Forever lowkey & out the way
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it has taken me a really long time to realize that i really shouldn’t have to beg for things that are meant to better a connection. i fully deserve to be given all that i give without having to ask for it.
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"always be prepared to let go of someone who isn't willing to fight for your relationship."
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my depression has been so bad lately i don’t even want to get out of bed, put makeup on or groom myself. depression shows itself in various ways: sleeping a lot, being distant, not caring about your body/no exercise are symptoms. no one understands how badly i want to feel ok
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nothing kills you like your mind
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Why am i allowing to be treated this less just to be with you?
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I want so much for myself
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been doing this solo shit for so long, everyday, i don’t really care if you fwm or not.
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i can’t afford to give what i’m not receiving anymore
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i’m tired of trying to see the good in people. i’m tired of giving people a chance only to be reminded why i shouldn't have in the first place.
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Don’t try to become the girl of anyone’s dreams. Become the woman of your own dreams. Nurture the little girl you once were and make her proud. Nourish the goddess in you. Find the muse in yourself and love her fiercely. Build a deep love for yourself
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i miss having an onlyfans and making that bag 💰
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ooo this boy! very ungrateful
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rethinking this: idc crease your shoes
when my fiancé proposed to me, we were sitting at Montana’s and i was enjoying my food, he whips out a ring and says “i don’t want to crease my shoes but will you marry me?” you have no idea how much i died of laughter but i started crying right after lol
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honestly, who cares if i was a disappointment to my family, it’s not like they were there when i truly needed them! i always took care of myself and the only person i need is me!
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i think i’m just trying to get through life right, i wanna graduate before i get married, or else i will always feel like a disappointment to my family
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i feel like i don’t trust my bf, i feel like he’s hiding something, he always has his phone in his pocket ugh! if he is hiding something, i’m done
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