korea
These Bangtan LINE stickers. 
1 Extra WINGS Album (Random, Unsealed w/ no PC) 
1 Random Member Slogan
Random merchandise from Korea
Must be following @vmons​, and @vmih​ as this is a collab giveaway! 
Reblog this post! Only reblogs will count as entry (there will be no limit but please don’t spam your followers), and you may like this to bookmark. 
This giveaway is open WORLDWIDE but you must be comfortable with giving us your mailing address if you are chosen as a winner and if you are under 18 you must have your parent’s permission! 
Must have your ask open or your IM available so we can contact you.
No giveaway or spam blogs will be allowed!
If you have more questions please don’t be afraid to contact us. This giveaway will end on 18th of Feb 2017. Thank you for joining!
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v-mons · 7 years
are you a black, silver, blond or orange haired jimin person?
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v-mons · 7 years
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v-mons · 7 years
SINCE THE END OF 2016 is coming...
take the chance from now ‘til new years to tell me anything and everything you’ve ever wanted to tell me. Anon or not, I don’t mind either way.
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v-mons · 7 years
What a terrible feeling to love someone and not be able to help them.
Jennifer Niven, All The Bright Places  (via wordsnquotes)
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v-mons · 7 years
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wise words 
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v-mons · 8 years
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v-mons · 8 years
I have bullshitted my way through almost two decades of life
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v-mons · 8 years
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v-mons · 8 years
When there’s too much shit you need to get done at once
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v-mons · 8 years
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Nissin, please hire him
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v-mons · 8 years
in other news today i found out that eddie redmayne has a degree in art history and for his diploma he wrote a 12k words analysis of a picture that’s basically a blue square on a black background; the thing was it was a very unique shade of blue, actually used there for the first time ever; however, being colorblind, i quote, he had no idea what the colour was but well, it looked very pretty to him
and somehow i find this very uplifting i mean if you can pull sth like that off, write a 12k words thesis on a colour you don’t even recognize properly, anything is possible and this is the story of how eddie redmayne officially became my saint patron of high level academic bullshitting
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v-mons · 8 years
GO 👏 THE 👏 FUCK 👏 OFF. Also, the American educational system is trash. I applaud this child’s parents for giving her a voice and standing up against bias authority.
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v-mons · 8 years
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On Sunday, police responded to a call of a suspicious vehicle parked on Manchester Boulevard around 3:10 am. When police arrived, they engaged in a 45-minute long standoff before opening fire on the man and woman inside the vehicle, killing them both.
The woman was pronounced dead shortly after the shooting, and the man succumbed to his injuries after paramedics transported him to a local hospital.
The shooting seemed like an open and shut case until the next day. Mayor James Butts, while responding to questions about the shooting, opened up a huge can of worms — both the man and the woman were unconscious.
For at least 45 minutes, police attempted “to rouse” them in an effort “to de-escalate the situation,” said Butts.
After admitting that the couple was asleep, Butts quickly defended the officers, noting, “Obviously at some point they were conscious because somebody felt threatened.”
However, that notion has yet to be proven and is particularly unlikely due to the fact that not a single officer received so much as a scratch, nor did the couple have any reason to be violent.
Both of the victims were parents; Kisha Michael, 31, a single mother of three sons, and Marquintan Sandlin, 32, a single father of four daughters.
Families for both described them as devoted parents who made arrangements for care of their children while they took a night off.
“The police ain’t telling us nothing,” said Trisha Michael after being met with tight lips from the department.
“He was a loving father,” said Sandlin’s sister Leandra Faulkner.  “All he cared about was his girls, getting them right.”
According to his relatives, Sandlin had a ‘rough life’ but had turned it around and was working as a successful truck driver.
Sadly, these children will now grow up knowing that their parents were taken from them by cops, scared of a sleeping couple.
‘For at least 45 minutes the cops attempted “to rouse” them in an effort “to de-escalate the situation” said Butts.After admitting that the couple were asleep, Butts quickly defended the officers actions, noting, “Obviously at some point they were conscious because somebody felt threatened.“’
What the fuck, were they aggressively snoring? Who opens fire on someone they just spent 45 minutes trying to wake up? Great. Now I’ve heard it all. Cops are afraid of unconscious people. 45 minutes of de-escalation? Did it ever once occur that if you try to wake someone up in a car with loud noise and they don’t wake up, medical attention may be needed?
#KishaMichae #MarquintanSandlin #PoliceBrutality #Cops #KillerCops #America #BLACKLIVESMATTER
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v-mons · 8 years
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