undeadstillliving · 17 days
█ ▅ ▃ I don't re♻lly w♻nt to dr♻g Tr♻tzi down ♻swell. But ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Tr♻tzi D♻icol, @heightenedcompliancy - j♻deblood ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Tr♻tzi w♻sn't initi♻lly ♻ p♻rt of it, but one d♻y Xetzai brought him into the te♻m. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ He h♻s st♻ted th♻t he didn't like ♻ny of the boxes j♻des were forced into, ♻s on this pl♻net, choosing ♻ c♻reer th♻t's not reinforced by the se♻dwellers is extremely difficult. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Xetz♻i proposed the whole blood tr♻nsfusion hoofbe♻stshit, Tr♻tzi w♻s hesit♻nt, but eventu♻lly convinced into it. He did not w♻nt it. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ ♻fter the first procedure, Xetz♻i forced him to lure Zenqey to them. ♻nd then m♻ny others. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Xetz♻i used Tr♻tzi ♻nd Zenqey ♻s their person♻l experiments. ♻nd ♻t some point, Tr♻tzi st♻rted encour♻ging it to some degree ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Zenqey w♻s lucky enough to not h♻ve ♻ny ♻ctu♻l tr♻nfusions done. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Tr♻tzi unfortuntely h♻d, ♻nd I repe♻t, it's killing her. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ I ♻m not ♻bove doxing when it's necess♻ry ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ "Modify", @autonomymodifications - Xetz♻i D♻irok, mut♻nt ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ The re♻son they ♻re still ♻live is due to ♻ highblood "cl♻iming" them when they were younger. The highblood met ♻ grim end ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ They used to be ♻ t♻xidermist, they ♻re not cl♻ssified to do ♻ny of these procedures ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ If you know someone who goes by Xetz♻i, be c♻reful. If you know where they reside, cont♻ct me ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Xetz♻i, just c♻use your blood t♻kes on hues e♻sily, due to your mut♻tion, it doesn't me♻n you c♻n m♻gic♻lly ch♻nge someone elses blood without ♻ny consequences ▃ ▅ █
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undeadstillliving · 17 days
█ ▅ ▃ Unfortun♻tely they're ♻live c♻use of me. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ ♻fter i found them, hiding ♻w♻y, i "cl♻imed" them. It w♻sn't ♻ re♻l ownership, we were friends ♻nd we ♻greed to pl♻y into it - due to my st♻tus, they were untouch♻ble. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ I ♻m not ♻bove doxing when it's necess♻ry ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ "Modify", @autonomymodifications - Xetz♻i D♻irok, mut♻nt ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ The re♻son they ♻re still ♻live is due to ♻ highblood "cl♻iming" them when they were younger. The highblood met ♻ grim end ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ They used to be ♻ t♻xidermist, they ♻re not cl♻ssified to do ♻ny of these procedures ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ If you know someone who goes by Xetz♻i, be c♻reful. If you know where they reside, cont♻ct me ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Xetz♻i, just c♻use your blood t♻kes on hues e♻sily, due to your mut♻tion, it doesn't me♻n you c♻n m♻gic♻lly ch♻nge someone elses blood without ♻ny consequences ▃ ▅ █
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undeadstillliving · 17 days
█ ▅ ▃ I ♻m not ♻bove doxing when it's necess♻ry ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ "Modify", @autonomymodifications - Xetz♻i D♻irok, mut♻nt ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ The re♻son they ♻re still ♻live is due to ♻ highblood "cl♻iming" them when they were younger. The highblood met ♻ grim end ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ They used to be ♻ t♻xidermist, they ♻re not cl♻ssified to do ♻ny of these procedures ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ If you know someone who goes by Xetz♻i, be c♻reful. If you know where they reside, cont♻ct me ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Xetz♻i, just c♻use your blood t♻kes on hues e♻sily, due to your mut♻tion, it doesn't me♻n you c♻n m♻gic♻lly ch♻nge someone elses blood without ♻ny consequences ▃ ▅ █
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undeadstillliving · 18 days
█ ▅ ▃ I've been me♻ning to tell you ♻bout ♻ll this, just didn't find the right time. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ If you do, for wh♻tever re♻son, continue to t♻lk to Tr♻tzi - ple♻se st♻y s♻fe, ♻nd tell him to cont♻ct me ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Ok♻y, ♻fter getting in contact with a few peeps, i think i can safely post this shit ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Dropping the ♻ ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ do not trust @autonomymodifications , like ever ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ ever since the beginning of their "career", they've done nothing but deceive and hurt ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ in the start, it was me, "modify", jaycal ( @rotting-sink ), fezika ( @untimelystay ), raerly ( @rarelyunreal ) and at some point, there were a few more ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ in the start it WAS only a bunch of kids hoping to change shit and help mutants and lowbloods not get culled, which was fine, it was cute ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ but after a while, it was clear that modify was doing this for their own benefit only. i have found that out the hard way when they performed shit in me when i was unconscious. later i found out they even collected any blood i lost, they claimed that it was for the best and i, an idiot, believed them ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ at some point, they requested that they are the only one doing the procedures ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ THEN they started tricking people into believing them and then performing on them, which usually ended up in the trolls dying. around that time i've found out that they tend to keep parts (fins, frills, ...) of their "clients" for their own benefits. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ i was the first one to say something against it, i fought with them and planned to leave in the span of a wice. but i got ambushed when i tried to leave with a future victim of their shenanigans. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ i managed to escape. but i had to leave zenqey behind. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ zenqey is a fuschia who has been tricked into a quadrant by modify, and then used as a caste transfusion experiment without his permission. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ they used to trick goldbloods into supplying them with psionics and such, they used their other "coworkers" to get more victims. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ fezika has left, she is now in constant danger. jaycal left after a drastic procedure that has progressed the stage of their voidrot, which was supposed to do the opposite. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ last time i've seen "fawn", aka TRATZI DAICOL, he was already struggling due to a few procedures modify has done on him ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ modify is killing her slowly. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ im barely conscious right now so ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ tldr ; modify uses others so they can mutilate and kill others, all the while slowly killing their "moirail" with life threatening procedures. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ me, fezika and jaycal are currently planning to stop them. on my way to meet up with fez ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ this is just a warning for anyone who thought about getting a procedure from them. there is a chance they will use you as spare parts. do not trust their "coworkers"; Raerly Grzkai, "Fawn" aka Tratzi Daicol, Ayzrit Zairik. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ questions can be answered ▃ ▅ █
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undeadstillliving · 18 days
█ ▅ ▃ Got blocked. Ughh ▃ ▅ █
0 notes
undeadstillliving · 18 days
█ ▅ ▃ F♻wn, ple♻se. C♻lm down , we c♻n t♻lk. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Ok♻y, ♻fter getting in contact with a few peeps, i think i can safely post this shit ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Dropping the ♻ ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ do not trust @autonomymodifications , like ever ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ ever since the beginning of their "career", they've done nothing but deceive and hurt ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ in the start, it was me, "modify", jaycal ( @rotting-sink ), fezika ( @untimelystay ), raerly ( @rarelyunreal ) and at some point, there were a few more ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ in the start it WAS only a bunch of kids hoping to change shit and help mutants and lowbloods not get culled, which was fine, it was cute ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ but after a while, it was clear that modify was doing this for their own benefit only. i have found that out the hard way when they performed shit in me when i was unconscious. later i found out they even collected any blood i lost, they claimed that it was for the best and i, an idiot, believed them ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ at some point, they requested that they are the only one doing the procedures ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ THEN they started tricking people into believing them and then performing on them, which usually ended up in the trolls dying. around that time i've found out that they tend to keep parts (fins, frills, ...) of their "clients" for their own benefits. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ i was the first one to say something against it, i fought with them and planned to leave in the span of a wice. but i got ambushed when i tried to leave with a future victim of their shenanigans. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ i managed to escape. but i had to leave zenqey behind. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ zenqey is a fuschia who has been tricked into a quadrant by modify, and then used as a caste transfusion experiment without his permission. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ they used to trick goldbloods into supplying them with psionics and such, they used their other "coworkers" to get more victims. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ fezika has left, she is now in constant danger. jaycal left after a drastic procedure that has progressed the stage of their voidrot, which was supposed to do the opposite. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ last time i've seen "fawn", aka TRATZI DAICOL, he was already struggling due to a few procedures modify has done on him ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ modify is killing her slowly. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ im barely conscious right now so ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ tldr ; modify uses others so they can mutilate and kill others, all the while slowly killing their "moirail" with life threatening procedures. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ me, fezika and jaycal are currently planning to stop them. on my way to meet up with fez ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ this is just a warning for anyone who thought about getting a procedure from them. there is a chance they will use you as spare parts. do not trust their "coworkers"; Raerly Grzkai, "Fawn" aka Tratzi Daicol, Ayzrit Zairik. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ questions can be answered ▃ ▅ █
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undeadstillliving · 18 days
█ ▅ ▃ Tr♻tzi, ple♻se t♻lk to me. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Modify is not helping you, they ♻re hurting you. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Unblock me ♻nd we c♻n t♻lk in priv♻te, yes? ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Ok♻y, ♻fter getting in contact with a few peeps, i think i can safely post this shit ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Dropping the ♻ ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ do not trust @autonomymodifications , like ever ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ ever since the beginning of their "career", they've done nothing but deceive and hurt ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ in the start, it was me, "modify", jaycal ( @rotting-sink ), fezika ( @untimelystay ), raerly ( @rarelyunreal ) and at some point, there were a few more ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ in the start it WAS only a bunch of kids hoping to change shit and help mutants and lowbloods not get culled, which was fine, it was cute ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ but after a while, it was clear that modify was doing this for their own benefit only. i have found that out the hard way when they performed shit in me when i was unconscious. later i found out they even collected any blood i lost, they claimed that it was for the best and i, an idiot, believed them ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ at some point, they requested that they are the only one doing the procedures ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ THEN they started tricking people into believing them and then performing on them, which usually ended up in the trolls dying. around that time i've found out that they tend to keep parts (fins, frills, ...) of their "clients" for their own benefits. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ i was the first one to say something against it, i fought with them and planned to leave in the span of a wice. but i got ambushed when i tried to leave with a future victim of their shenanigans. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ i managed to escape. but i had to leave zenqey behind. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ zenqey is a fuschia who has been tricked into a quadrant by modify, and then used as a caste transfusion experiment without his permission. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ they used to trick goldbloods into supplying them with psionics and such, they used their other "coworkers" to get more victims. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ fezika has left, she is now in constant danger. jaycal left after a drastic procedure that has progressed the stage of their voidrot, which was supposed to do the opposite. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ last time i've seen "fawn", aka TRATZI DAICOL, he was already struggling due to a few procedures modify has done on him ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ modify is killing her slowly. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ im barely conscious right now so ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ tldr ; modify uses others so they can mutilate and kill others, all the while slowly killing their "moirail" with life threatening procedures. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ me, fezika and jaycal are currently planning to stop them. on my way to meet up with fez ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ this is just a warning for anyone who thought about getting a procedure from them. there is a chance they will use you as spare parts. do not trust their "coworkers"; Raerly Grzkai, "Fawn" aka Tratzi Daicol, Ayzrit Zairik. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ questions can be answered ▃ ▅ █
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undeadstillliving · 18 days
█ ▅ ▃ To be cle♻r, i ♻m not painting Tr♻tzi ♻s ♻ horrible person. He is ♻ victim. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ ♻nd he is in d♻nger. If ♻nyone is ♻ble to SOMEHOW t♻lk her into spe♻king to us I'd be more gr♻teful th♻n words could expl♻in. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Ok♻y, ♻fter getting in contact with a few peeps, i think i can safely post this shit ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Dropping the ♻ ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ do not trust @autonomymodifications , like ever ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ ever since the beginning of their "career", they've done nothing but deceive and hurt ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ in the start, it was me, "modify", jaycal ( @rotting-sink ), fezika ( @untimelystay ), raerly ( @rarelyunreal ) and at some point, there were a few more ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ in the start it WAS only a bunch of kids hoping to change shit and help mutants and lowbloods not get culled, which was fine, it was cute ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ but after a while, it was clear that modify was doing this for their own benefit only. i have found that out the hard way when they performed shit in me when i was unconscious. later i found out they even collected any blood i lost, they claimed that it was for the best and i, an idiot, believed them ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ at some point, they requested that they are the only one doing the procedures ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ THEN they started tricking people into believing them and then performing on them, which usually ended up in the trolls dying. around that time i've found out that they tend to keep parts (fins, frills, ...) of their "clients" for their own benefits. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ i was the first one to say something against it, i fought with them and planned to leave in the span of a wice. but i got ambushed when i tried to leave with a future victim of their shenanigans. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ i managed to escape. but i had to leave zenqey behind. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ zenqey is a fuschia who has been tricked into a quadrant by modify, and then used as a caste transfusion experiment without his permission. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ they used to trick goldbloods into supplying them with psionics and such, they used their other "coworkers" to get more victims. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ fezika has left, she is now in constant danger. jaycal left after a drastic procedure that has progressed the stage of their voidrot, which was supposed to do the opposite. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ last time i've seen "fawn", aka TRATZI DAICOL, he was already struggling due to a few procedures modify has done on him ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ modify is killing her slowly. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ im barely conscious right now so ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ tldr ; modify uses others so they can mutilate and kill others, all the while slowly killing their "moirail" with life threatening procedures. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ me, fezika and jaycal are currently planning to stop them. on my way to meet up with fez ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ this is just a warning for anyone who thought about getting a procedure from them. there is a chance they will use you as spare parts. do not trust their "coworkers"; Raerly Grzkai, "Fawn" aka Tratzi Daicol, Ayzrit Zairik. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ questions can be answered ▃ ▅ █
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undeadstillliving · 18 days
█ ▅ ▃ Sure, but people ♻re desper♻te ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ People w♻nt to survive no m♻tter wh♻t it t♻kes, ♻nd unfortun♻tely they c♻n get desper♻te enough to f♻ll for this ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ They ♻re preying upon vulner♻ble trolls. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Ok♻y, ♻fter getting in contact with a few peeps, i think i can safely post this shit ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Dropping the ♻ ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ do not trust @autonomymodifications , like ever ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ ever since the beginning of their "career", they've done nothing but deceive and hurt ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ in the start, it was me, "modify", jaycal ( @rotting-sink ), fezika ( @untimelystay ), raerly ( @rarelyunreal ) and at some point, there were a few more ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ in the start it WAS only a bunch of kids hoping to change shit and help mutants and lowbloods not get culled, which was fine, it was cute ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ but after a while, it was clear that modify was doing this for their own benefit only. i have found that out the hard way when they performed shit in me when i was unconscious. later i found out they even collected any blood i lost, they claimed that it was for the best and i, an idiot, believed them ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ at some point, they requested that they are the only one doing the procedures ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ THEN they started tricking people into believing them and then performing on them, which usually ended up in the trolls dying. around that time i've found out that they tend to keep parts (fins, frills, ...) of their "clients" for their own benefits. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ i was the first one to say something against it, i fought with them and planned to leave in the span of a wice. but i got ambushed when i tried to leave with a future victim of their shenanigans. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ i managed to escape. but i had to leave zenqey behind. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ zenqey is a fuschia who has been tricked into a quadrant by modify, and then used as a caste transfusion experiment without his permission. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ they used to trick goldbloods into supplying them with psionics and such, they used their other "coworkers" to get more victims. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ fezika has left, she is now in constant danger. jaycal left after a drastic procedure that has progressed the stage of their voidrot, which was supposed to do the opposite. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ last time i've seen "fawn", aka TRATZI DAICOL, he was already struggling due to a few procedures modify has done on him ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ modify is killing her slowly. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ im barely conscious right now so ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ tldr ; modify uses others so they can mutilate and kill others, all the while slowly killing their "moirail" with life threatening procedures. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ me, fezika and jaycal are currently planning to stop them. on my way to meet up with fez ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ this is just a warning for anyone who thought about getting a procedure from them. there is a chance they will use you as spare parts. do not trust their "coworkers"; Raerly Grzkai, "Fawn" aka Tratzi Daicol, Ayzrit Zairik. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ questions can be answered ▃ ▅ █
27 notes · View notes
undeadstillliving · 18 days
█ ▅ ▃ I've been blocked by Tr♻tzi so I'm just w♻iting to get yelled ♻t through the modific♻tion blog lol ▃ ▅ █
1 note · View note
undeadstillliving · 18 days
█ ▅ ▃ ♻sks on ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Ok♻y, ♻fter getting in contact with a few peeps, i think i can safely post this shit ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Dropping the ♻ ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ do not trust @autonomymodifications , like ever ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ ever since the beginning of their "career", they've done nothing but deceive and hurt ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ in the start, it was me, "modify", jaycal ( @rotting-sink ), fezika ( @untimelystay ), raerly ( @rarelyunreal ) and at some point, there were a few more ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ in the start it WAS only a bunch of kids hoping to change shit and help mutants and lowbloods not get culled, which was fine, it was cute ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ but after a while, it was clear that modify was doing this for their own benefit only. i have found that out the hard way when they performed shit in me when i was unconscious. later i found out they even collected any blood i lost, they claimed that it was for the best and i, an idiot, believed them ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ at some point, they requested that they are the only one doing the procedures ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ THEN they started tricking people into believing them and then performing on them, which usually ended up in the trolls dying. around that time i've found out that they tend to keep parts (fins, frills, ...) of their "clients" for their own benefits. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ i was the first one to say something against it, i fought with them and planned to leave in the span of a wice. but i got ambushed when i tried to leave with a future victim of their shenanigans. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ i managed to escape. but i had to leave zenqey behind. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ zenqey is a fuschia who has been tricked into a quadrant by modify, and then used as a caste transfusion experiment without his permission. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ they used to trick goldbloods into supplying them with psionics and such, they used their other "coworkers" to get more victims. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ fezika has left, she is now in constant danger. jaycal left after a drastic procedure that has progressed the stage of their voidrot, which was supposed to do the opposite. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ last time i've seen "fawn", aka TRATZI DAICOL, he was already struggling due to a few procedures modify has done on him ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ modify is killing her slowly. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ im barely conscious right now so ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ tldr ; modify uses others so they can mutilate and kill others, all the while slowly killing their "moirail" with life threatening procedures. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ me, fezika and jaycal are currently planning to stop them. on my way to meet up with fez ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ this is just a warning for anyone who thought about getting a procedure from them. there is a chance they will use you as spare parts. do not trust their "coworkers"; Raerly Grzkai, "Fawn" aka Tratzi Daicol, Ayzrit Zairik. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ questions can be answered ▃ ▅ █
27 notes · View notes
undeadstillliving · 18 days
█ ▅ ▃ Ok♻y, ♻fter getting in contact with a few peeps, i think i can safely post this shit ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Dropping the ♻ ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ do not trust @autonomymodifications , like ever ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ ever since the beginning of their "career", they've done nothing but deceive and hurt ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ in the start, it was me, "modify", jaycal ( @rotting-sink ), fezika ( @untimelystay ), raerly ( @rarelyunreal ) and at some point, there were a few more ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ in the start it WAS only a bunch of kids hoping to change shit and help mutants and lowbloods not get culled, which was fine, it was cute ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ but after a while, it was clear that modify was doing this for their own benefit only. i have found that out the hard way when they performed shit in me when i was unconscious. later i found out they even collected any blood i lost, they claimed that it was for the best and i, an idiot, believed them ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ at some point, they requested that they are the only one doing the procedures ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ THEN they started tricking people into believing them and then performing on them, which usually ended up in the trolls dying. around that time i've found out that they tend to keep parts (fins, frills, ...) of their "clients" for their own benefits. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ i was the first one to say something against it, i fought with them and planned to leave in the span of a wice. but i got ambushed when i tried to leave with a future victim of their shenanigans. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ i managed to escape. but i had to leave zenqey behind. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ zenqey is a fuschia who has been tricked into a quadrant by modify, and then used as a caste transfusion experiment without his permission. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ they used to trick goldbloods into supplying them with psionics and such, they used their other "coworkers" to get more victims. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ fezika has left, she is now in constant danger. jaycal left after a drastic procedure that has progressed the stage of their voidrot, which was supposed to do the opposite. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ last time i've seen "fawn", aka TRATZI DAICOL, he was already struggling due to a few procedures modify has done on him ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ modify is killing her slowly. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ im barely conscious right now so ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ tldr ; modify uses others so they can mutilate and kill others, all the while slowly killing their "moirail" with life threatening procedures. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ me, fezika and jaycal are currently planning to stop them. on my way to meet up with fez ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ this is just a warning for anyone who thought about getting a procedure from them. there is a chance they will use you as spare parts. do not trust their "coworkers"; Raerly Grzkai, "Fawn" aka Tratzi Daicol, Ayzrit Zairik. ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ questions can be answered ▃ ▅ █
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undeadstillliving · 25 days
█ ▅ ▃ Oh i ♻ctu♻lly got blocked ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ Lmf♻o ok♻y Tr♻tzi ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ We'll t♻lk soon enough ▃ ▅ █
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undeadstillliving · 26 days
█ ▅ ▃ She doesn't w♻nt me to ♻ctu♻lly stop bothering her. Otherwise I'd be blocked before he'd even reply to me the first time ▃ ▅ █
~* auugh
~* i wanna talk about shit so bad but iv3 promis3d not to talk about th3s3 kinds of things publicly anymor3
~* boooringg hon3stly
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undeadstillliving · 26 days
█ ▅ ▃ I think "modify" knows y♻ got no one else 2 t♻lk to bud ▃ ▅ █
█ ▅ ▃ They just don't w♻nt y♻ to t♻lk ♻bout ♻ll this. 'C♻use it's fucked up. ▃ ▅ █
~* auugh
~* i wanna talk about shit so bad but iv3 promis3d not to talk about th3s3 kinds of things publicly anymor3
~* boooringg hon3stly
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undeadstillliving · 1 month
█ ▅ ▃ I recommend not inter♻cting with ♻nyone th♻t's ♻ssoci♻ted with ♻utonomy modific♻tions. ▃ ▅ █
staring at the sun will burn out your gander bulbs!!!!
…You’re the second troll to say this!
So my ommatidium with be inflamed? {yes, you stupid cicada!!! listen to the grumblr anons!!}
… I guess I can follow my original plan! And wait for the wing promiser! {grumblr anons can you tell it that we shouldnt do that as well. it either cant or wont hear me.}
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undeadstillliving · 1 month
█ ▅ ▃ "F♻wn", I'm just worried for you. ▃ ▅ █
✄ Heello! Weelcome too
✄ Ii prrovide aany aand aall booddy moodifications foor moonetary exxchanges!
✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ Soometimes foor frree!
✄ Inncluding;
fuull bllood trransfusions
fiin/giill reemoval/addding/moodification
taail reemoval/addding/moodification
annd muuch moore! Annything yoour liil thiinkpan caan drream off, reeally!
✄ Alll iss doone coompletely annonymously; naame, (foormer oor cuurrent) blloodcolor, evverything sttays annnonymous!
✄ Inncluding mme, caall mee Moodify :), bllood sttays annnonymous!
✄ Reequests arre cuurently; oppen!
✄ Assk boox iss cuurently; oppen!
✄ Suuccessful prrocedures frrom grrumblr; 15
✄ Ii shhare thhe acccount wiith onne off myy beeloved workers. Hee wiill mooderate whhen Ii amm buusy, annd wiill siign off wiith #~* fawn
✄ Myy taag wiill siimply bee #✄ modify
[Ooc ↓↓]
was this a bad idea to make,,
formatted on mobile idk if it looks dumb on pc or something headinhands
this guys a weirdo!! just saying!!
— @undeniablereckoningart
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