I have conflicted feelings about the bushmeat trade. It creates a path for infection between humans and animals, and it kills wild animals, which can push these animals into the region of being endangered, but I do believe it is more ethical than western breeding of animals, at least in the case of factory farming. Western breeding of animals is most likely safer, since there is less chance of an animal being infected, but if one animal does get infected, the infection could easily spread to the other animals. Factory farming is also much less ethical, in my opinion, though this only applies to factory farming, not free range. I do feel like free range is slightly less ethical that bushmeat, but not by much, since the animals on a free range farm were born to die, and the species is not at risk.
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African bushmeat
African bushmeat is meat that comes from wild animals, including bats, non-human primates, cain rats, and antelopes. From what I can find, it does not include maggots. African bushmeat can cause some problems for wildlife, as hunting to obtain it is often unsustainable, causing the street food to be a cause for risk of extinction to multiple species used in it. It can also pose a threat to humans. Since it is more difficult to sanitise, owing to lack of facilities, bushmeat can spread diseases from animals to humans, because if an infected animal is killed and harvested, the meat from them might still contain the bacteria that infected the animal. This is suspected to be the cause of Covid-19. From what I understand, Coronavirus started when someone in China had some soup which contained bushmeat from a diseased bat. This person then got sick, the infection spread, and put the entire world into a lockdown. This is a good example of why people want the sale of bushmeat to be banned, it poses a threat by creating a gateway between animal infections and human infections.
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This is the moodboard that I created for my portals environment, it is located in a set of ruins in a fenced off area behind a diner.
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This is a screenshot of the rendered environment that I made in Cinema 4D, I was unable to open the file to get other screenshots, as my computer is unable to run Cinema 4D, unfortunately.
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Food process Part 2
I decided to make another piece of food that I had put on the menu, Tendril Berries. This model is of an unprepared Tendril Berry. First, I created a small ball of aluminium foil, before wrapping it in clay. I then added some small bits of clay, to act as lips, to give the berry a place where the tendril attached, e.t.c.
I then took some clay, cut it into tiny pieces, and shaped these pieces into teeth. These were baked, before being shoved between the lips. Here is where i encountered an issue. I went to bake the model, and I set a timer on my phone, according to a member of staff. Unbeknownst to me, someone had set the temperature of the oven to a temperature much higher than what I, and the member of staff, thought it was, and as such, the model burned and bubbled. In future, I will ensure that the oven is actually at the correct temperature, but in this case, I am actually quite pleased with how it came out. I primed the model, before painting it a reddish purple. I then painted the lips red, the teeth an off-white yellow, and attempted to drybrush some blue highlights onto the now numerous bumps, though this did not end very well.
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Owing to tumblr limit on how many images can be in a single post, this is going to be split into 2 posts. When crafting the antler kebab, I started by making an armature out of wire. I also took a bit of aluminium foil and crumpled it into a ball, so that it could be used as a skeleton for the chunk of moon rock. I then covered the skeletons of both pieces in super sculpey, ensuring that they were connected. I then added details, such as craters and texture on the moon rock, as well as grooves and food onto the antler, before baking. I then spray primed the model, before giving the rock a base coat of very dark grey, and the antler a base coat of white. I the attempted to add shading to the rock, using progressively lighter colours of drybrush, but that did not fare very well. I painted the antler a light yellow colour, before painting the various foods that i had stuck onto them.
For the Ouroboros bite, it was initially created as a way to pass the time with me not even intending to bake it, but i eventually decided to make it a side to the antler kebab. Owing to its initial nature, it is made entirely of super sculpey, however, it is quite small, and so this was not a problem when baking. I started by making a tube shape from the sculpey, rather like a sausage, before slicing one end of it in half, and bending the rest around to stick into the “mouth”. I then added texture, such as the scales on the back, the plates on the stomach, and the clear seperation between the two. I also added the eyes and teeth. I proceeded to bake it, before priming it grey. I then painted it green on the back, an off-white yellow on the stomach, and black in the mouth. I also used a copper paint to exaggerate the gap between the sections. I eventually used a light drybrush of this same copper to add some extra colour all over. I finally added a thin layer of varnish to make the model slightly shiny.
For the menu, I first typed up the entirety of the menu itself on a typewriter. I then cut this out, and stuck it onto a larger piece of paper, so that i could add art, since the typewriter was too small to hold the required paper size, A3. Once I had added the art, I photocopied the finished menu onto a smaller piece of paper, which I then cut out, to achieve a more reasonable size of menu.
For the bases, I used 2 different methods. For the Antler kebab, I cut out a thin circle of wood, before painting its design on with white, black, and copper paint. For the Ouroboros bite’s base, I reused a bit of grey super sculpey which i had used in varnishing the model. Since varnish had spilt onto the sculpey, it could not logically be re-added to the rest of it, so I shaped it into a reasonable base shape, stuck the Ouroboros bite’s cocktail stick in, and then baked it. I then painted it in various colours.
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Mariel Clayton creates these scenes of Barbie, as a killer. I don't really feel comfortable with these images, and so will not review them as extensively. They are, however, obviously not real, likely so obvious because of both the popularity of Barbie, the recognisable style of Barbie, and the incredibly stereotypical “perfect woman” look chosen for Barbie.
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Lori Nix creates small scenes, and, while it is relatively easy to tell they are not real scenes, they are still incredibly good.
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Matthew Albanese creates models at a massive scale, one which we have so far not even come close to, and then lights them in a way which makes them look real. He also creates everything in the scene.
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because of how I did this, you have to click on the image to get the corresponding instruction
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This is an annotation of the tools in Adobe Illustrator, stating what each tool does
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This is a pattern made by bridgett Riley. I am not sure how to respond to this, since it is a pattern. It is an interesting pattern, since it gives the image of a 3D space on a 2D plane, but i do not feel any specific way about it
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Olly Moss is an illustrator who has made a few posters for marvel. My favourite such series of posters is displayed above. The reason that i like Moss’ work is that they use silhouettes of the characters, and then fill those silhouettes with environments from the film, modified to fill in the missing details from the characters.(C3PO’s eyes, Boba Fett’s visor, and Darth Vader’s eyes and respirator)
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This is a piece of art made by Matthew Skiff, an artist that makes art based primarily around comics, and usually in that style. I’m personally not a massive fan of his work, since a lot of it looks near identical to the source comics, though i can see how that may be appealing to other people.
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These are some pieces of art made by Tom Whalen, a talented creator. They currently have a client list including coca-cola, metallica, and Disney. I quite like their art, since they have a consistent style which i find appealing.
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This is a piece of art by Malika Favre, and quite frankly, i don’t see the appeal of their work, likely since it reminds me too much of the “corporate art style” that fills so much of the modern internet
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Art station is a website designed to let artists sell their work. I have done a little research into artists on it, and have selected 2 artists to discuss the work of.
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Reza Afshar is an artist on art station who has made some very surreal art. They seem to make primarily fantasy and sci-fi art, and has a very nice art style.
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.Ryth is an artist on art station who makes some rather interesting art, typically memes redrawn in a more renaissance style. For example one meme that they redrew was “popcat”, which aside from being a nice meme, is very nicely made
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Voxel Games
Two examples of voxel games, the two which i will be discussing, are minecraft and crossy road.
Minecraft is a 3d, voxel based survival / creative game. You are set into a world of your own, and given the power to build what you want.
Crossy road, meanwhile, is a voxel game more akin to frogger, where your goal is to get as far as possible through a procedurally generated level. It could also be called a Gacha game, since there is no real goal or achievement, aside from setting a new high score, other than getting new characters.
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Edweard Muybridge was, in 1872, a photographer, who was asked by Leland Stanford to assist in settling an argument. As a result of difficulties from this project, Muybidge created a camera with faster shutter speed, and essentially created modern frame animation. While this has largely been abandoned recently, it allowed for moving pictures to move smoother between each other. As such, Muybridge was very important in the frame of modern animation.
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Above are screenshots of both the key, and the map, which I designed for the summer work. Below is the story that I wrote to go alongside them.
Haunted Surface
Imagine, if you will, a dark landscape, rolling for miles. This landscape has small spots of glowing life, some animal some plant, all of it is beautiful. Now imagine that everything is trying to kill you. The mushrooms with the holes in, flooding the air with bluish light, release a spore that changes any that inhale it into a brutish jailor. The small red orbs on the ground, reaching up on vines, could be assumed to be berries. But what berry has teeth, and can rip a mans jaw clean off? The creature that you take for a stag seems harmless enough, until eating the meat kills you rapidly. The corpse of your friend seemed at peace, finally still, finally free. Until it was not.
Now imagine, if you will, seeing ruins on this gorgeous hellscape. Vestiges of a lifetime long passed. You can spot remnants from so many ages, that it is easy to believe that this place is beyond the grip of time. Castles next to observatories next to cabins next to satellites. And yet it is not.
Next imagine, if you will, a great pit. It is clear that this is the epicenter of this plane. The tendrils which hold those gnashing berries all come from here. This must be throne of whatever demonic power resides here. And yet, when you look down, the pit is empty, aside from a door. You are safe. And then you are not.
Finally imagine, if you will, opening a pair of non-existent eyes, only to see where you entered from. You see a wall, a door, and in the distance, children playing. You try to move, only to realize that you have nothing to move. Your very essence, tied to a bush to the right of a door. You thought it was a nightmare. Until it was not.
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The top image is a picture of mopane worms, they are the young caterpillars of the emperor moth. They are a street food from Zimbabwe.
The bottom image is a picture of jellied eels, a strange London dish, where chopped eels are essentially put into jelly and eaten cold.
These are a few among the many strange street foods that exist all over the world. these street foods vary greatly from country to country, and the reason for this is a combination of cultural influence, history, and availability of resources. street food in a more wealthy country, like England, is less likely to be essentially cooked bugs, but in poorer countries, the availability of bugs and lack of other food can lead to these bugs being cooked into street food.
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