unyieldingheather · 4 years
hakan winterbourne, emrys savile and I went for that famous inspection at the apartment targeted by the electrifying spheres. the tracking charm was overwhelming, I just- too many fucking traces. those spheres and the explosions they provoked were highly bizarre. they seemed pure energy. I’m wondering whether they had some sort of tactical awareness allowing them to move by themselves or they were being piloted by someone remotely. they didn’t quite have the hallmarks of our attacks. I still have too little information. I gotta interview some more eye-witnesses.
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unyieldingheather · 4 years
[ ennesimo messaggio in codice BM: “il tuo aiuto e la tua informazione saranno premiati. come avrai notato, la villana e lesta bacchetta irlandese è tra i nostri bersagli, così tutti i mezzi Langston rimasti. cerca di carpire informazioni su di loro, i loro punti deboli, i loro movimenti. pedinali se necessario, informaci dei loro spostamenti. ti verrà consegnato qualcosa molto a breve per la tua lealtà. se avrai bisogno di qualcosa, te lo procureremo.” ]
so doireann is half-langston. well, she better leave the UK right now, because she’s not gonna live long if she stays. especially not if she keeps drawing people’s attention by playing the merciful political leader who’s trying to bring diagon alley back to its original splendor. I gotta make a magical contract for her, I’ll see her soon and I’ll investigate. and probably I’ll have to build up a new artifact to track her, ‘cause I’m not hiring spies and informants that could expose me in the blink of the eye.
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unyieldingheather · 4 years
I gotta speak with who’s in charge now, because whoever that is, is plainly, massively incompetent. I mean. four of us, hopefully trained in magical combat, one of whom was the great, infamous sean mackinley – and everyone ended up either captured or dead. I’m not here to talk morality. I get it, we’re all disposable. the goal is terrorize and make them understand it’s not over yet, it will never be until we breathe, so it doesn’t matter how many of us die or end up in jail as long as our point comes across. I get it, really. but honestly? how’s getting arrested over a minor terror attack at a stupid belthane party gonna help the cause? why couldn’t they bring a fucking passport and vanish once things got bad? and why on earth didn’t they tell me to bring the mask and prepare for battle? I could have helped more than I did – I had emrys fuckin’ savile right next to me, I couldn’t risk my cover. this was hugely stupid. I hope there’s some better plan ahead. although, real question is – who the hell were those three figures who vanished after all the fuss? 
anyway, I hope tangerine is alright. I never meant any harm to him. I’ll check on him as soon as I can.
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unyieldingheather · 4 years
lovely mission tonight. tangerine, rada and I went to wicked to cover the area in protective charms in view of belthane, I couldn’t help but play along. I just notified the cell of what exact charms were applied. it’s gonna be all fireworks and surprises tomorrow, no doubt, no doubt.
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unyieldingheather · 4 years
[ un pezzetto di pergamena le è comparso nella tasca al ministero, ma l’ha scoperto solo quando ha infilato la mano nel tessuto. la calligrafia non ricorda niente in particolare ed eventuali tracciature non hanno rivelato presenze magiche sul biglietto. sono però le parole che vengono utilizzate nello stesso, un linguaggio simile ad un codice che heather ha ricondotto subito a quello dei black matagot. sembra che una cellula sia ancora latente. ciò che heather è riuscita a tradurre dal codice è “30 aprile, belthane, wicked.” ]
aaaand so the show isn’t over yet. here we go again. I knew it.
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unyieldingheather · 4 years
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unyieldingheather · 4 years
another assignment for the diligent, hard-working, mild-mannered ministerial researcher heather moss, courtesy of rada nevnskijvna. gotta build an artifact for san mungo staff, a sort of x-ray machine able to see through a patient without ripping them open with an incide. something they asked for three fucking years ago but never got enough funding up until now. renovation era, am I right? yay. so exciting. almost as exciting as watching the fraternitas draconis playing the cool guys in diagon alley with their money and international connections and merciful spirit of altruism. what a bunch of hypocritical assholes.
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unyieldingheather · 4 years
so tangerine has been assigned to the ‘miss me?’ case and I’ve been assigned to a case re: mysterious attacks on aurors in muggle zones involving some unknown artifact and a relentless intention to bring the statute of secrecy down. I may be wrong but I get the feeling they’re connected. I’m wondering who it is, though. it can’t be us, I would know, someone would have reached out to me. or maybe it’s an isolated, independent cell who thinks they’re the only one left. it should be explored further. luckily I have the means to, hakan winterbourne and I gotta help aurors out with the tracking. slyly fascinating, the guy. gotta keep an eye out for him.
and meanwhile, I’m gonna go to belthane to pretend I’m just another random girl who needs normality back in her life after the war. yeah, what are the odds.
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unyieldingheather · 4 years
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unyieldingheather · 4 years
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unyieldingheather · 4 years
the war is over. we lost spectacularly. the trials are over too. no one absolved. everyone I know is gone, or in prison for life. those of us who are left are in hiding or playing their stupid role at the ministry. and the world hasn’t changed a thing. as if all the killing and the torturing and the maiming didn’t matter at all, the world hasn’t changed a thing. welcome to 2020.
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