urkiikki-blog ¡ 4 years
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Story of Mo XuanYu  -Part 2 - [ ! ] Headcanon/ NO  CP 
- Part 1 -   
This is the end.   (I might add a little bit from Nie HuaiSang’s pov after this…not sure when OvOlll)   
*If you have trouble seeing the image, right click and open image in new tab/window to view them larger.
*中文版在我的微博: @希奧達ZeldaCW
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urkiikki-blog ¡ 4 years
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The Blitz scene from Good Omens - in comic form
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urkiikki-blog ¡ 4 years
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urkiikki-blog ¡ 4 years
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I just really love drawing Aziraphale with their regency’s dress that’s all
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urkiikki-blog ¡ 4 years
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DRAWTOBER #24 - The Lost Cause by KouriArashi
AU in which Nie Huaisang and Jin Guangyao work together to take down Jin Guangshan from the beginning.
Or: the story in which Nie Huaisang just wants to paint fans and feed birds and he doesn’t understand why this is so much to ask.
I am always a sucker for Huaisang + JGY as murder gremlin bros and this fic is such an EXCELLENT example of their dynamic! it’s hilarious and clever - and Huaisang is hilarious and clever - and it’s such a great exercise in how just one tiiiiiny little change can alter the outcome of the whole narrative. my favourite part is definitely the dynamic between these two, but also something I really like and have sort of absorbed into my personal thoughts on Huaisang is him taking on a scout role in the war because canonically, he IS sneaky and he IS observant and he IS good at being sneaky and observant whilst stalking through the underbrush. also very entertainingly addresses the question of how exactly Huaisang, the only one not dragged off to the slaughtertortoise cave, got out of No Good Very Bed Wen Summer Camp.
all in all a fun read, a great take on Huaisang, and lbr, provides the canon that we deserve. 
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urkiikki-blog ¡ 4 years
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Both Sides Now///Joni Mitchell
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urkiikki-blog ¡ 4 years
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top 10 danmei betrayals
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urkiikki-blog ¡ 4 years
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don’t ever talk to me or my 4500000000 niche AUs ever again
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urkiikki-blog ¡ 4 years
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rip zonghui
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urkiikki-blog ¡ 4 years
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modern au sangcheng call laying on the floor together while individually on their phones for a few hours a "date night" and u can't tell me otherwise
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urkiikki-blog ¡ 4 years
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the age old struggle…
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urkiikki-blog ¡ 4 years
MDZS Couple Portmanteaux
Y’all correct me if I’m wrong about any of these:
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This is Part 1   |   Part 2
WangXian  → lan wangji/wei wuxian
NieLan → lan xichen/nie mingjue
XiYao → jin guangyao/lan xichen
3zun → jin guangyao/lan xichen/nie mingjue
XiCheng → jiang cheng/lan xichen
XiSang → lan xichen/nie huaisang
XuanLi → jiang yanli/jin zixuan
ChengQing → jiang cheng/wen qing
SangCheng → jiang cheng/nie huaisang
ChengYu → jiang cheng/mo xuanyu
ZhuiLing → jin ling/lan sizhui
ZhuiYi → lan jingyi/lan sizhui
ZhuiLingYi → jin ling/lan jingyi/lan sizhui
SongXiao → song lan/xiao xingcheng
SongXueXiao → song lan/xue yang/xiao xingchen
XueXiao → xue yang/xiao xingchen
XueYu → mo xuanyu/xue yang
Did I get any wrong?  Which ships have I neglected?
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urkiikki-blog ¡ 4 years
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god has left the chat  ((based on discort discussion ))
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urkiikki-blog ¡ 4 years
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Bros before hoes (even if the hoe is your bro)
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urkiikki-blog ¡ 4 years
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urkiikki-blog ¡ 4 years
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Sunday 11th: Free spot - Age/role reversal, where Nie Huaisang is the oldest with a bratty little brother, while Lan Xichen is the sweet and happy Second Jade of Gusu Lan
This will be a two parter at minimum and the role reversal won’t come up until part two oops
Also on AO3
Inside Lan Qiren’s office, Nie Huaisang bowed deeply before the renowned teacher. 
“I leave my brother in your capable hands,” he said, before turning to Lan Wangji and bowing again. “Please, make sure he doesn’t create troubles. I trust your judgement in these matters, so punish him if need be." 
Next to him Nie Mingjue scoffed, as only a boy unused to discipline could. Nie Huaisang, who was the entire reason his brother often came off as a stubborn brat, sighed. The Lans would have a lot of work with that one.
Lan Xichen, who had been standing behind his brother, stepped aside to grab Nie Mingjue’s arm, smiling brightly. 
"I’ll make sure he behaves,” he promised. “If he does anything bad, I’ll tell Brother and Uncle." 
"Xichen-ge!” Nie Mingjue cried out, betrayed. “I thought we were friends!" 
"We are, but Nie zongzhu trusts us. Don’t you, Nie zongzhu?" 
"I trust you most of all,” Nie Huaisang said, amused as always by this too earnest second master of Gusu Lan. He almost laughed when Lan Xichen’s face turned bright pink at his comment. It was always fun to compliment those Lans. “Lan Er-gongzi, please take good care of my little brother. I know you will be a good influence on him." 
Lan Xichen preened, until Nie Mingjue elbowed him in the ribs for this betrayal. This time, Nie Huaisang really couldn’t help laughing. He exchanged a glance with Lan Wangji who also looked amused, in his own manner, while Lan Qiren just sighed and dismissed the two boys so grown-ups could speak in peace. Well, two grown-ups and Lan Wangji, who wasn’t quite nineteen yet, but often behaved as if he were already in his seventies or more. 
"How are things in Qinghe?” Lan Qiren asked, inviting his guest to sit while Lan Wangji served tea for both of them. 
“Better these days,” Nie Huaisang confessed. “We haven’t had another plot against us since that last time. I think everyone is coming to term with me being in charge until Mingjue comes of age… And five more years isn’t so much to wait." 
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urkiikki-blog ¡ 4 years
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