August 24, 2019
I’ve been hoping to catch a good mate for The Contessa recently. Since I’m hardly a Professional Breeder, just someone looking for a few extra raptors to protect the house, my standards weren’t high--just a decently high-leveled male. The woods around my home are mostly home to carnos and rexes, so I was lucky yesterday to happen upon the Raptor Singularity.
...Unfortunately, every single one of the high levels was female.
I decided to make the best out of a bad situation and caught me a bunch of them, several of which found their way to my little island on their own. My little raptor pack is looking much better!
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Unfortunately, in the process of snaring them all I got a little careless and lost Damascus to a terror bird. :( RIP Damascus, you were the best pteranodon a girl could hope for.
After hours of searching, I did finally manage to find one (1) decent-leveled male...unfortunately, he’s 1. a lower level than all the dames and 2. looks like that.
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His name is Bluebird (lvl 203). Praying that his children have a slightly more cohesive color scheme. At least he has good HP and Attack stats...!
So far I’ve gotten two eggs through Bluebird, one out of The Contessa and one out of Brindle, one of the newer catches with decent stats. Haven’t had the time to hatch them yet. We’ll see how they turn out!
To get the raptors whipped into shape (and because I needed silk), I took them on a circuit around the great lake in the center of Valguero, a trip of about 2 in-game days. No casualties, and the formation I put them in handled itself well. There’s something about traveling the world at the head of a pack of little predators that’s just really, really fun.
That’s all for today! Tomorrow I’ll see what I can do about hatching more raptors and (finally) setting up my farm.
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Hiya! This blog is mostly just going to be a personal journal of my adventures on Valguero--partly because I’d like to record them to look back on later, and partially because my partner doesn’t care for the game and I’ve rambled to her enough about it, lol. I’m hoping that this will give me a place to brag about my lovely dinos without bothering her too much. :P
This is going to be a long post, so I’ll stuff all the pictures and ramblings under the readmore. But if you’d like to stop in and chat, you’ll find me as Spinster (tribe Unraveled) on the Isla Nycta Valguero PvE server. Hope to see you there!
This is my first time playing long-term on a proper server, but not my first time playing ARK. I’ve spent a lot of time in single-player, and I’ve done some hopping around between official and unofficial servers, both PvP and PvE. Never settled down like I have in this one, though. Isla Nycta has fairly generous multipliers, so it’s a fairly casual experience, though I’ve still died a fair number of times!
I started during the week, when there weren’t many people online, so my experience has been mostly solo so far. I’ve managed to establish a nice little base for myself on an island in one of the northern lakes.
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Here’s my home island from above. As you can probably see, I’ve built a couple of bridges to the mainland, mostly so that I don’t need to deal with piranhas :)
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And here’s my little settlement! The house on the left is newer, and it’s two stories, with a living room, bathroom, kitchen, and two bedrooms. (I built it using CKF.) The little shed on the right is where all my workbenches and my smithy are.
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It’s not the fanciest place in the world, but I had fun decorating it :)
So far my host of tames is pretty small. Eventually I’m hoping to get into breeding and so on, but I have to get more settled first!
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This is Damascus, my current flier (Lvl 203). As you can probably tell, he ended up with some of the summer event coloring, which Isla Nycta still has going. Normally I’m not a fan of those colors, but I think he came out looking all right.
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Solveig (lvl 202) and The Contessa (lvl 206), the raptor girlfriends. Solveig also ended up with those event colors...not sure how I feel about them. The Contessa is an absolute beast, and she’s saved my life more times than I can count. Hoping to eventually breed on her wonderful attack stat.
And, speaking of questionable event colors...
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This is Ugley Babey (lvl 155). A Very Special Boy.
I also have two work steeds: Daisy and Dorothy, my trike and doed. They guard the house and keep me well-stocked in berries and stone.
That’s about it for an introduction! As for me, I’m off to the server to see if I can get started on a farm. :) Here’s hoping for a wonderful dino-filled future!
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