“Woah!” Zoey shouted, jumping back with her hands up in front of her,”  I’m not doing anything I swear. I wasn’t.... I didn’t.....”
She couldn’t get words out as she hadn’t expected the man to turn on her with a gun drawn.  Her mind immediately shot back to the last time such a thing happened, and she reacted on instinct as all reason left her.
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Pulling the Situation || OPEN
Manhattan | Evening
Even as Oren withdrew his gun, he knew this was a bad idea. Large black man, no matter how well dressed, with a firearm was not something that went over well. He only hoped that he looked more like a professional in his suit that Rossum made him wear than some villain. ❝Stand down,❞ he boomed in an intimidating voice, aiming the firearm.
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Justice for the victims.  It was like he knew the words that would get her on board.  She knew it wasn’t a big shot in the dark to say something like that to a cop, but it hit her core.  She’d been among victims once, seen first hand how such crimes destroyed a person so thoroughly, and she knew all too well that sometimes justice wasn’t a luxury they received.
She turned to look a the pile of papers on her desk, the file under them.  She hesitated only once, more because of the thoughts in her head than any actual hesitation to give it to him.  She reached over to pull the file from the middle of the pile and pushed it in his direction.
“But,” she said, as if she could actually call any shots in this exchange,” I’m going to help. I ... want to help.”
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Survivors || Neal + Zoey
Neal grinned. “Yeah, I was hoping that was just part of the TV portrayal,” he admitted. “Although it is pretty funny when the undercover FBI agent tries to persuade the policeman – or policewoman – not to arrest him as part of whatever gang or crime syndicate he’s infiltrated.”
He offered her as sincere a smile as he could manage, despite being a bit jittery and over-caffeinated from running around on FBI business all day. “Please, Officer Mason. I just want to make sure we have the evidence to ensure Dr. Clayton gets the full penalty of the law, befitting his crimes. The reports in the file I requested go into… a lot of detail about the side-effects his patients experienced. The man caused a lot of suffering. Please, help me catch him. It’s the only way to get justice for his victims.”
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She listened to him, knowing there was really nothing she could put into the matter aside from her opinion.  He’d already been cleared to take the file and any banter or discussion between them was more a waste of time than anything.
“The NYPD and the FBI?” she asked as if she didn’t think she’d heard him right,”  Don’t you watch the TV shows?  We don’t get along.... in any of them.”  It was a joke, although not as obvious the sarcasm as before,”  It’s like asking cats and dogs to get along.”
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Survivors || Neal + Zoey
Neal narrowed his eyes. “I think you misunderstand, Officer Mason. I’m investigating on behalf of the FBI, not Rossum directly. They’re only interested in the research that Dr. Clayton absconded with. I’m interested in putting the man himself behind bars, where he belongs. I hear what you’re implying – that handing over a man, even a guilty man, to the corporation he betrayed would be no less than a death sentence. That’s not my intention. That isn’t justice, even for a sociopath like this Dr. Clayton.”
He paused, realizing how close his own brother dabbled with the line of sociopathy. “My goal here is that the NYPD and FBI can work together on this one. It makes it all the more likely that either of our departments will find Dr. Clayton before Rossum catches up with him directly.”
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“I mean.....” she stalled, not really sure she would count the experience as ‘worth it’ but also not seeing it as anything really of note in her life,” It was an experience?”   She shrugged nonchalantly,” I don’t feel any pressing need to join that sort of society.  I was a bit like Cinderella at a ball, with no prince, no fairy tale, and no actually real tie to Cinderella other than wearing a way too fancy dress for one night.” She laughed lightly at the comment before asking,” What about for you?  Was it worth whatever obligation your friend roped you into for the night?”
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Payton had glanced down at his hands, a half smile appeared on his lips. “Yeah you’re right.” He said before glancing back at her. “I guess I will never be apart of that world. I’m totally okay with that.”  
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Originally posted by gadreil
“Zoey, it fits.” He nodded, retracting his hand. “I had an obligation for a friend to be there, but I clearly wasn’t needed. Did you think it was worth it?” He placed a hand on his chin glancing around making sure nothing was going to go wrong. Since he worked in the force his always had kept an eye out for things that could go possibly wrong.
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“Right....so..... Do you come here often?”
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“I suppose I can at least do that,” he sat and motioned for the waitress, “Two coffees.”
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“Listen,” Zoey said, catching his hint,” we both know you’ve already looked at the footage.”
She glanced out the window of the small cafe, thinking perhaps her coffee was not large enough for the amount of caffeine she would need.  She turned back to him,” I’m not asking to see it, your logins aren’t needed.  I’m just looking for some casual conversation on a specific topic with my favorite agent.”
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Bothered | OPEN
Scratching his fingers along his scalp, Benjamin’s curls moved slightly with the nervous gesture. ❝Well, yes…I could track her via CCTV cameras, but the department has yet to finish that paperwork. Legally I don’t have the logins,❞ he said, his tone indicating that there might be something else…illegally. ❝Do you have any idea what was taken from evidentiary? Any footage there? That might be a clue.❞
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With the chaos of the attack, everyone was scrambling to cover bases and investigate the incidents at hand.  Those particular incidents being the wounded and the missing suspect that seemed to have disappeared, at least for the moment.   Missing person, high stress, cop vendetta to make up for their own wounded... it was a madhouse in the office.
Shifts were given for most tasks so around the clock work could be done while not completely wearing out any individuals.  Of course, there were the few that made it personal, which were promptly put to tasks not directly involved, but Zoey had learned early not to try and get too invested into a case or risk losing your place to help solving it.
“Who is in charge here? Why isn’t this man being transferred to a more secure location?”
She was gazing into space, not paying too close attention to the man’s visitor.  She focused on him as his questions cut her haze, then glanced to the man in the bed,”  What would you propose as a more ‘secure’ location?  He’s in a hospital with a personal guard.  I would say he’s pretty secure.”
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Bedside Manner | OPEN
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Nathaniel had to exert considerable effort not to storm into Mr. Black’s hospital room and immediately begin scrutinizing and criticizing the procedure occurring there. It was his opinion that the critically injured Handler should have been brought straight to the Manhattan Dollhouse for care… not to mention security. “Who is in charge here?” he muttered to the individual nearest the door. “Why isn’t this man being transferred to a more secure location?”
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She laughed at his comment,”  Oh come on, it wasn’t that bad.  Sure, the people were crazy, but not in a ‘lock em up and throw away the key’ sort of way.  It’s just a completely different world.”
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“It’s nice to officially meet you Payton.  I’m Zoey,” she said shaking his hand.
“You could have always just not gone,” she continued,” I was more curious than anything and since it seemed a once in a lifetime chance to experience I went for it.”
Payton’s mouth dropped slightly open but it turned into a small grin, as he sat down. “I was so tense that night, those balls are not my thing… I would rather be anywhere but there.” He said before stoping a waitress asking for a root beer, before glancing over to her. “I never got your name, I’m Payton.” He extended his hand.
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Originally posted by seksiuzaylilaraskina
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“Right, well, you’re gonna have to offer more than smooth talk to impress me,” she said with a laugh,” Perhaps you should sit and see what a conversation gets you?”
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“I see.  Justice,”  Zoey echoed,”  I believe justice is usually associated with the police is it not?  Why not let us handle that, save your corporation the troulbe of doing... whatever it is you’re prepared to do in the name of justice?”
She wasn’t born yesterday when it came to what he was insinuating.  Any large power running on anger is something to be fearful of.  It also was generally something that can escalate quickly and rampant with illegal activity.  Curiosity, although still present, now also mingled with caution.
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Survivors || Neal + Zoey
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“I think I’m going to stop impersonating the classics while I’m ahead,” Neal chuckled.
At her questions, he shrugged. “There was a connection, but not to the drug studies themselves. It turns out that Dr. Clayton, who conducted the studies, had been a Rossum employee and had taken some confidential research with him when he left the firm. Rossum would very much like to find out where Dr. Clayton is and what else he might have done with the research.”
Neal disliked this part of his job, hunting down the individuals who had somehow gotten away with making Rossum very, very angry. But in Dr. Clayton’s case, a lot of other people had been hurt in the drug trials he’d conducted. A man like that couldn’t be allowed to go on escaping justice.
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“Same,” she said when the waitress looked to her for her order before turning back,”  I’m not sure, perhaps I’m just really good at melding into the shadows?  I could ask you the same question,  I feel like I would have noticed you before now if you frequented this spot.”
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“Oh, I promise you, there is very little that can scare me away.” He winked at the redhead. A waitress came over, and he ordered a burger, fries, and a Coke. “So, how come I’ve never seen you around before?” 
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“Oh wow, you lay it on thick don’t you?  At least buy me lunch first before you start unbuttoning my pants.”
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“Thanks, I’m flattered. And I’m here for the atmosphere, of course. Who could resist a jukebox with tracks that skip, greasy bar-stools, and a beautiful face such as yours?”
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“This is most definitely more my thing.  I feel there is far less a chance for someone to just snap and start murdering people,” she said, a throw back to their last conversation.
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“Those balls aren’t my things. This… Now this is my thing. Mind if I join you?” 
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Originally posted by green-circles
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“Crosby,” she said feigning impressed.
She didn’t interrupt him aside from acknowledging that she did indeed know Rossum.  Everyone knew Rossum, or at least their name.  
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She knew the file he needed, as she had been prompted before his arrival on what their meeting was about, but it was her own curiosity that had her even asking questions.
“A couple of years?  That’s a long time to wait to come find some crime file, especially for a case your company apparently has no real connections to?”
Survivors || Neal + Zoey
Neal chuckled at how well the young NYPD officer was putting up with his humorous antics. Usually all he got in response to his songs and jokes was a scowl.
“I can do Crosby too,” he smirked. “Except for that Hawaiian Christmas one. I always mix up the syllables in Mele Kalikimaka, never feel like I’m doing him justice.”
Following Officer Mason back to her desk, he seated himself. “Right to the important business. Well, I represent the medical research firm Rossum Corporation. You’ve probably heard of them - top MRI software and hardware innovations, stuff like that. I serve as Rossum’s Liaison to the FBI here in Manhattan, and I was going over a case file from a couple years ago. Something about… an experimental drug trial that was attributed to Rossum until the firm was acquitted of any involvement? Do you perhaps have any records of that case?”
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“Well, it’s not really a requirement..... it’s just that no one else ever does.  Especially not people who spend their times are super fancy charity balls in their free time.”
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Payton looked around the room and shrugged his shoulders. “I didn’t know I had to be either to enter.” A small smile played on his lips.
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Originally posted by green-circles
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Zoey shook his hand,”  Zoey.”   She motioned to the empty seat he was asking to occupy,” Feel free,  I’ll try not to be entirely unlady-like and scare you away.”
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“Oh, I always save room for pie.” He smirked. Extending his hand, he continued. “I’m Vincent. Mind if I join you?” 
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“Because there’s no way I would believe you’re eighty-four.  You don’t look a day over seventy. So tell me, Mr. Button,  are you lost or do you just have a very keen sense of gourmet dining?”
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“How do you know I don’t have that Benjamin Button disease and I’m not really like, eighty-four?”
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