unfriendlygreen · 6 years
Billy: Noooo, Teddy, stop. Pleaseee
Billy: Oh shush Tj, just wait until you find some handsome girl.... or guy?
Billy: We love you no matter what your preference is.
Teddy: They'll probably try and send you back
Teddy: Nope too late I'm the bad guy now
Teddy: Aw come on babe. We're trying to give you a night off from cooking.
TJ: i wouldn't hold my breath on that dad, i could not be any less interested in finding anyone anywhere at anytime
TJ: that's fucked up!
TJ: yeaaaah, if you want to cook! i'll eat it! i can pickup a coffee on the way and still down a roast nbd
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unfriendlygreen · 6 years
Billy: How is staying at school doing husbandly duties ahahaha
Billy: I cook every night, Tj. You should come home sometimes.And not the house on school grounds.
Teddy: No more therapeutic massages for him
Teddy: I was totally talking about when i convinced you to cancel class
Teddy: We could also do takeout?
TJ: therapeutic massage.
TJ: am i too old to be calling cps? does it not count because i'm from space? c r u e l t y
TJ: thai? i would kill for some vietnamese coffee
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unfriendlygreen · 6 years
Billy: Tell him again, Tj. He tells me to cancel classes all the time for cuddles.
Billy: What do you guys want for dinner, then? And you are training your butt into the seat and having family time.
Teddy: You guys are terrible influences I was just trying to do my husbandly duties
Teddy: I'm fine with whatever TJ wants
TJ: dad literally just exposed you, don't try to play innocent!!
TJ: say its a family emergency? the emergency is that i finally get to eat something that isn't school food
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unfriendlygreen · 6 years
Billy: Family Dinner tonight, so it would be awesome if you could be home on time.
Billy: And this isn't up for negotiation.
Teddy: Are you trying to tell me that I always come home late?
Teddy: Don't blame me, blame whoever made the schedule and gave me a late class.
Teddy: I'll do my best, though
TJ: just cancel class dad!
TJ: what's for dinner tho? i may or may not have training at that time if its casserole
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unfriendlygreen · 7 years
Simon hummed to himself as he looked over a book he’d been given as he arrived at the school. He then looked up as he noticed the other coming near
“So, did you know studying Romeo and Juliet is like being banned by some schools for….well, apparently a few reasons? It’s wild, honestly….”
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“I don’t know what that is, but you should know that sounds lame as hell and I hope it’s banned here too.” TJ turned on his heel to head in the opposite direction but something about the man’s explanation left things unsettled. “What’d you mean by reasons? Do you just not know?”
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unfriendlygreen · 7 years
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        “so, uh—-what is this OBJECT called? i haven’t seen it on asgard, ever.” freja questioned herself softly, hoping others wouldn’t bother to HELP since she was too embarrassed to even ask them of it. microwaves weren’t a common thing in asgard, it was so FOREIGN to the asgardian.
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tj stopped in his tracks on his way out of the rec room at the other’s inquiry. he had found, lately, that some of his favorite people were the newer asgardians who seemed to be popping up every day. he still wasn’t clear if they were gods or aliens or a mix of the two, but he was never not amused when one of their lot was around. “that’s a microwave, you can like warm up food that’s gone cold and shit. you guys have something like that back home, right?”
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unfriendlygreen · 7 years
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“but it’s so obvious who is going to be the one who fucks up more than the others” she gave him a look and curled into his side, yawning slightly. “besides actual crime movies that don’t have stupid characters.”
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"that is absolutely not true, i’m still not convinced that you don’t google everything about a movie that you just happen to choose.” he knew it wasn’t true, alana had a knack for intuition or something along those lines and he had simply learned to stop questioning it after awhile. “crime movies absolutely have stupid characters how else do you explain how they get caught?”
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unfriendlygreen · 7 years
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“every time we watch one of these movies, the robbers get caught almost immediately. i don’t understand how they’re so stupid.”
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“not always, sometimes they get caught at the end -- just because you can call who fucks up first doesn’t mean its stupid.” tj plops down on the couch, carelessly spilling popcorn from the bowl he was carrying as they bump shoulders. “besides, heist movies are the second best genre out there.”
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unfriendlygreen · 7 years
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Suzanne huffed slightly as she sat down in the library, pulling out her notebook.  “Honestly, at this rate, I’m going to fail this class and drop out of school. I gotta study hard and ace this next test if I’m gonna make it,” she said, a smile on her face. 
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“You can drop out of class without failing, beat them to the punch of academic reproach or whatever.” TJ’s eating in the library because History of Mutants was a joke of a class, and he knew no one would think of looking for him in the library. “Look, if you can’t pass the class without studying then you probably don’t even need it - let’s be real.”
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unfriendlygreen · 7 years
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TJ KAPLAN-ALTMAN is a TWENTY-ONE year old SEVENTH YEAR at Age of Heroes Academy who looks a lot like CODY CHRISTIAN. HE identifies as CIS MALE and rumor has it they’re the adopted child of BILLY KAPLAN & TEDDY ALTMAN. They’re described as DETERMINED & FEROCIOUS and got into the academy due to their ability of EXPERT SHAPESHIFTING & SUPERSKRULL ENHANCEMENT. Their moral alignment is CHAOTIC EVIL. 
found in a pod in the space equivalent of a dumpster, tj was picked up by teddy and some how teddy did not throw him further into space - bless up.
tj is of skrull descent though after being biologically engineered to manipulate fire, absorb kinetic energy, and limited manipulation of force fields. he trained tirelessly as a child, training as a skrull soldier until the lab he was hosted in was raided and he was shoved into an escape pod with coordinates over 300 clicks away. somewhere between 245 and 300 clicks he lost consciousness and the pod fell into hibernation mode. its unclear how long he slept for but he awoke when his pod was opened by teddy altman. adopting his name, tj assimilated into the kaplan-altman lifestyle -- side eyeing the weakness love that the pair flaunted so shamelessly. with time he grew to want something like that, something like his parents had, though the skrull military training that hums in the back of his mind tells him to resist such an obvious achilles’ heel.
skrull military training - hand-to-hand combat, though he was a kid ya dig so like he’s just extra pretty good at it now and he works diligently and took up mma awhile back so he still good.
fire manipulation - he can project fire from his extremities in ranging intensities, and create, shape, and manipulate existing fire/flames. as a result tj runs hotter than most but he cannot set his entire self alight like johnny storm. he has adept control of this skill from his training as a young child. 
kinetic energy absorption - tj can absorb kinetic energy, removing it from its source and then turn around and use it to enhance his own physical strength, speed, and stamina. as he takes on more hits he metabolizes it to his own advantage and that makes him an excellent field soldier. he absorbs energy not only from punches but also projectiles like bullets and physically based energy beams. ( * he discovered this later on, most likely once he was already at the academy. could be a funny, but not so cute meet-cute or something )
limited force field manipulation - he can create force fields around himself and those in his immediate area. his current radius is 10 feet in any direction. with proximity he can penetration other’s force fields or even break them entirely with focus.
shapeshifting - like any other skrull he can shapeshift, it ain’t special though as a kid he would test his abilities time and time again, turning into furniture or creepily large pencils. sometimes if a movie is particularly boring ( or just not what he’s into ) he’ll study the actors and take on their appearance.
the skrull can like, stretch and like, become rubbery or something. ya girl is not great at summarizing and we made it this far so like. we should be mcfucking grateful that i didn’t pull a graham here. im just being more thorough bc he’s a student and ya gonna see him all the time so ya gotta know what he be like okay. 
they can change size, fly, and mimic sounds and voices bc the skrull are like *pink panther theme plays* s p i e s 
back to tj now, he won’t tell anyone his real name so might as well call him tj. you can try to guess that’d be fun. but he’ll neither confirm or deny. i’d love a running gag where everyone assumes they know his name because one time his eyebrow did a thing when i asked if his name was toenail so i’m pretty sure its toenail or something like that bc at the end of the day im a fucking meme. 
determined is just a nice way to say stubborn. once tj’s mind is made up you could show him a 74 slide powerpoint and he’d dismiss the whole thing. but if its something he doesn’t have an opinion of he’s pretty go with the flow.
ferocious - savagely fierce, cruel, or violent. he comes from a warrior race, fighting is in his blood though he only fights for what he wants and believes in. 
his moral alignment is chaotic evil and he has no respect for rules, other people's lives, or anything but his own desires, which are typically selfish. he has a tendency to be cruel when other’s don’t agree with him and its his instinct to lash out though with parenting his tantrum phase has kind of.. mellowed unless he knows his dads aren’t around to stop him. he absolutely does not mean well but he likes anyone who he thinks is along his same wavelength.
if you powered through this whole thing oh my fucking god, wow. ily but like... love urself, you know you can ask me questions at anytime. the only reason this is so extensive is so that i can refer back to this to refresh myself.  anyway, you know the drill, like this to plot and after work i will be hitting everyone up. 
he’s open to all connections rn except like. his dads, duh, so feel free to send me whatever ideas you might have been wanting. i got a few things to do tonight but like otherwise i will be lingering around for the next hour and then after that i’ll be on after work ( in 6 hours ) okay okay im done. sorry for how long this is, again. seriously.
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unfriendlygreen · 7 years
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unfriendlygreen · 7 years
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unfriendlygreen · 7 years
me?????? an explosive temper???????? yeah leave me alone 
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unfriendlygreen · 7 years
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somebody else, the 1975
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unfriendlygreen · 7 years
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