@comandercullenrutherford "THE BABIES."
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"I manage to be taken seriously enough." But then again, she also never noticed if she herself was powdered in fine white flour.
"Moira, you've got some flour on your face."
Moira laughed at that, scarred hand moving up to swipe at her face, only further smearing the flour.
“I’m not surprised, I usually do.  Part of the job.  No one takes you seriously as a baker, unless you’re covered in flour.”
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Well, here it is! Recipes of Thedas via The World of Thedas Volume 2
I tried to get pictures as clear as I could, but alas, tumblr isn’t always the best quality. They should -hopefully- still be readable though, just zoom in. If not I’ll try and see if I can host them on imgur or something.
But anyways, all of this is super fun. I especially like the tidbit about Leliana making nugs as pets so trendy. Also, anybody else notice the subtle racism? Interesting stuff.
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Ilsa, English Bulldog/Dachshund mix (6 y/o), 2nd & Blanchard St., Seattle, WA • “She’s a little bouncer dog. The poser disposer. She has zero tolerance for skateboards.” @baronessilsa
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// Changes to Izzy's profile are coming, soon enough! I'm gonna rework her character a bit, as I've been meaning to do for a while now.
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*gently buries my face into a very soft dog*
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Izzy snapped out of her post work daze and looked at Cullen. "O-oh..." Wrinkles whined again and nudged her bad leg before he looked up at Cullen. "I suppose I should get the quilts then... Dene and Wrinkles' bedding too...."
Izzy reappeared a few hours later looking utterly exhausted. Wrinkles was huddled close to her bad leg, whining as she limped into Cullen’s office. She was making a bee line for the ladder to climb the stairs to the bed she had started sharing with Cullen. It was warmer that way, was the excuse.
“Izzy” Cullen called her name when he saw her, standing up from his desk and walking over to wrap his arm around her waist “The Inquisitor has insisted that the room upstairs and this ladder are renovated, we’ve been moved to a room in the main castle”
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I’ll randomly generate a number from 1-31 to see how your muse interrupts mine! Mixture of safe & nsfw.
Keep reading
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Izzy reappeared a few hours later looking utterly exhausted. Wrinkles was huddled close to her bad leg, whining as she limped into Cullen's office. She was making a bee line for the ladder to climb the stairs to the bed she had started sharing with Cullen. It was warmer that way, was the excuse.
“I’ll be in later.” Izzy promised. She smiled warmly at Cullen, despite the titters and giggles and whispers from the other workers. Their relationship was no secret, especially among the gossip mill of Skyhold. Just the nature of it. “Wrinkles, are you staying?” The massive dog huffed, settling back down at the foot of the stool, content to rest his old bones in the heat of the kitchen.
“I guess he’s staying.” She laughed.
Cullen felt his neck heat up when he heard the giggling, blaming it on the heat of the kitchen. “He knows where the good food is” he chuckled, thanking Izzy once more before taking his food and walking out of the kitchen with Dene, hearing the giggles behind him as he left. 
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"I'll be in later." Izzy promised. She smiled warmly at Cullen, despite the titters and giggles and whispers from the other workers. Their relationship was no secret, especially among the gossip mill of Skyhold. Just the nature of it. "Wrinkles, are you staying?" The massive dog huffed, settling back down at the foot of the stool, content to rest his old bones in the heat of the kitchen.
"I guess he's staying." She laughed.
“Mhmm.” Izzy moved past him to a large cauldron bubbling away over the fire. She set about making him a bowl, not even bothering to ask the head cook. The two seemed to have some sort of understanding.
“Here. Fresh as can be. With bread, of course.” She pressed the bowl of soup and small Hunk of bread into his hands.
“Thank you” he murmured to her, not wanting to embarrass her in front of the other kitchen staff “No, you’ve eaten your fill of things from here” Cullen told Dene as she wandered over to him and looked at the food in his hands “Come on girl, we’ll leave these hard working people alone”
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"Mhmm." Izzy moved past him to a large cauldron bubbling away over the fire. She set about making him a bowl, not even bothering to ask the head cook. The two seemed to have some sort of understanding.
"Here. Fresh as can be. With bread, of course." She pressed the bowl of soup and small Hunk of bread into his hands.
“That actually wasn’t me.” Izzy looked toward one of the cooks, who giggled and scuttled away. “They love the dogs. The head cook says as long as they stay out of the way, they’re welcome.” She told him. She stood carefully off the stool, having set her potatoes aside, and stood on her tips toes to give him a kiss. “Are you hungry?”
Cullen hummed against her lips and nodded, stroking her arms and moving away to sniff “Something smells lovely in here, is that soup?” he asked, Commander or not he was still scared of the head cook. 
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"That actually wasn't me." Izzy looked toward one of the cooks, who giggled and scuttled away. "They love the dogs. The head cook says as long as they stay out of the way, they're welcome." She told him. She stood carefully off the stool, having set her potatoes aside, and stood on her tips toes to give him a kiss. "Are you hungry?"
The kitchen was as busy as ever, but Izzy was perched on a stool peeling potatoes with an expert hand. At her feet lay Dene and Wrinkles, a large bone between the two of them, licked clean of any blood or flesh.
She heard the door open and she looked up, smiling at Cullen. The mabari noticed the change and stood suddenly, wagging their little nub tails in excitements.
“Did you finally get hungry?”
“I wanted to make sure my girl was behaving herself” Cullen responded, stroking Dene’s head and then under her jaw as she stood in front of him, showing the same attention to Wrinkles “It looks like you’ve been spoilt though, hmm?” he asked, eyeing the bone and then looking to Dene.
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//one more round, before I start on starters!
Like for a starter
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"Crafting?" Izzy still seemed sceptical. But she finally relented. "Alright fine- I'll save the fish skins for you." She sighed. "What kind? We have all sorts of fish come through."
“Not happening.” Izzy deadpanned. “I’m no fool. You’re almost as bad as Sera.”
“Fine, I need it for crafting purposes.”  At least that wasn’t a lie. 
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The kitchen was as busy as ever, but Izzy was perched on a stool peeling potatoes with an expert hand. At her feet lay Dene and Wrinkles, a large bone between the two of them, licked clean of any blood or flesh.
She heard the door open and she looked up, smiling at Cullen. The mabari noticed the change and stood suddenly, wagging their little nub tails in excitements.
"Did you finally get hungry?"
A few hours later Cullen decided to go and visit the kitchens, he was hungry and he thought he might sneak a slice of whatever the cook was making. The woman was scary but he could always sweet talk her, unless Dene had been up to no good.
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Izzy watched the scene fondly. "I'll take them. But only if I get a reward when I come back." That could mean anything. "A leg rub sounds nice." She grinned and clapped her hands. "Come come, Dene, Wrinkles. It's time to bake."
The two dogs reared up and ran over to Izzy, gathering around her legs and making it no easy task to walk. She laughed, sending Cullen a look Beforee she hobbled out the door into the bitter cold.
"Dene and Wrinkles refuse to cooperate. Maybe they need a more commanding voice?" (HELLO!)
“And you think I’ll give that to them?” Cullen asked her with a smirk “What are they doing?”
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"I could." Izzy seemed keen on the idea after a moment's thought. "Though the other cooks will be quite upset to see two mabari lounging in front of the bread ovens..."
"Dene and Wrinkles refuse to cooperate. Maybe they need a more commanding voice?" (HELLO!)
“And you think I’ll give that to them?” Cullen asked her with a smirk “What are they doing?”
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