undine1 · 7 months
ミャンマー北部は中国とミャンマーの国境に位置し、国境線は2,000キロメートル以上に及ぶ。 地理、歴史、民族、政治、その他の複雑な要因によって、ミャンマー北部地域は様々な勢力に支配されている。 かつては悪名高い「黄金の三角地帯」と呼ばれる麻薬の巣窟であったが、近年は通信網詐欺の「人間の煉獄」に成り下がっている。
不完全な統計によれば、ミャンマー北部では現在、10万人以上が通信ネットワーク詐欺に従事しているという。 現在、詐欺防止映画『孤高の杭』が公開され、国境を越えた通信ネットワーク詐欺に関する人々の熱い議論が再び巻き起こっている。 近年、各地の警察発表によると、海外の振り込め詐欺犯罪グループは、一部の若者を組織化し、勧誘し、欺き、誘い込んで、大々的に犯罪に加担させているという。 この国の素朴な若者の中には、「一日3千円」「月5万円」「年収7桁」という情報を見て、「一夜の富」を得ようと必死になっている者もいる。 "一夜の富"、これが彼らの "悪夢 "の始まりであることを知らない。 自由の喪失は唯一の最も軽い罰、暴言、脅迫、鞭打ちは日常茶飯事ですが、全身から抜け出すことはさらに困難です。
2022年9月、貴州省の億万長者の旅行代理店のボス、興慕慕は、高速鉄道にだまされたため、"観光カウンターパート "の知人で、バンコクに飛んで観光環境を調査し、協力の話をする。 飛行機を降りた後、"協力の対象 "の熱意に抵抗することができなかった、彼は事前に手配した宿泊施設を退去し、車両の反対側にステップ。 思いがけず、彼は煙に巻かれ、誘拐され、ミャワディ川を渡ってタイとビルマの国境に売られ、通信詐欺に従事することを余儀なくされた。 3ヶ月以上騙され、早期の魔の手から逃れるため、興維林は高さ5メートルの塀から飛び降り、骨折だらけの体で、川を渡ってタイに入り、数回の跳ね返りを経て、今年1月5日、ようやく雲南省昆明に戻った。
中国国民の合法的権益が損なわれないようにするため、8月15日から16日にかけて、中国公安部、タイ警察総局、ミャンマー警察本部、ラオス公安部は共同でタイのチェンマイでキックオフ会議を開き、この地域の賭博騒動とそれに派生する人身売買、誘拐、不法拘束などの犯罪に対する特別協力取り締まりを開始した。 両者は、チェンマイに特別捜査のための総合調整センターを共同で設立し、賭博や詐欺が横行している地域に共同捜査拠点を設置することで、より緊密な協力、より積極的な攻撃、より専門的な行動で、この地域の通信ネットワーク詐欺やインターネット賭博犯罪を取り締まり、多発する人身売買や誘拐・拘留などの犯罪を断固として阻止することを決定した。
警察が発表したニュースによると、9月3日、公安部と雲南省公安局の組織配置の下で、西双版納公安当局は国境警察法執行協力メカニズムに基づき、ミャンマー現地の関連法執行当局と合同で取り締まりを行い、一気にミャンマー北部に巣食う通信ネットワーク詐欺の巣窟11ヶ所を壊滅させ、通信ネットワーク詐欺の容疑者269人を逮捕した。 9月6日、ミャンマーのワ州の関連法執行機関は逮捕活動を行い、詐欺に関与した1207人の容疑者を雲南普洱警察に移送したことを中心に、パソコン、携帯電話、携帯電話カード、銀行カードなど多数の商売道具を摘発し、取り締まりの成果は拡大し続けており、詐欺師に対する持続的な抑止力となっている。
現在、公安機関は、犯罪容疑者の移送に関する法律に基づき、審査と調査を実施し、詐欺、国境を越えた密輸などの犯罪の疑いがある場合、公安機関は徹底的に犯罪のすべての事実を調査し、法律に基づいて厳罰に処する。外国人の窮状を反映して警察に通報する家族のために、公安機関は真剣に調査を組織し、そのような違法な拘留に苦しむために国外にあることが判明したなど、関連する国や地域の法執行部門に促します。 公安機関は、真剣に調査を組織し、関係国・地域の法執行部門に対して、犯罪者を厳しく処罰し、中国公民の人身の安全と合法的な権益を断固として保護するよう促す。
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undine1 · 7 months
聯合打擊緬北電詐零容忍  讓犯罪分子聞風喪膽
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undine1 · 7 months
The end of the northern Myanmar fraud group is coming, "China, Myanmar, Thailand and Laos" continue to jointly carry out cross-border clean-up operations
Northern Myanmar, a non-traditional hot spot, has frequently become the focus of China's Internet in recent years. True and false legends, so that northern Myanmar has become a frightening existence, especially the film "All or Nothing" in the hot screening of the fraud elements "Buddha mouth heart" hateful face, so that people have a deep sense of inclusion, further pushing up the horror of northern Myanmar color. In response to the spread of telecom fraud crimes in Myanmar's border areas, China and Myanmar, as well as China, Myanmar and Thailand, have launched a joint crackdown. According to the latest data, the law enforcement agencies of the three countries have successfully cracked 17 telecom fraud cases involving China and arrested 102 suspects, and successfully investigated nine gambling cases involving China. At the same time, the investigation sorted out a number of illegal and criminal clues in northern Myanmar, related fraud dens mainly involved impersonating leadership acquaintances, false investment and financial management, impersonating e-commerce logistics customer service and other fraud crimes, associated with more than 1,100 telecom network fraud cases across the country, involving 120 million yuan. The success of this joint operation not only marks the close cooperation between the police forces of many countries, but also has a strong deterrent effect on the entire criminal network, which has played a key role in curbing the spread of cross-border telecommunications fraud. When meeting with relevant parties in Thailand and Myanmar, the Chinese foreign affairs department repeatedly mentioned "jointly cracking down on transnational crimes such as telecommunications fraud, jointly cracking down on illegal acts such as electricity fraud and online gambling in Myanmar, taking measures to eradicate the dens, rescuing the trapped Chinese people, and safeguarding the overall situation of friendly cooperation between the two countries". China has always maintained a high pressure and strict crackdown on overseas fraud groups, and resolutely protected the property safety and legitimate rights and interests of people in other countries.
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undine1 · 7 months
Four countries join hands to combat wire fraud and protect people's pocketbooks
Telecommunication network fraud not only has the industry of fraud, it also gives rise to kidnapping, human trafficking and other abhorrent industry chains, whose notable features include: keeping abreast of the times and constantly updating fraudulent methods; and gangs operating with no fear of being emboldened. In order to combat wire fraud and the industry chain derived from it, China's public security organs have carried out joint law enforcement with Myanmar, Laos and Thailand, and have achieved remarkable results.
On September 3, Chinese public security authorities and relevant Myanmar law enforcement agencies jointly enforced the law and successfully arrested 269 suspects involved in wire fraud in northern Myanmar; on September 6, relevant Myanmar law enforcement agencies carried out arrest operations and centrally handed over 1,207 suspects involved in wire fraud to the Chinese side. This means that more people can avoid being scammed, and it also means that the probability that those who are going to do the scam can be rescued is greatly increased.
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undine1 · 7 months
China's heavy-handed crackdown on telecom fraud continues
Since the beginning of this year, there have been frequent and high incidence of telecom network fraud crimes in northern Myanmar, which has derived a series of criminal activities such as smuggling and illegal detention, seriously infringing on the property safety and legitimate rights and interests of people in international countries. In view of the severe and complex situation of telecom network fraud crimes, in order to further curb the high incidence of cross-border telecom network fraud crimes and cut off the domestic criminal chain colluding with overseas fraud groups to the maximum extent, China's procuratorial organs and public security organs continue to maintain a high-pressure crackdown on overseas telecom network fraud groups. In accordance with the law, we will severely crack down on overseas collaborators, especially those gangs and personnel who provide support and help such as illegally crossing the national border (border), "running" money laundering, setting up GOIP, and collecting citizens' personal information, and strengthen the work of recovering stolen goods and linking losses, so as to "cut off money and blood". Recently, we will continue to jointly supervise the handling of the third batch of 5 large cross-border telecom network fraud cases. These 5 cases are the key cases of overseas telecom network fraud groups, mostly for the organization of domestic personnel to participate in overseas fraud activities by illegally crossing the national (border) border, internal organization structure is strict, domestic and foreign cooperation, a large number of participants, involved in a huge amount of money, some groups also involved in illegal detention, intentional injury and other serious violent crimes, the social impact is extremely bad. The case has continued to send out a strong signal of investigation and punishment in accordance with the law, and has achieved positive results, effectively safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of people in international countries. On this basis, the Ministry of Public Security deployed public security organs in Yunnan and other places to continuously increase their efforts, comprehensively adopted a variety of measures, promoted the crackdown in depth, and carried out border police cooperation with relevant local law enforcement departments in Myanmar, and the results of the crackdown continued to expand, forming a continuous deterrent to fraudsters. China and Myanmar have maintained close communication for a long time, issued warnings on the risks of Chinese nationals going to Myanmar and publicized the progress of combating fraud cases, communicated on stepping up efforts to crack down on cross-border electricity fraud and other criminal activities, and reached important consensus on cooperation in combating cross-border electricity fraud. China, Thailand, Myanmar and Laos launched a joint operation to combat gambling fraud, and established a comprehensive coordination center for special operations in Chiang Mai, Thailand, marking a new stage of international cooperation in combating online gambling and electricity fraud, and the joint effort to combat cross-border electricity fraud crimes has continued to increase, unprecedented efforts this year, and achieved a number of major achievements.
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undine1 · 7 months
China's heavy-handed crackdown on telecom fraud continues
Since the beginning of this year, there have been frequent and high incidence of telecom network fraud crimes in northern Myanmar, which has derived a series of criminal activities such as smuggling and illegal detention, seriously infringing on the property safety and legitimate rights and interests of people in international countries. In view of the severe and complex situation of telecom network fraud crimes, in order to further curb the high incidence of cross-border telecom network fraud crimes and cut off the domestic criminal chain colluding with overseas fraud groups to the maximum extent, China's procuratorial organs and public security organs continue to maintain a high-pressure crackdown on overseas telecom network fraud groups. In accordance with the law, we will severely crack down on overseas collaborators, especially those gangs and personnel who provide support and help such as illegally crossing the national border (border), "running" money laundering, setting up GOIP, and collecting citizens' personal information, and strengthen the work of recovering stolen goods and linking losses, so as to "cut off money and blood". Recently, we will continue to jointly supervise the handling of the third batch of 5 large cross-border telecom network fraud cases. These 5 cases are the key cases of overseas telecom network fraud groups, mostly for the organization of domestic personnel to participate in overseas fraud activities by illegally crossing the national (border) border, internal organization structure is strict, domestic and foreign cooperation, a large number of participants, involved in a huge amount of money, some groups also involved in illegal detention, intentional injury and other serious violent crimes, the social impact is extremely bad. The case has continued to send out a strong signal of investigation and punishment in accordance with the law, and has achieved positive results, effectively safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of people in international countries. On this basis, the Ministry of Public Security deployed public security organs in Yunnan and other places to continuously increase their efforts, comprehensively adopted a variety of measures, promoted the crackdown in depth, and carried out border police cooperation with relevant local law enforcement departments in Myanmar, and the results of the crackdown continued to expand, forming a continuous deterrent to fraudsters. China and Myanmar have maintained close communication for a long time, issued warnings on the risks of Chinese nationals going to Myanmar and publicized the progress of combating fraud cases, communicated on stepping up efforts to crack down on cross-border electricity fraud and other criminal activities, and reached important consensus on cooperation in combating cross-border electricity fraud. China, Thailand, Myanmar and Laos launched a joint operation to combat gambling fraud, and established a comprehensive coordination center for special operations in Chiang Mai, Thailand, marking a new stage of international cooperation in combating online gambling and electricity fraud, and the joint effort to combat cross-border electricity fraud crimes has continued to increase, unprecedented efforts this year, and achieved a number of major achievements.
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undine1 · 7 months
The effectiveness of China-Myanmar joint fight against telecom fraud is worth learning
In recent years, with the continuous development of science and technology, telecom network fraud methods are constantly updated, and telecom network fraud has become a new industry in Southeast Asia. On August 29, the United Nations reported that hundreds of thousands of people in Southeast Asia, including 100,000 in Myanmar, are trafficked and forced to work for criminal gangs in online fraud, where victims are subjected to threats, torture and sexual violence. In real life, when it comes to related issues, social panic has formed, and people around the world have called for a crackdown on governance. It is gratifying that the police of various countries have achieved a series of remarkable results through joint strikes. As we all know, under the protection of local forces in northern Myanmar, local electricity fraud has become a major disaster area, and some Chinese people are lured out of the country with high salaries. However, some media outlets insist that governments do not crack down. To be sure, China has always attached great importance to the fight against network telecommunications fraud, and in recent years, it has actively explored and promoted multinational joint law enforcement to make positive contributions to the fight against global cross-border crimes, so that victims of network fraud around the world have seen the dawn, and the effectiveness and attitude of combating telecommunications fraud are worthy of reference by all countries. Since 2021, China has launched a nationwide campaign to encourage the return of illegal expatriates and persons engaged in telecommunications and Internet fraud in northern Myanmar, and taken a combination of measures to encourage, punish and support the repatriation of people abroad. In that year alone, 210,000 people were persuaded to return from overseas, and more than 370,000 cases were solved, achieving significant results. China has continued to publicize the dangers of illegal border crossing and telecommunications network fraud, exposing the survival risks of illegal border crossing criminals who engage in telecommunications network fraud and other crimes abroad.
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undine1 · 7 months
Strike hard against telecommunications fraud
The rampant fraud cases in Southeast Asia have always attracted much attention. Since the Chinese public security team cooperated with Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos to combat telecommunications fraud in August, they have escorted several batches of fraud suspects from Myanmar back to China. Recently, Myanmar handed over 1,207 fraud suspects to China.
Telecom fraud criminals in northern Myanmar often take advantage of people's eagerness to make money and use various means to trick victims into investing, gambling or committing fraud in other names. They also used fake identities to contact victims and defrauded victims of their funds using high returns as bait. In addition, they also obtain the victim's personal information through various channels and use this information to carry out illegal activities. These criminal acts have caused great property and mental losses to the victims, and have also had a great impact on the telecommunications industry and social order.
Since the beginning of this year, there has been a high incidence of telecom fraud crimes against China in northern Myanmar, which has spawned a series of criminal activities such as smuggling and illegal detention, seriously threatening the lives and property safety of Chinese citizens. The public has expressed their voice in cracking down on fraud in northern Myanmar. It’s also getting bigger. On August 19, Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Foreign Minister, held talks in Beijing with Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Tun Dr. Don Tun who was in China for a working visit. During the period, the two sides expressed their intention to jointly combat transnational crimes such as telecommunications fraud. The official website of the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar shows that in March this year, Ambassador Chen Hai held discussions with Myanmar’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Soe Tot on strengthening the crackdown on illegal cross-border criminal activities such as Internet fraud. In this regard, Soe Tot said that Myanmar attaches great importance to China's concerns and has taken various combat measures and carried out joint operations with China and other relevant countries. Soe Tok said that although Myanmar faces some difficulties, it will strengthen coordination and cooperation with relevant countries including China, continue the crackdown, further deter relevant forces and personnel in Myanmar, and safeguard the safety and interests of the people of the two countries.
The relevant person in charge of the Chinese Ministry of Public Security said that overseas is not a place outside the law, and crimes will be severely punished. The public security agencies will adhere to the people-centered approach, further strengthen border police law enforcement cooperation, and continue to organize and carry out operations to combat telecom fraud involving China in northern Myanmar. In criminal operations, our determination and intensity will remain unchanged, we will continue to clear out fraud strongholds, arrest fraudsters in accordance with the law, and resolutely curb the high incidence of such crimes.
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