Ok it has been months, I'm getting really worried.
It was really heartwarming to come back to see a bunch of messages from my readers, saying that they hope I’m doing well, and that it’s been a while and they’re worried. I hope it hasn’t been too much stress for you all.
I’m doing much better! I’ve gotten on track in terms of my insurance and medications— and finally found stability between work and school (now that I’m attending school!!) and I’ll be coming in here every now and then to write and post!!
My goal would be to write at least a bit a day to get one to two posts a week done, and then work more onto my plate.
I thank you all who have stayed by this blog, and have given me your support. It really matters, and I’m thankful for each and every one of you.
— Ryan
58 notes · View notes
Why have you been inactive ? Do you have a problem ? Are you stressed?
I wanted to take the time to thank you, Anon, for coming here and checking in on me. I’m so, so sorry I’ve been inactive without so much as an update, and I feel terrible about that. As of right now I’m taking my writing a bit slower, since I’m still searching for a new psychiatrist and things to help me in my life. On top of that, a few days ago my brother’s dog bit my cat, and I’ve been tending to him. He’s been recovering well, but he still hides when he sees the dog, so I’ve been sitting with him and feeding him. I hope to be able to get more things going as I find my medication and focus once more!! Thank you again so much for checking on me, it means so much to me. I hope all is going well with you, Anon, and all my followers. Thank you! -- Ryan
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When u post any mention of the omegaverse, could you tag it please? Just the thought of it makes me ill
Of course! I’ll use a general tag “Omegaverse” at mention/requests of omegaverse. I’m sorry for any discomfort I might have given you, hon. I’ll go back and tag posts of the mention as well so they could file into your blacklist. I’m sorry again, and thank you for your patience♡ -- Ryan
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May I ask if you have a to-do-list?
Of course! I currently have 12 works in my drafts that I’m working on, I’d say.. the furthest piece along would be at about 60% finished.
The requests I’m working on, in no particular order, is:
✧ Thanatos/Reader/Zagreus in a threesome of questionable location
✧ A slow-burn Zagreus with a reader on the surface living with Persephone (much like my one request)
✧ Small drabbles of Zagreus and Hermes with a soft dom/service top fem!reader
✧ An AFAB GN!reader with a service top!Zagreus
✧ Hypnos crushing on a human who popped out of the River of Styx
✧ Theseus x Servant!Reader x Asterius ft. mild NSFW👀
✧ Oral from Zagreus on all genders
✧ S0mnophilia with Hypnos
✧ Asterius with Reader ft. Theseus who was trying to get the two together and didn’t realize it’s just a huge poly relationship
✧ General NSFW headcanons with Charon (specific with a male reader)
✧ BDSM Ares
✧ Alpha!Ares NSFW
I hope this was what you’re looking for, Anon!♡ Edit: oof that’s a lot of NSFW-- -- Ryan
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Is request open?
Yes! Requests are open, love!
I’m also working on a bunch of other projects! However, I have my younger brother home from college, and a lot of my time has been devoted to him. I promise, I’ll be back soon! Thank you so much for being patient with me!!♡
— Ryan
15 notes · View notes
omegaverse au! which gods/characters are alphas, omegas, or betas?
I knew I could count on you to enable me, boo. I gotchya♡ Also, I suffered making this because I was crying the whole time like “CANT THEY ALL BE ALPHAS AND OMEGAS???” -- Ryan
Okay, so this was difficult. I was on the fence for A LOT of them (and as you can see, I still am).
REALISTICALLY, the chart should look like this:
Zagreus: Omega Megaera: Alpha Thanatos: Alpha Hypnos: Omega Achilles: Alpha Patroclus: Beta Dusa: Omega Nyx: Beta Hades: Alpha Zeus: Alpha Poseidon: Alpha-leaning Beta Athena: Alpha-leaning Beta Artemis: Beta Aphrodite: Omega Hermes: Beta Ares: Alpha Dionysus: Alpha Persephone: Beta-leaning Omega Chaos: Beta Charon: Alpha Theseus: Beta-leaning Omega Asterius: Alpha
But my GODS do I want an Alpha Hermes, mmph. Also, I took a very unpopular opinion there in thinking Theseus could pass as either a Beta or an Omega. But honestly, these aren’t concrete -- for example, I’ll definitely write content for an Alpha Zag, or an Omega Meg if someone wanted. This isn’t permanent, but it’s how I feel they would scale based on their personalities.
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just wondering if u have any requests you plan on answering involving dionysus? i love him so much
I can tell you this, I sure don’t have enough of him, so if you were thinking of dropping a request or two for Dionysus👉👈 I am working on a TON of other requests at once, though, so this might be the reason for my slow posts... But I want everyone to know, no matter how long it takes, I intend to get your requests answered!!♡ -- Ryan
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Happy New Years, hon!! I’m ALSO EST gang!! I hope everyone has a wonderful start to the new year! I wish you all a safe, healthy, happy, and fulfilling New Year♡ From me, and all these lovely gods and goddesses I write for (though I don’t speak on behalf of Supergiants Games).
— Ryan
P.S. I will be posting content tomorrow, I promise♡
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Hope you are doing well this Christmas! And happy holidays!
If you wouldn't mind, could we get some relationship headcanons for Ares, Hermes, and Dionysus? They can be with a gender neutral reader so all can enjoy.
Happy belated Holidays! Thank you so much for your good wishes, dear Anon♡ Of course you can have relationship headcanons. Honestly, I’ve been thirsting for content on the Olympian gods (and I have a number of requests for them that I’m working on in drafts, so there’s more to look out for~), ESPECIALLY these three, omg. So thank you for this gift, love♡ -- Ryan, an actual simp
✧ Three words: haughty, territorial, refined. 
✧ Look, he’s kind of boastful. Any chance he gets to flex in front of you, he’d take it. Like a wolf to a bleeding steak.
          ✧ Has a very casual and subtle way of displaying his vanity, but there’s just something in how he woos you, and how you fawn that has him constantly just boasting about himself (or his wars).
          ✧ Ares is also not above bragging about you to his family, knowing that you’ve chosen the superior Olympian (in his words). These are definitely fighting words, and he knows it.
               ✧ He welcomes the opportunity to start a war for you and in your name.
✧ Also him being seemingly emotionally detached, but you’re the only one that can read and understand his subtleties and nuances of speech or body language.
✧ There are certain things that his war-crazed, violence-driven mind makes him very much d e n s e in terms of a relationship, but it’s fun to watch things click and sink in. 
     ✧ He doesn’t traditionally fluster like most people do, he’s too refined for that.
          ✧ Though sometimes you might get a moment where in front of you, and only in front of you, does he allow all inhibitions to fall -- and you might see him blush or stutter a little.
✧ Always, always, always gives you compliments by comparing whatever it is to war, blood, and death and guts. Yet, he somehow makes them sound romantic and flattering.
✧ High end dates. Ares is very much a refined, noble presence, and I don’t see him treating you any less than the treatment he’d expect for himself. 
     ✧ Expect to be pampered, dare I say even spoiled, by Ares
✧ Soft. Cute. Cuddly. F l u f f y.
     ✧ Let’s face it, he’s adorable and s o f t, and I daresay even a little bit playful and mischievous.
✧ For someone so fluid and fast paced, he kinda stutters a bit in a relationship.
     ✧ One of my favorite mental images is catching his attention and causing him to come to a full fledged stop (that has even Zagreus amazed at such a feat).
          ✧ No, seriously, though, it’s so new and such a change of pace from what he’s used to, he’d have all these sorts of hiccups and stutters in both actions and speech when he’s with you.
✧ He acts pretty cocky, but not without discretion.
     ✧ He’s rather confident in himself, but it doesn’t pass the line of vanity, not like Ares would, or even Dionysus to an extent. This sort of confidence gives him the bravery he needs in your relationship.
✧ Putting his speed to good use, he would make the most time he could to come see you.
✧ Hermes is quite the adventurous type, and outdoor activities would be best suited for dates with him.
     ✧ Expect cute park dates, or hiking trips, or camping, or stargazing...
          ✧ Holding hands, cuddling up to each other, enjoying the symphony of nature’s sounds -- rustling leaves, insects chirping, and the fire crackling as you both enjoy a romantic evening together.
✧ Carefree, entertaining, languid, yet passionate. And on the other hand; partaking in lavish, indulgent, extraordinary parties. 
     ✧ Of course, Dionysus would have feasts thrown for you, in your name or in his love for you. Partaking in parties in general, but being the general focus of the party due namely to Dionysus himself.
          ✧ And these parties scale a spectrum from sophisticated and formal, to wine and dining, to casual gatherings and feasts.
✧ He’s an extremely understanding partner, and I feel deep in my core would have oodles of patience.
     ✧ He’d always have the time to lend an ear to your troubles, and would be a really big comfort and even help you diffuse any kind of tension drama (or absolutely encourage it, who am I kidding). But he’s got ways to help loosen that tension (winks in wine but also w i n k).
✧ He’s soft AND h0rny all in one (if not evidenced by the above statement), but I think that’s because he loves with his heart, mind, and body all at once.
     ✧ He’s always a flirt, especially after you’re both official. That will never stop, ever. But whether it’s smooth or not could be arguable.
✧ But having Dionysus as a partner would be genuinely rewarding.
     ✧ Between the two of you, you’d never experience a boring day. As high-spirited as he is, he’d find some way to turn monotonous daily routines into a game, or something for amusement.
✧ Though I don’t doubt he shares his (half-)brother’s playfulness and love of adventure, Dionysus is very laid-back in comparison to Hermes’s fast-paced nature, and would take his time with you.
     ✧ Days and nights equally spent with Dionysus would be slow-paced and deliberate. It doesn’t matter how long the activity takes to do, or if there’s not even an activity to do, and he’s just spending time with you.
          ✧ Leisurely strolls, party dates, or theater dates are your go-tos outside of your residence. But Dionysus would not be opposed to staying in, having you lean on him -- curled against him, chatting -- with a glass of wine in your hands and a nice fire going. Sharing real, tender moments with you.
✧ Expect a respectable flirt, with a real romantic approach to dates. Someone who would turn anything into a fun time♡
690 notes · View notes
Legit riding a high from your fabulous writing 🥺
Aw, this was buried so I didn’t even see this!! But thank you so much for your kind words, I hope it’s truly as good as you make it sound♡ I promise to write more for you all to enjoy♡ Something to look out for: I have two fic-ish pieces I’m writing right now -- one NSFW and one SFW slow burn -- on top of completing a list of other headcanon requests, so they’ve been taking up a lot of my time, and I’m so sorry I haven’t posted in a bit there (シ_ _)シ Thank you all for being so patient with me! I appreciate all the time and understanding you’ve all given me♡ -- Ryan
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your writing gives me so much serotonin .... im sobbing it's so good!!!
Aww, I’m so glad you like my writing, sweet Anon♡ It makes me happy to hear that I can dump all my writing and creativity here, and know that the people who come by and see it enjoy it so much. Thank you so much, hon, and I hope to impress you with more of my works in the future♡ -- Ryan
12 notes · View notes
i swear i love hypnos so much hES ADORABLE AAA so i have a request for him!! im curious, what do you think his love languages are?
YES PLEASE, COME JOIN THE FOLD. I ADORE HYPNOS AND I NEED M O R E OF HIM AAA Thank you for requesting this, I really love sitting here and daydreaming about everyone’s love languages ahahah(♡´❍`♡)*✧ ✰ 。* And I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!! I’m so sorry, I was so busy these past few days, and with the new year coming up, I’m sure I’ve got my work cut out for me. Thank goodness one of my resolutions would be to write a post a day!! -- Ryan
✧ He would absolutely be writing cute little notes for you and leaving them where he could for you to find
     ✧ You’d wake up with little notes beside the pillow where you sleep, or on the mirror where you get ready, and all of them are usually declarations and reminders of love. Others are inspirational and adorable in general.
✧ Hypnos namely has three kinds of overall love languages; quality time, physical touch, and words of affirmation.
✧ Quality Time™
     ✧ Doesn’t matter what it is. If it’s something as simple as him napping with you, or something as complex as cleaning or cooking or planning activities together
          ✧ Hypnos is fueled by, and constantly reminded of, this display of your desire to be with him. That you’ve chosen to be with him over doing anything else that you could do on your own -- or better yet, you’ve thought to include him in those things that you could be doing alone.
     ✧ It’s more meaningful and memorable to him to have you by his side doing trivial things. It helps him to understand you a little more, watching you, and being with you.
          ✧ He’s an inherently curious person, and no doubt would love to learn more about you, and what better way to do that than spend time with you, learning about what you like, what you’re passionate about, what you dislike.
          ✧ He’s noticeably different here, too -- he’s quieter when he’s with you, listening to you, not really interrupting you, and giving you his undivided attention.
✧ Physical Touch
     ✧ I can’t say this one loud enough. Any and all attention this boy gets, he will drink it up. I’d almost argue that he’s just as touch starved as Zagreus is...
          ✧ Running your hands through his hair is his number one melting point. Whether it’s while he’s drifting off to sleep, or your moving some of his wild curls from his face, the sensation is electrifying to him, and he’s practically addicted.
          ✧ He finds hand holding to be ABSOLUTELY adorable, and he’d come up with any excuse on Gaia’s green earth to hold your hand for any period of time.
          ✧ He’d slouch on you, or pull his cape over the both of you to cuddle a little, whether you’re in public or not. It’s the proximity, the warmth of your touch, the way he finds you so precious that he’s compelled to hold you close, as if to bring you as close to his heart as he could to feel you. 
✧ Words of Affirmation, Words of Affirmation, Words o--
     ✧ He would visibly m e l t at being told he did a great job, can you imagine? Watch all the bones in his body turn to jelly and the little hearts rise up from his being as he savors those words.
          ✧ Constantly being told “I love yous” and “you mean the world to me” just sends him soaring.
          ✧ It’s the combination of the words he’s always longed to hear, and the fact they’re coming from the person that means the most to him. He finds it easier to believe them, and they energize him. It’s incentive to do harder, to get more praise.
          ✧ Compliments are easy for him to dish out, but if he’s the one taking it, he flusters and stutters, and it’s quite the sight.
321 notes · View notes
Could i request hypnos meeting the human he’s been drawn to? From that one imagine you wrote— if you want to continue it!! You don’t have to!! Thanks! <3
AWW, I’m so glad you liked that! I thought it was a really cute idea, so I’m so glad you’ve given me the opportunity to elaborate on it♡ I hope you enjoy this, Anon! -- Hypnos Simp Ryan
Note: I accidentally almost wrote an entire fic for this, so I just took the key points of the meeting, and put them in ““headcanon”” form. Seriously, this is only a quarter of the size it was before if you leave me alone with a prompt long enough, sometimes it becomes a tiny fic--
✧ Oh, he’s an absolute nervous wreck from the moment he saw your name appear on the census
     ✧ He frantically straightens himself out, not enough to alert Hades of something suspicious, but enough to collect Achilles’ attention from where he stood guard.
✧ Seeing you pull yourself from the Pool of Styx, he watches on as you pause a moment to really take in your surrounding. The House of Hades was truly grand, and he wasn’t surprised if it’s not at all what you’d imagined.
     ✧ But the wide range of emotions you show, from confusion, to surprise, to realization, to awe, to admiration, it drives home to him that you’re real, and that you’re really here, and that you’re so human to him. 
          ✧ Your eyes stop on Hypnos, and he swallows thickly, acutely aware of your gaze on him, especially since he can’t tell what you’re thinking.
          ✧ You finally make your way up to him, and he tenses -- a reflex that surprised even him, but every time he dreamed of you it was your life, your past. He’d never dreamed this current moment, and he didn’t really know what to do. He felt underprepared for what felt like was the most important moment of his life, and he didn’t even know why.
          ✧ His eyes go a bit wide, his breath hitches on an inhale as he takes in the sight of you. His previously pursed lips twitch before breaking into a wide smile, and he greets you with his airy, friendly, “Welcome to the House of Hades!”
          ✧ You smile back, just as radiantly, and he’s blinded for a moment, as if he’d just basked in the actual sun itself.
          ✧ Cue him trying to play it suave, and absolutely failing at it.
          ✧ “Oh, l-let me get you all signed in.” He says, fussing with his parchment and his quill as he pretends he hadn’t known your name, and directs you to where you need be in the house.
     ✧ Achilles watched with pure amusement upon the scene before him.
✧ And from that day on, Hypnos gets to see you every day, and doesn’t get any better. He remains a stuttery mess, yet still, he hasn’t told you that he knows who you are.
✧ He thought he was drawn to you before he’d met you; but after he met you -- after your voice, your eyes, your small quirks, your laughter -- He couldn’t imagine there was ever a time of being without you.
258 notes · View notes
Still stalking your content and thought I would let you know that the read more is working just fine on that lovely post. (C⌣C)
Aah, thank you for coming back and letting me know, Sweet Anon. I hope you have a great time stalking my content!  I hope to have another few things posted again tonight!♡ So look forward to that, hon♡ -- Ryan
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For the NSFW content, I always just see other writers hiding it under a 'read more' with warnings. That and tagging as nsfw seems the best options for keeping those that don't want to/don't need to see it safe. Keep up the good work, Ryan! Now I go back to stalking your content. (C⌣C)
Aah, thank you so much for your input, Sweet Anon! That’s honestly what I’d gathered and planned on doing, but I think my Desktop Theme for my blog actually ignores Read Mores. I’ve thrown a label on it, with a note (as I will with future NSFW posts), But I thought I’d give the disclaimer out there in general, because I did notice there are a few who recently followed that were under 18, and I wanna make sure everyone here is safe. Thank you from coming forward from your lurking to share this helpful information, and I hope you enjoy stalking my content♡ -- Ryan
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I'd love to hear any and all delightful Zagreus nsfw headcanons you might have ♥
Oh, babe, I have plenty, but why don’t I just give you a little taste for now? *wink wink* Have some general Zagreus NSFW headcanons♡ -- Ryan
Note: this is my first NSFW post, and I’m aware that I can’t control who reads them, but I’ll be doing my best to keep my NSFW posts under the cut. I’m pretty sure my Desktop Theme arrangement ignores Read Mores entirely, so I’ll put a big, fat label on each of my NSFW posts in case you need help avoiding NSFW. Thank you so much for your patience, and I wish you happy and safe scrolling through my blog♡
✧ Absolutely a large service top
     ✧ I have an Unpopular Opinion™ that Zagreus is dom by default unless his partner otherwise makes it known that no, he is in fact the bottom in the relationship
✧ f o r e p l a y
✧ Foreplay up the wazoo. Almost literally. Zagreus would take his time with his partner, and arguably derives the most pleasure from this part of intimacy.
     ✧ The biting, the marking, the touching, the build up -- all of it.
✧ Which seamlessly takes me to my next point; teasing.
✧ His favorite part would be feeling his partner, in every sense of that word. Your body against his, the way his hands feel over your skin, or the fact he can’t seem to take his lips an inch off you before plunging back down to taste you once more.
✧ He likes sounds, yes, sounds is a good sign. Moan for him.
     ✧ He will absolutely return, if not match, the sounds you make. He’s not the type to hold back moans, nope. Not at all. He’s not afraid to let you know that you make him feel good.
✧ An experimentalist at heart, though a bit timid. 
     ✧ He might need the proper nudge or education in whatever field you’re about to take a trip through, but he loves you, and would try just about anything with you.
✧ Marks. 
     ✧ There will be evidence, on both of you, that things transpired in the Prince’s bedchambers
          ✧ That is, if all those noises hadn’t given you both away already.
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To My Good Gods, Goddesses, and Divine Beings
I would like to give a quick disclaimer: The next post I’m about to deliver is NSFW content. I’m aware that perhaps some of you might be uncomfortable with NSFW content, or you are not yet of the demographic for which that content is for, and so I would like to give you the warning in advanced. If you need to blacklist it, I’ll use the tag ‘NSFW’, so you can prepare your blacklists.  For posts that might contain both SFW and NSFW content, I’ll use the tag ‘NSFW Content’, keeping the SFW content viewable to you with a Read More and a warning for when the NSFW content begins, if that’s an option you’d like to leave open.  In general, I would prefer if those of you who are under 18 would kindly refrain from interacting with those posts. I thank you all in advanced. I’m open to suggestions, if there’s a better way to handle posting/avoiding content that might make others uncomfortable/trigger them, but I thought this was the best method of approach. Thank you all for your support and kind messages of encouragement these past wonderful 20 days, and I hope for many more in the future! I’ll continue to work and create more content for you all to enjoy! – Ryan
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